Dump API. Update readme

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Nozik 2024-03-27 09:51:23 +03:00
parent 48b334a2b6
commit 255d4ba6b7
26 changed files with 166 additions and 199 deletions

View File

@ -56,181 +56,151 @@ module definitions below. The module stability could have the following levels:
## Modules
### [attributes-kt](attributes-kt)
### [attributes-kt](attributes-kt)
> An API and basic implementation for arranging objects in a continuous memory block.
> **Maturity**: DEVELOPMENT
### [benchmarks](benchmarks)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
### [examples](examples)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
### [kmath-ast](kmath-ast)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
> **Features:**
> - [expression-language](kmath-ast/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/parser.kt) : Expression language and
its parser
> - [mst-jvm-codegen](kmath-ast/src/jvmMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/asm/asm.kt) : Dynamic MST to JVM bytecode
> - [expression-language](kmath-ast/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/parser.kt) : Expression language and its parser
> - [mst-jvm-codegen](kmath-ast/src/jvmMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/asm/asm.kt) : Dynamic MST to JVM bytecode compiler
> - [mst-js-codegen](kmath-ast/src/jsMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/estree/estree.kt) : Dynamic MST to JS compiler
> - [rendering](kmath-ast/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/rendering/MathRenderer.kt) : Extendable MST
> - [rendering](kmath-ast/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/rendering/MathRenderer.kt) : Extendable MST rendering
### [kmath-commons](kmath-commons)
> Commons math binding for kmath
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
### [kmath-complex](kmath-complex)
> Complex numbers and quaternions.
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
> **Features:**
> - [complex](kmath-complex/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Complex.kt) : Complex numbers operations
> - [quaternion](kmath-complex/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Quaternion.kt) : Quaternions and their
> - [quaternion](kmath-complex/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Quaternion.kt) : Quaternions and their composition
### [kmath-core](kmath-core)
> Core classes, algebra definitions, basic linear algebra
> **Maturity**: DEVELOPMENT
> **Features:**
> - [algebras](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Algebraic structures like
rings, spaces and fields.
> - [nd](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/StructureND.kt) : Many-dimensional structures
and operations on them.
> - [linear](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra
operations (sums, products, etc.), backed by the `Space` API. Advanced linear algebra operations like matrix
inversion and LU decomposition.
> - [algebras](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Algebraic structures like rings, spaces and fields.
> - [nd](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/StructureND.kt) : Many-dimensional structures and operations on them.
> - [linear](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations (sums, products, etc.), backed by the `Space` API. Advanced linear algebra operations like matrix inversion and LU decomposition.
> - [buffers](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/Buffers.kt) : One-dimensional structure
> - [expressions](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions) : By writing a single mathematical
expression once, users will be able to apply different types of
objects to the expression by providing a context. Expressions can be used for a wide variety of purposes from high
performance calculations to code generation.
> - [expressions](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions) : By writing a single mathematical expression once, users will be able to apply different types of
objects to the expression by providing a context. Expressions can be used for a wide variety of purposes from high
performance calculations to code generation.
> - [domains](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/domains) : Domains
> - [autodiff](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions/SimpleAutoDiff.kt) : Automatic
> - [autodiff](kmath-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions/SimpleAutoDiff.kt) : Automatic differentiation
> - [Parallel linear algebra](kmath-core/#) : Parallel implementation for `LinearAlgebra`
### [kmath-coroutines](kmath-coroutines)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
### [kmath-dimensions](kmath-dimensions)
> A proof of concept module for adding type-safe dimensions to structures
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-ejml](kmath-ejml)
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
> **Features:**
> - [ejml-vector](kmath-ejml/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlVector.kt) : Point implementations.
> - [ejml-matrix](kmath-ejml/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlMatrix.kt) : Matrix implementation.
> - [ejml-linear-space](kmath-ejml/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlLinearSpace.kt) : LinearSpace
> - [ejml-linear-space](kmath-ejml/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlLinearSpace.kt) : LinearSpace implementations.
### [kmath-for-real](kmath-for-real)
> Extension module that should be used to achieve numpy-like behavior.
> All operations are specialized to work with `Double` numbers without declaring algebraic contexts.
> One can still use generic algebras though.
All operations are specialized to work with `Double` numbers without declaring algebraic contexts.
One can still use generic algebras though.
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
> **Features:**
> - [DoubleVector](kmath-for-real/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleVector.kt) : Numpy-like
