forked from kscience/kmath
Moved probability distributions to commons-rng and to prob module
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ plugins {
id("scientifik.publish") apply false
val kmathVersion by extra("0.1.4-dev-6")
val kmathVersion by extra("0.1.4-dev-7")
val bintrayRepo by extra("scientifik")
val githubProject by extra("kmath")
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package scientifik.kmath.commons.prob
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.JDKRandomGenerator
import scientifik.kmath.prob.RandomGenerator
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator as CMRandom
inline class CMRandomGeneratorWrapper(val generator: CMRandom) : RandomGenerator {
override fun nextDouble(): Double = generator.nextDouble()
override fun nextInt(): Int = generator.nextInt()
override fun nextLong(): Long = generator.nextLong()
override fun nextBlock(size: Int): ByteArray = ByteArray(size).apply { generator.nextBytes(this) }
override fun fork(): RandomGenerator {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
fun CMRandom.asKmathGenerator(): RandomGenerator = CMRandomGeneratorWrapper(this)
fun RandomGenerator.asCMGenerator(): CMRandom =
(this as? CMRandomGeneratorWrapper)?.generator ?: TODO("Implement reverse CM wrapper")
val RandomGenerator.Companion.default: RandomGenerator by lazy { JDKRandomGenerator().asKmathGenerator() }
fun RandomGenerator.Companion.jdk(seed: Int? = null): RandomGenerator = if (seed == null) {
} else {
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
package scientifik.kmath.commons.prob
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.*
import scientifik.kmath.prob.Distribution
import scientifik.kmath.prob.RandomChain
import scientifik.kmath.prob.RandomGenerator
import scientifik.kmath.prob.UnivariateDistribution
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator as CMRandom
class CMRealDistributionWrapper(val builder: (CMRandom?) -> RealDistribution) : UnivariateDistribution<Double> {
private val defaultDistribution by lazy { builder(null) }
override fun probability(arg: Double): Double = defaultDistribution.probability(arg)
override fun cumulative(arg: Double): Double = defaultDistribution.cumulativeProbability(arg)
override fun sample(generator: RandomGenerator): RandomChain<Double> {
val distribution = builder(generator.asCMGenerator())
return RandomChain(generator) { distribution.sample() }
class CMIntDistributionWrapper(val builder: (CMRandom?) -> IntegerDistribution) : UnivariateDistribution<Int> {
private val defaultDistribution by lazy { builder(null) }
override fun probability(arg: Int): Double = defaultDistribution.probability(arg)
override fun cumulative(arg: Int): Double = defaultDistribution.cumulativeProbability(arg)
override fun sample(generator: RandomGenerator): RandomChain<Int> {
val distribution = builder(generator.asCMGenerator())
return RandomChain(generator) { distribution.sample() }
fun Distribution.Companion.normal(mean: Double = 0.0, sigma: Double = 1.0): UnivariateDistribution<Double> =
CMRealDistributionWrapper { generator -> NormalDistribution(generator, mean, sigma) }
fun Distribution.Companion.poisson(mean: Double): UnivariateDistribution<Int> = CMIntDistributionWrapper { generator ->
fun Distribution.Companion.binomial(trials: Int, p: Double): UnivariateDistribution<Int> =
CMIntDistributionWrapper { generator ->
BinomialDistribution(generator, trials, p)
fun Distribution.Companion.student(degreesOfFreedom: Double): UnivariateDistribution<Double> =
CMRealDistributionWrapper { generator ->
TDistribution(generator, degreesOfFreedom, TDistribution.DEFAULT_INVERSE_ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY)
fun Distribution.Companion.chi2(degreesOfFreedom: Double): UnivariateDistribution<Double> =
CMRealDistributionWrapper { generator ->
ChiSquaredDistribution(generator, degreesOfFreedom)
fun Distribution.Companion.fisher(
numeratorDegreesOfFreedom: Double,
denominatorDegreesOfFreedom: Double
): UnivariateDistribution<Double> =
CMRealDistributionWrapper { generator ->
FDistribution(generator, numeratorDegreesOfFreedom, denominatorDegreesOfFreedom)
fun Distribution.Companion.exponential(mean: Double): UnivariateDistribution<Double> =
CMRealDistributionWrapper { generator ->
ExponentialDistribution(generator, mean)
fun Distribution.Companion.uniform(a: Double, b: Double): UnivariateDistribution<Double> =
CMRealDistributionWrapper { generator ->
UniformRealDistribution(generator, a, b)
@ -38,9 +38,13 @@ interface Chain<out R>: Flow<R> {
fun fork(): Chain<R>
override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<R>) {
kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow { while (true) emit(next()) }.collect(collector)
kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow {
while (true){
companion object
@ -69,3 +69,9 @@ inline fun Memory.write(block: MemoryWriter.() -> Unit) {
* Allocate the most effective platform-specific memory
expect fun Memory.Companion.allocate(length: Int): Memory
* Wrap a [Memory] around existing [ByteArray]. This operation is unsafe since the array is not copied
* and could be mutated independently from the resulting [Memory]
expect fun Memory.Companion.wrap(array: ByteArray): Memory
@ -2,14 +2,7 @@ package scientifik.memory
import org.khronos.webgl.ArrayBuffer
import org.khronos.webgl.DataView
* Allocate the most effective platform-specific memory
actual fun Memory.Companion.allocate(length: Int): Memory {
val buffer = ArrayBuffer(length)
return DataViewMemory(DataView(buffer, 0, length))
