0.3.0 #23
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ fun App() {
//Add click listeners for all polygons
forEachWithType<Gmc, PolygonFeature<Gmc>> { ref, polygon: PolygonFeature<Gmc> ->
ref.onClick(PointerMatcher.Primary) {
println("Click on ${ref.id}")
println("Click on $ref")
//draw in top-level scope
with(this@MapView) {
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ fun App() {
pointRefs + pointRefs.first(),
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpRect
import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import space.kscience.attributes.Attributes
import space.kscience.attributes.plus
* An extension of [DrawScope] to include map-specific features
@ -96,12 +97,25 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureCanvas(
if (state.canvasSize != size.toDpSize()) {
state.canvasSize = size.toDpSize()
ComposeFeatureDrawScope(this, state, painterCache, textMeasurer).apply(draw).apply {
clipRect {
features.values.sortedBy { it.z }
.filter { state.viewPoint.zoom in it.zoomRange }
.forEach { feature ->
clipRect {
ComposeFeatureDrawScope(this, state, painterCache, textMeasurer).apply(draw).apply {
val attributesCache = mutableMapOf<List<String>, Attributes>()
fun computeGroupAttributes(path: List<String>): Attributes = attributesCache.getOrPut(path){
if (path.isEmpty()) return Attributes.EMPTY
else if (path.size == 1) {
features[path.first()]?.attributes ?: Attributes.EMPTY
} else {
computeGroupAttributes(path.dropLast(1)) + (features[path.first()]?.attributes ?: Attributes.EMPTY)
features.entries.sortedBy { it.value.z }
.filter { state.viewPoint.zoom in it.value.zoomRange }
.forEach { (id, feature) ->
val path = id.split("/")
drawFeature(feature, computeGroupAttributes(path.dropLast(1)))
@ -19,16 +19,24 @@ import space.kscience.attributes.Attributes
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Angle
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.*
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.maps.features.FeatureStore.Companion.generateId
import space.kscience.maps.features.FeatureStore.Companion.generateFeatureId
//public value class FeatureId<out F : Feature<*>>(public val id: String)
public class FeatureRef<T : Any, out F : Feature<T>>(public val store: FeatureStore<T>, public val id: String)
* A reference to a feature inside a [FeatureStore]
public class FeatureRef<T : Any, out F : Feature<T>> internal constructor(
internal val store: FeatureStore<T>,
internal val id: String,
) {
override fun toString(): String = "FeatureRef($id)"
public fun <T : Any, F : Feature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.resolve(): F =
store.features[id]?.let { it as F } ?: error("Feature with id=$id not found")
store.features[id]?.let { it as F } ?: error("Feature with ref $this not found")
public val <T : Any, F : Feature<T>> FeatureRef<T, F>.attributes: Attributes get() = resolve().attributes
@ -36,8 +44,17 @@ public fun Uuid.toIndex(): String = leastSignificantBits.toString(16)
public interface FeatureBuilder<T : Any> {
public val space: CoordinateSpace<T>
* Add or replace feature. If [id] is null, then a unique id is genertated
public fun <F : Feature<T>> feature(id: String?, feature: F): FeatureRef<T, F>
* Update existing feature if it is present and is of type [F]
public fun <F : Feature<T>> updateFeature(id: String, block: (F?) -> F): FeatureRef<T, F>
public fun group(
id: String? = null,
attributes: Attributes = Attributes.EMPTY,
@ -53,7 +70,7 @@ public interface FeatureSet<T : Any> {
* Create a reference
public fun <F: Feature<T>> ref(id: String): FeatureRef<T, F>
public fun <F : Feature<T>> ref(id: String): FeatureRef<T, F>
@ -67,17 +84,21 @@ public class FeatureStore<T : Any>(
override val features: Map<String, Feature<T>> get() = featureFlow.value
override fun <F : Feature<T>> feature(id: String?, feature: F): FeatureRef<T, F> {
val safeId = id ?: generateId(feature)
val safeId = id ?: generateFeatureId(feature)
_featureFlow.value += (safeId to feature)
return FeatureRef(this, safeId)
override fun <F : Feature<T>> updateFeature(id: String, block: (F?) -> F): FeatureRef<T, F> =
feature(id, block(features[id] as? F))
override fun group(
id: String?,
attributes: Attributes,
builder: FeatureGroup<T>.() -> Unit,
): FeatureRef<T, FeatureGroup<T>> {
val safeId = id ?: generateId(null)
val safeId: String = id ?: generateFeatureId<FeatureGroup<*>>()
return feature(safeId, FeatureGroup(this, safeId, attributes).apply(builder))
@ -85,7 +106,7 @@ public class FeatureStore<T : Any>(
_featureFlow.value -= id
override fun <F: Feature<T>> ref(id: String): FeatureRef<T, F> = FeatureRef(this, id)
override fun <F : Feature<T>> ref(id: String): FeatureRef<T, F> = FeatureRef(this, id)
