[WIP] full rewrite of obstacle avoidance
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField.pow
import kotlin.math.sign
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.circle(x: Number, y: Number, radius: Number): Circle2D =
Circle2D(vector(x, y), radius = radius.toDouble())
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.segment(begin: DoubleVector2D, end: DoubleVector2D): LineSegment2D =
LineSegment(begin, end)
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.segment(x1: Number, y1: Number, x2: Number, y2: Number): LineSegment2D =
LineSegment(vector(x1, y1), vector(x2, y2))
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.intersectsOrInside(circle1: Circle2D, circle2: Circle2D): Boolean {
val distance = norm(circle2.center - circle1.center)
return distance <= circle1.radius + circle2.radius
* https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.intersects(segment: LineSegment2D, circle: Circle2D): Boolean {
val begin = segment.begin
val end = segment.end
val d = begin.distanceTo(end)
val det = (begin.x - circle.center.x) * (end.y - circle.center.y) -
(end.x - circle.center.x) * (begin.y - circle.center.y)
val incidence = circle.radius.pow(2) * d.pow(2) - det.pow(2)
return incidence >= 0
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.intersects(circle: Circle2D, segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean =
intersects(segment, circle)
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.intersects(segment1: LineSegment2D, segment2: LineSegment2D): Boolean {
infix fun DoubleVector2D.cross(v2: DoubleVector2D): Double = x * v2.y - y * v2.x
infix fun DoubleVector2D.crossSign(v2: DoubleVector2D) = cross(v2).sign
return with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
(segment2.begin - segment1.begin) crossSign (segment2.end - segment1.begin) !=
(segment2.begin - segment1.end) crossSign (segment2.end - segment1.end) &&
(segment1.begin - segment2.begin) crossSign (segment1.end - segment2.begin) !=
(segment1.begin - segment2.end) crossSign (segment1.end - segment2.end)
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.zipWithNextCircular
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.polygon(points: List<DoubleVector2D>): Polygon<Double> = object : Polygon<Double> {
override val points: List<Vector2D<Double>> get() = points
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.intersects(polygon: Polygon<Double>, segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean =
polygon.points.zipWithNextCircular { l, r -> segment(l, r) }.any { intersects(it, segment) }
@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ public object DubinsPath {
override fun toString(): String = "${first}${second}${third}"
override fun toString(): String = "${first}${second}${third}"
public val last: Direction get() = third
public companion object {
public companion object {
public val RLR: Type = Type(R, L, R)
public val RLR: Type = Type(R, L, R)
public val LRL: Type = Type(L, R, L)
public val LRL: Type = Type(L, R, L)
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ public interface DubinsPose2D : DoubleVector2D {
public val coordinates: DoubleVector2D
public val coordinates: DoubleVector2D
public val bearing: Angle
public val bearing: Angle
* Reverse the direction of this pose to the opposite, keeping other parameters the same
public fun reversed(): DubinsPose2D
public companion object {
public companion object {
public fun bearingToVector(bearing: Angle): Vector2D<Double> =
public fun bearingToVector(bearing: Angle): Vector2D<Double> =
Euclidean2DSpace.vector(cos(bearing), sin(bearing))
Euclidean2DSpace.vector(cos(bearing), sin(bearing))
@ -35,12 +40,15 @@ public interface DubinsPose2D : DoubleVector2D {
public class PhaseVector2D(
public class PhaseVector2D(
override val coordinates: DoubleVector2D,
override val coordinates: DoubleVector2D,
public val velocity: DoubleVector2D,
public val velocity: DoubleVector2D,
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
override val bearing: Angle get() = atan2(velocity.x, velocity.y).radians
override val bearing: Angle get() = atan2(velocity.x, velocity.y).radians
override fun reversed(): DubinsPose2D = with(Euclidean2DSpace) { PhaseVector2D(coordinates, -velocity) }
@ -50,7 +58,9 @@ private class DubinsPose2DImpl(
override val bearing: Angle,
override val bearing: Angle,
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
) : DubinsPose2D, DoubleVector2D by coordinates {
override fun toString(): String = "DubinsPose2D(x=$x, y=$y, bearing=$bearing)"
override fun reversed(): DubinsPose2D = DubinsPose2DImpl(coordinates, bearing.plus(Angle.pi).normalized())
override fun toString(): String = "Pose2D(x=$x, y=$y, bearing=$bearing)"
public object DubinsPose2DSerializer : KSerializer<DubinsPose2D> {
public object DubinsPose2DSerializer : KSerializer<DubinsPose2D> {
@ -69,7 +79,8 @@ public object DubinsPose2DSerializer : KSerializer<DubinsPose2D> {
public fun DubinsPose2D(coordinate: DoubleVector2D, bearing: Angle): DubinsPose2D = DubinsPose2DImpl(coordinate, bearing)
public fun DubinsPose2D(coordinate: DoubleVector2D, bearing: Angle): DubinsPose2D =
DubinsPose2DImpl(coordinate, bearing)
public fun DubinsPose2D(point: DoubleVector2D, direction: DoubleVector2D): DubinsPose2D =
public fun DubinsPose2D(point: DoubleVector2D, direction: DoubleVector2D): DubinsPose2D =
DubinsPose2D(point, DubinsPose2D.vectorToBearing(direction))
DubinsPose2D(point, DubinsPose2D.vectorToBearing(direction))
@ -5,96 +5,109 @@
package space.kscience.trajectory
package space.kscience.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Angle
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.LineSegment2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Polygon
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Vector2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Vector2D
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.zipWithNextCircular
public interface Obstacle {
public interface Obstacle {
public val circles: List<Circle2D>
public val circles: List<Circle2D>
public val center: Vector2D<Double>
public val center: Vector2D<Double>
public fun intersects(segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean
public val circumvention: CompositeTrajectory2D
* Check if obstacle has intersection with given [Trajectory2D]
public fun intersects(trajectory: Trajectory2D): Boolean =
Euclidean2DSpace.trajectoryIntersects(circumvention, trajectory)
public fun intersects(circle: Circle2D): Boolean
public companion object {
public companion object {
public fun avoidObstacles(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
vararg obstacles: Obstacle,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
val obstacleShells: List<ObstacleShell> = obstacles.map { polygon ->
return findAllPaths(start, trajectoryRadius, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacleShells)
public fun avoidPolygons(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
vararg obstacles: Polygon<Double>,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
val obstacleShells: List<ObstacleShell> = obstacles.map { polygon ->
ObstacleShell(polygon.points.map { Circle2D(it, trajectoryRadius) })
return findAllPaths(start, trajectoryRadius, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacleShells)
public fun avoidObstacles(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
obstacles: Collection<Obstacle>,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
val obstacleShells: List<ObstacleShell> = obstacles.map { polygon ->
return findAllPaths(start, trajectoryRadius, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacleShells)
public fun avoidPolygons(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
obstacles: Collection<Polygon<Double>>,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
val obstacleShells: List<ObstacleShell> = obstacles.map { polygon ->
ObstacleShell(polygon.points.map { Circle2D(it, trajectoryRadius) })
return findAllPaths(start, trajectoryRadius, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacleShells)
public fun Obstacle.intersectsTrajectory(trajectory: Trajectory2D): Boolean = when (trajectory) {
private class ObstacleImpl(override val circles: List<Circle2D>) : Obstacle {
is CircleTrajectory2D -> intersects(trajectory.circle)
override val center: Vector2D<Double> by lazy {
is StraightTrajectory2D -> intersects(trajectory)
is CompositeTrajectory2D -> trajectory.segments.any { intersectsTrajectory(it) }
circles.sumOf { it.center.x } / circles.size,
circles.sumOf { it.center.y } / circles.size
override val circumvention: CompositeTrajectory2D by lazy {
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
* A closed right-handed circuit minimal path circumvention of an obstacle.
