Merge branch 'feature/tensorflow' into dev

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Nozik 2022-01-28 09:46:55 +03:00
commit 41fc6b4dd9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: F7FCF2DD25C71357
14 changed files with 404 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package space.kscience.kmath.histogram
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.atomicfu.getAndUpdate
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Group
* Common representation for atomic counters
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public interface Counter<T : Any> {
public val value: T
public companion object {
public fun real(): ObjectCounter<Double> = ObjectCounter(DoubleField)
public fun double(): ObjectCounter<Double> = ObjectCounter(DoubleField)
@ -32,6 +32,16 @@ public class IntCounter : Counter<Int> {
override val value: Int get() = innerValue.value
public operator fun IntCounter {
return this
public operator fun IntCounter.dec(): IntCounter {
return this
public class LongCounter : Counter<Long> {
private val innerValue = atomic(0L)
@ -42,7 +52,17 @@ public class LongCounter : Counter<Long> {
override val value: Long get() = innerValue.value
public class ObjectCounter<T : Any>(public val group: Ring<T>) : Counter<T> {
public operator fun LongCounter {
return this
public operator fun LongCounter.dec(): LongCounter {
return this
public class ObjectCounter<T : Any>(private val group: Group<T>) : Counter<T> {
private val innerValue = atomic(
override fun add(delta: T) {

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class DoubleHistogramSpace(
override fun produce(builder: HistogramBuilder<Double>.() -> Unit): IndexedHistogram<Double, Double> {
val ndCounter = { Counter.real() }
val ndCounter = { Counter.double() }
val hBuilder = HistogramBuilder<Double> { point, value ->
val index = getIndex(point)

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@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ public class IndexedHistogram<T : Comparable<T>, V : Any>(
get() = DefaultStrides(context.shape).asSequence().map {
context.produceBin(it, values[it])

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class TreeHistogram(
internal class TreeHistogramBuilder(val binFactory: (Double) -> UnivariateDomain) : UnivariateHistogramBuilder {
internal class BinCounter(val domain: UnivariateDomain, val counter: Counter<Double> = Counter.real()) :
internal class BinCounter(val domain: UnivariateDomain, val counter: Counter<Double> = Counter.double()) :
ClosedFloatingPointRange<Double> by domain.range
private val bins: TreeMap<Double, BinCounter> = TreeMap()

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public interface UnivariateHistogram : Histogram<Double, UnivariateBin> {
* Build and fill a [UnivariateHistogram]. Returns a read-only histogram.
public fun uniform(
public inline fun uniform(
binSize: Double,
start: Double = 0.0,
builder: UnivariateHistogramBuilder.() -> Unit,
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public interface UnivariateHistogram : Histogram<Double, UnivariateBin> {
* Build and fill a histogram with custom borders. Returns a read-only histogram.
public fun custom(
public inline fun custom(
borders: DoubleArray,
builder: UnivariateHistogramBuilder.() -> Unit,
): UnivariateHistogram = TreeHistogramSpace.custom(borders).fill(builder)

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
plugins {
description = "Google tensorflow connector"
dependencies {
readme {
maturity = ru.mipt.npm.gradle.Maturity.PROTOTYPE

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensorflow
import org.tensorflow.Graph
import org.tensorflow.Output
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.NdArray
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Constant
import org.tensorflow.types.TFloat64
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.PerformancePitfall
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.DefaultStrides
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.Shape
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.StructureND
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
public class DoubleTensorFlowOutput(
graph: Graph,
output: Output<TFloat64>,
) : TensorFlowOutput<Double, TFloat64>(graph, output) {
override fun org.tensorflow.Tensor.actualizeTensor(): NdArray<Double> = this as TFloat64
public class DoubleTensorFlowAlgebra internal constructor(
graph: Graph,
) : TensorFlowAlgebra<Double, TFloat64, DoubleField>(graph) {
override val elementAlgebra: DoubleField get() = DoubleField
override fun structureND(
shape: Shape,
initializer: DoubleField.(IntArray) -> Double,
): StructureND<Double> {
val res = TFloat64.tensorOf(org.tensorflow.ndarray.Shape.of(*shape.toLongArray())) { array ->
DefaultStrides(shape).forEach { index ->
array.setDouble(elementAlgebra.initializer(index), *index.toLongArray())
return DoubleTensorFlowOutput(graph, ops.constant(res).asOutput())
override fun StructureND<Double>.asTensorFlow(): TensorFlowOutput<Double, TFloat64> =
if (this is TensorFlowOutput<Double, *> && output.type() == {
this as TensorFlowOutput<Double, TFloat64>
} else {
val res = TFloat64.tensorOf(org.tensorflow.ndarray.Shape.of(*shape.toLongArray())) { array ->
elements().forEach { (index, value) ->
array.setDouble(value, *index.toLongArray())
DoubleTensorFlowOutput(graph, ops.constant(res).asOutput())
override fun Output<TFloat64>.wrap(): TensorFlowOutput<Double, TFloat64> = DoubleTensorFlowOutput(graph, this)
override fun const(value: Double): Constant<TFloat64> = ops.constant(value)
public fun DoubleField.produceWithTF(
block: DoubleTensorFlowAlgebra.() -> StructureND<Double>,
): StructureND<Double> = Graph().use { graph ->
val scope = DoubleTensorFlowAlgebra(graph)
public fun DoubleField.produceMapWithTF(
block: DoubleTensorFlowAlgebra.() -> Map<Symbol, StructureND<Double>>,
): Map<Symbol, StructureND<Double>> = Graph().use { graph ->
val scope = DoubleTensorFlowAlgebra(graph)
scope.block().mapValues { scope.export(it.value) }