operations for Buffers/Points
> - [DoubleMatrix](kmath-for-real/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleMatrix.kt) : Numpy-like
operations for 2d real structures
> - [DoubleVector](kmath-for-real/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleVector.kt) : Numpy-like operations for Buffers/Points
> - [DoubleMatrix](kmath-for-real/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleMatrix.kt) : Numpy-like operations for 2d real structures
> - [grids](kmath-for-real/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/grids.kt) : Uniform grid generators
### [kmath-functions](kmath-functions)
### [kmath-functions](kmath-functions)
> Functions, integration and interpolation
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
> **Features:**
> - [piecewise](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Piecewise.kt) : Piecewise
> - [polynomials](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Polynomial.kt) : Polynomial
> - [linear interpolation](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/LinearInterpolator.kt) :
Linear XY interpolator.
> - [spline interpolation](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/SplineInterpolator.kt) :
Cubic spline XY interpolator.
> - [piecewise](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Piecewise.kt) : Piecewise functions.
> - [polynomials](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Polynomial.kt) : Polynomial functions.
> - [linear interpolation](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/LinearInterpolator.kt) : Linear XY interpolator.
> - [spline interpolation](kmath-functions/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/SplineInterpolator.kt) : Cubic spline XY interpolator.
> - [integration](kmath-functions/#) : Univariate and multivariate quadratures
### [kmath-geometry](kmath-geometry)
### [kmath-geometry](kmath-geometry)
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-histograms](kmath-histograms)
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-jafama](kmath-jafama)
> Jafama integration module
> **Maturity**: DEPRECATED
> **Features:**
> - [jafama-double](kmath-jafama/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/jafama/) : Double ExtendedField implementations
based on Jafama
> - [jafama-double](kmath-jafama/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/jafama/) : Double ExtendedField implementations based on Jafama
### [kmath-jupyter](kmath-jupyter)
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-kotlingrad](kmath-kotlingrad)
> Kotlin∇ integration module
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
> **Features:**
> - [differentiable-mst-expression](kmath-kotlingrad/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/KotlingradExpression.kt) :
MST based DifferentiableExpression.
> - [scalars-adapters](kmath-kotlingrad/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/scalarsAdapters.kt) :
Conversions between Kotlin∇'s SFun and MST
> - [differentiable-mst-expression](kmath-kotlingrad/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/KotlingradExpression.kt) : MST based DifferentiableExpression.
> - [scalars-adapters](kmath-kotlingrad/src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/scalarsAdapters.kt) : Conversions between Kotlin∇'s SFun and MST
### [kmath-memory](kmath-memory)
> An API and basic implementation for arranging objects in a continuous memory block.
> **Maturity**: DEVELOPMENT
### [kmath-multik](kmath-multik)
> JetBrains Multik connector
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-nd4j](kmath-nd4j)
> ND4J NDStructure implementation and according NDAlgebra classes
> **Maturity**: DEPRECATED
@ -240,52 +210,45 @@ module definitions below. The module stability could have the following levels:
> - [nd4jarrayrings](kmath-nd4j/#) : Rings over Nd4jArrayStructure of Int and Long
> - [nd4jarrayfields](kmath-nd4j/#) : Fields over Nd4jArrayStructure of Float and Double
### [kmath-optimization](kmath-optimization)
### [kmath-optimization](kmath-optimization)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
### [kmath-stat](kmath-stat)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
### [kmath-symja](kmath-symja)
> Symja integration module
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-tensorflow](kmath-tensorflow)
> Google tensorflow connector
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
### [kmath-tensors](kmath-tensors)
> **Maturity**: PROTOTYPE
> **Features:**
> - [tensor algebra](kmath-tensors/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/TensorAlgebra.kt) : Basic
linear algebra operations on tensors (plus, dot, etc.)
> - [tensor algebra with broadcasting](kmath-tensors/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/core/BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra.kt) :
Basic linear algebra operations implemented with broadcasting.
> - [linear algebra operations](kmath-tensors/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/LinearOpsTensorAlgebra.kt) :
Advanced linear algebra operations like LU decomposition, SVD, etc.
> - [tensor algebra](kmath-tensors/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/TensorAlgebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations on tensors (plus, dot, etc.)
> - [tensor algebra with broadcasting](kmath-tensors/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/core/BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations implemented with broadcasting.
> - [linear algebra operations](kmath-tensors/src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/LinearOpsTensorAlgebra.kt) : Advanced linear algebra operations like LU decomposition, SVD, etc.
### [kmath-viktor](kmath-viktor)
> Binding for https://github.com/JetBrains-Research/viktor
> **Maturity**: DEVELOPMENT
> **Maturity**: DEPRECATED
### [test-utils](test-utils)
> **Maturity**: EXPERIMENTAL
## Multi-platform support
KMath is developed as a multi-platform library, which means that most of the interfaces are declared in the

