import cmd import threading from queue import Queue from functools import reduce from typing import Collection, Any, Optional from controls.device import ActionDescriptor, DeviceError from controls.either import Either, Left, Right from equipment.turtle_device import TurtleDevice def select(fr: Collection[ActionDescriptor], where: tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[ActionDescriptor]: results = list(filter(lambda r: r.__dict__[where[0]] == where[1], fr)) return None if len(results) == 0 else results[0] class TurtleDeviceController(): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._device = TurtleDevice() self._queue = Queue() def send(self, task: list[str]) -> None: self._queue.put(task) def _parse_args(self, args: list[str]) -> Either[tuple, str]: action_name, action_args = args[0], args[1:] try: descr = select(self._device.action_descriptors(), ('name', action_name)) except DeviceError as e: return Right(f'Device error: {e}') if descr is None: return Right(f'Unknown action: "{action_name}"') return Left(reduce(lambda acc, a: acc + (int(a),), action_args, (action_name,))) def run(self): # ! NoReturn while (True): task = self._queue.get(block=True, timeout=None) if task[0] == 'stop': self._device.close() return args = self._parse_args(task) if args.is_right(): print(f'*** {args.get_right()}') else: self._device.execute(*args.get_left()) class NoBlockingTurtleShell(cmd.Cmd): intro = 'Welcome to the turtle shell. Type help or ? to list commands.\n' prompt = '(turtle) ' file = None def __init__(self, turtle_thread: TurtleDeviceController): super(NoBlockingTurtleShell, self).__init__() self._turtle_controller = turtle_thread def do_execute(self, arg: str): 'Execute a turtle command: EXECUTE COMMAND ARG1 ARG2 ...' self._turtle_controller.send(arg.split(' ')) def do_exit(self, arg): 'close the turtle window, and exit: EXIT' print('Waiting for the turtle to finish jobs...') self._turtle_controller.send(['stop']) return True if __name__ == '__main__': turtle_controller = TurtleDeviceController() shell = NoBlockingTurtleShell(turtle_controller) cmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=shell.cmdloop) cmd_thread.start()