Sifted ListPolynomial's basics.

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Gleb Minaev 2022-06-11 19:29:14 +03:00
parent 89cdbf4d71
commit 03b92de6e0
23 changed files with 0 additions and 3773 deletions

@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.ScaleOperations
import kotlin.math.max
* Represents multivariate polynomials with labeled variables.
* @param C Ring in which the polynomial is considered.
public data class LabeledPolynomial<C>
internal constructor(
* Map that collects coefficients of the polynomial. Every non-zero monomial
* `a x_1^{d_1} ... x_n^{d_n}` is represented as pair "key-value" in the map, where value is coefficients `a` and
* key is map that associates variables in the monomial with multiplicity of them occurring in the monomial.
* For example polynomial
* ```
* 5 a^2 c^3 - 6 b + 0 b c
* ```
* has coefficients represented as
* ```
* mapOf(
* mapOf(
* a to 2,
* c to 3
* ) to 5,
* mapOf(
* b to 1
* ) to (-6)
* )
* ```
* where `a`, `b` and `c` are corresponding [Symbol] objects.
public val coefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>
) : Polynomial<C> {
override fun toString(): String = "LabeledPolynomial$coefficients"
* Space of polynomials.
* @param C the type of operated polynomials.
* @param A the intersection of [Ring] of [C] and [ScaleOperations] of [C].
* @param ring the [A] instance.
public class LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : MultivariatePolynomialSpace<C, Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>, PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>, A> {
public override operator fun Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this@plus to 1U) to constantOne,
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this@plus to 1U) to constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to constantOne * other,
public override operator fun Symbol.minus(other: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this@minus to 1U) to -constantOne,
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this@minus to 1U) to -constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to constantOne * other,
public override operator fun Symbol.times(other: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) zero
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this to 1U) to constantOne * other,
public override operator fun Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(other to 1U) to constantOne,
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(other to 1U) to constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to constantOne * this@plus,
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(other to 1U) to -constantOne,
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(other to 1U) to -constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to constantOne * this@minus,
public override operator fun Int.times(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) zero
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(other to 1U) to constantOne * this@times,
* Returns sum of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit polynomial to [this].
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.plus(other: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
else with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to other.asConstant()))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } + other
* Returns difference between the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit polynomial from [this].
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.minus(other: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
else with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to (-other).asConstant()))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } - other
* Returns product of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.times(other: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) zero
else LabeledPolynomial(
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this[degs]!! * other
* Returns sum of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit polynomial to [other].
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
else with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this@plus.asConstant()))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = this@plus + getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns difference between the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit polynomial from [other].
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
else with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this@minus.asConstant()))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = this@minus - getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns product of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public override operator fun Int.times(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) zero
else LabeledPolynomial(
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this@times * this[degs]!!
* Converts the integer [value] to polynomial.
public override fun number(value: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> = number(constantNumber(value))
public override operator fun Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(other to 1U) to constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this@plus,
public override operator fun C.minus(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(other to 1U) to -constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this@minus,
public override operator fun C.times(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(other to 1U) to this@times,
public override operator fun C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(this@plus to 1U) to constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to other,
public override operator fun Symbol.minus(other: C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(this@minus to 1U) to -constantOne,
emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to other,
public override operator fun Symbol.times(other: C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(this@times to 1U) to other,
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this@plus))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = this@plus + getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun C.minus(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this@minus))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
forEach { (degs, c) -> if(degs.isNotEmpty()) this[degs] = -c }
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = this@minus - getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun C.times(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this@times * this[degs]!!
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.plus(other: C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to other))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } + other
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.minus(other: C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to other))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
forEach { (degs, c) -> if(degs.isNotEmpty()) this[degs] = -c }
val degs = emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } - other
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.times(other: C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this[degs]!! * other
* Converts the constant [value] to polynomial.
public override fun number(value: C): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to value))
public override operator fun Symbol.unaryPlus(): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(this to 1U) to constantOne,
public override operator fun Symbol.unaryMinus(): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
mapOf(this to 1U) to -constantOne,
public override operator fun Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == other) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this to 1U) to constantOne * 2
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this to 1U) to constantOne,
mapOf(other to 1U) to constantOne,
public override operator fun Symbol.minus(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == other) zero
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this to 1U) to constantOne,
mapOf(other to 1U) to -constantOne,
public override operator fun Symbol.times(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (this == other) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this to 2U) to constantOne
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this to 1U, other to 1U) to constantOne,
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this@plus to 1u) to constantOne))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = mapOf(this@plus to 1U)
this[degs] = constantOne + getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
public override operator fun Symbol.minus(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this@minus to 1u) to constantOne))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
forEach { (degs, c) -> if(degs.isNotEmpty()) this[degs] = -c }
val degs = mapOf(this@minus to 1U)
this[degs] = constantOne - getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
public override operator fun Symbol.times(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
.mapKeys { (degs, _) -> degs.toMutableMap().also{ it[this] = if (this in it) it[this]!! + 1U else 1U } }
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.plus(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(other to 1u) to constantOne))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = mapOf(other to 1U)
this[degs] = constantOne + getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.minus(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(other to 1u) to constantOne))
else LabeledPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = mapOf(other to 1U)
this[degs] = constantOne - getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
public override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.times(other: Symbol): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
.mapKeys { (degs, _) -> degs.toMutableMap().also{ it[other] = if (other in it) it[other]!! + 1U else 1U } }
* Returns negation of the polynomial.
override fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
coefficients.mapValues { -it.value }
* Returns sum of the polynomials.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.plus(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
buildMap(coefficients.size + other.coefficients.size) {
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { it.value }
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { (key, value) -> if (key in this) this[key]!! + value else value }
* Returns difference of the polynomials.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.minus(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
buildMap(coefficients.size + other.coefficients.size) {
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { it.value }
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { (key, value) -> if (key in this) this[key]!! - value else -value }
* Returns product of the polynomials.
override operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.times(other: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
buildMap(coefficients.size * other.coefficients.size) {
for ((degs1, c1) in coefficients) for ((degs2, c2) in other.coefficients) {
val degs = degs1.toMutableMap()
degs2.mapValuesTo(degs) { (variable, deg) -> degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u } + deg }
val c = c1 * c2
this[degs] = if (degs in this) this[degs]!! + c else c
* Instance of zero polynomial (zero of the polynomial ring).
override val zero: LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to constantZero))
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the polynomial ring).
override val one: LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to constantOne))
* Degree of the polynomial, [see also]( If the polynomial is
* zero, degree is -1.
override val LabeledPolynomial<C>.degree: Int
get() = coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, c) -> degs.values.sum().toInt() } ?: -1
* Map that associates variables (that appear in the polynomial in positive exponents) with their most exponents
* in which they are appeared in the polynomial.
* As consequence all values in the map are positive integers. Also, if the polynomial is constant, the map is empty.
* And keys of the map is the same as in [variables].
public override val LabeledPolynomial<C>.degrees: Map<Symbol, UInt>
get() =
buildMap {
coefficients.entries.forEach { (degs, _) ->
degs.mapValuesTo(this) { (variable, deg) ->
max(getOrElse(variable) { 0u }, deg)
* Counts degree of the polynomial by the specified [variable].
public override fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.degreeBy(variable: Symbol): UInt =
coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, _) -> degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u } } ?: 0u
* Counts degree of the polynomial by the specified [variables].
public override fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.degreeBy(variables: Collection<Symbol>): UInt =
coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, _) -> degs.filterKeys { it in variables }.values.sum() } ?: 0u
* Set of all variables that appear in the polynomial in positive exponents.
public override val LabeledPolynomial<C>.variables: Set<Symbol>
get() =
buildSet {
coefficients.entries.forEach { (degs, _) -> addAll(degs.keys) }
* Count of all variables that appear in the polynomial in positive exponents.
public override val LabeledPolynomial<C>.countOfVariables: Int get() = variables.size
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// public inline fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.substitute(argument: Map<Symbol, C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// @JvmName("substitutePolynomial")
// public inline fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.substitute(argument: Map<Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>): LabeledPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// public inline fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.asFunction(): (Map<Symbol, C>) -> LabeledPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// public inline fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOnConstants(): (Map<Symbol, C>) -> LabeledPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// public inline fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOnPolynomials(): (Map<Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>) -> LabeledPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// public inline operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: Map<Symbol, C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
// @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
// @JvmName("invokePolynomial")
// public inline operator fun LabeledPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: Map<Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>): LabeledPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
public class LabeledRationalFunction<C>(
public override val numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>,
public override val denominator: LabeledPolynomial<C>
) : RationalFunction<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>> {
override fun toString(): String = "LabeledRationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
public class LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A: Ring<C>>(
public val ring: A,
) :
LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>,
>() {
override val polynomialRing : LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A> = LabeledPolynomialSpace(ring)
override fun constructRationalFunction(
numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>,
denominator: LabeledPolynomial<C>
): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, denominator)
* Instance of zero rational function (zero of the rational functions ring).
public override val zero: LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction<C>(polynomialZero, polynomialOne)
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the rational functions ring).
public override val one: LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction<C>(polynomialOne, polynomialOne)
// TODO: Разобрать
// operator fun invoke(arg: Map<Symbol, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
// LabeledRationalFunction(
// numerator(arg),
// denominator(arg)
// )
// @JvmName("invokeLabeledPolynomial")
// operator fun invoke(arg: Map<Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
// LabeledRationalFunction(
// numerator(arg),
// denominator(arg)
// )
// @JvmName("invokeLabeledRationalFunction")
// operator fun invoke(arg: Map<Symbol, LabeledRationalFunction<C>>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> {
// var num = numerator invokeRFTakeNumerator arg
// var den = denominator invokeRFTakeNumerator arg
// for (variable in variables) if (variable in arg) {
// val degreeDif = degrees[variable]!!
// if (degreeDif > 0)
// den = multiplyByPower(den, arg[variable]!!.denominator, degreeDif)
// else
// num = multiplyByPower(num, arg[variable]!!.denominator, -degreeDif)
// }
// return LabeledRationalFunction(num, den)
// }
// override fun toString(): String = toString(emptyMap())
// fun toString(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toString(names)
// else -> "${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(names)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(names)}"
// }
// fun toString(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toString(namer)
// else -> "${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)}"
// }
// fun toStringWithBrackets(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toStringWithBrackets(names)
// else -> "(${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(names)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(names)})"
// }
// fun toStringWithBrackets(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)
// else -> "(${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)})"
// }
// fun toReversedString(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedString(names)
// else -> "${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(names)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(names)}"
// }
// fun toReversedString(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedString(namer)
// else -> "${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)}"
// }
// fun toReversedStringWithBrackets(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(names)
// else -> "(${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(names)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(names)})"
// }
// fun toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// when (true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)
// else -> "(${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)})"
// }