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensorflow
import org.tensorflow.Graph
import org.tensorflow.Output
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.NdArray
import org.tensorflow.types.TInt32
import org.tensorflow.types.TInt64
public class IntTensorFlowOutput(
graph: Graph,
output: Output<TInt32>,
) : TensorFlowOutput<Int, TInt32>(graph, output) {
override fun org.tensorflow.Tensor.actualizeTensor(): NdArray<Int> = this as TInt32
public class LongTensorFlowOutput(
graph: Graph,
output: Output<TInt64>,
) : TensorFlowOutput<Long, TInt64>(graph, output) {
override fun org.tensorflow.Tensor.actualizeTensor(): NdArray<Long> = this as TInt64

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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensorflow
import org.tensorflow.Graph
import org.tensorflow.Operand
import org.tensorflow.Output
import org.tensorflow.Session
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.NdArray
import org.tensorflow.op.Ops
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Constant
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Max
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Min
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Sum
import org.tensorflow.types.TInt32
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.PerformancePitfall
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.Shape
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.StructureND
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.api.Tensor
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.api.TensorAlgebra
internal fun IntArray.toLongArray() = LongArray(size) { get(it).toLong() }
internal fun LongArray.toIntArray() = IntArray(size) { get(it).toInt() }
internal val <T> NdArray<T>.scalar: T get() = getObject()
public sealed interface TensorFlowTensor<T> : Tensor<T>
public value class TensorFlowArray<T>(public val tensor: NdArray<T>) : Tensor<T> {
override val shape: Shape get() = tensor.shape().asArray().toIntArray()
override fun get(index: IntArray): T = tensor.getObject(*index.toLongArray())
//TODO implement native element sequence
override fun set(index: IntArray, value: T) {
tensor.setObject(value, *index.toLongArray())
public abstract class TensorFlowOutput<T, TT : TType>(
protected val graph: Graph,
output: Output<TT>,
) : TensorFlowTensor<T> {
public var output: Output<TT> = output
internal set
override val shape: Shape get() = output.shape().asArray().toIntArray()
protected abstract fun org.tensorflow.Tensor.actualizeTensor(): NdArray<T>
internal val actualTensor by lazy {
Session(graph).use { session ->
override fun get(index: IntArray): T = actualTensor[index]
override fun elements(): Sequence<Pair<IntArray, T>> = actualTensor.elements()
override fun set(index: IntArray, value: T) {
actualTensor[index] = value
public abstract class TensorFlowAlgebra<T, TT : TType, A : Ring<T>> internal constructor(
protected val graph: Graph,
) : TensorAlgebra<T, A> {
protected val ops: Ops by lazy { Ops.create(graph) }
protected abstract fun StructureND<T>.asTensorFlow(): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT>
protected abstract fun Output<TT>.wrap(): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT>
protected abstract fun const(value: T): Constant<TT>
override fun StructureND<T>.valueOrNull(): T? = if (shape contentEquals intArrayOf(1))
get(Shape(0)) else null
private inline fun StructureND<T>.biOp(
other: StructureND<T>,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>,
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> {
val left = asTensorFlow().output
val right = other.asTensorFlow().output
return operation(left, right).asOutput().wrap()
private inline fun T.biOp(
other: StructureND<T>,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>,
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> {
val left = const(this)
val right = other.asTensorFlow().output
return operation(left, right).asOutput().wrap()
private inline fun StructureND<T>.biOp(
value: T,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>,
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> {
val left = asTensorFlow().output
val right = const(value)
return operation(left, right).asOutput().wrap()
private inline fun Tensor<T>.inPlaceOp(
other: StructureND<T>,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>,
): Unit {
val origin = asTensorFlow()
val left = origin.output
val right = other.asTensorFlow().output
origin.output = operation(left, right).asOutput()
private inline fun Tensor<T>.inPlaceOp(
value: T,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>,
): Unit {
val origin = asTensorFlow()
val left = origin.output
val right = const(value)
origin.output = operation(left, right).asOutput()
private inline fun StructureND<T>.unOp(operation: (Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> =
override fun StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::add)
override fun StructureND<T>.plus(arg: T): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::add)