* @return null if number of distinct circles in the obstacle is less than
require(circles.isNotEmpty()) { "Can't create circumvention for an empty obstacle" }
if (circles.size == 1) {
// a circumvention consisting of a single circle, starting on top
val circle = circles.first()
val top = vector(circle.center.x + circle.radius, circle.center.y)
val startEnd = DubinsPose2D(
return@lazy CompositeTrajectory2D(
CircleTrajectory2D(circle, startEnd, startEnd)
//TODO use convex hull
//distinct and sorted in right-handed direction
val circles = circles.distinct().sortedBy {
(it.center - center).bearing
val tangents = circles.zipWithNextCircular { a: Circle2D, b: Circle2D ->
tangentsBetweenCircles(a, b)[DubinsPath.Type.RSR]
?: error("Can't find right handed circumvention")
val trajectory: List<Trajectory2D> = buildList {
for (i in 0 until tangents.lastIndex) {
add(CircleTrajectory2D(circles[i + 1], tangents[i].endPose, tangents[i + 1].beginPose))
add(CircleTrajectory2D(circles[0], tangents.last().endPose, tangents.first().beginPose))
return@lazy CompositeTrajectory2D(trajectory)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false
other as ObstacleImpl
return circles == other.circles
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return circles.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String {
return "Obstacle(circles=$circles)"
public fun Obstacle(vararg circles: Circle2D): Obstacle = ObstacleShell(listOf(*circles))
public fun Obstacle(vararg circles: Circle2D): Obstacle = ObstacleImpl(listOf(*circles))
public fun Obstacle(points: List<Vector2D<Double>>, radius: Double): Obstacle =
public fun Obstacle(points: List<Vector2D<Double>>, radius: Double): Obstacle =
ObstacleShell(points.map { Circle2D(it, radius) })
ObstacleImpl(points.map { Circle2D(it, radius) })
//public fun Trajectory2D.intersects(
// polygon: Polygon<Double>,
// radius: Double,
//): Boolean {
// val obstacle = Obstacle(polygon.points.map { point -> Circle2D(point, radius) })
// return when (this) {
// is CircleTrajectory2D -> {
// val nearestCircle = obstacle.circles.minBy { it.center.distanceTo(circle.center) }
// }
// is StraightTrajectory2D -> obstacle.intersects(this)
// is CompositeTrajectory2D -> segments.any { it.intersects(polygon, radius) }
// }
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
package space.kscience.trajectory
//private class LR<T>(val l: T, val r: T) {
// operator fun get(direction: Trajectory2D.Direction) = when (direction) {
// Trajectory2D.L -> l
// Trajectory2D.R -> r
// }
//private class TangentPath(val tangents: List<ObstacleTangent>) {
// fun last() = tangents.last()
//private fun TangentPath(vararg tangents: ObstacleTangent) = TangentPath(listOf(*tangents))
//private fun Circle2D.isInside(other: Circle2D): Boolean {
// return center.distanceTo(other.center) + radius <= other.radius
//internal class ObstacleShell(
// nodes: List<Circle2D>,
//) : Obstacle {
// override val circles: List<Circle2D>
// override val center: Vector2D<Double>
// private val shell: List<LineSegment2D>
// private val shellDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction
// init {
// this.center = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(
// nodes.sumOf { it.center.x } / nodes.size,
// nodes.sumOf { it.center.y } / nodes.size
// )
//// this.circles = nodes.filter { node ->
//// //filter nodes inside other nodes
//// nodes.none{ node !== it && node.isInside(it) }
//// }
// this.circles = nodes.distinct()
// if (nodes.size < 2) {
// shell = emptyList()
// shellDirection = Trajectory2D.R
// } else {
// //ignore cases when one circle is inside another one
// val lslTangents = circles.zipWithNextCircular { a, b ->
// tangentsBetweenCircles(a, b)[DubinsPath.Type.LSL] ?: error("Intersecting circles")
// }
// val rsrTangents = circles.zipWithNextCircular { a, b ->
// tangentsBetweenCircles(a, b)[DubinsPath.Type.RSR] ?: error("Intersecting circles")
// }
// val lslToCenter = lslTangents.sumOf { it.begin.distanceTo(center) } +
// lslTangents.sumOf { it.end.distanceTo(center) }
// val rsrToCenter = rsrTangents.sumOf { it.begin.distanceTo(center) } +
// rsrTangents.sumOf { it.end.distanceTo(center) }
// if (rsrToCenter >= lslToCenter) {
// this.shell = rsrTangents
// this.shellDirection = Trajectory2D.R
// } else {
// this.shell = lslTangents
// this.shellDirection = Trajectory2D.L
// }
// }
// }
// constructor(obstacle: Obstacle) : this(obstacle.circles)
// /**
// * Check if segment has any intersections with this obstacle
// */
// override fun intersects(segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
// shell.any { tangent -> intersects(segment, tangent) }
// || circles.any { circle -> intersects(segment, circle) }
// }
// internal fun innerIntersects(segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
// intersects(polygon(circles.map { it.center }), segment)
// }
// override fun intersects(circle: Circle2D): Boolean = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
// shell.any { tangent -> intersects(tangent, circle) }
// || circles.any { c2 -> intersectsOrInside(circle, c2) }
// }
// /**
// * Tangent to next obstacle node in given direction
// */
// fun nextTangent(circleIndex: Int, direction: Trajectory2D.Direction): ObstacleTangent {
// if (circleIndex == -1) error("Circle does not belong to this tangent")
// val nextCircleIndex = if (direction == this.shellDirection) {
// if (circleIndex == circles.lastIndex) 0 else circleIndex + 1
// } else {
// if (circleIndex == 0) circles.lastIndex else circleIndex - 1
// }
// return ObstacleTangent(
// LineSegment(
// shell[nextCircleIndex].end,
// shell[nextCircleIndex].begin
// ),
// ObstacleConnection(this, circleIndex, direction),
// ObstacleConnection(this, nextCircleIndex, direction),
// )
// }
// /**
// * All tangents in given direction
// */
// internal fun tangentsAlong(
// initialCircleIndex: Int,
// finalCircleIndex: Int,
// direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
// ): List<ObstacleTangent> {
// return buildList {
// var currentIndex = initialCircleIndex
// do {
// val tangent = nextTangent(currentIndex, direction)
// add(tangent)
// currentIndex = tangent.endNode.nodeIndex
// } while (currentIndex != finalCircleIndex)
// }
// }
// override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
// if (other == null || other !is ObstacleShell) return false
// return circles == other.circles
// }
// override fun hashCode(): Int {
// return circles.hashCode()
// }
//internal fun ObstacleShell(vararg circles: Circle2D): ObstacleShell = ObstacleShell(listOf(*circles))
//private fun arcLength(
// circle: Circle2D,
// point1: DoubleVector2D,
// point2: DoubleVector2D,
// direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
//): Double {
// val phi1 = atan2(point1.y - circle.center.y, point1.x - circle.center.x)
// val phi2 = atan2(point2.y - circle.center.y, point2.x - circle.center.x)
// var angle = 0.0
// when (direction) {
// Trajectory2D.L -> {
// angle = if (phi2 >= phi1) {
// phi2 - phi1
// } else {
// 2 * PI + phi2 - phi1
// }
// }
// Trajectory2D.R -> {
// angle = if (phi2 >= phi1) {
// 2 * PI - (phi2 - phi1)
// } else {
// -(phi2 - phi1)
// }
// }
// }
// return circle.radius * angle
//private fun normalVectors(v: DoubleVector2D, r: Double): Pair<DoubleVector2D, DoubleVector2D> {
// return Pair(
// r * Euclidean2DSpace.vector(v.y / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v), -v.x / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v)),