@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.ScaleOperations
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.math.max
* Polynomial model without fixation on specific context they are applied to.
* @param C the type of constants.
public data class NumberedPolynomial<C>
internal constructor(
* Map that collects coefficients of the polynomial. Every monomial `a x_1^{d_1} ... x_n^{d_n}` is represented as
* pair "key-value" in the map, where value is coefficients `a` and
* key is list that associates index of every variable in the monomial with multiplicity of the variable occurring
* in the monomial. For example coefficients of polynomial `5 x_1^2 x_3^3 - 6 x_2` can be represented as
* ```
* mapOf(
* listOf(2, 0, 3) to 5,
* listOf(0, 1) to (-6),
* )
* ```
* and also as
* ```
* mapOf(
* listOf(2, 0, 3) to 5,
* listOf(0, 1) to (-6),
* listOf(0, 1, 1) to 0,
* )
* ```
* It is recommended not to put zero monomials into the map, but is not prohibited. Lists of degrees always do not
* contain any zeros on end, but can contain zeros on start or anywhere in middle.
public val coefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>
) : Polynomial<C> {
override fun toString(): String = "NumberedPolynomial$coefficients"
* Space of polynomials.
* @param C the type of operated polynomials.
* @param A the intersection of [Ring] of [C] and [ScaleOperations] of [C].
* @param ring the [A] instance.
public open class NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public final override val ring: A,
) : PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>, A> {
* Returns sum of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit polynomial to [this].
public override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.plus(other: Int): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } + other
* Returns difference between the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit polynomial from [this].
public override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.minus(other: Int): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } - other
* Returns product of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.times(other: Int): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) zero
else NumberedPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this[degs]!! * other
* Returns sum of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit polynomial to [other].
public override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = this@plus + getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns difference between the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit polynomial from [other].
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = this@minus - getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns product of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public override operator fun Int.times(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) zero
else NumberedPolynomial(
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this@times * this[degs]!!
* Converts the integer [value] to polynomial.
public override fun number(value: Int): NumberedPolynomial<C> = number(constantNumber(value))
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this@plus))
else NumberedPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = this@plus + getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun C.minus(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this@minus))
else NumberedPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
forEach { (degs, c) -> if(degs.isNotEmpty()) this[degs] = -c }
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = this@minus - getOrElse(degs) { constantZero }
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun C.times(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this@times * this[degs]!!
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.plus(other: C): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to other))
else NumberedPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } + other
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.minus(other: C): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to other))
else NumberedPolynomial<C>(
.apply {
val degs = emptyList<UInt>()
this[degs] = getOrElse(degs) { constantZero } - other
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.times(other: C): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
.apply {
for (degs in keys) this[degs] = this[degs]!! * other
* Converts the constant [value] to polynomial.
public override fun number(value: C): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to value))
* Returns negation of the polynomial.
override fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
coefficients.mapValues { -it.value }
* Returns sum of the polynomials.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.plus(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
buildMap(coefficients.size + other.coefficients.size) {
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { it.value }
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { (key, value) -> if (key in this) this[key]!! + value else value }
* Returns difference of the polynomials.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.minus(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
buildMap(coefficients.size + other.coefficients.size) {
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { it.value }
other.coefficients.mapValuesTo(this) { (key, value) -> if (key in this) this[key]!! - value else -value }
* Returns product of the polynomials.
override operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.times(other: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
buildMap(coefficients.size * other.coefficients.size) {
for ((degs1, c1) in coefficients) for ((degs2, c2) in other.coefficients) {
val degs =
(0..max(degs1.lastIndex, degs2.lastIndex))
.map { degs1.getOrElse(it) { 0U } + degs2.getOrElse(it) { 0U } }
val c = c1 * c2
this[degs] = if (degs in this) this[degs]!! + c else c
* Instance of zero polynomial (zero of the polynomial ring).
override val zero: NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(emptyMap())
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the polynomial ring).
override val one: NumberedPolynomial<C> =
emptyList<UInt>() to constantOne // 1 * x_1^0 * x_2^0 * ...
* Maximal index (ID) of variable occurring in the polynomial with positive power. If there is no such variable,
* the result is `-1`.
public val NumberedPolynomial<C>.lastVariable: Int
get() = coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, _) -> degs.lastIndex } ?: -1
* Degree of the polynomial, [see also]( If the polynomial is
* zero, degree is -1.
override val NumberedPolynomial<C>.degree: Int
get() = coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, _) -> degs.sum().toInt() } ?: -1
* List that associates indices of variables (that appear in the polynomial in positive exponents) with their most
* exponents in which the variables are appeared in the polynomial.
* As consequence all values in the list are non-negative integers. Also, if the polynomial is constant, the list is empty.
* And last index of the list is [lastVariable].
public val NumberedPolynomial<C>.degrees: List<UInt>
get() =
MutableList(lastVariable + 1) { 0u }.apply {
coefficients.entries.forEach { (degs, _) ->
degs.forEachIndexed { index, deg ->
this[index] = max(this[index], deg)
* Counts degree of the polynomial by the specified [variable].
public fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.degreeBy(variable: Int): UInt =
coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, _) -> degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u } } ?: 0u
* Counts degree of the polynomial by the specified [variables].
public fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.degreeBy(variables: Collection<Int>): UInt =
coefficients.entries.maxOfOrNull { (degs, _) ->
degs.withIndex().filter { (index, _) -> index in variables }.sumOf { it.value }
} ?: 0u
* Count of variables occurring in the polynomial with positive power. If there is no such variable,
* the result is `0`.
public val NumberedPolynomial<C>.countOfVariables: Int
get() =
MutableList(lastVariable + 1) { false }.apply {
coefficients.entries.forEach { (degs, _) ->
degs.forEachIndexed { index, deg ->
if (deg != 0u) this[index] = true
}.count { it }
public inline fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.substitute(argument: Map<Int, C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.substitute(argument: Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.asFunction(): (Map<Int, C>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOnConstants(): (Map<Int, C>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOnPolynomials(): (Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: Map<Int, C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
// FIXME: Move to other constructors with context receiver
public fun C.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this))