import org.khronos.webgl.Int8Array
class DataViewMemory(val view: DataView) : Memory {
@ -88,4 +81,17 @@ class DataViewMemory(val view: DataView) : Memory {
override fun writer(): MemoryWriter = writer
* Allocate the most effective platform-specific memory
actual fun Memory.Companion.allocate(length: Int): Memory {
val buffer = ArrayBuffer(length)
return DataViewMemory(DataView(buffer, 0, length))
actual fun Memory.Companion.wrap(array: ByteArray): Memory {
@Suppress("CAST_NEVER_SUCCEEDS") val int8Array = array as Int8Array
return DataViewMemory(DataView(int8Array.buffer, int8Array.byteOffset, int8Array.length))
@ -7,14 +7,6 @@ import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption
* Allocate the most effective platform-specific memory
actual fun Memory.Companion.allocate(length: Int): Memory {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length)
return ByteBufferMemory(buffer)
private class ByteBufferMemory(
val buffer: ByteBuffer,
val startOffset: Int = 0,
@ -96,6 +88,22 @@ private class ByteBufferMemory(
override fun writer(): MemoryWriter = writer
* Allocate the most effective platform-specific memory
actual fun Memory.Companion.allocate(length: Int): Memory {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length)
return ByteBufferMemory(buffer)
actual fun Memory.Companion.wrap(array: ByteArray): Memory {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(array)
return ByteBufferMemory(buffer)
fun ByteBuffer.asMemory(startOffset: Int = 0, size: Int = limit()): Memory =
ByteBufferMemory(this, startOffset, size)
* Use direct memory-mapped buffer from file to read something and close it afterwards.
@ -8,4 +8,10 @@ kotlin.sourceSets {
@ -6,10 +6,16 @@ import kotlin.random.Random
* A basic generator
interface RandomGenerator {
fun nextBoolean(): Boolean
fun nextDouble(): Double
fun nextInt(): Int
fun nextInt(until: Int): Int
fun nextLong(): Long
fun nextBlock(size: Int): ByteArray
fun nextLong(until: Long): Long
fun fillBytes(array: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = array.size)
fun nextBytes(size: Int): ByteArray = ByteArray(size).also { fillBytes(it) }
* Create a new generator which is independent from current generator (operations on new generator do not affect this one
@ -21,21 +27,29 @@ interface RandomGenerator {
fun fork(): RandomGenerator
companion object {
val default by lazy { DefaultGenerator(Random.nextLong()) }
val default by lazy { DefaultGenerator() }
fun default(seed: Long) = DefaultGenerator(Random(seed))
class DefaultGenerator(seed: Long?) : RandomGenerator {
private val random = seed?.let { Random(it) } ?: Random
inline class DefaultGenerator(val random: Random = Random) : RandomGenerator {
override fun nextBoolean(): Boolean = random.nextBoolean()
override fun nextDouble(): Double = random.nextDouble()
override fun nextInt(): Int = random.nextInt()
override fun nextInt(until: Int): Int = random.nextInt(until)
override fun nextLong(): Long = random.nextLong()
override fun nextBlock(size: Int): ByteArray = random.nextBytes(size)
override fun nextLong(until: Long): Long = random.nextLong(until)
override fun fork(): RandomGenerator = DefaultGenerator(nextLong())
override fun fillBytes(array: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {
random.nextBytes(array, fromIndex, toIndex)
override fun nextBytes(size: Int): ByteArray = random.nextBytes(size)
override fun fork(): RandomGenerator = RandomGenerator.default(random.nextLong())
@ -28,4 +28,7 @@ class UniformDistribution(val range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Double>) : Univari
else -> (arg - range.start) / length
fun Distribution.Companion.uniform(range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Double>): UniformDistribution =
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package scientifik.kmath.prob
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider
import org.apache.commons.rng.simple.RandomSource
class RandomSourceGenerator(val source: RandomSource, seed: Long?) : RandomGenerator {
internal val random: UniformRandomProvider = seed?.let {
RandomSource.create(source, seed, null)
} ?: RandomSource.create(source)
override fun nextBoolean(): Boolean = random.nextBoolean()
override fun nextDouble(): Double = random.nextDouble()
override fun nextInt(): Int = random.nextInt()
override fun nextInt(until: Int): Int = random.nextInt(until)
override fun nextLong(): Long = random.nextLong()
override fun nextLong(until: Long): Long = random.nextLong(until)
override fun fillBytes(array: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {
require(toIndex > fromIndex)
random.nextBytes(array, fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex)
override fun fork(): RandomGenerator = RandomSourceGenerator(source, nextLong())
inline class RandomGeneratorProvider(val generator: RandomGenerator) : UniformRandomProvider {
override fun nextBoolean(): Boolean = generator.nextBoolean()
override fun nextFloat(): Float = generator.nextDouble().toFloat()
override fun nextBytes(bytes: ByteArray) {
override fun nextBytes(bytes: ByteArray, start: Int, len: Int) {
generator.fillBytes(bytes, start, start + len)
override fun nextInt(): Int = generator.nextInt()
override fun nextInt(n: Int): Int = generator.nextInt(n)
override fun nextDouble(): Double = generator.nextDouble()
override fun nextLong(): Long = generator.nextLong()
override fun nextLong(n: Long): Long = generator.nextLong(n)
* Represent this [RandomGenerator] as commons-rng [UniformRandomProvider] preserving and mirroring its current state.