// r * Euclidean2DSpace.vector(-v.y / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v), v.x / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v))
// )
//private fun constructTangentCircles(
// point: DoubleVector2D,
// direction: DoubleVector2D,
// r: Double,
//): LR<Circle2D> {
// val center1 = point + normalVectors(direction, r).first
// val center2 = point + normalVectors(direction, r).second
// val p1 = center1 - point
// return if (atan2(p1.y, p1.x) - atan2(direction.y, direction.x) in listOf(PI / 2, -3 * PI / 2)) {
// LR(
// Circle2D(center1, r),
// Circle2D(center2, r)
// )
// } else {
// LR(
// Circle2D(center2, r),
// Circle2D(center1, r)
// )
// }
//private fun sortedObstacles(
// currentObstacle: Obstacle,
// obstacles: List<Obstacle>,
//): List<Obstacle> {
// return obstacles.sortedBy { Euclidean2DSpace.norm(it.center - currentObstacle.center) }
// * Check if all proposed paths have ended at [finalObstacle]
// */
//private fun allFinished(
// paths: List<TangentPath>,
// finalObstacle: Obstacle,
//): Boolean = paths.all { it.last().endNode.obstacle === finalObstacle }
//private fun LineSegment2D.toTrajectory() = StraightTrajectory2D(begin, end)
//private fun TangentPath.toTrajectory(): CompositeTrajectory2D = CompositeTrajectory2D(
// buildList {
// tangents.zipWithNext().forEach { (left, right: ObstacleTangent) ->
// add(left.lineSegment.toTrajectory())
// add(
// CircleTrajectory2D.of(
// right.startCircle.center,
// left.lineSegment.end,
// right.lineSegment.begin,
// right.startDirection
// )
// )
// }
// add(tangents.last().lineSegment.toTrajectory())
// }
//internal fun findAllPaths(
// start: DubinsPose2D,
// startingRadius: Double,
// finish: DubinsPose2D,
// finalRadius: Double,
// obstacles: List<ObstacleShell>,
//): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
// fun DubinsPose2D.direction() = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(cos(bearing), sin(bearing))
// // two circles for the initial point
// val initialCircles = constructTangentCircles(
// start,
// start.direction(),
// startingRadius
// )
// //two circles for the final point
// val finalCircles = constructTangentCircles(
// finish,
// finish.direction(),
// finalRadius
// )
// //all valid trajectories
// val trajectories = mutableListOf<CompositeTrajectory2D>()
// for (i in listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)) {
// for (j in listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)) {
// //Using obstacle to minimize code bloat
// val initialObstacle = ObstacleShell(initialCircles[i])
// val finalObstacle = ObstacleShell(finalCircles[j])
// var currentPaths: List<TangentPath> = listOf(
// TangentPath(
// //We need only the direction of the final segment from this
// ObstacleTangent(
// LineSegment(start, start),
// ObstacleConnection(initialObstacle, 0, i),
// ObstacleConnection(initialObstacle, 0, i),
// )
// )
// )
// while (!allFinished(currentPaths, finalObstacle)) {
// // paths after next obstacle iteration
// val newPaths = mutableListOf<TangentPath>()
// // for each path propagate it one obstacle further
// for (tangentPath: TangentPath in currentPaths) {
// val currentNode = tangentPath.last().endNode
// val currentDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = tangentPath.last().endDirection
// val currentObstacle: ObstacleShell = ObstacleShell(tangentPath.last().endNode.obstacle)
// // If path is finished, ignore it
// // TODO avoid returning to ignored obstacle on the next cycle
// if (currentObstacle == finalObstacle) {
// newPaths.add(tangentPath)
// } else {
// val tangentToFinal: ObstacleTangent =
// outerTangents(currentObstacle, finalObstacle)[DubinsPath.Type(
// currentDirection,
// Trajectory2D.S,
// j
// )] ?: break
// // searching for the nearest obstacle that intersects with the direct path
// val nextObstacle = obstacles.filter { obstacle ->
// obstacle.intersects(tangentToFinal)
// }.minByOrNull { currentObstacle.center.distanceTo(it.center) } ?: finalObstacle
// //TODO add break check for end of path
// // All valid tangents from current obstacle to the next one
// val nextTangents: Collection<ObstacleTangent> = outerTangents(
// currentObstacle,
// nextObstacle
// ).filter { (key, tangent) ->
//// obstacles.none { obstacle ->
//// obstacle === currentObstacle
//// || obstacle === nextObstacle
//// || obstacle.innerIntersects(tangent)
//// } && // does not intersect other obstacles
// key.first == currentDirection && // initial direction is the same as end of previous segment direction
// (nextObstacle != finalObstacle || key.third == j) // if it is the last, it should be the same as the one we are searching for
// }.values
// for (tangent in nextTangents) {
// val tangentsAlong = if (tangent.startCircle === tangentPath.last().endCircle) {
// //if the previous segment last circle is the same as first circle of the next segment
// //If obstacle consists of single circle, do not walk around
// if (currentObstacle.circles.size < 2) {
// emptyList()
// } else {
// val lengthMaxPossible = arcLength(
// tangent.startCircle,
// tangentPath.last().lineSegment.end,
// currentObstacle.nextTangent(
// tangent.beginNode.nodeIndex,
// currentDirection
// ).lineSegment.begin,
// currentDirection
// )
// val lengthCalculated = arcLength(
// tangent.startCircle,
// tangentPath.last().lineSegment.end,
// tangent.lineSegment.begin,
// currentDirection
// )
// // ensure that path does not go inside the obstacle
// if (lengthCalculated > lengthMaxPossible) {
// currentObstacle.tangentsAlong(
// currentNode.nodeIndex,
// tangent.beginNode.nodeIndex,
// currentDirection,
// )
// } else {
// emptyList()
// }
// }
// } else {
// currentObstacle.tangentsAlong(
// currentNode.nodeIndex,
// tangent.beginNode.nodeIndex,
// currentDirection,
// )
// }
// newPaths.add(TangentPath(tangentPath.tangents + tangentsAlong + tangent))
// }
// }
// }
// currentPaths = newPaths
// }
// trajectories += currentPaths.map { tangentPath ->
//// val lastDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = tangentPath.last().endDirection
// val end = Obstacle(finalCircles[j])
// TangentPath(
// tangentPath.tangents +
// ObstacleTangent(
// LineSegment(finish, finish),
// ObstacleConnection(end, 0, j),
// ObstacleConnection(end, 0, j)
// )
// )
// }.map { it.toTrajectory() }
// }
// }
// return trajectories
@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
package space.kscience.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import kotlin.collections.component1
import kotlin.collections.component2
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.atan2
public class Obstacles(public val obstacles: List<Obstacle>) {
private inner class ObstacleConnection(
val obstacleIndex: Int,
val nodeIndex: Int,
val direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
) {
val obstacle: Obstacle get() = obstacles[obstacleIndex]
val circle: Circle2D get() = obstacle.circles[nodeIndex]
private inner class ObstacleTangent(
val tangentTrajectory: StraightTrajectory2D,
val from: ObstacleConnection?,
val to: ObstacleConnection?,
) {
* If false this tangent intersects another obstacle
val isValid by lazy {
obstacles.indices.none {
it != from?.obstacleIndex && it != to?.obstacleIndex && obstacles[it].intersects(tangentTrajectory)
* All tangents between two obstacles
* In general generates 4 paths.
* TODO check intersections.