override fun StructureND<T>.plus(arg: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.plusAssign(value: T): Unit = inPlaceOp(value, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.plusAssign(arg: StructureND<T>): Unit = inPlaceOp(arg, ops.math::add)
override fun StructureND<T>.minus(arg: T): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::sub)
override fun StructureND<T>.minus(arg: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::sub)
override fun T.minus(arg: StructureND<T>): Tensor<T> = biOp(arg, ops.math::sub)
override fun Tensor<T>.minusAssign(value: T): Unit = inPlaceOp(value, ops.math::sub)
override fun Tensor<T>.minusAssign(arg: StructureND<T>): Unit = inPlaceOp(arg, ops.math::sub)
override fun T.times(arg: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::mul)
override fun StructureND<T>.times(arg: T): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::mul)
override fun StructureND<T>.times(arg: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(arg, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.timesAssign(value: T): Unit = inPlaceOp(value, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.timesAssign(arg: StructureND<T>): Unit = inPlaceOp(arg, ops.math::mul)
override fun StructureND<T>.unaryMinus(): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = unOp(ops.math::neg)
override fun Tensor<T>.get(i: Int): Tensor<T> = unOp {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.transpose(i: Int, j: Int): Tensor<T> = unOp {
ops.linalg.transpose(it, ops.constant(intArrayOf(i, j)))
override fun Tensor<T>.view(shape: IntArray): Tensor<T> = unOp {
ops.reshape(it, ops.constant(shape))
override fun Tensor<T>.viewAs(other: StructureND<T>): Tensor<T> = biOp(other) { l, r ->
ops.reshape(l, ops.shape(r))
override fun StructureND<T>.dot(other: StructureND<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(other) { l, r ->
if (l.asTensor().shape().numDimensions() == 1) ops.expandDims(l,ops.constant(0)) else l,
if (r.asTensor().shape().numDimensions() == 1) ops.expandDims(r,ops.constant(-1)) else r)
override fun diagonalEmbedding(
diagonalEntries: Tensor<T>,
offset: Int,
dim1: Int,
dim2: Int,
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = diagonalEntries.unOp {
override fun StructureND<T>.sum(): T = unOp {
ops.sum(it, ops.constant(intArrayOf()))
override fun StructureND<T>.sum(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = unOp {
ops.sum(it, ops.constant(dim), Sum.keepDims(keepDim))
override fun StructureND<T>.min(): T = unOp {
ops.min(it, ops.constant(intArrayOf()))
override fun StructureND<T>.min(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<T> = unOp {
ops.min(it, ops.constant(dim), Min.keepDims(keepDim))
override fun StructureND<T>.max(): T = unOp {
ops.max(it, ops.constant(intArrayOf()))
override fun StructureND<T>.max(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<T> = unOp {
ops.max(it, ops.constant(dim), Max.keepDims(keepDim))
override fun StructureND<T>.argMax(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<Int> = IntTensorFlowOutput(
ops.math.argMax(asTensorFlow().output, ops.constant(dim),
override fun export(arg: StructureND<T>): StructureND<T> =
if (arg is TensorFlowOutput<T, *>) arg.actualTensor else arg
//TODO add TensorFlow expressions

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensorflow
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.StructureND
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.structureND
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
class DoubleTensorFlowOps {
fun basicOps() {
val res = DoubleField.produceWithTF {
val initial = structureND(2, 2) { 1.0 }
initial + (initial * 2.0)

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@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public interface TensorAlgebra<T, A : Ring<T>> : RingOpsND<T, A> {
* 3. If the first argument is 1-dimensional and the second argument is 2-dimensional,
* a 1 is prepended to its dimension for the purpose of the matrix multiply.
* After the matrix multiply, the prepended dimension is removed.
* After the matrix multiply, depending on the implementation the prepended dimension might be removed.
* 4. If the first argument is 2-dimensional and the second argument is 1-dimensional,
* the matrix-vector product is returned.

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@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra :
dotTo(a.as2D(), b.as2D(), res.as2D(), l, m1, n)
if (penultimateDim) {
return resTensor.view(resTensor.shape.dropLast(2).toIntArray() + intArrayOf(resTensor.shape.last()))
return if (penultimateDim) {
resTensor.view(resTensor.shape.dropLast(2).toIntArray() + intArrayOf(resTensor.shape.last()))
} else if (lastDim) {
} else {
if (lastDim) {
return resTensor.view(resTensor.shape.dropLast(1).toIntArray())
return resTensor
override fun diagonalEmbedding(

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.viktor

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ include(