import job("Build") { gradlew("", "build") } job("Publish") { startOn { gitPush { enabled = false } } container("") { env["SPACE_USER"] = Secrets("space_user") env["SPACE_TOKEN"] = Secrets("space_token") kotlinScript { api -> val spaceUser = System.getenv("SPACE_USER") val spaceToken = System.getenv("SPACE_TOKEN") // write version to the build directory api.gradlew("version") //read version from build file val version = java.nio.file.Path.of("build/project-version.txt").readText() val revisionSuffix = if (version.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) { "-" + api.gitRevision().take(7) } else { "" } project = api.projectIdentifier(), targetIdentifier = TargetIdentifier.Key("maps-kt"), version = version+revisionSuffix, // automatically update deployment status based on a status of a job syncWithAutomationJob = true ) api.gradlew( "publishAllPublicationsToSpaceRepository", "\"$spaceUser\"", "\"$spaceToken\"", ) } } }