@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
import kotlin.math.max
public class NumberedRationalFunction<C> internal constructor(
public override val numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>,
public override val denominator: NumberedPolynomial<C>
) : RationalFunction<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>> {
override fun toString(): String = "NumberedRationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
public class NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A: Ring<C>> (
public val ring: A,
) :
NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>,
>() {
override val polynomialRing : NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A> = NumberedPolynomialSpace(ring)
override fun constructRationalFunction(
numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>,
denominator: NumberedPolynomial<C>
): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction(numerator, denominator)
* Instance of zero rational function (zero of the rational functions ring).
public override val zero: NumberedRationalFunction<C> = NumberedRationalFunction(polynomialZero, polynomialOne)
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the rational functions ring).
public override val one: NumberedRationalFunction<C> = NumberedRationalFunction(polynomialOne, polynomialOne)
* Maximal index (ID) of variable occurring in the polynomial with positive power. If there is no such variable,
* the result is `-1`.
public val NumberedPolynomial<C>.lastVariable: Int get() = polynomialRing { lastVariable }
* List that associates indices of variables (that appear in the polynomial in positive exponents) with their most
* exponents in which the variables are appeared in the polynomial.
* As consequence all values in the list are non-negative integers. Also, if the polynomial is constant, the list is empty.
* And last index of the list is [lastVariable].
public val NumberedPolynomial<C>.degrees: List<UInt> get() = polynomialRing { degrees }
* Counts degree of the polynomial by the specified [variable].
public fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.degreeBy(variable: Int): UInt = polynomialRing { degreeBy(variable) }
* Counts degree of the polynomial by the specified [variables].
public fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.degreeBy(variables: Collection<Int>): UInt = polynomialRing { degreeBy(variables) }
* Count of variables occurring in the polynomial with positive power. If there is no such variable,
* the result is `0`.
public val NumberedPolynomial<C>.countOfVariables: Int get() = polynomialRing { countOfVariables }
* Count of all variables that appear in the polynomial in positive exponents.
public val NumberedRationalFunction<C>.lastVariable: Int
get() = polynomialRing { max(numerator.lastVariable, denominator.lastVariable) }
* Count of variables occurring in the rational function with positive power. If there is no such variable,
* the result is `0`.
public val NumberedRationalFunction<C>.countOfVariables: Int
get() =
MutableList(lastVariable + 1) { false }.apply {
numerator.coefficients.entries.forEach { (degs, _) ->
degs.forEachIndexed { index, deg ->
if (deg != 0u) this[index] = true
denominator.coefficients.entries.forEach { (degs, _) ->
degs.forEachIndexed { index, deg ->
if (deg != 0u) this[index] = true
}.count { it }
// TODO: Разобрать
// operator fun invoke(arg: Map<Int, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
// NumberedRationalFunction(
// numerator(arg),
// denominator(arg)
// )
// @JvmName("invokePolynomial")
// operator fun invoke(arg: Map<Int, Polynomial<C>>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
// NumberedRationalFunction(
// numerator(arg),
// denominator(arg)
// )
// @JvmName("invokeRationalFunction")
// operator fun invoke(arg: Map<Int, NumberedRationalFunction<C>>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> {
// var num = numerator invokeRFTakeNumerator arg
// var den = denominator invokeRFTakeNumerator arg
// for (variable in 0 until max(numerator.countOfVariables, denominator.countOfVariables)) if (variable in arg) {
// val degreeDif = numerator.degrees.getOrElse(variable) { 0 } - denominator.degrees.getOrElse(variable) { 0 }
// if (degreeDif > 0)
// den = multiplyByPower(den, arg[variable]!!.denominator, degreeDif)
// else
// num = multiplyByPower(num, arg[variable]!!.denominator, -degreeDif)
// }
// return NumberedRationalFunction(num, den)
// }
// override fun toString(): String = toString(Polynomial.variableName)
// fun toString(withVariableName: String = Polynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toString(withVariableName)
// else -> "${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}"
// }
// fun toString(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toString(namer)
// else -> "${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)}"
// }
// fun toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName: String = Polynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)
// else -> "(${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)})"
// }
// fun toStringWithBrackets(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)
// else -> "(${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(namer)})"
// }
// fun toReversedString(withVariableName: String = Polynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedString(withVariableName)
// else -> "${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}"
// }
// fun toReversedString(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedString(namer)
// else -> "${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)}"
// }
// fun toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName: String = Polynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)
// else -> "(${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)})"
// }
// fun toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)
// else -> "(${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(namer)})"
// }

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.PerformancePitfall
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
* Represents piecewise-defined function.
* @param T the piece key type.
* @param R the sub-function type.
public fun interface Piecewise<in T, out R> {
* Returns the appropriate sub-function for given piece key.
public fun findPiece(arg: T): R?
* Represents piecewise-defined function where all the sub-functions are polynomials.
* @property pieces An ordered list of range-polynomial pairs. The list does not in general guarantee that there are no
* "holes" in it.
public interface PiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>> : Piecewise<T, ListPolynomial<T>> {
public val pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>>
override fun findPiece(arg: T): ListPolynomial<T>?
* A generic piecewise without constraints on how pieces are placed
@PerformancePitfall("findPiece method of resulting piecewise is slow")
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PiecewisePolynomial(
pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>>,
): PiecewisePolynomial<T> = object : PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
override val pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>> = pieces
override fun findPiece(arg: T): ListPolynomial<T>? = pieces.firstOrNull { arg in it.first }?.second
* An optimized piecewise that uses not separate pieces, but a range separated by delimiters.
* The pieces search is logarithmic.
private class OrderedPiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>>(
override val pieces: List<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>>,
) : PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
override fun findPiece(arg: T): ListPolynomial<T>? {
val index = pieces.binarySearch { (range, _) ->
when {
arg >= range.endInclusive -> -1
arg < range.start -> +1
else -> 0
return if (index < 0) null else pieces[index].second
* A [Piecewise] builder where all the pieces are ordered by the [Comparable] type instances.
* @param T the comparable piece key type.
* @param delimiter the initial piecewise separator
public class PiecewiseBuilder<T : Comparable<T>>(delimiter: T) {
private val delimiters: MutableList<T> = arrayListOf(delimiter)
private val pieces: MutableList<ListPolynomial<T>> = arrayListOf()
* Dynamically adds a piece to the right side (beyond maximum argument value of previous piece)
* @param right new rightmost position. If is less than current rightmost position, an error is thrown.
* @param piece the sub-function.
public fun putRight(right: T, piece: ListPolynomial<T>) {
require(right > delimiters.last()) { "New delimiter should be to the right of old one" }
delimiters += right
pieces += piece
* Dynamically adds a piece to the left side (beyond maximum argument value of previous piece)
* @param left the new leftmost position. If is less than current rightmost position, an error is thrown.
* @param piece the sub-function.
public fun putLeft(left: T, piece: ListPolynomial<T>) {
require(left < delimiters.first()) { "New delimiter should be to the left of old one" }
delimiters.add(0, left)
pieces.add(0, piece)
public fun build(): PiecewisePolynomial<T> = OrderedPiecewisePolynomial(delimiters.zipWithNext { l, r ->
* A builder for [PiecewisePolynomial]
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PiecewisePolynomial(
startingPoint: T,
builder: PiecewiseBuilder<T>.() -> Unit,
): PiecewisePolynomial<T> = PiecewiseBuilder(startingPoint).apply(builder).build()
* Return a value of polynomial function with given [ring] a given [arg] or null if argument is outside piecewise
* definition.
public fun <T : Comparable<T>, C : Ring<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.substitute(ring: C, arg: T): T? =
findPiece(arg)?.substitute(ring, arg)
* Convert this polynomial to a function returning nullable value (null if argument is outside piecewise range).
public fun <T : Comparable<T>, C : Ring<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.asFunction(ring: C): (T) -> T? = { substitute(ring, it) }
* Convert this polynomial to a function using [defaultValue] for arguments outside the piecewise range.
public fun <T : Comparable<T>, C : Ring<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.asFunction(ring: C, defaultValue: T): (T) -> T =
{ substitute(ring, it) ?: defaultValue }

@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
* Returns the same degrees' description of the monomial, but without zero degrees.
internal fun Map<Symbol, UInt>.cleanUp() = filterValues { it > 0U }
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(coefs)
val fixedCoefs = LinkedHashMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>(coefs.size)
for (entry in coefs) {
val key = entry.key.cleanUp()
val value = entry.value
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = LinkedHashMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>(pairs.size)
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = LinkedHashMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>(pairs.size)
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to one))
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to constantOne))
//context(LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to constantOne))
public fun <C> C.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this))
internal annotation class LabeledPolynomialConstructorDSL
public class LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder {
private val signature: MutableMap<Symbol, UInt> = LinkedHashMap()
public fun build(): Map<Symbol, UInt> = signature
public infix fun Symbol.inPowerOf(deg: UInt) {
signature[this] = deg
public inline infix fun Symbol.pow(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public inline infix fun Symbol.`in`(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public inline infix fun Symbol.of(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public class LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>(private val zero: C, private val add: (C, C) -> C, capacity: Int = 0) {
private val coefficients: MutableMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C> = LinkedHashMap(capacity)
public fun build(): LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public operator fun C.invoke(block: LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val signature = LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder().apply(block).build()
coefficients[signature] = add(coefficients.getOrElse(signature) { zero }, this@invoke)
public inline infix fun C.with(noinline block: LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit = this.invoke(block)
public inline infix fun (LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit).with(coef: C): Unit = coef.invoke(this)
public infix fun sig(block: LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit): LabeledPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit = block
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(block: LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomialBuilder(zero, ::add).apply(block).build()
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomialBuilder(zero, ::add, capacity).apply(block).build()
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(block: LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomialBuilder(constantZero, { left: C, right: C -> left + right}).apply(block).build()
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: LabeledPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomialBuilder(constantZero, { left: C, right: C -> left + right}, capacity).apply(block).build()
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//context(LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//context(LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())