private fun tangentsBetween(
firstIndex: Int,
secondIndex: Int,
): Map<DubinsPath.Type, ObstacleTangent> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val first = obstacles[firstIndex]
val second = obstacles[secondIndex]
val firstPolygon = polygon(first.circles.map { it.center })
val secondPolygon = polygon(second.circles.map { it.center })
buildMap {
for (firstCircleIndex in first.circles.indices) {
val firstCircle = first.circles[firstCircleIndex]
for (secondCircleIndex in second.circles.indices) {
val secondCircle = second.circles[secondCircleIndex]
for ((pathType, segment) in tangentsBetweenCircles(
)) {
if (!intersects(firstPolygon, segment) && !intersects(secondPolygon, segment)) {
ObstacleConnection(firstIndex, firstCircleIndex, pathType.first),
ObstacleConnection(secondIndex, secondCircleIndex, pathType.third)
private fun tangentsFromCircle(
circle: Circle2D,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
obstacleIndex: Int,
): Map<DubinsPath.Type, ObstacleTangent> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val obstacle = obstacles[obstacleIndex]
val polygon = polygon(obstacle.circles.map { it.center })
buildMap {
for (circleIndex in obstacle.circles.indices) {
val obstacleCircle = obstacle.circles[circleIndex]
for ((pathType, segment) in tangentsBetweenCircles(
)) {
if (pathType.first == direction && !intersects(polygon, segment)) {
ObstacleConnection(obstacleIndex, circleIndex, pathType.third)
private fun tangentToCircle(
obstacleIndex: Int,
obstacleDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction,
circle: Circle2D,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): ObstacleTangent? = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val obstacle = obstacles[obstacleIndex]
val polygon = polygon(obstacle.circles.map { it.center })
for (circleIndex in obstacle.circles.indices) {
val obstacleCircle = obstacle.circles[circleIndex]
).get(DubinsPath.Type(obstacleDirection, Trajectory2D.S, direction))?.takeIf {
!intersects(polygon, it)
}?.let {
return ObstacleTangent(
ObstacleConnection(obstacleIndex, circleIndex, obstacleDirection),
return null
private val tangentsCache = hashMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Map<DubinsPath.Type, ObstacleTangent>>()
private fun getAllTangents(i: Int, j: Int): Map<DubinsPath.Type, ObstacleTangent> =
tangentsCache.getOrPut(i to j) {
tangentsBetween(i, j)
* Circumvention trajectory alongside obstacle. Replacing first and last arcs with appropriate cuts
private fun trajectoryBetween(tangent1: ObstacleTangent, tangent2: ObstacleTangent): CompositeTrajectory2D {
require(tangent1.to != null)
require(tangent2.from != null)
require(tangent1.to.obstacleIndex == tangent2.from.obstacleIndex)
require(tangent1.to.direction == tangent2.from.direction)
val circumvention = tangent1.to.obstacle.circumvention(
//cutting first and last arcs to accommodate connection points
val first = circumvention.first() as CircleTrajectory2D
val last = circumvention.last() as CircleTrajectory2D
circumvention[0] = CircleTrajectory2D(
circumvention[circumvention.lastIndex] = CircleTrajectory2D(
return CompositeTrajectory2D(circumvention)
private inner class TangentPath(val tangents: List<ObstacleTangent>) {
val isFinished get() = tangents.last().to == null
fun toTrajectory(): CompositeTrajectory2D = CompositeTrajectory2D(
buildList<Trajectory2D> {
tangents.zipWithNext().forEach { (l, r) ->
addAll(trajectoryBetween(l, r).segments)
public fun allTrajectoriesAvoiding(
startCircle: Circle2D,
startDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction,
endCircle: Circle2D,
endDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): Collection<Trajectory2D> {
val directTangent: StraightTrajectory2D = tangentsBetweenCircles(startCircle, endCircle).get(
DubinsPath.Type(startDirection, Trajectory2D.S, endDirection)
) ?: return emptySet()
//fast return if no obstacles intersect direct path
if (obstacles.none { it.intersects(directTangent) }) return listOf(directTangent)
* Continue current tangent to final point or to the next obstacle
fun TangentPath.nextSteps(): Collection<TangentPath> {
val connection = tangents.last().to
require(connection != null)
//indices of obstacles that are not on previous path
val remainingObstacleIndices = obstacles.indices - tangents.mapNotNull { it.to?.obstacleIndex }
//a tangent to end point, null if tangent could not be constructed
val tangentToEnd: ObstacleTangent = tangentToCircle(
) ?: return emptySet()
if (remainingObstacleIndices.none { obstacles[it].intersects(tangentToEnd.tangentTrajectory) }) return setOf(
TangentPath(tangents + tangentToEnd)
// tangents to other obstacles
return remainingObstacleIndices.sortedWith(
compareByDescending<Int> { obstacles[it].intersects(tangentToEnd.tangentTrajectory) } //take intersecting obstacles
.thenBy { connection.circle.center.distanceTo(obstacles[it].center) } //then nearest
).firstNotNullOf { nextObstacleIndex ->
//all tangents from cache
getAllTangents(connection.obstacleIndex, nextObstacleIndex).filter {
//filtered by direction
it.key.first == connection.direction
}.values.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } // skip if empty
}.map {
TangentPath(tangents + it)
//find nearest obstacle that has valid tangents to
val tangentsToFirstObstacle: Collection<ObstacleTangent> = obstacles.indices.sortedWith(
compareByDescending<Int> { obstacles[it].intersects(directTangent) } //take intersecting obstacles
.thenBy { startCircle.center.distanceTo(obstacles[it].center) } //then nearest
).firstNotNullOf { obstacleIndex ->
tangentsFromCircle(startCircle, startDirection, obstacleIndex).values
.filter { it.isValid }.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
var paths = tangentsToFirstObstacle.map { TangentPath(listOf(it)) }
while (!paths.all { it.isFinished }) {
paths = paths.flatMap { it.nextSteps() }
return paths.map { it.toTrajectory() }
public companion object {
private data class LR<T>(val l: T, val r: T) {
operator fun get(direction: Trajectory2D.Direction) = when (direction) {
Trajectory2D.L -> l
Trajectory2D.R -> r
private fun normalVectors(v: DoubleVector2D, r: Double): Pair<DoubleVector2D, DoubleVector2D> =
with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
r * vector(v.y / norm(v), -v.x / norm(v)),
r * vector(-v.y / norm(v), v.x / norm(v))
private fun constructTangentCircles(
pose: DubinsPose2D,
r: Double,
): LR<Circle2D> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val direction = DubinsPose2D.bearingToVector(pose.bearing)
//TODO optimize to use bearing
val center1 = pose + normalVectors(direction, r).first
val center2 = pose + normalVectors(direction, r).second
val p1 = center1 - pose
return if (atan2(p1.y, p1.x) - atan2(direction.y, direction.x) in listOf(PI / 2, -3 * PI / 2)) {
Circle2D(center1, r),
Circle2D(center2, r)
} else {
Circle2D(center2, r),
Circle2D(center1, r)
public fun avoidObstacles(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
startingRadius: Double,
obstacleList: List<Obstacle>,
finalRadius: Double = startingRadius,
): List<Trajectory2D> {
val obstacles = Obstacles(obstacleList)
val initialCircles = constructTangentCircles(
//two circles for the final point
val finalCircles = constructTangentCircles(
val lr = listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)
return buildList {
lr.forEach { beginDirection ->
lr.forEach { endDirection ->
public fun avoidObstacles(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
vararg obstacles: Obstacle,
): List<Trajectory2D> = avoidObstacles(start, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacles.toList())
public fun avoidPolygons(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
vararg polygons: Polygon<Double>,
): List<Trajectory2D> {
val obstacles: List<Obstacle> = polygons.map { polygon ->
Obstacle(polygon.points, trajectoryRadius)
return avoidObstacles(start, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacles)
public fun avoidPolygons(
start: DubinsPose2D,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
trajectoryRadius: Double,
polygons: Collection<Polygon<Double>>,
): List<Trajectory2D> {
val obstacles: List<Obstacle> = polygons.map { polygon ->
Obstacle(polygon.points, trajectoryRadius)
return avoidObstacles(start, finish, trajectoryRadius, obstacles)
@ -11,16 +11,24 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.minus
import kotlin.math.atan2
import kotlin.math.atan2
public sealed interface Trajectory2D {
public sealed interface Trajectory2D {
public val length: Double
public val length: Double
public val beginPose: DubinsPose2D
public val endPose: DubinsPose2D
* Produce a trajectory with reversed order of points
public fun reversed(): Trajectory2D
public sealed interface Type
public sealed interface Type
public sealed interface Direction: Type
public sealed interface Direction : Type
public object R : Direction {
public object R : Direction {
override fun toString(): String = "R"
override fun toString(): String = "R"
@ -35,6 +43,9 @@ public sealed interface Trajectory2D {
public val DoubleVector2D.bearing: Angle get() = (atan2(x, y).radians).normalized()
* Straight path segment. The order of start and end defines the direction
