package center.sciprog.maps.compose import import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateMapOf import androidx.compose.runtime.remember import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEvent import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.isPrimaryPressed import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpSize import center.sciprog.maps.coordinates.* import kotlin.math.PI import kotlin.math.log2 import kotlin.math.min public fun interface DragHandle { /** * @param event - qualifiers of the event used for drag * @param start - is a point where drag begins, end is a point where drag ends * @param end - end point of the drag * * @return true if default event processors should be used after this one */ public fun handle(event: PointerEvent, start: MapViewPoint, end: MapViewPoint): Boolean public companion object { public val BYPASS: DragHandle = DragHandle { _, _, _ -> true } /** * Process only events with primary button pressed */ public fun withPrimaryButton( block: (event: PointerEvent, start: MapViewPoint, end: MapViewPoint) -> Boolean, ): DragHandle = DragHandle { event, start, end -> if (event.buttons.isPrimaryPressed) { block(event, start, end) } else { false } } /** * Combine several handles into one */ public fun combine(vararg handles: DragHandle): DragHandle = DragHandle { event, start, end -> handles.forEach { if (!it.handle(event, start, end)) return@DragHandle false } return@DragHandle true } } } //TODO consider replacing by modifier /** */ public data class MapViewConfig( val zoomSpeed: Double = 1.0 / 3.0, val onClick: MapViewPoint.(PointerEvent) -> Unit = {}, val dragHandle: DragHandle = DragHandle.BYPASS, val onViewChange: MapViewPoint.() -> Unit = {}, val onSelect: (GmcRectangle) -> Unit = {}, val zoomOnSelect: Boolean = true, ) @Composable public expect fun MapView( mapTileProvider: MapTileProvider, computeViewPoint: (canvasSize: DpSize) -> MapViewPoint, features: Map<FeatureId, MapFeature>, config: MapViewConfig = MapViewConfig(), modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), ) private fun prepareConfig(initialConfig: MapViewConfig, featureBuilder: MapFeatureBuilder): MapViewConfig { val draggableFeatureIds: Set<FeatureId> = featureBuilder.attributes().filterValues { it[DraggableAttribute] ?: false }.keys val features = featureBuilder.features val featureDrag = DragHandle.withPrimaryButton { _, start, end -> val zoom = start.zoom draggableFeatureIds.forEach { id -> val feature = features[id] as? DraggableMapFeature ?: return@forEach //val border = WebMercatorProjection.scaleFactor(zoom) val boundingBox = feature.getBoundingBox(zoom) ?: return@forEach if (start.focus in boundingBox) { features[id] = feature.withCoordinates(end.focus) return@withPrimaryButton false } } return@withPrimaryButton true } return initialConfig.copy( dragHandle = DragHandle.combine(featureDrag, initialConfig.dragHandle), ) } internal fun GmcRectangle.computeViewPoint( mapTileProvider: MapTileProvider, canvasSize: DpSize, ): MapViewPoint { val zoom = log2( min( canvasSize.width.value / longitudeDelta.radians.value, canvasSize.height.value / latitudeDelta.radians.value ) * PI / mapTileProvider.tileSize ) return MapViewPoint(center, zoom) } /** * Draw a map using convenient parameters. If neither [initialViewPoint], noe [initialRectangle] is defined, * use map features to infer view region. * @param initialViewPoint The view point of the map using center and zoom. Is used if provided * @param initialRectangle The rectangle to be used for view point computation. Used if [initialViewPoint] is not defined. * @param buildFeatures - a builder for features */ @Composable public fun MapView( mapTileProvider: MapTileProvider, initialViewPoint: MapViewPoint? = null, initialRectangle: GmcRectangle? = null, config: MapViewConfig = MapViewConfig(), modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), buildFeatures: @Composable (MapFeatureBuilder.() -> Unit) = {}, ) { val featuresBuilder = MapFeatureBuilderImpl(mutableStateMapOf()) featuresBuilder.buildFeatures() val features = remember { featuresBuilder.features } val newConfig = remember(features) { prepareConfig(config, featuresBuilder) } MapView( mapTileProvider, { canvasSize -> initialViewPoint ?: initialRectangle?.computeViewPoint(mapTileProvider, canvasSize) ?: features.values.computeBoundingBox(1.0)?.computeViewPoint(mapTileProvider, canvasSize) ?: MapViewPoint(GeodeticMapCoordinates(0.0.radians, 0.0.radians), 1.0) }, features, newConfig, modifier ) } // //@Composable //public fun MapView( // mapTileProvider: MapTileProvider, // box: GmcRectangle, // config: MapViewConfig = MapViewConfig(), // modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), // buildFeatures: @Composable (MapFeatureBuilder.() -> Unit) = {}, //) { // val builder by derivedStateOf { MapFeatureBuilderImpl().apply(buildFeatures) } // // MapView( // mapTileProvider, // box.computeViewPoint(mapTileProvider), // builder.features, // prepareConfig(config, builder), // modifier // ) //}