View File

@ -2,3 +2,20 @@
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:attributes-kt:0.1.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ public final class space/kscience/attributes/Attributes$Companion {
public final class space/kscience/attributes/AttributesBuilder : space/kscience/attributes/Attributes {
public fun <init> ()V
public final fun add (Lspace/kscience/attributes/SetAttribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
public final fun build ()Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;
public fun equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
public final fun from (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;)V
public fun getContent ()Ljava/util/Map;
public fun hashCode ()I
public final fun invoke (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
public final fun put (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
public final fun putAll (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;)V
public final fun remove (Lspace/kscience/attributes/SetAttribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
public final fun set (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
public fun toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public final class space/kscience/attributes/AttributesKt {
public static final fun Attributes (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;
public static final fun getOrDefault (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;Lspace/kscience/attributes/AttributeWithDefault;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public static final fun isEmpty (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;)Z
public static final fun modify (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;
public static final fun modified (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;
public static final fun plus (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;)Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;
public static final fun withAttribute (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attribute;)Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;
public static final fun withAttribute (Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attribute;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lspace/kscience/attributes/Attributes;

View File

@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
Extensions to MST API: transformations, dynamic compilation and visualization.
- [expression-language](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/parser.kt) : Expression language and its parser
- [mst-jvm-codegen](src/jvmMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/asm/asm.kt) : Dynamic MST to JVM bytecode compiler
- [mst-js-codegen](src/jsMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/estree/estree.kt) : Dynamic MST to JS compiler
- [rendering](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/rendering/MathRenderer.kt) : Extendable MST rendering
- [expression-language](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/parser.kt) : Expression language and its parser
- [mst-jvm-codegen](src/jvmMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/asm/asm.kt) : Dynamic MST to JVM bytecode compiler
- [mst-js-codegen](src/jsMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/estree/estree.kt) : Dynamic MST to JS compiler
- [rendering](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ast/rendering/MathRenderer.kt) : Extendable MST rendering
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-ast:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-ast:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ Commons math binding for kmath
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-commons:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-commons:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
Complex and hypercomplex number systems in KMath.
- [complex](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Complex.kt) : Complex numbers operations
- [quaternion](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Quaternion.kt) : Quaternions and their composition
- [complex](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Complex.kt) : Complex numbers operations
- [quaternion](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/complex/Quaternion.kt) : Quaternions and their composition
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-complex:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-complex:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,28 +2,23 @@
The core interfaces of KMath.
- [algebras](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Algebraic structures like rings, spaces
and fields.
- [nd](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/StructureND.kt) : Many-dimensional structures and
operations on them.
- [linear](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations (sums,
products, etc.), backed by the `Space` API. Advanced linear algebra operations like matrix inversion and LU
- [buffers](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/Buffers.kt) : One-dimensional structure
- [expressions](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions) : By writing a single mathematical expression
once, users will be able to apply different types of
objects to the expression by providing a context. Expressions can be used for a wide variety of purposes from high
performance calculations to code generation.
- [domains](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/domains) : Domains
- [autodiff](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions/SimpleAutoDiff.kt) : Automatic differentiation
- [linear.parallel](#) : Parallel implementation for `LinearAlgebra`
- [algebras](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Algebraic structures like rings, spaces and fields.
- [nd](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/StructureND.kt) : Many-dimensional structures and operations on them.
- [linear](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/operations/Algebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations (sums, products, etc.), backed by the `Space` API. Advanced linear algebra operations like matrix inversion and LU decomposition.
- [buffers](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/Buffers.kt) : One-dimensional structure
- [expressions](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions) : By writing a single mathematical expression once, users will be able to apply different types of
objects to the expression by providing a context. Expressions can be used for a wide variety of purposes from high
performance calculations to code generation.
- [domains](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/domains) : Domains
- [autodiff](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/expressions/SimpleAutoDiff.kt) : Automatic differentiation
- [Parallel linear algebra](#) : Parallel implementation for `LinearAlgebra`
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-core:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-core:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -31,6 +26,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-coroutines
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-coroutines:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-coroutines:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ A proof of concept module for adding type-safe dimensions to structures
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-dimensions:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-dimensions:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
EJML based linear algebra implementation.
- [ejml-vector](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlVector.kt) : Point implementations.
- [ejml-matrix](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlMatrix.kt) : Matrix implementation.
- [ejml-linear-space](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlLinearSpace.kt) : LinearSpace implementations.
- [ejml-vector](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlVector.kt) : Point implementations.
- [ejml-matrix](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlMatrix.kt) : Matrix implementation.
