Improved trigonometry operations #99
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ repositories {
kotlin.sourceSets {
kotlin.sourceSets {
// all {
// languageSettings.apply{
// enableLanguageFeature("NewInference")
// }
// }
commonMain {
commonMain {
dependencies {
dependencies {
@ -1,33 +1,76 @@
package scientifik.kmath.ast
package scientifik.kmath.ast
import scientifik.kmath.operations.*
import scientifik.kmath.operations.*
object MSTAlgebra : NumericAlgebra<MST> {
object MSTAlgebra : NumericAlgebra<MST> {
override fun number(value: Number): MST = MST.Numeric(value)
override fun symbol(value: String): MST = MST.Symbolic(value)
override fun symbol(value: String): MST = MST.Symbolic(value)
override fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: MST): MST = MST.Unary(operation, arg)
override fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: MST): MST =
MST.Unary(operation, arg)
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: MST, right: MST): MST = MST.Binary(operation, left, right)
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: MST, right: MST): MST =
MST.Binary(operation, left, right)
override fun number(value: Number): MST = MST.Numeric(value)
object MSTSpace : Space<MST>, NumericAlgebra<MST> by MSTAlgebra {
object MSTSpace : Space<MST>, NumericAlgebra<MST> {
override val zero: MST = number(0.0)
override val zero: MST = number(0.0)
override fun add(a: MST, b: MST): MST = binaryOperation(SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun number(value: Number): MST = MST.Numeric(value)
override fun multiply(a: MST, k: Number): MST = binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, number(k))
override fun symbol(value: String): MST = MST.Symbolic(value)
override fun add(a: MST, b: MST): MST =
binaryOperation(SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun multiply(a: MST, k: Number): MST =
binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, number(k))
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: MST, right: MST): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(operation, left, right)
override fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: MST): MST = MSTAlgebra.unaryOperation(operation, arg)
object MSTRing : Ring<MST>, Space<MST> by MSTSpace {
object MSTRing : Ring<MST>, NumericAlgebra<MST> {
override fun number(value: Number): MST = MST.Numeric(value)
override fun symbol(value: String): MST = MST.Symbolic(value)
override val zero: MST = MSTSpace.number(0.0)
override val one: MST = number(1.0)
override val one: MST = number(1.0)
override fun add(a: MST, b: MST): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun multiply(a: MST, b: MST): MST = binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun multiply(a: MST, k: Number): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, MSTSpace.number(k))
override fun multiply(a: MST, b: MST): MST =
binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: MST, right: MST): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(operation, left, right)
object MSTField : Field<MST>, Ring<MST> by MSTRing {
object MSTField : Field<MST>{
override fun divide(a: MST, b: MST): MST = binaryOperation(FieldOperations.DIV_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun symbol(value: String): MST = MST.Symbolic(value)
override fun number(value: Number): MST = MST.Numeric(value)
override val zero: MST = MSTSpace.number(0.0)
override val one: MST = number(1.0)
override fun add(a: MST, b: MST): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun multiply(a: MST, k: Number): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, MSTSpace.number(k))
override fun multiply(a: MST, b: MST): MST =
binaryOperation(RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun divide(a: MST, b: MST): MST =
binaryOperation(FieldOperations.DIV_OPERATION, a, b)
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: MST, right: MST): MST =
MSTAlgebra.binaryOperation(operation, left, right)
@ -1,19 +1,55 @@
package scientifik.kmath.ast
package scientifik.kmath.ast
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.Expression
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.Expression
import scientifik.kmath.operations.NumericAlgebra
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.FunctionalExpressionField
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.FunctionalExpressionRing
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.FunctionalExpressionSpace
import scientifik.kmath.operations.*
* The expression evaluates MST on-flight. Should be much faster than functional expression, but slower than ASM-generated expressions.
* The expression evaluates MST on-flight. Should be much faster than functional expression, but slower than ASM-generated expressions.