* Getting new value from one of those changes the state of another.
fun RandomGenerator.asUniformRandomProvider(): UniformRandomProvider = if (this is RandomSourceGenerator) {
} else {
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package scientifik.kmath.prob
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider
import org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.distribution.*
import scientifik.kmath.chains.Chain
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.exp
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
abstract class ContinuousSamplerDistribution : Distribution<Double> {
private inner class ContinuousSamplerChain(val generator: RandomGenerator) : Chain<Double> {
private val sampler = buildSampler(generator)
override suspend fun next(): Double = sampler.sample()
override fun fork(): Chain<Double> = ContinuousSamplerChain(generator.fork())
protected abstract fun buildSampler(generator: RandomGenerator): ContinuousSampler
override fun sample(generator: RandomGenerator): Chain<Double> = ContinuousSamplerChain(generator)
abstract class DiscreteSamplerDistribution : Distribution<Int> {
private inner class ContinuousSamplerChain(val generator: RandomGenerator) : Chain<Int> {
private val sampler = buildSampler(generator)
override suspend fun next(): Int = sampler.sample()
override fun fork(): Chain<Int> = ContinuousSamplerChain(generator.fork())
protected abstract fun buildSampler(generator: RandomGenerator): DiscreteSampler
override fun sample(generator: RandomGenerator): Chain<Int> = ContinuousSamplerChain(generator)
enum class NormalSamplerMethod {
private fun normalSampler(method: NormalSamplerMethod, provider: UniformRandomProvider): NormalizedGaussianSampler =
when (method) {
NormalSamplerMethod.BoxMuller -> BoxMullerNormalizedGaussianSampler(provider)
NormalSamplerMethod.Marsaglia -> MarsagliaNormalizedGaussianSampler(provider)
NormalSamplerMethod.Ziggurat -> ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler(provider)
fun Distribution.Companion.normal(
method: NormalSamplerMethod = NormalSamplerMethod.Ziggurat
): Distribution<Double> = object : ContinuousSamplerDistribution() {
override fun buildSampler(generator: RandomGenerator): ContinuousSampler {
val provider: UniformRandomProvider = generator.asUniformRandomProvider()
return normalSampler(method, provider)
override fun probability(arg: Double): Double {
return exp(-arg.pow(2) / 2) / sqrt(PI * 2)
fun Distribution.Companion.normal(
mean: Double,
sigma: Double,
method: NormalSamplerMethod = NormalSamplerMethod.Ziggurat
): Distribution<Double> = object : ContinuousSamplerDistribution() {
private val sigma2 = sigma.pow(2)
private val norm = sigma * sqrt(PI * 2)
override fun buildSampler(generator: RandomGenerator): ContinuousSampler {
val provider: UniformRandomProvider = generator.asUniformRandomProvider()
val normalizedSampler = normalSampler(method, provider)
return GaussianSampler(normalizedSampler, mean, sigma)
override fun probability(arg: Double): Double {
return exp(-(arg - mean).pow(2) / 2 / sigma2) / norm
fun Distribution.Companion.poisson(
lambda: Double
): Distribution<Int> = object : DiscreteSamplerDistribution() {
override fun buildSampler(generator: RandomGenerator): DiscreteSampler {
return PoissonSampler.of(generator.asUniformRandomProvider(), lambda)
private val computedProb: HashMap<Int, Double> = hashMapOf(0 to exp(-lambda))
override fun probability(arg: Int): Double {
require(arg >= 0) { "The argument must be >= 0" }
return if (arg > 40) {
exp(-(arg - lambda).pow(2) / 2 / lambda) / sqrt(2 * PI * lambda)
} else {
computedProb.getOrPut(arg) {
probability(arg - 1) * lambda / arg
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package scientifik.kmath.prob
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.take
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.toList
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class CommonsDistributionsTest {
fun testNormalDistribution(){
val distribution = Distribution.normal(7.0,2.0)
val generator = RandomGenerator.default(1)
val sample = runBlocking {
Assertions.assertEquals(7.0, sample.average(), 0.1)
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import kotlin.test.Test
class StatisticTest {
//create a random number generator.
val generator = DefaultGenerator(1)
val generator = RandomGenerator.default(1)
//Create a stateless chain from generator.
val data = generator.chain { nextDouble() }
//Convert a chaint to Flow and break it into chunks.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user