public fun getBoundingBox(zoom: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE): Rectangle<T>? = with(space) {
features.values.mapNotNull { it.getBoundingBox(zoom) }.wrapRectangles()
@ -93,11 +114,15 @@ public class FeatureStore<T : Any>(
public companion object {
internal fun generateId(feature: Feature<*>?): String = if (feature == null) {
} else {
internal fun generateFeatureId(prefix: String): String =
internal fun generateFeatureId(feature: Feature<*>): String =
generateFeatureId(feature::class.simpleName ?: "undefined")
internal inline fun <reified F : Feature<*>> generateFeatureId(): String =
generateFeatureId(F::class.simpleName ?: "undefined")
* Build, but do not remember map feature state
@ -136,14 +161,18 @@ public data class FeatureGroup<T : Any> internal constructor(
override fun <F : Feature<T>> feature(id: String?, feature: F): FeatureRef<T, F> =
store.feature("$groupId/${id ?: generateId(feature)}", feature)
store.feature("$groupId/${id ?: generateFeatureId(feature)}", feature)
override fun <F : Feature<T>> updateFeature(id: String, block: (F?) -> F): FeatureRef<T, F> =
store.updateFeature("$groupId/$id", block)
override fun group(
id: String?,
attributes: Attributes,
builder: FeatureGroup<T>.() -> Unit,
): FeatureRef<T, FeatureGroup<T>> {
val safeId = id ?: generateId(null)
val safeId = id ?: generateFeatureId<FeatureGroup<*>>()
return feature(safeId, FeatureGroup(store, "$groupId/$safeId", attributes).apply(builder))
@ -161,13 +190,13 @@ public data class FeatureGroup<T : Any> internal constructor(
features.values.mapNotNull { it.getBoundingBox(zoom) }.wrapRectangles()
override fun <F: Feature<T>> ref(id: String): FeatureRef<T, F> = FeatureRef(store, "$groupId/$id")
override fun <F : Feature<T>> ref(id: String): FeatureRef<T, F> = FeatureRef(store, "$groupId/$id")
* Recursively search for feature until function returns true
public fun <T : Any> FeatureSet<T>.forEachUntil(block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T,*>, feature: Feature<T>) -> Boolean) {
public fun <T : Any> FeatureSet<T>.forEachUntil(block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T, *>, feature: Feature<T>) -> Boolean) {
features.entries.sortedByDescending { it.value.z }.forEach { (key, feature) ->
if (!block(ref<Feature<T>>(key), feature)) return@forEachUntil
@ -178,7 +207,7 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureSet<T>.forEachUntil(block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: Featu
public inline fun <T : Any, A> FeatureSet<T>.forEachWithAttribute(
key: Attribute<A>,
block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T,*>, feature: Feature<T>, attribute: A) -> Unit,
block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T, *>, feature: Feature<T>, attribute: A) -> Unit,
) {
features.forEach { (id, feature) ->
feature.attributes[key]?.let {
@ -189,7 +218,7 @@ public inline fun <T : Any, A> FeatureSet<T>.forEachWithAttribute(
public inline fun <T : Any, A> FeatureSet<T>.forEachWithAttributeUntil(
key: Attribute<A>,
block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T,*>, feature: Feature<T>, attribute: A) -> Boolean,
block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T, *>, feature: Feature<T>, attribute: A) -> Boolean,
) {
features.forEach { (id, feature) ->
feature.attributes[key]?.let {
@ -199,7 +228,7 @@ public inline fun <T : Any, A> FeatureSet<T>.forEachWithAttributeUntil(
public inline fun <T : Any, reified F : Feature<T>> FeatureSet<T>.forEachWithType(
crossinline block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T,F>, feature: F) -> Unit,
crossinline block: FeatureSet<T>.(ref: FeatureRef<T, F>, feature: F) -> Unit,
) {
features.forEach { (id, feature) ->
if (feature is F) block(ref(id), feature)
@ -9,23 +9,15 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureBuilder<T>.draggableLine(
bId: FeatureRef<T, MarkerFeature<T>>,
id: String? = null,
): FeatureRef<T, LineFeature<T>> {
var lineId: FeatureRef<T, LineFeature<T>>? = null
val lineId = id ?: FeatureStore.generateFeatureId<LineFeature<*>>()
fun drawLine(): FeatureRef<T, LineFeature<T>> {
val currentId = feature(
lineId?.id ?: id,
Attributes<FeatureGroup<T>> {
lineId?.attributes?.let { putAll(it) }
fun drawLine(): FeatureRef<T, LineFeature<T>> = updateFeature(lineId) { old ->
old?.attributes ?: Attributes(ZAttribute, -10f)
lineId = currentId
return currentId
aId.draggable { _, _ ->
@ -43,22 +35,14 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureBuilder<T>.draggableMultiLine(
points: List<FeatureRef<T, MarkerFeature<T>>>,
id: String? = null,
): FeatureRef<T, MultiLineFeature<T>> {
var polygonId: FeatureRef<T, MultiLineFeature<T>>? = null
