package center.sciprog.maps.compose import import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.runtime.remember import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import center.sciprog.maps.coordinates.Gmc import center.sciprog.maps.features.* @Composable public expect fun MapView( mapState: MapViewScope, featuresState: FeatureCollection<Gmc>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), ) /** * A builder for a Map with static features. */ @Composable public fun MapView( mapTileProvider: MapTileProvider, initialViewPoint: MapViewPoint? = null, initialRectangle: Rectangle<Gmc>? = null, featureMap: Map<FeatureId<*>, MapFeature>, config: ViewConfig<Gmc> = ViewConfig(), modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), ) { val featuresState = remember(featureMap) { { featureMap.forEach { feature(, it.value) } } } val mapState: MapViewScope = rememberMapState( mapTileProvider, config, featuresState.features.values, initialViewPoint = initialViewPoint, initialRectangle = initialRectangle, ) MapView(mapState, featuresState, modifier) } /** * Draw a map using convenient parameters. If neither [initialViewPoint], noe [initialRectangle] is defined, * use map features to infer view region. * @param initialViewPoint The view point of the map using center and zoom. Is used if provided * @param initialRectangle The rectangle to be used for view point computation. Used if [initialViewPoint] is not defined. * @param buildFeatures - a builder for features */ @Composable public fun MapView( mapTileProvider: MapTileProvider, initialViewPoint: MapViewPoint? = null, initialRectangle: Rectangle<Gmc>? = null, config: ViewConfig<Gmc> = ViewConfig(), modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), buildFeatures: FeatureCollection<Gmc>.() -> Unit = {}, ) { val featureState = FeatureCollection.remember(WebMercatorSpace, buildFeatures) val mapState: MapViewScope = rememberMapState( mapTileProvider, config, featureState.features.values, initialViewPoint = initialViewPoint, initialRectangle = initialRectangle, ) val featureDrag: DragHandle<Gmc> = DragHandle.withPrimaryButton { event, start, end -> featureState.forEachWithAttribute(DraggableAttribute) { _, handle -> @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") (handle as DragHandle<Gmc>) .handle(event, start, end) .takeIf { !it.handleNext } ?.let { //we expect it already have no bypass return@withPrimaryButton it } } //bypass DragResult(end) } val featureClick: ClickHandle<Gmc> = ClickHandle.withPrimaryButton { event, click -> featureState.forEachWithAttribute(SelectableAttribute) { _, handle -> @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") (handle as ClickHandle<Gmc>).handle(event, click) config.onClick?.handle(event, click) } } val newConfig = config.copy( dragHandle = config.dragHandle?.let { DragHandle.combine(featureDrag, it) } ?: featureDrag, onClick = featureClick ) MapView(mapState, featureState, modifier) }