@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Field
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
// TODO: Docs
* Creates a [LabeledPolynomialSpace] over a received ring.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.labeledPolynomial(): LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A> =
* Creates a [LabeledPolynomialSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.labeledPolynomial(block: LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return LabeledPolynomialSpace(this).block()
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] with names of variables substituted with names from [names].
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.represent(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .toSortedMap()
// .filter { it.value > 0U }
// .map { (variable, deg) ->
// val variableName = names.getOrDefault(variable, variable.toString())
// when (deg) {
// 1U -> variableName
// else -> "$variableName^$deg"
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer].
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.represent(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .toSortedMap()
// .filter { it.value > 0U }
// .map { (variable, deg) ->
// when (deg) {
// 1U -> namer(variable)
// else -> "${namer(variable)}^$deg"
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] with names of variables substituted with names from [names] and with
// * brackets around the string if needed (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.representWithBrackets(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// with(represent(names)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer] and with brackets around the string if needed
// * (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.representWithBrackets(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// with(represent(namer)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] with names of variables substituted with names from [names].
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.representReversed(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .toSortedMap()
// .filter { it.value > 0U }
// .map { (variable, deg) ->
// val variableName = names.getOrDefault(variable, variable.toString())
// when (deg) {
// 1U -> variableName
// else -> "$variableName^$deg"
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer].
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.representReversed(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .toSortedMap()
// .filter { it.value > 0U }
// .map { (variable, deg) ->
// when (deg) {
// 1U -> namer(variable)
// else -> "${namer(variable)}^$deg"
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] with names of variables substituted with names from [names] and with
// * brackets around the string if needed (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.representReversedWithBrackets(names: Map<Symbol, String> = emptyMap()): String =
// with(representReversed(names)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer] and with brackets around the string if needed
// * (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.representReversedWithBrackets(namer: (Symbol) -> String): String =
// with(representReversed(namer)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
//operator fun <T: Field<T>> Polynomial<T>.div(other: T): Polynomial<T> =
// if (other.isZero()) throw ArithmeticException("/ by zero")
// else
// Polynomial(
// coefficients
// .mapValues { it.value / other },
// toCheckInput = false
// )
//public fun <C> LabeledPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, args: Map<Symbol, C>): LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring {
// if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return this@substitute
// LabeledPolynomial<C>(
// buildMap {
// coefficients.forEach { (degs, c) ->
// val newDegs = degs.filterKeys { it !in args }
// val newC = degs.entries.asSequence().filter { it.key in args }.fold(c) { acc, (variable, deg) ->
// multiplyWithPower(acc, args[variable]!!, deg)
// }
// this[newDegs] = if (newDegs in this) this[newDegs]!! + newC else newC
// }
// }
// )
//// TODO: Replace with optimisation: the [result] may be unboxed, and all operations may be performed as soon as
//// possible on it
//fun <C> LabeledPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: Map<Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> =
// ring.labeledPolynomial {
// if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return zero
// coefficients
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, c) ->
// degs.entries
// .asSequence()
// .filter { it.key in arg }
// .fold(LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(degs.filterKeys { it !in arg } to c))) { acc, (index, deg) ->
// multiplyWithPower(acc, arg[index]!!, deg)
// }
// }
// .reduce { acc, polynomial -> acc + polynomial } // TODO: Rewrite. Might be slow.
// }
//// TODO: Substitute rational function
//fun <C, A : Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOver(ring: A): (Map<Symbol, C>) -> LabeledPolynomial<C> =
// { substitute(ring, it) }
//fun <C, A : Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.asPolynomialFunctionOver(ring: A): (Map<Symbol, LabeledPolynomial<C>>) -> LabeledPolynomial<C> =
// { substitute(ring, it) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.derivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Symbol,
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (variable !in degs) return@forEach
buildMap {
degs.forEach { (vari, deg) ->
when {
vari != variable -> put(vari, deg)
deg > 1u -> put(vari, deg - 1u)
multiplyByDoubling(c, degs[variable]!!)
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.derivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variables: Collection<Symbol>,
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val cleanedVariables = variables.toSet()
if (cleanedVariables.isEmpty()) return this@derivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (!degs.keys.containsAll(cleanedVariables)) return@forEach
buildMap {
degs.forEach { (vari, deg) ->
when {
vari !in cleanedVariables -> put(vari, deg)
deg > 1u -> put(vari, deg - 1u)
cleanedVariables.fold(c) { acc, variable -> multiplyByDoubling(acc, degs[variable]!!) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.nthDerivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Symbol,
order: UInt
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
if (order == 0u) return this@nthDerivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u } < order) return@forEach
buildMap {
degs.forEach { (vari, deg) ->
when {
vari != variable -> put(vari, deg)
deg > order -> put(vari, deg - order)
degs[variable]!!.let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(c) { acc, ord -> multiplyByDoubling(acc, ord) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.nthDerivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variablesAndOrders: Map<Symbol, UInt>,
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val filteredVariablesAndOrders = variablesAndOrders.filterValues { it != 0u }
if (filteredVariablesAndOrders.isEmpty()) return this@nthDerivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (filteredVariablesAndOrders.any { (variable, order) -> degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u } < order }) return@forEach
buildMap {
degs.forEach { (vari, deg) ->
if (vari !in filteredVariablesAndOrders) put(vari, deg)
else {
val order = filteredVariablesAndOrders[vari]!!
if (deg > order) put(vari, deg - order)
filteredVariablesAndOrders.entries.fold(c) { acc1, (index, order) ->
degs[index]!!.let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(acc1) { acc2, ord -> multiplyByDoubling(acc2, ord) }
* Returns algebraic antiderivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.antiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Symbol,
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
val newDegs = buildMap<Symbol, UInt>(degs.size + 1) {
put(variable, 1u)
for ((vari, deg) in degs) put(vari, deg + getOrElse(vari) { 0u })
c / multiplyByDoubling(one, newDegs[variable]!!)
* Returns algebraic antiderivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.antiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variables: Collection<Symbol>,
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val cleanedVariables = variables.toSet()
if (cleanedVariables.isEmpty()) return this@antiderivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
val newDegs = buildMap<Symbol, UInt>(degs.size + 1) {
for (variable in cleanedVariables) put(variable, 1u)
for ((vari, deg) in degs) put(vari, deg + getOrElse(vari) { 0u })
cleanedVariables.fold(c) { acc, variable -> acc / multiplyByDoubling(one, newDegs[variable]!!) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Symbol,
order: UInt
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
if (order == 0u) return this@nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
val newDegs = buildMap<Symbol, UInt>(degs.size + 1) {
put(variable, order)
for ((vari, deg) in degs) put(vari, deg + getOrElse(vari) { 0u })
newDegs[variable]!!.let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(c) { acc, ord -> acc / multiplyByDoubling(one, ord) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> LabeledPolynomial<C>.nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variablesAndOrders: Map<Symbol, UInt>,
): LabeledPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val filteredVariablesAndOrders = variablesAndOrders.filterValues { it != 0u }
if (filteredVariablesAndOrders.isEmpty()) return this@nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
val newDegs = buildMap<Symbol, UInt>(degs.size + 1) {
for ((variable, order) in filteredVariablesAndOrders) put(variable, order)
for ((vari, deg) in degs) put(vari, deg + getOrElse(vari) { 0u })
filteredVariablesAndOrders.entries.fold(c) { acc1, (index, order) ->
newDegs[index]!!.let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(acc1) { acc2, ord -> acc2 / multiplyByDoubling(one, ord) }

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
* Creates a [LabeledRationalFunctionSpace] over a received ring.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.labeledRationalFunction(): LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A> =
* Creates a [LabeledRationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.labeledRationalFunction(block: LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return LabeledRationalFunctionSpace(this).block()
//fun <T: Field<T>> LabeledRationalFunction<T>.reduced(): LabeledRationalFunction<T> {
// val greatestCommonDivider = polynomialGCD(numerator, denominator)
// return LabeledRationalFunction(
// numerator / greatestCommonDivider,
// denominator / greatestCommonDivider
// )

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
* Returns the same degrees' description of the monomial, but without extra zero degrees on the end.
internal fun List<UInt>.cleanUp() = subList(0, indexOfLast { it != 0U } + 1)
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefs)
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in coefs) {
val key = entry.key.cleanUp()
val value = entry.value
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C> C.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this))
internal annotation class NumberedPolynomialConstructorDSL
public class NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder {
private val signature: MutableList<UInt> = ArrayList()
public fun build(): List<UInt> = signature
public infix fun Int.inPowerOf(deg: UInt) {
if (this > signature.lastIndex) {
signature.addAll(List(this - signature.lastIndex - 1) { 0u })
} else {
signature[this] = deg
public inline infix fun Int.pow(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public inline infix fun Int.`in`(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public inline infix fun Int.of(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public class NumberedPolynomialBuilder<C>(private val zero: C, private val add: (C, C) -> C, capacity: Int = 0) {
private val coefficients: MutableMap<List<UInt>, C> = LinkedHashMap(capacity)
public fun build(): NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public operator fun C.invoke(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val signature = NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder().apply(block).build()
coefficients[signature] = add(coefficients.getOrElse(signature) { zero }, this@invoke)
public inline infix fun C.with(noinline block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit = this.invoke(block)
public inline infix fun (NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit).with(coef: C): Unit = coef.invoke(this)
public infix fun sig(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit): NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit = block
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilder(zero, ::add).apply(block).build()
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: NumberedPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilder(zero, ::add, capacity).apply(block).build()
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilder(constantZero, { left: C, right: C -> left + right}).apply(block).build()
public inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: NumberedPolynomialBuilder<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilder(constantZero, { left: C, right: C -> left + right}, capacity).apply(block).build()
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction<C>(numerator, NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asNumberedRationalFunction() : NumberedRationalFunction<C> = NumberedRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//context(NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asNumberedRationalFunction() : NumberedRationalFunction<C> = NumberedRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())

