118 lines
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118 lines
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package scientifik.kmath.structures
import scientifik.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Field
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Space
import scientifik.kmath.operations.SpaceElement
* The space for linear elements. Supports scalar product alongside with standard linear operations.
abstract class LinearSpace<T, V: LinearStructure<out T>>(val rows: Int, val columns: Int, val field: Field<T>) : Space<V> {
* Produce the element of this space
abstract fun produce(initializer: (Int, Int) -> T): V
* Produce new linear space with given dimensions
abstract fun produceSpace(rows: Int, columns: Int): LinearSpace<T,V>
override val zero: V by lazy {
produce { _, _ -> field.zero }
override fun add(a: V, b: V): V {
return produce { i, j -> with(field) { a[i, j] + b[i, j] } }
override fun multiply(a: V, k: Double): V {
//TODO it is possible to implement scalable linear elements which normed values and adjustable scale to save memory and processing poser
return produce { i, j -> with(field) { a[i, j] * k } }
* Dot product
fun multiply(a: V, b: V): V {
if (a.columns != b.rows) {
//TODO replace by specific exception
throw RuntimeException("Dimension mismatch in vector dot product")
return produceSpace(a.rows, b.columns).produce { i, j ->
(0..a.columns).asSequence().map { k -> field.multiply(a[i, k], b[k, j]) }.reduce { first, second -> field.add(first, second) }
infix fun V.dot(b: V): V = multiply(this, b)
* A matrix-like structure that is not dependent on specific space implementation
interface LinearStructure<T> {
val rows: Int
val columns: Int
operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): T
fun transpose(): LinearStructure<T> {
return object : LinearStructure<T> {
override val rows: Int = this@LinearStructure.columns
override val columns: Int = this@LinearStructure.rows
override fun get(i: Int, j: Int): T = this@LinearStructure.get(j, i)
class RealArraySpace(rows: Int, columns: Int) : LinearSpace<Double, RealArray>(rows, columns, DoubleField) {
override fun produce(initializer: (Int, Int) -> Double): RealArray {
return RealArray(this, initializer)
override fun produceSpace(rows: Int, columns: Int): LinearSpace<Double, RealArray> {
return RealArraySpace(rows, columns)
class RealArray(override val context: RealArraySpace, initializer: (Int, Int) -> Double): LinearStructure<Double>, SpaceElement<RealArray> {
val array: Array<Array<Double>> = Array(context.rows) { i -> Array(context.columns) { j -> initializer(i, j) } }
override val rows: Int = context.rows
override val columns: Int = context.columns
override fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Double {
return array[i][j]
override val self: RealArray = this
// * An element of linear algebra with fixed dimension. The linear space allows linear operations on objects of the same dimensions.
// * Scalar product operations are performed outside space.
// *
// * @param E the type of linear object element type.
// */
//interface LinearObject<E> : SpaceElement<LinearObject<E>> {
// override val context: LinearSpace<>
// val rows: Int
// val columns: Int
// operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): E
// /**
// * Get a transposed object with switched dimensions
// */
// fun transpose(): LinearObject<E>
// /**
// * Perform scalar multiplication (dot) operation, checking dimensions. The argument object and result both could be outside initial space.
// */
// operator fun times(other: LinearObject<E>): LinearObject<E>