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2021-01-20 12:13:32 +00:00

LibTorch extension (kmath-torch)

This is a Kotlin/Native & JVM module, with only linuxX64 supported so far. The library wraps some of the PyTorch C++ API, focusing on integrating Aten & Autograd with KMath.


To install the library, you have to build & publish locally kmath-core, kmath-memory with kmath-torch:

./gradlew -q :kmath-core:publishToMavenLocal :kmath-memory:publishToMavenLocal :kmath-torch:publishToMavenLocal

This builds ctorch a C wrapper and jtorch a JNI wrapper for LibTorch, placed inside:


You will have to link against it in your own project.


Tensors are implemented over the MutableNDStructure. They can only be created through provided factory methods and require scoping within a TensorAlgebra instance:

TorchTensorRealAlgebra {

    val realTensor: TorchTensorReal = copyFromArray(
        array = (1..10).map { it + 50.0 }.toList().toDoubleArray(),
        shape = intArrayOf(2, 5)

    val gpuRealTensor: TorchTensorReal = copyFromArray(
        array = (1..8).map { it * 2.5 }.toList().toDoubleArray(),
        shape = intArrayOf(2, 2, 2),
        device = Device.CUDA(0)

High performance automatic differentiation engine is available:

TorchTensorRealAlgebra {
    val dim = 10
    val device = Device.CPU //or Device.CUDA(0)
    val tensorX = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(dim), device = device)
    val randFeatures = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(dim, dim), device = device)
    val tensorSigma = randFeatures + randFeatures.transpose(0, 1)
    val tensorMu = randNormal(shape = intArrayOf(dim), device = device)

    // expression to differentiate w.r.t. x evaluated at x = tensorX
    val expressionAtX = withGradAt(tensorX, { x ->
        0.5 * (x dot (tensorSigma dot x)) + (tensorMu dot x) + 25.9

    // value of the gradient at x = tensorX
    val gradientAtX = expressionAtX.grad(tensorX, retainGraph = true)
    // value of the hessian at x = tensorX
    val hessianAtX = expressionAtX hess tensorX

Contributed by Roland Grinis