# Tutorial #### The main goal of this tutorial is to show main capabilities of the visualization instrument. The simple visualization can be made with function `main`. (this part will be supplemented) ```kotlin import kotlinx.html.div import space.kscience.dataforge.context.Context import space.kscience.visionforge.html.ResourceLocation import space.kscience.visionforge.solid.* import java.nio.file.Paths fun main(){ val context = Context{ plugin(Solids) } context.makeVisionFile ( Paths.get("nameFile.html"), resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.EMBED ){ div { //first vision vision { solid { //solids which you want to visualize } } //second vision vision { solid { //solids which you want to visualize } } } } } ``` ## Solids properties **We will analyze which basic properties solids have using `box` solid.** *Basic properties:* 1. `opacity` - It is set in `float`. It takes on values from 0 to 1, which represent percents of solid opacity. It's initial value is 1. 2. `color` - It can be specified as `Int`, `String`, or as three `Ubytes`, which represent color in `rgb`. Elementally, the solid will have `green` color. 3. `rotation` - it's the point, which set rotations along axes. Initially, the value is `Point3D(0, 0, 0)`. Changing `x` coordinate of the point, you make pivot around `x axis`. The same for other coordinates: changing `y` - pivot around `y axis`, changing `z` - pivot around `z axis`. 4. position, which is given by values `x`, `y`, `z`. Initial values are `x = 0`, `y = 0`, `z = 0`. The coordinate system is Cartesian. It's elemental position is this - vertical `y` axis and horizontal `Oxz` plane. Let's see how properties are set in solids. The `small box` will have elemental values of properties. If you don't set properties, it will have the same `position`, `color`, `rotation`, and `opacity` values. ***You can see that `box` take four values. Later, we will discuss what they do in more detail. Now, it does not really matter.*** ```kotlin box(10, 10, 10, name = "small box"){ x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 opacity = 1 //100% opacity color("red") //as string rotation = Point3D(0, 0, 0) } ``` ![](../docs/images/small-box.png) The `big box` will have properties with custom values. ```kotlin box(40, 40, 40, name = "big box"){ x = 20 y = 10 z = 60 opacity = 0.5 //50% opacity color(0u, 179u, 179u) //color in rgb rotation = Point3D(60, 80, 0) } ``` ![](../docs/images/big-rotated-box.png) If we compare these boxes, we will see all differences. Here is the function `main` with both boxes. ```kotlin fun main(){ val context = Context{ plugin(Solids) } context.makeVisionFile ( Paths.get("customFile.html"), resourceLocation = ResourceLocation.EMBED ){ div { vision { solid { box(10, 10, 10, name = "small box"){ x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 opacity = 1 //100% opacity color("red") //as string rotation = Point3D(0, 0, 0) } box(40, 40, 40, name = "big box"){ x = 20 y = 10 z = 60 opacity = 0.5 //50% opacity color(0u, 179u, 179u) //rgb rotation = Point3D(60, 80, 0) } } } } } } ``` ![](../docs/images/two-boxes-1.png) ![](../docs/images/two-boxes-2.png) ***There is plenty of other properties, especially of those, which you can create by yourself. Here we mention just small part.*** ## Basic Solids Now, let's see which solids can be visualized: ### 1) PolyLine It's scarcely a solid, but it can be visualized, so we mention it. `polyline` build lines, obviously. Let's take a look at it's work. `polyline` requires two values - `points`, and `name`: * `points` is a `vararg` with `Point3D` type. It takes pairs of points, which you want to connect. * `name` is an identifier of *any solid*, but in this case it is an identifier of `polyline`. It's type is `String`. **This value can be required by any solid; you can set it, you can not to set it, but without you won't be able to control solid, since it won't be inherited.** This is an example of polyline with other solid `box`: ```kotlin box(100, 100, 100, name = "box"){ x = -10 y = -10 z = -10 opacity = 0.4 } polyline(Point3D(30, 20, 10), Point3D(30, -100, 30), Point3D(30, -100, 30), Point3D(50, -100, 30), name = "polyline"){ color("red") } ``` ![](../docs/images/polyline-points.png) ![](../docs/images/polyline-points-2.png) ### 2) Box First thing which has to be mentioned is that `box` takes four values: `box(x, y, z, name)` * `x` - x-axis length of the `box` * `y` - y-axis length of the `box` * `z` - z-axis length of the `box` These values have `Float` type. *`x`, `y`, and `z` are necessary values, which cannot be ignored. You have to set them.* * `name` - `box`'es identifier. You've already met it. Let's create just usual `box` with equal ribs. ```kotlin box(50, 50, 50, name = "box") { color("pink") } ``` ![](../docs/images/box.png) Now, let's make `box` with bigger `y` value. ```kotlin box(10, 25, 10, name = "high box") { color("black") } ``` As you can see, only rib of `y-axis` differs from other ribs. ![](../docs/images/high-box.png) For final trial, let's create `box` with bigger `x` value. ```kotlin box(65, 40, 40, name = "wide box") { x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 color("black") } ``` Predictably, only `x-axis` rib bigger than other ribs. ![](../docs/images/wide-box.png) ### 3) Sphere It takes in two values: `radius`, and `name`. We bring you to mind that `name` is a general value for all solids, so do not wonder, since all solids need