* Straight path segment. The order of start and end defines the direction
@ -47,49 +58,60 @@ public data class StraightTrajectory2D(
override val length: Double get() = begin.distanceTo(end)
override val length: Double get() = begin.distanceTo(end)
public val bearing: Angle get() = (atan2(end.x - begin.x, end.y - begin.y).radians).normalized()
public val bearing: Angle get() = (end - begin).bearing
override val beginPose: DubinsPose2D get() = DubinsPose2D(begin, bearing)
override val endPose: DubinsPose2D get() = DubinsPose2D(end, bearing)
override fun reversed(): StraightTrajectory2D = StraightTrajectory2D(end, begin)
public fun StraightTrajectory2D(segment: LineSegment2D): StraightTrajectory2D =
StraightTrajectory2D(segment.begin, segment.end)
* An arc segment
* An arc segment
public data class CircleTrajectory2D(
public data class CircleTrajectory2D (
public val circle: Circle2D,
public val circle: Circle2D,
public val start: DubinsPose2D,
public val begin: DubinsPose2D,
public val end: DubinsPose2D,
public val end: DubinsPose2D,
) : Trajectory2D {
) : Trajectory2D {
override val beginPose: DubinsPose2D get() = begin
override val endPose: DubinsPose2D get() = end
* Arc length in radians
* Arc length in radians
val arcLength: Angle
val arcAngle: Angle
get() = if (direction == Trajectory2D.L) {
get() = if (direction == Trajectory2D.L) {
start.bearing - end.bearing
begin.bearing - end.bearing
} else {
} else {
end.bearing - start.bearing
end.bearing - begin.bearing
override val length: Double by lazy {
override val length: Double by lazy {
circle.radius * arcLength.radians
circle.radius * arcAngle.radians
public val direction: Trajectory2D.Direction by lazy {
public val direction: Trajectory2D.Direction by lazy {
if (start.y < circle.center.y) {
when {
if (start.bearing > Angle.pi) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
begin.y < circle.center.y -> if (begin.bearing > Angle.pi) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
} else if (start.y > circle.center.y) {
begin.y > circle.center.y -> if (begin.bearing < Angle.pi) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
if (start.bearing < Angle.pi) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
else -> if (begin.bearing == Angle.zero) {
} else {
if (begin.x < circle.center.x) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
if (start.bearing == Angle.zero) {
if (start.x < circle.center.x) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
} else {
} else {
if (start.x > circle.center.x) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
if (begin.x > circle.center.x) Trajectory2D.R else Trajectory2D.L
override fun reversed(): CircleTrajectory2D = CircleTrajectory2D(circle, end.reversed(), begin.reversed())
public companion object {
public companion object {
public fun of(
public fun of(
center: DoubleVector2D,
center: DoubleVector2D,
@ -124,8 +146,28 @@ public data class CircleTrajectory2D(
public class CompositeTrajectory2D(public val segments: List<Trajectory2D>) : Trajectory2D {
public class CompositeTrajectory2D(public val segments: List<Trajectory2D>) : Trajectory2D {
override val length: Double get() = segments.sumOf { it.length }
override val length: Double get() = segments.sumOf { it.length }
override val beginPose: DubinsPose2D get() = segments.first().beginPose
override val endPose: DubinsPose2D get() = segments.last().endPose
override fun reversed(): CompositeTrajectory2D = CompositeTrajectory2D(segments.map { it.reversed() }.reversed())
public fun CompositeTrajectory2D(vararg segments: Trajectory2D): CompositeTrajectory2D =
public fun CompositeTrajectory2D(vararg segments: Trajectory2D): CompositeTrajectory2D =
public fun Euclidean2DSpace.trajectoryIntersects(a: Trajectory2D, b: Trajectory2D): Boolean = when (a) {
is CircleTrajectory2D -> when (b) {
is CircleTrajectory2D -> intersectsOrInside(a.circle, b.circle)
is StraightTrajectory2D -> intersects(a.circle, b)
is CompositeTrajectory2D -> b.segments.any { trajectoryIntersects(it, b) }
is StraightTrajectory2D -> when (b) {
is CircleTrajectory2D -> intersects(a, b.circle)
is StraightTrajectory2D -> intersects(a, b)
is CompositeTrajectory2D -> b.segments.any { trajectoryIntersects(it, b) }
is CompositeTrajectory2D -> a.segments.any { trajectoryIntersects(it, b) }
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
package space.kscience.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.trajectory.DubinsPath.Type
import kotlin.math.*
* Create inner and outer tangents between two circles.
* This method returns a map of segments using [DubinsPath] connection type notation.
internal fun tangentsBetweenCircles(
first: Circle2D,
second: Circle2D,
): Map<Type, StraightTrajectory2D> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
// Distance between centers
val distanceBetweenCenters: Double = first.center.distanceTo(second.center)
// return empty map if one circle is inside another
val minRadius = min(first.radius, second.radius)
val maxRadius = max(first.radius, second.radius)
val listOfTangents = when {
// one circle inside another, no tangents
distanceBetweenCenters + minRadius <= maxRadius -> return emptyMap()
// circles intersect, only outer tangents
distanceBetweenCenters - minRadius <= maxRadius -> listOf(Type.RSR, Type.LSL)
// no intersections all tangents
else -> listOf(Type.RSR, Type.RSL, Type.LSR, Type.LSL)
val angle1 = atan2(second.center.x - first.center.x, second.center.y - first.center.y)
return listOfTangents.associateWith { route ->
val r1 = when (route.first) {
Trajectory2D.L -> -first.radius
Trajectory2D.R -> first.radius
val r2 = when (route.third) {
Trajectory2D.L -> -second.radius
Trajectory2D.R -> second.radius
val r = if (r1.sign == r2.sign) {
r1.absoluteValue - r2.absoluteValue
} else {
r1.absoluteValue + r2.absoluteValue
val l = sqrt(distanceBetweenCenters * distanceBetweenCenters - r * r)
val angle2 = if (r1.absoluteValue > r2.absoluteValue) {
angle1 + r1.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
} else {
angle1 - r2.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
val w = vector(-cos(angle2), sin(angle2))
first.center + w * r1,
second.center + w * r2
* Create an obstacle circumvention in given [direction] starting (including) from obstacle node with given [fromIndex]
public fun Obstacle.circumvention(direction: Trajectory2D.Direction, fromIndex: Int): CompositeTrajectory2D {
require(fromIndex in circles.indices) { "$fromIndex is not in ${circles.indices}" }
val startCircle = circles[fromIndex]
val segments = buildList {
val reserve = mutableListOf<Trajectory2D>()
val sourceSegments = when (direction) {
Trajectory2D.L -> circumvention.reversed().segments
Trajectory2D.R -> circumvention.segments
var i = 0
while ((sourceSegments[i] as? CircleTrajectory2D)?.circle !== startCircle) {
//put all segments before target circle on the reserve
while (i < sourceSegments.size) {
// put required segments on result list
//add remaining segments from reserve
check(i == sourceSegments.size)
return CompositeTrajectory2D(segments)
* Create an obstacle circumvention in given [direction] starting (including) from obstacle node with given [fromIndex]
* and ending (including) at obstacle node with given [toIndex]
public fun Obstacle.circumvention(
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
fromIndex: Int,
toIndex: Int,
): CompositeTrajectory2D {
require(toIndex in circles.indices) { "$toIndex is not in ${circles.indices}" }
val toCircle = circles[toIndex]
val fullCircumvention = circumvention(direction, fromIndex).segments
return CompositeTrajectory2D(
buildList {
var i = 0
do {
val segment = fullCircumvention[i]
} while ((segment as? CircleTrajectory2D)?.circle != toCircle)
@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
package space.kscience.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.*
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.distanceTo
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.minus
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.plus
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.times
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.zipWithNextCircular
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField.pow
import kotlin.math.*
internal data class ObstacleConnection(
val obstacle: Obstacle,
val nodeIndex: Int,
val direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
) {
val circle get() = obstacle.circles[nodeIndex]
internal data class ObstacleTangent(
val lineSegment: LineSegment2D,
val beginNode: ObstacleConnection,
val endNode: ObstacleConnection,
) : LineSegment2D by lineSegment {
val startCircle get() = beginNode.circle
val startDirection get() = beginNode.direction
val endCircle get() = endNode.circle
val endDirection get() = endNode.direction
private class LR<T>(val l: T, val r: T) {
operator fun get(direction: Trajectory2D.Direction) = when (direction) {
Trajectory2D.L -> l
Trajectory2D.R -> r
private class TangentPath(val tangents: List<ObstacleTangent>) {
fun last() = tangents.last()
private fun TangentPath(vararg tangents: ObstacleTangent) = TangentPath(listOf(*tangents))
* Create inner and outer tangents between two circles.
