allprojects { apply plugin: "kotlin" // apply plugin: 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' // // javafx { // modules = [ 'javafx.controls' ] // } compileKotlin { kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = "1.8" javaParameters = true } } kotlin { experimental { coroutines "enable" } } } dependencies { compile project(':dataforge-plots:plots-jfc') compile project(':dataforge-control') compile project(':dataforge-gui') // compile group: 'commons-cli', name: 'commons-cli', version: '1.4' } task installAll(type: Copy) { group "numass" description "Install all control projects into the same directory" def parser = new XmlParser() subprojects { sub -> if (sub.plugins.findPlugin("application")) { dependsOn sub.getTasksByName("installDist", false).first() String distDir = "${sub.buildDir}/install/${}" from distDir } } into "$buildDir/install/numass-control" doLast { def configRoot = new Node(null, "config"); subprojects { sub -> //add device configuration file sub.fileTree(dir: 'src/main/resources/config', includes: ['**/*.xml']).each { cfgFile -> println "Found config file ${cfgFile}" parser.parse(cfgFile).children().each { configRoot.append(it as Node) } } } if (!configRoot.children().isEmpty()) { File outFile = file("$buildDir/install/numass-control/bin/numass-control.xml") outFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); outFile.createNewFile(); new XmlNodePrinter(outFile.newPrintWriter()).print(configRoot) } } } task distAll(dependsOn: installAll, type: Zip) { group "numass" description "Make a distribution of all control projects" from "$buildDir/install/numass-control" }