val polygonId = id ?: FeatureStore.generateFeatureId("multiline")
fun drawLines(): FeatureRef<T, MultiLineFeature<T>> {
val currentId = feature(
polygonId?.id ?: id,
points.map { it.resolve().center },
polygonId?.attributes?.let { putAll(it) }
fun drawLines(): FeatureRef<T, MultiLineFeature<T>> = updateFeature(polygonId) { old ->
points.map { it.resolve().center },
old?.attributes ?: Attributes(ZAttribute, -10f)
polygonId = currentId
return currentId
points.forEach {
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Path
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.PointMode
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.drawscope.Stroke
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.drawscope.translate
import space.kscience.attributes.Attributes
import space.kscience.attributes.plus
import space.kscience.kmath.PerformancePitfall
@ -20,14 +21,16 @@ import space.kscience.kmath.PerformancePitfall
public fun <T : Any> FeatureDrawScope<T>.drawFeature(
feature: Feature<T>,
baseAttributes: Attributes,
): Unit {
val color = feature.color ?: Color.Red
val alpha = feature.attributes[AlphaAttribute] ?: 1f
val attributes = baseAttributes + feature.attributes
val color = attributes[ColorAttribute] ?: Color.Red
val alpha = attributes[AlphaAttribute] ?: 1f
//avoid drawing invisible features
if(feature.attributes[VisibleAttribute] == false) return
if(attributes[VisibleAttribute] == false) return
when (feature) {
is FeatureSelector -> drawFeature(feature.selector(state.zoom))
is FeatureSelector -> drawFeature(feature.selector(state.zoom), attributes)
is CircleFeature -> drawCircle(
@ -49,8 +52,8 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureDrawScope<T>.drawFeature(
strokeWidth = feature.attributes[StrokeAttribute] ?: Stroke.HairlineWidth,
pathEffect = feature.attributes[PathEffectAttribute],
strokeWidth = attributes[StrokeAttribute] ?: Stroke.HairlineWidth,
pathEffect = attributes[PathEffectAttribute],
alpha = alpha
@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureDrawScope<T>.drawFeature(
is TextFeature -> drawText(feature.text, feature.position.toOffset(), feature.attributes)
is TextFeature -> drawText(feature.text, feature.position.toOffset(), attributes)
is DrawFeature -> {
val offset = feature.position.toOffset()
@ -94,13 +97,14 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureDrawScope<T>.drawFeature(
is FeatureGroup -> {
feature.features.values.forEach {
it.withAttributes {
feature.attributes + this
//ignore groups
// feature.features.values.forEach {
// drawFeature(
// it.withAttributes {
// feature.attributes + this
// }
// )
// }
is PathFeature -> {
@ -117,9 +121,9 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureDrawScope<T>.drawFeature(
points = points,
color = color,
strokeWidth = feature.attributes[StrokeAttribute] ?: 5f,
strokeWidth = attributes[StrokeAttribute] ?: 5f,
pointMode = PointMode.Points,
pathEffect = feature.attributes[PathEffectAttribute],
pathEffect = attributes[PathEffectAttribute],
alpha = alpha
@ -129,9 +133,9 @@ public fun <T : Any> FeatureDrawScope<T>.drawFeature(
points = points,
color = color,
strokeWidth = feature.attributes[StrokeAttribute] ?: Stroke.HairlineWidth,
strokeWidth = attributes[StrokeAttribute] ?: Stroke.HairlineWidth,
pointMode = PointMode.Polygon,
pathEffect = feature.attributes[PathEffectAttribute],
pathEffect = attributes[PathEffectAttribute],
alpha = alpha
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import org.jfree.svg.SVGGraphics2D
import org.jfree.svg.SVGUtils
import space.kscience.attributes.Attributes
import space.kscience.attributes.plus
import space.kscience.maps.features.*
import space.kscience.maps.scheme.XY
import space.kscience.maps.scheme.XYCanvasState
@ -160,10 +162,22 @@ public fun FeatureStateSnapshot<XY>.generateSvg(
val svgScope = SvgDrawScope(svgCanvasState, svgGraphics2D, painterCache)
svgScope.apply {
features.values.sortedBy { it.z }
.filter { state.viewPoint.zoom in it.zoomRange }
.forEach { feature ->
features.entries.sortedBy { it.value.z }
.filter { state.viewPoint.zoom in it.value.zoomRange }
.forEach { (id, feature) ->
val attributesCache = mutableMapOf<List<String>, Attributes>()
fun computeGroupAttributes(path: List<String>): Attributes = attributesCache.getOrPut(path){
if (path.isEmpty()) return Attributes.EMPTY
else if (path.size == 1) {
features[path.first()]?.attributes ?: Attributes.EMPTY
} else {
computeGroupAttributes(path.dropLast(1)) + (features[path.first()]?.attributes ?: Attributes.EMPTY)
val path = id.split("/")
drawFeature(feature, computeGroupAttributes(path.dropLast(1)))
return svgGraphics2D.getSVGElement(id)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user