* This method returns a map of segments using [DubinsPath] connection type notation.
internal fun tangentsBetweenCircles(
first: Circle2D,
second: Circle2D,
): Map<DubinsPath.Type, LineSegment2D> = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
// Distance between centers
val distanceBetweenCenters: Double = first.center.distanceTo(second.center)
// return empty map if one circle is inside another
val minRadius = min(first.radius, second.radius)
val maxRadius = max(first.radius, second.radius)
val listOfTangents = when {
// one circle inside another, no tangents
distanceBetweenCenters + minRadius <= maxRadius -> return emptyMap()
// circles intersect, only outer tangents
distanceBetweenCenters - minRadius <= maxRadius -> listOf(DubinsPath.Type.RSR, DubinsPath.Type.LSL)
// no intersections all tangents
else -> listOf(DubinsPath.Type.RSR, DubinsPath.Type.RSL, DubinsPath.Type.LSR, DubinsPath.Type.LSL)
val angle1 = atan2(second.center.x - first.center.x, second.center.y - first.center.y)
return listOfTangents.associateWith { route ->
val r1 = when (route.first) {
Trajectory2D.L -> -first.radius
Trajectory2D.R -> first.radius
val r2 = when (route.third) {
Trajectory2D.L -> -second.radius
Trajectory2D.R -> second.radius
val r = if (r1.sign == r2.sign) {
r1.absoluteValue - r2.absoluteValue
} else {
r1.absoluteValue + r2.absoluteValue
val l = sqrt(distanceBetweenCenters * distanceBetweenCenters - r * r)
val angle2 = if (r1.absoluteValue > r2.absoluteValue) {
angle1 + r1.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
} else {
angle1 - r2.sign * atan2(r.absoluteValue, l)
val w = vector(-cos(angle2), sin(angle2))
first.center + w * r1,
second.center + w * r2
private fun Circle2D.isInside(other: Circle2D): Boolean {
return center.distanceTo(other.center) + radius <= other.radius
internal class ObstacleShell(
nodes: List<Circle2D>,
) : Obstacle {
override val circles: List<Circle2D>
override val center: Vector2D<Double>
private val shell: List<LineSegment2D>
private val shellDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction
init {
this.center = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(
nodes.sumOf { it.center.x } / nodes.size,
nodes.sumOf { it.center.y } / nodes.size
// this.circles = nodes.filter { node ->
// //filter nodes inside other nodes
// nodes.none{ node !== it && node.isInside(it) }
// }
this.circles = nodes.distinct()
if (nodes.size < 2) {
shell = emptyList()
shellDirection = Trajectory2D.R
} else {
//ignore cases when one circle is inside another one
val lslTangents = circles.zipWithNextCircular { a, b ->
tangentsBetweenCircles(a, b)[DubinsPath.Type.LSL] ?: error("Intersecting circles")
val rsrTangents = circles.zipWithNextCircular { a, b ->
tangentsBetweenCircles(a, b)[DubinsPath.Type.RSR] ?: error("Intersecting circles")
val lslToCenter = lslTangents.sumOf { it.begin.distanceTo(center) } +
lslTangents.sumOf { it.end.distanceTo(center) }
val rsrToCenter = rsrTangents.sumOf { it.begin.distanceTo(center) } +
rsrTangents.sumOf { it.end.distanceTo(center) }
if (rsrToCenter >= lslToCenter) {
this.shell = rsrTangents
this.shellDirection = Trajectory2D.R
} else {
this.shell = lslTangents
this.shellDirection = Trajectory2D.L
constructor(obstacle: Obstacle) : this(obstacle.circles)
* Check if segment has any intersections with this obstacle
override fun intersects(segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean =
shell.any { tangent -> segment.intersectsSegment(tangent) }
|| circles.any { circle -> segment.intersectsCircle(circle) }
override fun intersects(circle: Circle2D): Boolean =
shell.any { tangent -> tangent.intersectsCircle(circle) }
* Tangent to next obstacle node in given direction
fun nextTangent(circleIndex: Int, direction: Trajectory2D.Direction): ObstacleTangent {
if (circleIndex == -1) error("Circle does not belong to this tangent")
val nextCircleIndex = if (direction == this.shellDirection) {
if (circleIndex == circles.lastIndex) 0 else circleIndex + 1
} else {
if (circleIndex == 0) circles.lastIndex else circleIndex - 1
return ObstacleTangent(
ObstacleConnection(this, circleIndex, direction),
ObstacleConnection(this, nextCircleIndex, direction),
* All tangents in given direction
internal fun tangentsAlong(
initialCircleIndex: Int,
finalCircleIndex: Int,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): List<ObstacleTangent> {
return buildList {
var currentIndex = initialCircleIndex
do {
val tangent = nextTangent(currentIndex, direction)
currentIndex = tangent.endNode.nodeIndex
} while (currentIndex != finalCircleIndex)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other == null || other !is ObstacleShell) return false
return circles == other.circles
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return circles.hashCode()
internal fun ObstacleShell(vararg circles: Circle2D): ObstacleShell = ObstacleShell(listOf(*circles))
private fun LineSegment2D.intersectsSegment(other: LineSegment2D): Boolean {
infix fun DoubleVector2D.cross(v2: DoubleVector2D): Double = x * v2.y - y * v2.x
infix fun DoubleVector2D.crossSign(v2: DoubleVector2D) = cross(v2).sign
return with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
(other.begin - begin) crossSign (other.end - begin) !=
(other.begin - end) crossSign (other.end - end) &&
(begin - other.begin) crossSign (end - other.begin) !=
(begin - other.end) crossSign (end - other.end)
private fun LineSegment2D.intersectsCircle(circle: Circle2D): Boolean {
val a = (begin.x - end.x).pow(2.0) + (begin.y - end.y).pow(2.0)
val b = 2 * ((begin.x - end.x) * (end.x - circle.center.x) +
(begin.y - end.y) * (end.y - circle.center.y))
val c = (end.x - circle.center.x).pow(2.0) + (end.y - circle.center.y).pow(2.0) -
val aNormalized = a / (a * a + b * b + c * c)
val bNormalized = b / (a * a + b * b + c * c)
val cNormalized = c / (a * a + b * b + c * c)
val d = bNormalized.pow(2.0) - 4 * aNormalized * cNormalized
if (d < 1e-6) {
return false
} else {
val t1 = (-bNormalized - d.pow(0.5)) * 0.5 / aNormalized
val t2 = (-bNormalized + d.pow(0.5)) * 0.5 / aNormalized
if (((0 < t1) and (t1 < 1)) or ((0 < t2) and (t2 < 1))) {
return true
return false
* All tangents between two obstacles
* In general generates 4 paths.
* TODO check intersections.
private fun outerTangents(first: Obstacle, second: Obstacle): Map<DubinsPath.Type, ObstacleTangent> = buildMap {
for (firstCircleIndex in first.circles.indices) {
for (secondCircleIndex in second.circles.indices) {
for ((pathType, segment) in tangentsBetweenCircles(
)) {
val tangent = ObstacleTangent(
ObstacleConnection(first, firstCircleIndex, pathType.first),
ObstacleConnection(second, secondCircleIndex, pathType.third)
if (!(first.intersects(tangent)) && !(second.intersects(tangent))) {
private fun arcLength(
circle: Circle2D,
point1: DoubleVector2D,
point2: DoubleVector2D,
direction: Trajectory2D.Direction,
): Double {
val phi1 = atan2(point1.y - circle.center.y, point1.x - circle.center.x)
val phi2 = atan2(point2.y - circle.center.y, point2.x - circle.center.x)
var angle = 0.0
when (direction) {
Trajectory2D.L -> {
angle = if (phi2 >= phi1) {
phi2 - phi1
} else {
2 * PI + phi2 - phi1
Trajectory2D.R -> {
angle = if (phi2 >= phi1) {
2 * PI - (phi2 - phi1)
} else {
-(phi2 - phi1)
return circle.radius * angle
private fun normalVectors(v: DoubleVector2D, r: Double): Pair<DoubleVector2D, DoubleVector2D> {
return Pair(
r * Euclidean2DSpace.vector(v.y / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v), -v.x / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v)),
r * Euclidean2DSpace.vector(-v.y / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v), v.x / Euclidean2DSpace.norm(v))
private fun constructTangentCircles(
point: DoubleVector2D,
direction: DoubleVector2D,
r: Double,
): LR<Circle2D> {
val center1 = point + normalVectors(direction, r).first
val center2 = point + normalVectors(direction, r).second
val p1 = center1 - point
return if (atan2(p1.y, p1.x) - atan2(direction.y, direction.x) in listOf(PI / 2, -3 * PI / 2)) {
Circle2D(center1, r),
Circle2D(center2, r)
} else {
Circle2D(center2, r),
Circle2D(center1, r)
private fun sortedObstacles(
currentObstacle: Obstacle,
obstacles: List<Obstacle>,
): List<Obstacle> {
