Draft another DSL for labeled polynomials. Add variance.

This commit is contained in:
Gleb Minaev 2022-07-16 18:46:40 +03:00
parent db19df4329
commit 3a91cb2579
6 changed files with 263 additions and 8 deletions

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ internal constructor(
* @param A type of provided underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
public class LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public class LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, out A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : MultivariatePolynomialSpace<C, Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>, PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>, A> {

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public data class ListPolynomial<C>(
* @param A type of provided underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
public open class ListPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public open class ListPolynomialSpace<C, out A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, ListPolynomial<C>, A> {
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ public open class ListPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
* @param A type of underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
public class ScalableListPolynomialSpace<C, A>(
public class ScalableListPolynomialSpace<C, out A>(
ring: A,
) : ListPolynomialSpace<C, A>(ring), ScaleOperations<ListPolynomial<C>> where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> {
override fun scale(a: ListPolynomial<C>, value: Double): ListPolynomial<C> =

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ internal constructor(
* @param A type of provided underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
public class NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public class NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, out A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>, A> {

@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public interface PolynomialSpace<C, P: Polynomial<C>> : Ring<P> {
* @param A the type of algebraic structure (precisely, of ring) provided for constants.
@Suppress("INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME") // FIXME: Waiting for KT-31420
public interface PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, P: Polynomial<C>, A: Ring<C>> : PolynomialSpace<C, P> {
public interface PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, P: Polynomial<C>, out A: Ring<C>> : PolynomialSpace<C, P> {
* Underlying ring of constants. Its operations on constants are inherited by local operations on constants.

@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ public interface RationalFunctionSpaceOverRing<
P: Polynomial<C>,
R: RationalFunction<C, P>,
A: Ring<C>
out A: Ring<C>
> : RationalFunctionSpace<C, P, R> {
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ public interface RationalFunctionSpaceOverPolynomialSpace<
P: Polynomial<C>,
R: RationalFunction<C, P>,
AP: PolynomialSpace<C, P>,
out AP: PolynomialSpace<C, P>,
> : RationalFunctionSpace<C, P, R> {
@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ public interface MultivariateRationalFunctionSpaceOverMultivariatePolynomialSpac
P: Polynomial<C>,
R: RationalFunction<C, P>,
AP: MultivariatePolynomialSpace<C, V, P>,
out AP: MultivariatePolynomialSpace<C, V, P>,
> : RationalFunctionSpaceOverPolynomialSpace<C, P, R, AP>, MultivariateRationalFunctionSpace<C, V, P, R> {
* Returns sum of the variable represented as a monic monomial and the integer represented as a constant polynomial.

