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package center.sciprog.maps.geojson
import center.sciprog.maps.geojson.GeoJson.Companion.PROPERTIES_KEY
import center.sciprog.maps.geojson.GeoJson.Companion.TYPE_KEY
import center.sciprog.maps.geojson.GeoJsonFeatureCollection.Companion.FEATURES_KEY
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
* A utility class to work with GeoJson (https://geojson.org/)
public sealed interface GeoJson {
public val json: JsonObject
public val type: String get() = json[TYPE_KEY]?.jsonPrimitive?.content ?: error("Not a GeoJson")
public companion object {
public const val TYPE_KEY: String = "type"
public const val PROPERTIES_KEY: String = "properties"
public value class GeoJsonFeature(override val json: JsonObject) : GeoJson {
init {
require(type == "Feature") { "Not a GeoJson Feature" }
public val properties: JsonObject? get() = json[PROPERTIES_KEY]?.jsonObject
public val geometry: GeoJsonGeometry? get() = json[GEOMETRY_KEY]?.jsonObject?.let { GeoJsonGeometry(it) }
public companion object {
public const val GEOMETRY_KEY: String = "geometry"
public value class GeoJsonFeatureCollection(override val json: JsonObject) : GeoJson, Iterable<GeoJsonFeature> {
init {
require(type == "FeatureCollection") { "Not a GeoJson FeatureCollection" }
public val properties: JsonObject? get() = json[PROPERTIES_KEY]?.jsonObject
public val features: List<GeoJsonFeature>
get() = json[FEATURES_KEY]?.jsonArray?.map {
} ?: error("Features not defined in GeoJson features collection")
override fun iterator(): Iterator<GeoJsonFeature> = features.iterator()
public companion object {
public const val FEATURES_KEY: String = "features"
public fun parse(string: String): GeoJsonFeatureCollection = GeoJsonFeatureCollection(
public fun GeoJson(json: JsonObject): GeoJson =
when (json[TYPE_KEY]?.jsonPrimitive?.contentOrNull ?: error("Not a GeoJson")) {
"Feature" -> GeoJsonFeature(json)
"FeatureCollection" -> GeoJsonFeatureCollection(json)
else -> GeoJsonGeometry(json)
* Combine a collection of features to a new [GeoJsonFeatureCollection]
public fun GeoJsonFeatureCollection(features: Collection<GeoJsonFeature>): GeoJsonFeatureCollection =
buildJsonObject {
put(TYPE_KEY, "FeatureCollection")
put(FEATURES_KEY, JsonArray(features.map { it.json }))
) |