@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import kotlin.contracts.*
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.math.max
// TODO: Docs
* Creates a [NumberedPolynomialSpace] over a received ring.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.numberedPolynomial(): NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A> =
* Creates a [NumberedPolynomialSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.numberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return NumberedPolynomialSpace(this).block()
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] where name of variable with index `i` is [withVariableName] + `"_${i+1}"`.
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.represent(withVariableName: String = NumberedPolynomial.defaultVariableName): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .mapIndexed { index, deg ->
// when (deg) {
// 0U -> ""
// 1U -> "${withVariableName}_${index+1}"
// else -> "${withVariableName}_${index+1}^$deg"
// }
// }
// .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer].
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.represent(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .mapIndexed { index, deg ->
// when (deg) {
// 0U -> ""
// 1U -> namer(index)
// else -> "${namer(index)}^$deg"
// }
// }
// .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] where name of variable with index `i` is [withVariableName] + `"_${i+1}"`
// * and with brackets around the string if needed (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.representWithBrackets(withVariableName: String = NumberedPolynomial.defaultVariableName): String =
// with(represent(withVariableName)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer] and with brackets around the string if needed
// * (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.representWithBrackets(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// with(represent(namer)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] where name of variable with index `i` is [withVariableName] + `"_${i+1}"`.
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.representReversed(withVariableName: String = NumberedPolynomial.defaultVariableName): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .mapIndexed { index, deg ->
// when (deg) {
// 0U -> ""
// 1U -> "${withVariableName}_${index+1}"
// else -> "${withVariableName}_${index+1}^$deg"
// }
// }
// .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer].
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.representReversed(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// coefficients.entries
// .sortedWith { o1, o2 ->, o2.key) }
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, t) ->
// if (degs.isEmpty()) "$t"
// else {
// when {
// t.isOne() -> ""
// t.isMinusOne() -> "-"
// else -> "$t "
// } +
// degs
// .mapIndexed { index, deg ->
// when (deg) {
// 0U -> ""
// 1U -> namer(index)
// else -> "${namer(index)}^$deg"
// }
// }
// .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
// .joinToString(separator = " ") { it }
// }
// }
// .joinToString(separator = " + ") { it }
// .ifEmpty { "0" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] where name of variable with index `i` is [withVariableName] + `"_${i+1}"`
// * and with brackets around the string if needed (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.representReversedWithBrackets(withVariableName: String = NumberedPolynomial.defaultVariableName): String =
// with(representReversed(withVariableName)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
// * Represents the polynomial as a [String] naming variables by [namer] and with brackets around the string if needed
// * (i.e. when there are at least two addends in the representation).
// * Consider that monomials are sorted in **reversed** lexicographic order.
// */
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.representReversedWithBrackets(namer: (Int) -> String): String =
// with(representReversed(namer)) { if (coefficients.count() == 1) this else "($this)" }
//public fun <C> NumberedPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, args: Map<Int, C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring {
// if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return this@substitute
// NumberedPolynomial<C>(
// buildMap {
// coefficients.forEach { (degs, c) ->
// val newDegs = degs.mapIndexed { index, deg -> if (index in args) 0U else deg }.cleanUp()
// val newC = degs.foldIndexed(c) { index, acc, deg ->
// if (index in args) multiplyWithPower(acc, args[index]!!, deg)
// else acc
// }
// this[newDegs] = if (newDegs in this) this[newDegs]!! + newC else newC
// }
// }
// )
//// TODO: Replace with optimisation: the [result] may be unboxed, and all operations may be performed as soon as
//// possible on it
//public fun <C> NumberedPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> =
// ring.numberedPolynomialSpace {
// if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return zero
// coefficients
// .asSequence()
// .map { (degs, c) ->
// degs.foldIndexed(
// NumberedPolynomial(
// degs.mapIndexed { index, deg -> if (index in arg) 0U else deg } to c
// )
// ) { index, acc, deg -> if (index in arg) multiplyWithPower(acc, arg[index]!!, deg) else acc }
// }
// .reduce { acc, polynomial -> acc + polynomial } // TODO: Rewrite. Might be slow.
// }
//// TODO: Substitute rational function
//public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOver(ring: A): (Map<Int, C>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> =
// { substitute(ring, it) }
//public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.asPolynomialFunctionOver(ring: A): (Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> =
// { substitute(ring, it) }
//operator fun <T: Field<T>> Polynomial<T>.div(other: T): Polynomial<T> =
// if (other.isZero()) throw ArithmeticException("/ by zero")
// else
// Polynomial(
// coefficients
// .mapValues { it.value / other },
// toCheckInput = false
// )
* Evaluates the value of the given double polynomial for given double argument.
public fun NumberedPolynomial<Double>.substitute(args: Map<Int, Double>): NumberedPolynomial<Double> = Double.algebra {
val acc = LinkedHashMap<List<UInt>, Double>(coefficients.size)
for ((degs, c) in coefficients) {
val newDegs = degs.mapIndexed { index, deg -> if (index !in args) deg else 0u }.cleanUp()
val newC = args.entries.fold(c) { product, (variable, substitution) ->
val deg = degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u }
if (deg == 0u) product else product * substitution.pow(deg.toInt())
if (newDegs !in acc) acc[newDegs] = newC
else acc[newDegs] = acc[newDegs]!! + newC
return NumberedPolynomial<Double>(acc)
* Evaluates the value of the given polynomial for given argument.
* It is an implementation of [Horner's method](
public fun <C> NumberedPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, args: Map<Int, C>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring {
val acc = LinkedHashMap<List<UInt>, C>(coefficients.size)
for ((degs, c) in coefficients) {
val newDegs = degs.mapIndexed { index, deg -> if (index !in args) deg else 0u }.cleanUp()
val newC = args.entries.fold(c) { product, (variable, substitution) ->
val deg = degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u }
if (deg == 0u) product else product * power(substitution, deg)
if (newDegs !in acc) acc[newDegs] = newC
else acc[newDegs] = acc[newDegs]!! + newC
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(acc)
// TODO: (Waiting for hero) Replace with optimisation: the [result] may be unboxed, and all operations may be performed
// as soon as possible on it
public fun <C> NumberedPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, args: Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = TODO() /*ring.numberedPolynomial {
val acc = LinkedHashMap<List<UInt>, NumberedPolynomial<C>>(coefficients.size)
for ((degs, c) in coefficients) {
val newDegs = degs.mapIndexed { index, deg -> if (index !in args) deg else 0u }.cleanUp()
val newC = args.entries.fold(c.asNumberedPolynomial()) { product, (variable, substitution) ->
val deg = degs.getOrElse(variable) { 0u }
if (deg == 0u) product else product * power(substitution, deg)
if (newDegs !in acc) acc[newDegs] = c.asNumberedPolynomial()
else acc[newDegs] = acc[newDegs]!! + c
* Represent the polynomial as a regular context-less function.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.asFunction(ring: A): (Map<Int, C>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> = { substitute(ring, it) }
* Represent the polynomial as a regular context-less function.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.asPolynomialFunctionOver(ring: A): (Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>) -> NumberedPolynomial<C> = { substitute(ring, it) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.derivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Int,
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (degs.size > variable) return@forEach
degs.mapIndexed { index, deg ->
when {
index != variable -> deg
deg > 0u -> deg - 1u
else -> return@forEach
multiplyByDoubling(c, degs[variable])
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.derivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variables: Collection<Int>,
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val cleanedVariables = variables.toSet()
if (cleanedVariables.isEmpty()) return this@derivativeWithRespectTo
val maxRespectedVariable = cleanedVariables.maxOrNull()!!
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (degs.size > maxRespectedVariable) return@forEach
degs.mapIndexed { index, deg ->
when {
index !in cleanedVariables -> deg
deg > 0u -> deg - 1u
else -> return@forEach
cleanedVariables.fold(c) { acc, variable -> multiplyByDoubling(acc, degs[variable]) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.nthDerivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Int,
order: UInt
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
if (order == 0u) return this@nthDerivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (degs.size > variable) return@forEach
degs.mapIndexed { index, deg ->
when {
index != variable -> deg
deg >= order -> deg - order
else -> return@forEach
degs[variable].let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(c) { acc, ord -> multiplyByDoubling(acc, ord) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.nthDerivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variablesAndOrders: Map<Int, UInt>,
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val filteredVariablesAndOrders = variablesAndOrders.filterValues { it != 0u }
if (filteredVariablesAndOrders.isEmpty()) return this@nthDerivativeWithRespectTo
val maxRespectedVariable = filteredVariablesAndOrders.keys.maxOrNull()!!
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
if (degs.size > maxRespectedVariable) return@forEach
degs.mapIndexed { index, deg ->
if (index !in filteredVariablesAndOrders) return@mapIndexed deg
val order = filteredVariablesAndOrders[index]!!
if (deg >= order) deg - order else return@forEach
filteredVariablesAndOrders.entries.fold(c) { acc1, (index, order) ->
degs[index].let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(acc1) { acc2, ord -> multiplyByDoubling(acc2, ord) }
* Returns algebraic antiderivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.antiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Int,
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
List(max(variable + 1, degs.size)) { if (it != variable) degs[it] else degs[it] + 1u },
c / multiplyByDoubling(one, degs[variable])
* Returns algebraic antiderivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.antiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variables: Collection<Int>,
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val cleanedVariables = variables.toSet()
if (cleanedVariables.isEmpty()) return this@antiderivativeWithRespectTo
val maxRespectedVariable = cleanedVariables.maxOrNull()!!
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
List(max(maxRespectedVariable + 1, degs.size)) { if (it !in variables) degs[it] else degs[it] + 1u },
cleanedVariables.fold(c) { acc, variable -> acc / multiplyByDoubling(one, degs[variable]) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variable: Int,
order: UInt
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
if (order == 0u) return this@nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
List(max(variable + 1, degs.size)) { if (it != variable) degs[it] else degs[it] + order },
degs[variable].let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(c) { acc, ord -> acc / multiplyByDoubling(one, ord) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A : Field<C>> NumberedPolynomial<C>.nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo(
algebra: A,
variablesAndOrders: Map<Int, UInt>,
): NumberedPolynomial<C> = algebra {
val filteredVariablesAndOrders = variablesAndOrders.filterValues { it != 0u }
if (filteredVariablesAndOrders.isEmpty()) return this@nthAntiderivativeWithRespectTo
val maxRespectedVariable = filteredVariablesAndOrders.keys.maxOrNull()!!
buildMap(coefficients.size) {
.forEach { (degs, c) ->
List(max(maxRespectedVariable + 1, degs.size)) { degs[it] + filteredVariablesAndOrders.getOrElse(it) { 0u } },
filteredVariablesAndOrders.entries.fold(c) { acc1, (index, order) ->
degs[index].let { deg ->
(deg downTo deg - order + 1u)
.fold(acc1) { acc2, ord -> acc2 / multiplyByDoubling(one, ord) }