their own identifier. As for `radius`, it has `Float` type, and, as you can guess, it sets radius of the sphere, which will be created. ```kotlin sphere(50, name = "sphere") { x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 opacity = 0.9 color("blue") } ``` ![](../docs/images/sphere.png) ### 4) Hexagon It is solid which has six edges. It is set by eight values: `node1`,..., `node8`. They all have `Point3D` type, so they are just points, vertices. *Six edges are these:* 1) Edge with vertices `node1`, `node4`, `node3`, `node2` 2) Edge with vertices `node1`, `node2`, `node6`, `node5` 3) Edge with vertices `node2`, `node3`, `node7`, `node6` 4) Edge with vertices `node4`, `node8`, `node7`, `node3` 5) Edge with vertices `node1`, `node5`, `node8`, `node4` 6) Edge with vertices `node8`, `node5`, `node6`, `node7` ![](../docs/images/scheme.png) As hexagon takes in specific points, we understand that this solid cannot be moved, it fixed in space, and it can't make pivots. Let's make classic parallelepiped. ```kotlin hexagon( Point3D(25, 30, 25), Point3D(35, 30, 25), Point3D(35, 30, 15), Point3D(25, 30, 15), Point3D(30, 18, 20), Point3D(40, 18, 20), Point3D(40, 18, 10), Point3D(30, 18, 10), name = "classic hexagon"){ color("green") } ``` ![](../docs/images/classic-hexagon.png) Now, let's make a custom hexagon. ```kotlin hexagon( Point3D(5, 30, 5), Point3D(24, 30, 8), Point3D(20, 30, -10), Point3D(5, 30, -7), Point3D(8, 16, 0), Point3D(12, 16, 0), Point3D(10, 16, -5), Point3D(6.5, 12, -3), name = "custom_hexagon"){ color("brown") } ``` ![](../docs/images/custom-hexagon.png) ### 3) Cone It takes in six values: `bottomRadius`, `height`, `upperRadius`, `startAngle`, `angle`, and `name`. Obviously, `bottomRadius` is responsible for radius of a bottom base, and `height` sets height of a cone along the `z-axis`. As it takes such values as `upperRadius`, `startAngle`, `angle`, `cone` can build not only usual cones, but also cone segments. Initially, `upperRadius` will have `0.0` value, `startAngle` - `0f`, `angle` - `PI2`, so if you don't set them, you'll get just a simple cone. Setting `upperRadius`, you make a frustum cone, since it sets a radius of the upper base of a cone. Set `startAngle`, and `angle` let to cut off segments by planes perpendicular to the base. `startAngle` - an angle, starting with which segment will be left, `angle` - an angle of cone, which will be set from `startAngle`. Let's build a classic cone: ```kotlin cone(60, 80, name = "cone") { color("beige") } ``` ![](../docs/images/cone-1.png) ![](../docs/images/cone-2.png) First of all, we have to try to build a frustum cone: ```kotlin cone(60, 80, name = "cone") { color(0u, 40u, 0u) } ``` ![](../docs/images/frustum-cone.png) Now, we need to make a try to build a cone segment: ```kotlin cone(60, 80, angle = PI, name = "cone") { color(0u, 0u, 200u) } ``` ![](../docs/images/cone-segment-1.png) ![](../docs/images/cone-segment-2.png) Finally, the segment of frustum cone is left for a try: ```kotlin cone(60, 100, 20, PI*3/4, angle = PI/3, name = "cone") { color(190u, 0u, 0u) } ``` ![](../docs/images/frustum-cone-segment.png) ### 4) Cone Surface This solid is set by seven values:`bottomOuterRadius`, `bottomInnerRadius`, `height`, `topOuterRadius`, `topInnerRadius`, `startAngle`, and `angle`. In addition to `height`, `startAngle`, and `angle`, which work as they work in `cone`, there are some new values. `bottomOuterRadius`, and `bottomInnerRadius` set properties of the bottom circle, `topOuterRadius`, `topInnerRadius` - of the upper circle. They have no initial value, so that means they have to be set. Generally, `cone`, and `coneSurface` buildings work in the same way, it's possible to make `coneSurface`'s fragments as in `cone` Let's build usual cone surface with almost all properties set: ```kotlin coneSurface(60, 50, 30, 10, 100, name = "cone surface") { color("red") rotation = Point3D(2, 50, -9) } ``` ![](../docs/images/cone-surface-1.png) ![](../docs/images/cone-surface-2.png) Now, let's create a cone surface and set all it's properties: ```kotlin coneSurface(30, 25, 10, 10, 8,0f, pi*3/4, name = "cone surface") { color("fuchsia") rotation = Point3D(2, 50, -9) } ``` ![](../docs/images/cone-surface-fragment.png) ![](../docs/images/cone-surface-fragment-2.png) ### 5) Cylinder This solid is set by `radius`, and `height`. As you can see by accepting values, there's no option of building fragments of cylinders. Here's a demonstration of a cylinder: ```kotlin cylinder(40, 100, "cylinder"){ rotation = Point3D(40, 0, 0) color("indigo") } ``` ![](../docs/images/cylinder-1.png) ![](../docs/images/cylinder-2.png) ### 6) Tube `tube` takes in `radius`, `height`, `innerRadius`, `startAngle`, `angle`, and `name`. *All values are familiar from `cone`, and `coneSurface` solids.* Here is an example of classic tube: ```kotlin tube(50, 40, 20, name = "usual tube"){ opacity = 0.4 } ``` ![](../docs/images/tube.png) This is an example of tube fragment: ```kotlin tube(50, 40, 20, 0f, PI, name = "fragmented tube"){ color("white") } ``` ![](../docs/images/tube-fragment.png) ### 7) Extruded `extruded` is set by two values: `shape`, and `layer`. * `shape` is a value of `List` type. It' s just a list of all points of the solid. *`shape` has to consist of not less than two points!* * `layer` is `MutableList` types variable. (here is a sentence with description of the work of this function). *The amount of `layer`-s has to be more than one*