@ -416,6 +416,261 @@ public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomialDSL1(initialCapacity: Int? = null, block: DSL1LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = DSL1LabeledPolynomialBuilder({ left: C, right: C -> left + right }, initialCapacity).apply(block).build()
* Marks DSL that allows to more simply create [LabeledPolynomial]s with good performance.
* For example, polynomial \(5 a^2 c^3 - 6 b\) can be described as
* ```
* Int.algebra {
* val numberedPolynomial : NumberedPolynomial<Int> = NumberedPolynomial {
* 5 { a inPowerOf 2u; c inPowerOf 3u } // 5 a^2 c^3 +
* (-6) { b inPowerOf 1u } // (-6) b^1
* }
* }
* ```
* @usesMathJax
internal annotation class LabeledPolynomialBuilderDSL2
* Builder of [LabeledPolynomial]. It should be used as an implicit context for lambdas that describe [LabeledPolynomial].
public class DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>(
private val ring: Ring<C>,
* Initial capacity of coefficients map.
initialCapacity: Int? = null
) {
* Coefficients storage. Any declaration of any monomial updates the storage.
* Afterward the storage will be used as a resulting coefficients map.
private val coefficients: MutableMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C> = if (initialCapacity != null) LinkedHashMap(initialCapacity) else LinkedHashMap()
* Builds the resulting coefficients map.
* In fact, it just returns [coefficients] as regular coefficients map of type `Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>`.
internal fun build(): LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public inner class Term internal constructor(
internal val signature: Map<Symbol, UInt> = HashMap(),
internal val coefficient: C
private inline fun submit(signature: Map<Symbol, UInt>, onPut: Ring<C>.() -> C, onChange: Ring<C>.(C) -> C) {
coefficients.putOrChange<_, C>(signature, { ring.onPut() }, { ring.onChange(it) })
private inline fun submit(signature: Map<Symbol, UInt>, lazyCoefficient: Ring<C>.() -> C) {
submit(signature, lazyCoefficient, { it + lazyCoefficient() })
private fun submit(signature: Map<Symbol, UInt>, coefficient: C) {
submit(signature) { coefficient }
// TODO: `@submit` will be resolved differently. Change it to `@C`.
private fun C.submit() = submit(emptyMap(), { this@submit })
private fun Symbol.submit() = submit(mapOf(this to 1u), { one })
private fun Term.submit(): Submit {
submit(signature, coefficient)
return Submit
public object Submit
public operator fun C.unaryPlus(): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun C.unaryMinus(): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), { -this@unaryMinus }, { it - this@unaryMinus })
return Submit
public operator fun C.plus(other: C): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), { this@plus + other })
return Submit
public operator fun C.minus(other: C): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), { this@minus - other })
return Submit
public operator fun C.times(other: C): C = ring { this@times * other }
public operator fun C.plus(other: Symbol): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), this)
submit(mapOf(other to 1u), ring.one)
return Submit
public operator fun C.minus(other: Symbol): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), this)
submit(mapOf(other to 1u), { -one }, { it - one })
return Submit
public operator fun C.times(other: Symbol): Term = Term(mapOf(other to 1u), this)
public operator fun C.plus(other: Term): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), this)
return Submit
public operator fun C.minus(other: Term): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), this)
submit(other.signature, { -other.coefficient }, { it - other.coefficient })
return Submit
public operator fun C.times(other: Term): Term = Term(other.signature, ring { this@times * other.coefficient })
public operator fun Symbol.plus(other: C): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.minus(other: C): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), { -other }, { it - other })
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.times(other: C): Term = Term(mapOf(this to 1u), other)
public operator fun Symbol.unaryPlus(): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.unaryMinus(): Submit {
submit(mapOf(this to 1u), { -one }, { it - one })
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.plus(other: Symbol): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.minus(other: Symbol): Submit {
submit(mapOf(other to 1u), { -one }, { it - one })
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.times(other: Symbol): Term =
if (this == other) Term(mapOf(this to 2u), ring.one)
else Term(mapOf(this to 1u, other to 1u), ring.one)
public operator fun Symbol.plus(other: Term): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.minus(other: Term): Submit {
submit(other.signature, { -other.coefficient }, { it - other.coefficient })
return Submit
public operator fun Symbol.times(other: Term): Term =
other.signature.withPutOrChanged(this, 1u) { it -> it + 1u },
public operator fun Term.plus(other: C): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Term.minus(other: C): Submit {
submit(emptyMap(), { -other }, { it - other })
return Submit
public operator fun Term.times(other: C): Term =
ring { coefficient * other }
public operator fun Term.plus(other: Symbol): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Term.minus(other: Symbol): Submit {
submit(mapOf(other to 1u), { -one }, { it - one })
return Submit
public operator fun Term.times(other: Symbol): Term =
signature.withPutOrChanged(other, 1u) { it -> it + 1u },
public operator fun Term.unaryPlus(): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Term.unaryMinus(): Submit {
submit(signature, { -coefficient }, { it - coefficient })
return Submit
public operator fun Term.plus(other: Term): Submit {
return Submit
public operator fun Term.minus(other: Term): Submit {
submit(other.signature, { -other.coefficient }, { it - other.coefficient })
return Submit
public operator fun Term.times(other: Term): Term =
mergeBy(signature, other.signature) { deg1, deg2 -> deg1 + deg2 },
ring { coefficient * other.coefficient }
//public fun <C> Ring<C>.LabeledPolynomialDSL2(initialCapacity: Int? = null, block: DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit): LabeledPolynomial<C> = DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder(this, initialCapacity).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomialDSL2(initialCapacity: Int? = null, block: DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit): LabeledPolynomial<C> = DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder(ring, initialCapacity).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomialDSL2(initialCapacity: Int? = null, block: DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit): LabeledPolynomial<C> = DSL2LabeledPolynomialBuilder(ring, initialCapacity).apply(block).build()
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available