Improved peak finding algorithm

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Igor Dunaev 2024-05-03 17:04:08 +03:00
parent 40ffa8d6fc
commit 597c27e615

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Copyright 2018-2024 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.series
public enum class PlateauEdgePolicy {
* Midpoints of plateau are returned, edges not belonging to a plateau are ignored.
* A midpoint is the index closest to the average of indices of the left and right edges
* of the plateau:
* `val midpoint = ((leftEdge + rightEdge) / 2).toInt`
* Both left and right edges are returned.
* Only right edges are returned.
* Only left edges are returned.
* Ignore plateau, only peaks (troughs) with values strictly greater (less)
* than values of the adjacent points are returned.
public fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.peaks(
plateauEdgePolicy: PlateauEdgePolicy = PlateauEdgePolicy.AVERAGE
): List<Int> = findPeaks(plateauEdgePolicy, { other -> this > other }, { other -> this >= other })
public fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.troughs(
plateauEdgePolicy: PlateauEdgePolicy = PlateauEdgePolicy.AVERAGE
): List<Int> = findPeaks(plateauEdgePolicy, { other -> this < other }, { other -> this <= other })
private fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.findPeaks(
plateauPolicy: PlateauEdgePolicy = PlateauEdgePolicy.AVERAGE,
cmpStrong: T.(T) -> Boolean,
cmpWeak: T.(T) -> Boolean
): List<Int> {
require(size >= 3) { "Expected series with at least 3 elements, but got $size elements" }
if (plateauPolicy == PlateauEdgePolicy.AVERAGE) return peaksWithPlateau(cmpStrong)
fun peakCriterion(left: T, middle: T, right: T): Boolean = when(plateauPolicy) {
PlateauEdgePolicy.KEEP_LEFT_EDGES -> middle.cmpStrong(left) && middle.cmpWeak(right)
PlateauEdgePolicy.KEEP_RIGHT_EDGES -> middle.cmpWeak(left) && middle.cmpStrong(right)
PlateauEdgePolicy.KEEP_ALL_EDGES ->
(middle.cmpStrong(left) && middle.cmpWeak(right)) || (middle.cmpWeak(left) && middle.cmpStrong(right))
else -> middle.cmpStrong(right) && middle.cmpStrong(left)
val indices = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (index in 1 .. size - 2) {
val left = this[index - 1]
val middle = this[index]
val right = this[index + 1]
if (peakCriterion(left, middle, right)) indices.add(index)
return indices
private fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.peaksWithPlateau(cmpStrong: T.(T) -> Boolean): List<Int> {
val peaks = mutableListOf<Int>()
tailrec fun peaksPlateauInner(index: Int) {
val nextUnequal = (index + 1 ..< size).firstOrNull { this[it] != this[index] } ?: (size - 1)
val newIndex = if (this[index].cmpStrong(this[index - 1]) && this[index].cmpStrong(this[nextUnequal])) {
peaks.add((index + nextUnequal) / 2)
} else index + 1
if (newIndex < size - 1) peaksPlateauInner(newIndex)
return peaks