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
* Creates a [NumberedRationalFunctionSpace] over a received ring.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.numberedRationalFunction(): NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A> =
* Creates a [NumberedRationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.numberedRationalFunction(block: NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return NumberedRationalFunctionSpace(this).block()
//fun <T: Field<T>> NumberedRationalFunction<T>.reduced(): NumberedRationalFunction<T> {
// val greatestCommonDivider = polynomialGCD(numerator, denominator)
// return NumberedRationalFunction(
// numerator / greatestCommonDivider,
// denominator / greatestCommonDivider
// )

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.integration
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PiecewisePolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.integrate
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.antiderivative
import space.kscience.kmath.interpolation.PolynomialInterpolator
import space.kscience.kmath.interpolation.SplineInterpolator
import space.kscience.kmath.interpolation.interpolatePolynomials
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.PerformancePitfall
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.DoubleBuffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBufferFactory
* Compute analytical indefinite integral of this [PiecewisePolynomial], keeping all intervals intact
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.integrate(algebra: Field<T>): PiecewisePolynomial<T> =
PiecewisePolynomial( { it.first to it.second.antiderivative(algebra) })
* Compute definite integral of given [PiecewisePolynomial] piece by piece in a given [range]
* Requires [UnivariateIntegrationNodes] or [IntegrationRange] and [IntegrandMaxCalls]
* TODO use context receiver for algebra
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PiecewisePolynomial<T>.integrate(
algebra: Field<T>, range: ClosedRange<T>,
): T = algebra.sum( { (region, poly) ->
val intersectedRange = maxOf(range.start, region.start)..minOf(range.endInclusive, region.endInclusive)
//Check if polynomial range is not used
if (intersectedRange.start == intersectedRange.endInclusive)
else poly.integrate(algebra, intersectedRange)
* A generic spline-interpolation-based analytic integration
* * [IntegrationRange]&mdash;the univariate range of integration. By default, uses `0..1` interval.
* * [IntegrandMaxCalls]&mdash;the maximum number of function calls during integration. For non-iterative rules, always uses
* the maximum number of points. By default, uses 10 points.
public class SplineIntegrator<T : Comparable<T>>(
public val algebra: Field<T>,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
) : UnivariateIntegrator<T> {
override fun process(integrand: UnivariateIntegrand<T>): UnivariateIntegrand<T> = algebra {
val range = integrand.getFeature<IntegrationRange>()?.range ?: 0.0..1.0
val interpolator: PolynomialInterpolator<T> = SplineInterpolator(algebra, bufferFactory)
val nodes: Buffer<Double> = integrand.getFeature<UnivariateIntegrationNodes>()?.nodes ?: run {
val numPoints = integrand.getFeature<IntegrandMaxCalls>()?.maxCalls ?: 100
val step = (range.endInclusive - range.start) / (numPoints - 1)
DoubleBuffer(numPoints) { i -> range.start + i * step }
val values = { integrand.function(it) }
val polynomials = interpolator.interpolatePolynomials( { number(it) },
val res = polynomials.integrate(algebra, number(range.start)..number(range.endInclusive))
integrand + IntegrandValue(res) + IntegrandCallsPerformed(integrand.calls + nodes.size)
* A simplified double-based spline-interpolation-based analytic integration
* * [IntegrationRange]&mdash;the univariate range of integration. By default, uses `0.0..1.0` interval.
* * [IntegrandMaxCalls]&mdash;the maximum number of function calls during integration. For non-iterative rules, always
* uses the maximum number of points. By default, uses 10 points.
public object DoubleSplineIntegrator : UnivariateIntegrator<Double> {
override fun process(integrand: UnivariateIntegrand<Double>): UnivariateIntegrand<Double> {
val range = integrand.getFeature<IntegrationRange>()?.range ?: 0.0..1.0
val interpolator: PolynomialInterpolator<Double> = SplineInterpolator(DoubleField, ::DoubleBuffer)
val nodes: Buffer<Double> = integrand.getFeature<UnivariateIntegrationNodes>()?.nodes ?: run {
val numPoints = integrand.getFeature<IntegrandMaxCalls>()?.maxCalls ?: 100
val step = (range.endInclusive - range.start) / (numPoints - 1)
DoubleBuffer(numPoints) { i -> range.start + i * step }
val values = { integrand.function(it) }
val polynomials = interpolator.interpolatePolynomials(nodes, values)
val res = polynomials.integrate(DoubleField, range)
return integrand + IntegrandValue(res) + IntegrandCallsPerformed(integrand.calls + nodes.size)
public inline val DoubleField.splineIntegrator: UnivariateIntegrator<Double>
get() = DoubleSplineIntegrator

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PiecewisePolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.asFunction
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.substitute
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.asBuffer
* And interpolator for data with x column type [X], y column type [Y].
public fun interface Interpolator<T, in X : T, Y : T> {
public fun interpolate(points: XYColumnarData<T, X, Y>): (X) -> Y
* And interpolator returning [PiecewisePolynomial] function
public interface PolynomialInterpolator<T : Comparable<T>> : Interpolator<T, T, T> {
public val algebra: Ring<T>
public fun getDefaultValue(): T = error("Out of bounds")
public fun interpolatePolynomials(points: XYColumnarData<T, T, T>): PiecewisePolynomial<T>
override fun interpolate(points: XYColumnarData<T, T, T>): (T) -> T = { x ->
interpolatePolynomials(points).substitute(algebra, x) ?: getDefaultValue()
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolatePolynomials(
x: Buffer<T>,
y: Buffer<T>,
): PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
val pointSet = XYColumnarData.of(x, y)
return interpolatePolynomials(pointSet)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolatePolynomials(
data: Map<T, T>,
): PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
val pointSet = XYColumnarData.of(data.keys.toList().asBuffer(), data.values.toList().asBuffer())
return interpolatePolynomials(pointSet)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolatePolynomials(
data: List<Pair<T, T>>,
): PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
val pointSet = XYColumnarData.of( { it.first }.asBuffer(), { it.second }.asBuffer())
return interpolatePolynomials(pointSet)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolate(
x: Buffer<T>,
y: Buffer<T>,
): (T) -> T? = interpolatePolynomials(x, y).asFunction(algebra)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolate(
data: Map<T, T>,
): (T) -> T? = interpolatePolynomials(data).asFunction(algebra)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolate(
data: List<Pair<T, T>>,
): (T) -> T? = interpolatePolynomials(data).asFunction(algebra)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolate(
x: Buffer<T>,
y: Buffer<T>,
defaultValue: T,
): (T) -> T = interpolatePolynomials(x, y).asFunction(algebra, defaultValue)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolate(
data: Map<T, T>,
defaultValue: T,
): (T) -> T = interpolatePolynomials(data).asFunction(algebra, defaultValue)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PolynomialInterpolator<T>.interpolate(
data: List<Pair<T, T>>,
defaultValue: T,
): (T) -> T = interpolatePolynomials(data).asFunction(algebra, defaultValue)