- [ejml-linear-space](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/ejml/EjmlLinearSpace.kt) : LinearSpace implementations.
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-ejml:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-ejml:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,18 +2,16 @@
Specialization of KMath APIs for Double numbers.
- [DoubleVector](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleVector.kt) : Numpy-like operations for
- [DoubleMatrix](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleMatrix.kt) : Numpy-like operations for 2d real
- [grids](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/grids.kt) : Uniform grid generators
- [DoubleVector](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleVector.kt) : Numpy-like operations for Buffers/Points
- [DoubleMatrix](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/real/DoubleMatrix.kt) : Numpy-like operations for 2d real structures
- [grids](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/structures/grids.kt) : Uniform grid generators
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-for-real:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-for-real:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -21,6 +19,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,20 +2,18 @@
Functions and interpolations.
- [piecewise](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Piecewise.kt) : Piecewise functions.
- [polynomials](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Polynomial.kt) : Polynomial functions.
- [linear interpolation](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/LinearInterpolator.kt) : Linear XY
- [spline interpolation](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/SplineInterpolator.kt) : Cubic spline
XY interpolator.
- [integration](#) : Univariate and multivariate quadratures
- [piecewise](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Piecewise.kt) : Piecewise functions.
- [polynomials](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/functions/Polynomial.kt) : Polynomial functions.
- [linear interpolation](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/LinearInterpolator.kt) : Linear XY interpolator.
- [spline interpolation](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/interpolation/SplineInterpolator.kt) : Cubic spline XY interpolator.
- [integration](#) : Univariate and multivariate quadratures
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-functions:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-functions:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -23,6 +21,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-geometry
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-geometry:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-geometry:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-histograms
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-histograms:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-histograms:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
Integration with [Jafama](https://github.com/jeffhain/jafama).
- [jafama-double](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/jafama/) : Double ExtendedField implementations based on Jafama
- [jafama-double](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/jafama/) : Double ExtendedField implementations based on Jafama
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-jafama:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-jafama:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-jupyter
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-jupyter:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-jupyter:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,17 +2,15 @@
[Kotlin∇](https://github.com/breandan/kotlingrad) integration module.
- [differentiable-mst-expression](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/KotlingradExpression.kt) : MST based
- [scalars-adapters](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/scalarsAdapters.kt) : Conversions between Kotlin∇'s
SFun and MST
- [differentiable-mst-expression](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/KotlingradExpression.kt) : MST based DifferentiableExpression.
- [scalars-adapters](src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/kotlingrad/scalarsAdapters.kt) : Conversions between Kotlin∇'s SFun and MST
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-kotlingrad:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-kotlingrad:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -20,6 +18,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-memory
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-memory:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-memory:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ JetBrains Multik connector
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-multik:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-multik:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
ND4J based implementations of KMath abstractions.
- [nd4jarraystructure](#) : NDStructure wrapper for INDArray
- [nd4jarrayrings](#) : Rings over Nd4jArrayStructure of Int and Long
- [nd4jarrayfields](#) : Fields over Nd4jArrayStructure of Float and Double
- [nd4jarraystructure](#) : NDStructure wrapper for INDArray
- [nd4jarrayrings](#) : Rings over Nd4jArrayStructure of Int and Long
- [nd4jarrayfields](#) : Fields over Nd4jArrayStructure of Float and Double
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-nd4j:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-nd4j:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-optimization
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-optimization:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-optimization:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Module kmath-stat
## Usage
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-stat:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-stat:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -15,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ Symja integration module
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-symja:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-symja:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ Google tensorflow connector
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-tensorflow:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-tensorflow:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -2,19 +2,16 @@
Common linear algebra operations on tensors.
- [tensor algebra](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/TensorAlgebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra
operations on tensors (plus, dot, etc.)
- [tensor algebra with broadcasting](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/core/BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra.kt) :
Basic linear algebra operations implemented with broadcasting.
- [linear algebra operations](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/LinearOpsTensorAlgebra.kt) :
Advanced linear algebra operations like LU decomposition, SVD, etc.
- [tensor algebra](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/TensorAlgebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations on tensors (plus, dot, etc.)
- [tensor algebra with broadcasting](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/core/BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra.kt) : Basic linear algebra operations implemented with broadcasting.
- [linear algebra operations](src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/kmath/tensors/api/LinearOpsTensorAlgebra.kt) : Advanced linear algebra operations like LU decomposition, SVD, etc.
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-tensors:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-tensors:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -22,6 +19,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ Binding for https://github.com/JetBrains-Research/viktor
## Artifact:
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-viktor:0.4.0-dev-3`.
The Maven coordinates of this project are `space.kscience:kmath-viktor:0.4.0`.
**Gradle Kotlin DSL:**
repositories {
@ -17,6 +16,6 @@ repositories {
dependencies {