return obstacles.sortedBy { Euclidean2DSpace.norm(it.center - currentObstacle.center) }
* Check if all proposed paths have ended at [finalObstacle]
private fun allFinished(
paths: List<TangentPath>,
finalObstacle: Obstacle,
): Boolean {
for (path in paths) {
if (path.last().endNode.obstacle !== finalObstacle) {
return false
return true
private fun LineSegment2D.toTrajectory() = StraightTrajectory2D(begin, end)
private fun TangentPath.toTrajectory(): CompositeTrajectory2D = CompositeTrajectory2D(
buildList {
tangents.zipWithNext().forEach { (left, right: ObstacleTangent) ->
internal fun findAllPaths(
start: DubinsPose2D,
startingRadius: Double,
finish: DubinsPose2D,
finalRadius: Double,
obstacles: List<ObstacleShell>,
): List<CompositeTrajectory2D> {
fun DubinsPose2D.direction() = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(cos(bearing), sin(bearing))
// two circles for the initial point
val initialCircles = constructTangentCircles(
//two circles for the final point
val finalCircles = constructTangentCircles(
//all valid trajectories
val trajectories = mutableListOf<CompositeTrajectory2D>()
for (i in listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)) {
for (j in listOf(Trajectory2D.L, Trajectory2D.R)) {
//Using obstacle to minimize code bloat
val initialObstacle = ObstacleShell(initialCircles[i])
val finalObstacle = ObstacleShell(finalCircles[j])
var currentPaths: List<TangentPath> = listOf(
//We need only the direction of the final segment from this
LineSegment(start, start),
ObstacleConnection(initialObstacle, 0, i),
ObstacleConnection(initialObstacle, 0, i),
while (!allFinished(currentPaths, finalObstacle)) {
// paths after next obstacle iteration
val newPaths = mutableListOf<TangentPath>()
// for each path propagate it one obstacle further
for (tangentPath: TangentPath in currentPaths) {
val currentNode = tangentPath.last().endNode
val currentDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = tangentPath.last().endDirection
val currentObstacle: ObstacleShell = ObstacleShell(tangentPath.last().endNode.obstacle)
// If path is finished, ignore it
// TODO avoid returning to ignored obstacle on the next cycle
if (currentObstacle == finalObstacle) {
} else {
val tangentToFinal: ObstacleTangent =
outerTangents(currentObstacle, finalObstacle)[DubinsPath.Type(
)] ?: break
// searching for the nearest obstacle that intersects with the direct path
val nextObstacle = sortedObstacles(currentObstacle, obstacles).find { obstacle ->
} ?: finalObstacle
//TODO add break check for end of path
// All valid tangents from current obstacle to the next one
val nextTangents: Collection<ObstacleTangent> = outerTangents(
).filter { (key, tangent) ->
obstacles.none { obstacle -> obstacle.intersects(tangent) } && // does not intersect other obstacles
key.first == currentDirection && // initial direction is the same as end of previous segment direction
(nextObstacle != finalObstacle || key.third == j) // if it is the last, it should be the same as the one we are searching for
for (tangent in nextTangents) {
val tangentsAlong = if (tangent.startCircle === tangentPath.last().endCircle) {
//if the previous segment last circle is the same as first circle of the next segment
//If obstacle consists of single circle, do not walk around
if (currentObstacle.circles.size < 2) {
} else {
val lengthMaxPossible = arcLength(
val lengthCalculated = arcLength(
// ensure that path does not go inside the obstacle
if (lengthCalculated > lengthMaxPossible) {
} else {
} else {
newPaths.add(TangentPath(tangentPath.tangents + tangentsAlong + tangent))
currentPaths = newPaths
trajectories += currentPaths.map { tangentPath ->
// val lastDirection: Trajectory2D.Direction = tangentPath.last().endDirection
val end = Obstacle(finalCircles[j])
tangentPath.tangents +
LineSegment(finish, finish),
ObstacleConnection(end, 0, j),
ObstacleConnection(end, 0, j)
}.map { it.toTrajectory() }
return trajectories
@ -3,21 +3,19 @@
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.trajectory.segments
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.circumference
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.degrees
import space.kscience.trajectory.CircleTrajectory2D
import space.kscience.trajectory.CircleTrajectory2D
import space.kscience.trajectory.DubinsPose2D
import space.kscience.trajectory.Trajectory2D
import space.kscience.trajectory.Trajectory2D
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class ArcTests {
class ArcTests {
fun arcTest() = with(Euclidean2DSpace){
fun arc() = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val circle = Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 2.0)
val circle = Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 2.0)
val arc = CircleTrajectory2D.of(
val arc = CircleTrajectory2D.of(
@ -26,7 +24,19 @@ class ArcTests {
assertEquals(circle.circumference / 4, arc.length, 1.0)
assertEquals(circle.circumference / 4, arc.length, 1.0)
assertEquals(0.0, arc.start.bearing.degrees)
assertEquals(0.0, arc.begin.bearing.degrees)
assertEquals(90.0, arc.end.bearing.degrees)
assertEquals(90.0, arc.end.bearing.degrees)
fun quarter() = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
val circle = circle(1, 0, 1)
val arc = CircleTrajectory2D(
DubinsPose2D(x = 2.0, y = 1.2246467991473532E-16, bearing = PI.radians),
DubinsPose2D(x = 1.0, y = -1.0, bearing = (PI*3/2).radians)
assertEquals(Trajectory2D.R, arc.direction)
assertEquals(PI / 2, arc.length, 1e-4)
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class CircleTests {
fun circle() {
val center = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(0.0, 0.0)
val radius = 2.0
val expectedCircumference = 12.56637
val circle = Circle2D(center, radius)
assertEquals(expectedCircumference, circle.circumference, 1e-4)
fun circleIntersection() = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
assertTrue {
circle(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
circle(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)
assertTrue {
circle(0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
circle(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
assertFalse {
circle(0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
circle(0.0, -1.1, 1.0)
fun circleLineIntersection() = with(Euclidean2DSpace) {
assertTrue {
intersects(circle(0, 0, 1), segment(1, 1, -1, 1))
assertTrue {
intersects(circle(1, 1, sqrt(2.0)/2), segment(1, 0, 0, 1))
assertTrue {
intersects(circle(1, 1, 1), segment(2, 2, 0, 2))
assertTrue {
intersects(circle(0, 0, 1), segment(1, -1, 1, 1))
assertTrue {
intersects(circle(0, 0, 1), segment(1, 0, -1, 0))
assertFalse {
intersects(circle(0, 0, 1), segment(1, 2, -1, 2))
assertFalse {
intersects(circle(-1, 0, 1), segment(0, 1.05, -2, 1.0))
private fun Euclidean2DSpace.oldIntersect(circle: Circle2D, segment: LineSegment2D): Boolean{
val begin = segment.begin
val end = segment.end
val lengthSquared = (begin.x - end.x).pow(2) + (begin.y - end.y).pow(2)
val b = 2 * ((begin.x - end.x) * (end.x - circle.center.x) +
(begin.y - end.y) * (end.y - circle.center.y))
val c = (end.x - circle.center.x).pow(2) + (end.y - circle.center.y).pow(2) -
val aNormalized = lengthSquared / (lengthSquared * lengthSquared + b * b + c * c)
val bNormalized = b / (lengthSquared * lengthSquared + b * b + c * c)
val cNormalized = c / (lengthSquared * lengthSquared + b * b + c * c)
val d = bNormalized.pow(2.0) - 4 * aNormalized * cNormalized
if (d < 1e-6) {
return false
} else {
val t1 = (-bNormalized - d.pow(0.5)) * 0.5 / aNormalized
val t2 = (-bNormalized + d.pow(0.5)) * 0.5 / aNormalized
if (((0 < t1) and (t1 < 1)) or ((0 < t2) and (t2 < 1))) {
return true
return false
fun oldCircleLineIntersection() = with(Euclidean2DSpace){
assertTrue {
oldIntersect(circle(0, 0, 1.1), segment(1, 1, -1, 1))
assertTrue {
oldIntersect(circle(1, 1, sqrt(2.0)/2+0.01), segment(1, 0, 0, 1))
assertTrue {
oldIntersect(circle(1, 1, 1.01), segment(2, 2, 0, 2))
assertTrue {
oldIntersect(circle(0, 0, 1.01), segment(1, -1, 1, 1))
assertTrue {
oldIntersect(circle(0, 0, 1.0), segment(2, 0, -2, 0))
assertFalse {
oldIntersect(circle(0, 0, 1), segment(1, 2, -1, 2))
assertFalse {
oldIntersect(circle(-1, 0, 1), segment(0, 1.05, -2, 1.0))