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PiecewisePolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Field
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
internal fun <T : Comparable<T>> insureSorted(points: XYColumnarData<*, T, *>) {
for (i in 0 until points.size - 1)
require(points.x[i + 1] > points.x[i]) { "Input data is not sorted at index $i" }
* Reference JVM implementation:
public class LinearInterpolator<T : Comparable<T>>(override val algebra: Field<T>) : PolynomialInterpolator<T> {
override fun interpolatePolynomials(points: XYColumnarData<T, T, T>): PiecewisePolynomial<T> = algebra {
require(points.size > 0) { "Point array should not be empty" }
PiecewisePolynomial(points.x[0]) {
for (i in 0 until points.size - 1) {
val slope = (points.y[i + 1] - points.y[i]) / (points.x[i + 1] - points.x[i])
val const = points.y[i] - slope * points.x[i]
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(const, slope)
putRight(points.x[i + 1], polynomial)
public val <T : Comparable<T>> Field<T>.linearInterpolator: LinearInterpolator<T>
get() = LinearInterpolator(this)

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PiecewisePolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Field
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.DoubleBuffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBufferFactory
* Generic spline interpolator. Not recommended for performance critical places, use platform-specific and type
* specific ones.
* Based on
public class SplineInterpolator<T : Comparable<T>>(
override val algebra: Field<T>,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
) : PolynomialInterpolator<T> {
//TODO possibly optimize zeroed buffers
override fun interpolatePolynomials(points: XYColumnarData<T, T, T>): PiecewisePolynomial<T> = algebra {
require(points.size >= 3) { "Can't use spline interpolator with less than 3 points" }
// Number of intervals. The number of data points is n + 1.
val n = points.size - 1
// Differences between knot points
val h = bufferFactory(n) { i -> points.x[i + 1] - points.x[i] }
val mu = bufferFactory(n) { zero }
val z = bufferFactory(n + 1) { zero }
for (i in 1 until n) {
val g = 2.0 * (points.x[i + 1] - points.x[i - 1]) - h[i - 1] * mu[i - 1]
mu[i] = h[i] / g
z[i] =
((points.y[i + 1] * h[i - 1] - points.y[i] * (points.x[i + 1] - points.x[i - 1]) + points.y[i - 1] * h[i]) * 3.0 /
(h[i - 1] * h[i]) - h[i - 1] * z[i - 1]) / g
// cubic spline coefficients -- b is linear, c quadratic, d is cubic (original y's are constants)
PiecewisePolynomial(points.x[points.size - 1]) {
var cOld = zero
for (j in n - 1 downTo 0) {
val c = z[j] - mu[j] * cOld
val a = points.y[j]
val b = (points.y[j + 1] - points.y[j]) / h[j] - h[j] * (cOld + 2.0 * c) / 3.0
val d = (cOld - c) / (3.0 * h[j])
val x0 = points.x[j]
val x02 = x0 * x0
val x03 = x02 * x0
//Shift coefficients to represent absolute polynomial instead of one with an offset
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(
a - b * x0 + c * x02 - d * x03,
b - 2 * c * x0 + 3 * d * x02,
c - 3 * d * x0,
cOld = c
putLeft(x0, polynomial)
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> Field<T>.splineInterpolator(
bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
): SplineInterpolator<T> = SplineInterpolator(this, bufferFactory)
public val DoubleField.splineInterpolator: SplineInterpolator<Double>
get() = SplineInterpolator(this, ::DoubleBuffer)

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.integration
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.integrate
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.sin
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class SplineIntegralTest {
fun integratePolynomial(){
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
val integral = polynomial.integrate(DoubleField,1.0..2.0)
assertEquals(11.0, integral, 0.001)
fun gaussSin() {
val res = DoubleField.splineIntegrator.integrate(0.0..2 * PI, IntegrandMaxCalls(5)) { x ->
assertEquals(0.0, res.value, 1e-2)
fun gaussUniform() {
val res = DoubleField.splineIntegrator.integrate(35.0..100.0, IntegrandMaxCalls(20)) { x ->
if(x in 30.0..50.0){
} else {
assertEquals(15.0, res.value, 0.5)

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class LinearInterpolatorTest {
fun testInterpolation() {
val data = listOf(
0.0 to 0.0,
1.0 to 1.0,
2.0 to 3.0,
3.0 to 4.0
//val polynomial: PiecewisePolynomial<Double> = DoubleField.linearInterpolator.interpolatePolynomials(data)
val function = DoubleField.linearInterpolator.interpolate(data)
assertEquals(null, function(-1.0))
assertEquals(0.5, function(0.5))
assertEquals(2.0, function(1.5))
assertEquals(3.0, function(2.0))

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.sin
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class SplineInterpolatorTest {
fun testInterpolation() {
val data = (0..10).map {
val x = it.toDouble() / 5 * PI
x to sin(x)
//val polynomial: PiecewisePolynomial<Double> = DoubleField.splineInterpolator.interpolatePolynomials(data)
val function = DoubleField.splineInterpolator.interpolate(data, Double.NaN)
assertEquals(Double.NaN, function(-1.0))
assertEquals(sin(0.5), function(0.5), 0.1)
assertEquals(sin(1.5), function(1.5), 0.1)
assertEquals(sin(2.0), function(2.0), 0.1)

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.test.misc
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomialSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
class IntModulo {
val residue: Int
val modulus: Int
internal constructor(residue: Int, modulus: Int, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) {
if (toCheckInput) {
require(modulus != 0) { "modulus can not be zero" }
this.modulus = if (modulus < 0) -modulus else modulus
this.residue = residue.mod(modulus)
} else {
this.residue = residue
this.modulus = modulus
constructor(residue: Int, modulus: Int) : this(residue, modulus, true)
operator fun unaryPlus(): IntModulo = this
operator fun unaryMinus(): IntModulo =
if (residue == 0) 0 else modulus - residue,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun plus(other: IntModulo): IntModulo {
require(modulus == other.modulus) { "can not add two residue different modulo" }
return IntModulo(
(residue + other.residue) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun plus(other: Int): IntModulo =
(residue + other) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun minus(other: IntModulo): IntModulo {
require(modulus == other.modulus) { "can not subtract two residue different modulo" }
return IntModulo(
(residue - other.residue) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun minus(other: Int): IntModulo =
(residue - other) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun times(other: IntModulo): IntModulo {
require(modulus == other.modulus) { "can not multiply two residue different modulo" }
return IntModulo(
(residue * other.residue) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun times(other: Int): IntModulo =
(residue * other) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun div(other: IntModulo): IntModulo {
require(modulus == other.modulus) { "can not divide two residue different modulo" }
val (reciprocalCandidate, gcdOfOtherResidueAndModulus) = bezoutIdentityWithGCD(other.residue, modulus)
require(gcdOfOtherResidueAndModulus == 1) { "can not divide to residue that has non-trivial GCD with modulo" }
return IntModulo(
(residue * reciprocalCandidate) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
operator fun div(other: Int): IntModulo {
val (reciprocalCandidate, gcdOfOtherResidueAndModulus) = bezoutIdentityWithGCD(other, modulus)
require(gcdOfOtherResidueAndModulus == 1) { "can not divide to residue that has non-trivial GCD with modulo" }
return IntModulo(
(residue * reciprocalCandidate) % modulus,
toCheckInput = false
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
when (other) {
is IntModulo -> residue == other.residue && modulus == other.modulus
else -> false
override fun hashCode(): Int = residue.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = "$residue mod $modulus"
class IntModuloRing : Ring<IntModulo> {
val modulus: Int
constructor(modulus: Int) {
require(modulus != 0) { "modulus can not be zero" }
this.modulus = if (modulus < 0) -modulus else modulus
override inline val zero: IntModulo get() = IntModulo(0, modulus, toCheckInput = false)
override inline val one: IntModulo get() = IntModulo(1, modulus, toCheckInput = false)
fun number(arg: Int) = IntModulo(arg, modulus, toCheckInput = false)
override inline fun add(left: IntModulo, right: IntModulo): IntModulo = left + right
override inline fun multiply(left: IntModulo, right: IntModulo): IntModulo = left * right
override inline fun IntModulo.unaryMinus(): IntModulo = -this
override inline fun IntModulo): IntModulo = this + arg
override inline fun IntModulo.minus(arg: IntModulo): IntModulo = this - arg
override inline fun IntModulo.times(arg: IntModulo): IntModulo = this * arg
inline fun IntModulo.div(arg: IntModulo): IntModulo = this / arg
fun ListPolynomialSpace<IntModulo, IntModuloRing>.number(arg: Int) = IntModulo(arg, ring.modulus, toCheckInput = false)
fun ListPolynomialSpace<IntModulo, IntModuloRing>.ListPolynomial(vararg coefs: Int): ListPolynomial<IntModulo> =
ListPolynomial( { IntModulo(it, ring.modulus) })
fun IntModuloRing.ListPolynomial(vararg coefs: Int): ListPolynomial<IntModulo> =
ListPolynomial( { IntModulo(it, modulus) })

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.test.misc
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Field
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.NumbersAddOps
class Rational {
companion object {
val ZERO: Rational = Rational(0L)
val ONE: Rational = Rational(1L)
val numerator: Long
val denominator: Long
internal constructor(numerator: Long, denominator: Long, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) {
if (toCheckInput) {
if (denominator == 0L) throw ArithmeticException("/ by zero")
val greatestCommonDivider = gcd(numerator, denominator).let { if (denominator < 0L) -it else it }
this.numerator = numerator / greatestCommonDivider
this.denominator = denominator / greatestCommonDivider
} else {
this.numerator = numerator
this.denominator = denominator
constructor(numerator: Int, denominator: Int) : this(numerator.toLong(), denominator.toLong(), true)
constructor(numerator: Int, denominator: Long) : this(numerator.toLong(), denominator, true)
constructor(numerator: Long, denominator: Int) : this(numerator, denominator.toLong(), true)
constructor(numerator: Long, denominator: Long) : this(numerator, denominator, true)
constructor(numerator: Int) : this(numerator.toLong(), 1L, false)
constructor(numerator: Long) : this(numerator, 1L, false)
operator fun unaryPlus(): Rational = this
operator fun unaryMinus(): Rational = Rational(-this.numerator, this.denominator)
operator fun plus(other: Rational): Rational =
numerator * other.denominator + denominator * other.numerator,
denominator * other.denominator
operator fun plus(other: Int): Rational =
numerator + denominator * other.toLong(),
operator fun plus(other: Long): Rational =
numerator + denominator * other,
operator fun minus(other: Rational): Rational =
numerator * other.denominator - denominator * other.numerator,
denominator * other.denominator
operator fun minus(other: Int): Rational =
numerator - denominator * other.toLong(),
operator fun minus(other: Long): Rational =
numerator - denominator * other,
operator fun times(other: Rational): Rational =
numerator * other.numerator,
denominator * other.denominator
operator fun times(other: Int): Rational =
numerator * other.toLong(),
operator fun times(other: Long): Rational =
numerator * other,
operator fun div(other: Rational): Rational =
numerator * other.denominator,
denominator * other.numerator
operator fun div(other: Int): Rational =
denominator * other.toLong()
operator fun div(other: Long): Rational =
denominator * other
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
when (other) {
is Rational -> numerator == other.numerator && denominator == other.denominator
is Int -> numerator == other && denominator == 1L
is Long -> numerator == other && denominator == 1L
else -> false
override fun hashCode(): Int = 31 * numerator.hashCode() + denominator.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = if (denominator == 1L) "$numerator" else "$numerator/$denominator"
object RationalField : Field<Rational>, NumbersAddOps<Rational> {
override inline val zero: Rational get() = Rational.ZERO
override inline val one: Rational get() = Rational.ONE
override inline fun number(value: Number): Rational = Rational(value.toLong())
override inline fun add(left: Rational, right: Rational): Rational = left + right
override inline fun multiply(left: Rational, right: Rational): Rational = left * right
override inline fun divide(left: Rational, right: Rational): Rational = left / right
override inline fun scale(a: Rational, value: Double): Rational = a * number(value)
override inline fun Rational.unaryMinus(): Rational = -this
override inline fun Rational): Rational = this + arg
override inline fun Rational.minus(arg: Rational): Rational = this - arg
override inline fun Rational.times(arg: Rational): Rational = this * arg
override inline fun Rational.div(arg: Rational): Rational = this / arg

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.test.misc
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
class RationalWithMemorization private constructor(
val value: Rational,
override val memory : OperationsMemory
): WithMemorization {
companion object {
* Constant containing the zero (the additive identity) of the [Rational] field.
public val ZERO: RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(Rational.ZERO, object : Endpoint {})
* Constant containing the one (the multiplicative identity) of the [Rational] field.
public val ONE: RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(Rational.ONE, object : Endpoint {})
constructor(numerator: Int, denominator: Int) : this(Rational(numerator, denominator), object : Endpoint {})
constructor(numerator: Int, denominator: Long) : this(Rational(numerator, denominator), object : Endpoint {})
constructor(numerator: Long, denominator: Int) : this(Rational(numerator, denominator), object : Endpoint {})
constructor(numerator: Long, denominator: Long) : this(Rational(numerator, denominator), object : Endpoint {})
constructor(numerator: Int) : this(Rational(numerator), object : Endpoint {})
constructor(numerator: Long) : this(Rational(numerator), object : Endpoint {})
operator fun unaryPlus(): RationalWithMemorization = this
operator fun unaryMinus(): RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(
object : Negation {
override val negated: OperationsMemory = memory
operator fun plus(other: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(
value + other.value,
object : Sum {
override val augend: OperationsMemory = memory
override val addend: OperationsMemory = other.memory
operator fun minus(other: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(
value - other.value,
object : Difference {
override val minuend: OperationsMemory = memory
override val subtrahend: OperationsMemory = other.memory
operator fun times(other: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(
value * other.value,
object : Product {
override val multiplicand: OperationsMemory = memory
override val multiplier: OperationsMemory = other.memory
operator fun div(other: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(
value / other.value,
object : Quotient {
override val dividend: OperationsMemory = memory
override val divisor: OperationsMemory = other.memory
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other is RationalWithMemorization && value == other.value
override fun hashCode(): Int = value.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
object RationalWithMemorizationRing : Ring<RationalWithMemorization> {
override inline val zero: RationalWithMemorization get() = RationalWithMemorization.ZERO
override inline val one: RationalWithMemorization get() = RationalWithMemorization.ONE
override inline fun add(left: RationalWithMemorization, right: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = left + right
override inline fun multiply(left: RationalWithMemorization, right: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = left * right
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.unaryMinus(): RationalWithMemorization = -this
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this + arg
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.minus(arg: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this - arg
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.times(arg: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this * arg
object RationalWithMemorizationField : Field<RationalWithMemorization> {
override inline val zero: RationalWithMemorization get() = RationalWithMemorization.ZERO
override inline val one: RationalWithMemorization get() = RationalWithMemorization.ONE
override inline fun number(value: Number): RationalWithMemorization = RationalWithMemorization(value.toLong())
override inline fun add(left: RationalWithMemorization, right: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = left + right
override inline fun multiply(left: RationalWithMemorization, right: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = left * right
override inline fun divide(left: RationalWithMemorization, right: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = left / right
override inline fun scale(a: RationalWithMemorization, value: Double): RationalWithMemorization = a * number(value)
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.unaryMinus(): RationalWithMemorization = -this
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this + arg
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.minus(arg: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this - arg
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.times(arg: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this * arg
override inline fun RationalWithMemorization.div(arg: RationalWithMemorization): RationalWithMemorization = this / arg

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.test.misc
sealed interface OperationsMemory
interface Endpoint: OperationsMemory
interface Negation: OperationsMemory {
val negated: OperationsMemory
interface Sum: OperationsMemory {
val augend: OperationsMemory
val addend: OperationsMemory
interface Difference: OperationsMemory {
val minuend: OperationsMemory
val subtrahend: OperationsMemory
interface Product: OperationsMemory {
val multiplicand: OperationsMemory
val multiplier: OperationsMemory
interface Quotient: OperationsMemory {
val dividend: OperationsMemory
val divisor: OperationsMemory
fun equalMemories(one: OperationsMemory, other: OperationsMemory) : Boolean =
when(one) {
is Negation -> other is Negation && equalMemories(one.negated, other.negated)
is Sum -> other is Sum && equalMemories(one.augend, other.augend) && equalMemories(one.addend, other.addend)
is Difference -> other is Difference && equalMemories(one.minuend, other.minuend) && equalMemories(one.subtrahend, other.subtrahend)
is Product -> other is Product && equalMemories(one.multiplicand, other.multiplicand) && equalMemories(one.multiplier, other.multiplier)
is Quotient -> other is Quotient && equalMemories(one.dividend, other.dividend) && equalMemories(one.divisor, other.divisor)
is Endpoint -> one === other
interface WithMemorization {
val memory: OperationsMemory
fun equalMemories(one: WithMemorization, other: WithMemorization) : Boolean = equalMemories(one.memory, other.memory)

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.test.misc
// TODO: Move to corresponding module "kmath-number-theory"
import kotlin.math.abs
data class BezoutIdentityWithGCD<T>(val first: T, val second: T, val gcd: T)
tailrec fun gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (a == 0L) abs(b) else gcd(b % a, a)
fun bezoutIdentityWithGCD(a: Int, b: Int): BezoutIdentityWithGCD<Int> =
when {
a < 0 && b < 0 -> with(bezoutIdentityWithGCDInternalLogic(-a, -b, 1, 0, 0, 1)) { BezoutIdentityWithGCD(-first, -second, gcd) }
a < 0 -> with(bezoutIdentityWithGCDInternalLogic(-a, b, 1, 0, 0, 1)) { BezoutIdentityWithGCD(-first, second, gcd) }
b < 0 -> with(bezoutIdentityWithGCDInternalLogic(a, -b, 1, 0, 0, 1)) { BezoutIdentityWithGCD(first, -second, gcd) }
else -> bezoutIdentityWithGCDInternalLogic(a, b, 1, 0, 0, 1)
internal tailrec fun bezoutIdentityWithGCDInternalLogic(a: Int, b: Int, m1: Int, m2: Int, m3: Int, m4: Int): BezoutIdentityWithGCD<Int> =
if (b == 0) BezoutIdentityWithGCD(m1, m3, a)
else {
val quotient = a / b
val reminder = a % b
bezoutIdentityWithGCDInternalLogic(b, reminder, m2, m1 - quotient * m2, m4, m3 - quotient * m4)