@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.trajectory.segments
package space.kscience.kmath.geometry
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.degrees
import space.kscience.trajectory.StraightTrajectory2D
import space.kscience.trajectory.StraightTrajectory2D
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.math.sqrt
@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ class DubinsTests {
val b = path.segments[1]
val b = path.segments[1]
val c = path.segments[2] as CircleTrajectory2D
val c = path.segments[2] as CircleTrajectory2D
assertEquals(start, a.begin)
assertEquals(end, c.end)
// Not working, theta double precision inaccuracy
// Not working, theta double precision inaccuracy
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) {
if (b is CircleTrajectory2D) {
assertEquals(a.end, b.begin)
assertEquals(c.begin, b.end)
} else if (b is StraightTrajectory2D) {
} else if (b is StraightTrajectory2D) {
assertTrue(a.end.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.begin, b.bearing)))
assertEquals(a.end, DubinsPose2D(b.begin, b.bearing))
assertTrue(c.start.equalsFloat(DubinsPose2D(b.end, b.bearing)))
assertEquals(c.begin, DubinsPose2D(b.end, b.bearing))
@ -8,38 +8,51 @@ package space.kscience.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.vector
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace.vector
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.degrees
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.degrees
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class ObstacleTest {
class ObstacleTest {
fun firstPath() {
fun equalObstacles() {
val circle1 = Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5)
val circle2 = Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5)
assertEquals(circle1, circle2)
val obstacle1 = Obstacle(circle1)
val obstacle2 = Obstacle(circle2)
assertEquals(obstacle1, obstacle2)
fun singeObstacle() {
val startPoint = vector(-5.0, -1.0)
val startPoint = vector(-5.0, -1.0)
val startDirection = vector(1.0, 1.0)
val startDirection = vector(1.0, 1.0)
val startRadius = 0.5
val startRadius = 0.5
val finalPoint = vector(20.0, 4.0)
val finalPoint = vector(20.0, 4.0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, -1.0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, -1.0)
val outputTangents = Obstacle.avoidObstacles(
val outputTangents = Obstacles.avoidObstacles(
DubinsPose2D(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D(finalPoint, finalDirection),
DubinsPose2D(finalPoint, finalDirection),
Obstacle(Circle2D(vector(7.0, 1.0), 5.0))
Obstacle(Circle2D(vector(7.0, 1.0), 5.0))
assertTrue { outputTangents.isNotEmpty() }
val length = outputTangents.minOf { it.length }
val length = outputTangents.minOf { it.length }
assertEquals(27.2113183, length, 1e-6)
assertEquals(27.2113183, length, 1e-6)
fun secondPath() {
fun twoObstacles() {
val startPoint = vector(-5.0, -1.0)
val startPoint = vector(-5.0, -1.0)
val startDirection = vector(1.0, 1.0)
val startDirection = vector(1.0, 1.0)
val radius = 0.5
val radius = 0.5
val finalPoint = vector(20.0, 4.0)
val finalPoint = vector(20.0, 4.0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, -1.0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, -1.0)
val paths = Obstacle.avoidObstacles(
val paths = Obstacles.avoidObstacles(
DubinsPose2D(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D(finalPoint, finalDirection),
DubinsPose2D(finalPoint, finalDirection),
@ -55,19 +68,36 @@ class ObstacleTest {
Circle2D(vector(9.0, 4.0), 0.5)
Circle2D(vector(9.0, 4.0), 0.5)
assertTrue { paths.isNotEmpty() }
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
assertEquals(28.9678224, length, 1e-6)
assertEquals(28.9678224, length, 1e-6)
fun nearPoints() {
fun circumvention(){
val obstacle = Obstacle(
Circle2D(vector(0.0, 0.0), 1.0),
Circle2D(vector(0.0, 1.0), 1.0),
Circle2D(vector(1.0, 1.0), 1.0),
Circle2D(vector(1.0, 0.0), 1.0)
val circumvention = obstacle.circumvention
assertEquals(4, circumvention.segments.count { it is CircleTrajectory2D })
assertEquals(4 + 2* PI, circumvention.length, 1e-4)
fun closePoints() {
val startPoint = vector(-1.0, -1.0)
val startPoint = vector(-1.0, -1.0)
val startDirection = vector(0.0, 1.0)
val startDirection = vector(0.0, 1.0)
val startRadius = 1.0
val startRadius = 1.0
val finalPoint = vector(-1, -1)
val finalPoint = vector(-1, -1)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, 0)
val finalDirection = vector(1.0, 0)
val paths = Obstacle.avoidObstacles(
val paths = Obstacles.avoidObstacles(
DubinsPose2D(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D(startPoint, startDirection),
DubinsPose2D(finalPoint, finalDirection),
DubinsPose2D(finalPoint, finalDirection),
@ -78,14 +108,15 @@ class ObstacleTest {
Circle2D(vector(1.0, 0.0), 1.0)
Circle2D(vector(1.0, 0.0), 1.0)
assertTrue { paths.isNotEmpty() }
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
//assertEquals(28.9678224, length, 1e-6)
//assertEquals(28.9678224, length, 1e-6)
fun fromMap() {
fun largeCoordinates() {
val paths = Obstacle.avoidObstacles(
val paths = Obstacles.avoidObstacles(
DubinsPose2D(x = 484149.535516561, y = 2995086.2534208703, bearing = 3.401475378237137.degrees),
DubinsPose2D(x = 484149.535516561, y = 2995086.2534208703, bearing = 3.401475378237137.degrees),
DubinsPose2D(x = 456663.8489126448, y = 2830054.1087567504, bearing = 325.32183928982727.degrees),
DubinsPose2D(x = 456663.8489126448, y = 2830054.1087567504, bearing = 325.32183928982727.degrees),
@ -98,34 +129,6 @@ class ObstacleTest {
assertTrue { paths.isNotEmpty() }
assertTrue { paths.isNotEmpty() }
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
fun fromMapLess() {
val paths = Obstacle.avoidObstacles(
DubinsPose2D(x = 48.4149535516561, y = 299.50862534208703, bearing = 3.401475378237137.degrees),
DubinsPose2D(x = 45.66638489126448, y = 283.00541087567504, bearing = 325.32183928982727.degrees),
Circle2D(vector(x=44.60882236175772, y=289.52640759535935), radius=0.5),
Circle2D(vector(x=45.558751549431164, y=289.71165594902174), radius=0.5),
Circle2D(vector(x=46.590308440141426, y=289.3897500160981), radius=0.5),
Circle2D(vector(x=46.242119397653354, y=287.94964842121634), radius=0.5),
Circle2D(vector(x=44.92318047505464, y=288.0132403305273), radius=0.5)
val length = paths.minOf { it.length }
fun equalObstacles() {
val circle1 = Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5)
val circle2 = Circle2D(vector(1.0, 6.5), 0.5)
assertEquals(circle1, circle2)
val obstacle1 = ObstacleShell(listOf(circle1))
val obstacle2 = ObstacleShell(listOf(circle2))
assertEquals(obstacle1, obstacle2)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2022 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.trajectory.segments
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Circle2D
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.circumference
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class CircleTests {
fun arcTest() {
val center = Euclidean2DSpace.vector(0.0, 0.0)
val radius = 2.0
val expectedCircumference = 12.56637
val circle = Circle2D(center, radius)
assertEquals(expectedCircumference, circle.circumference, 1e-4)
@ -6,13 +6,15 @@
package space.kscience.trajectory
package space.kscience.trajectory
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.Euclidean2DSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.equalsFloat
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.radians
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.radians
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.sin
import space.kscience.kmath.geometry.sin
fun DubinsPose2D.equalsFloat(other: DubinsPose2D) =
fun assertEquals(expected: DubinsPose2D, actual: DubinsPose2D, precision: Double = 1e-6){
x.equalsFloat(other.x) && y.equalsFloat(other.y) && bearing.radians.equalsFloat(other.bearing.radians)
kotlin.test.assertEquals(expected.x, actual.x, precision)
kotlin.test.assertEquals(expected.y, actual.y, precision)
kotlin.test.assertEquals(expected.bearing.radians, actual.bearing.radians, precision)
fun StraightTrajectory2D.inverse() = StraightTrajectory2D(end, begin)
fun StraightTrajectory2D.inverse() = StraightTrajectory2D(end, begin)
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