class MSTExpression<T>(val algebra: NumericAlgebra<T>, val mst: MST) : Expression<T> {
class MSTExpression<T>(val algebra: Algebra<T>, val mst: MST) : Expression<T> {
* Substitute algebra raw value
* Substitute algebra raw value
private inner class InnerAlgebra(val arguments: Map<String, T>) : NumericAlgebra<T> by algebra {
private inner class InnerAlgebra(val arguments: Map<String, T>) : NumericAlgebra<T>{
override fun symbol(value: String): T = arguments[value] ?: super.symbol(value)
override fun symbol(value: String): T = arguments[value] ?: algebra.symbol(value)
override fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: T): T = algebra.unaryOperation(operation, arg)
override fun binaryOperation(operation: String, left: T, right: T): T =algebra.binaryOperation(operation, left, right)
override fun number(value: Number): T = if(algebra is NumericAlgebra){
} else{
error("Numeric nodes are not supported by $this")
override fun invoke(arguments: Map<String, T>): T = InnerAlgebra(arguments).evaluate(mst)
override fun invoke(arguments: Map<String, T>): T = InnerAlgebra(arguments).evaluate(mst)
inline fun <reified T : Any, A : Algebra<T>, E : Algebra<MST>> A.mst(
mstAlgebra: E,
block: E.() -> MST
): MSTExpression<T> = MSTExpression(this, mstAlgebra.block())
inline fun <reified T : Any> Space<T>.mstInSpace(block: MSTSpace.() -> MST): MSTExpression<T> =
MSTExpression(this, MSTSpace.block())
inline fun <reified T : Any> Ring<T>.mstInRing(block: MSTRing.() -> MST): MSTExpression<T> =
MSTExpression(this, MSTRing.block())
inline fun <reified T : Any> Field<T>.mstInField(block: MSTField.() -> MST): MSTExpression<T> =
MSTExpression(this, MSTField.block())
inline fun <reified T: Any, A : Space<T>> FunctionalExpressionSpace<T, A>.mstInSpace(block: MSTSpace.() -> MST): MSTExpression<T> =
inline fun <reified T: Any, A : Ring<T>> FunctionalExpressionRing<T, A>.mstInRing(block: MSTRing.() -> MST): MSTExpression<T> =
inline fun <reified T: Any, A : Field<T>> FunctionalExpressionField<T, A>.mstInField(block: MSTField.() -> MST): MSTExpression<T> =
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ import scientifik.kmath.asm.internal.buildName
import scientifik.kmath.asm.internal.hasSpecific
import scientifik.kmath.asm.internal.hasSpecific
import scientifik.kmath.asm.internal.tryInvokeSpecific
import scientifik.kmath.asm.internal.tryInvokeSpecific
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MST
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MST
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MSTField
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MSTExpression
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MSTRing
import scientifik.kmath.ast.MSTSpace
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.Expression
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.Expression
import scientifik.kmath.operations.*
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Algebra
import scientifik.kmath.operations.NumericAlgebra
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
@ -71,18 +70,12 @@ fun <T : Any> MST.compileWith(type: KClass<T>, algebra: Algebra<T>): Expression<
return AsmBuilder(, algebra, buildName(this)) { visit(this@compileWith) }.getInstance()
return AsmBuilder(, algebra, buildName(this)) { visit(this@compileWith) }.getInstance()
inline fun <reified T : Any> Algebra<T>.compile(mst: MST): Expression<T> = mst.compileWith(T::class, this)
* Compile an [MST] to ASM using given algebra
inline fun <reified T : Any> Algebra<T>.expresion(mst: MST): Expression<T> = mst.compileWith(T::class, this)
inline fun <reified T : Any, A : Algebra<T>, E : Algebra<MST>> A.asm(
mstAlgebra: E,
* Optimize performance of an [MSTExpression] using ASM codegen
block: E.() -> MST
): Expression<T> = mstAlgebra.block().compileWith(T::class, this)
inline fun <reified T : Any> MSTExpression<T>.compile(): Expression<T> = mst.compileWith(T::class, algebra)
inline fun <reified T : Any, A : Space<T>> A.asmInSpace(block: MSTSpace.() -> MST): Expression<T> =
MSTSpace.block().compileWith(T::class, this)
inline fun <reified T : Any, A : Ring<T>> A.asmInRing(block: MSTRing.() -> MST): Expression<T> =
MSTRing.block().compileWith(T::class, this)
inline fun <reified T : Any, A : Field<T>> A.asmInField(block: MSTField.() -> MST): Expression<T> =
MSTField.block().compileWith(T::class, this)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package scietifik.kmath.asm
package scietifik.kmath.asm
import scientifik.kmath.asm.asmInField
import scientifik.kmath.asm.compile
import scientifik.kmath.ast.mstInField
import scientifik.kmath.ast.mstInSpace
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.invoke
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.invoke
import scientifik.kmath.operations.RealField
import scientifik.kmath.operations.RealField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.Test
@ -9,13 +11,14 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class TestAsmExpressions {
class TestAsmExpressions {
fun testUnaryOperationInvocation() {
fun testUnaryOperationInvocation() {
val res = RealField.asmInField { -symbol("x") }("x" to 2.0)
val expression = RealField.mstInSpace { -symbol("x") }.compile()
val res = expression("x" to 2.0)
assertEquals(-2.0, res)
assertEquals(-2.0, res)
fun testConstProductInvocation() {
fun testConstProductInvocation() {
val res = RealField.asmInField { symbol("x") * 2 }("x" to 2.0)
val res = RealField.mstInField { symbol("x") * 2 }("x" to 2.0)
assertEquals(4.0, res)
assertEquals(4.0, res)
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package scietifik.kmath.ast
package scietifik.kmath.ast
import scientifik.kmath.asm.compile
import scientifik.kmath.ast.evaluate
import scientifik.kmath.ast.parseMath
import scientifik.kmath.ast.parseMath
import scientifik.kmath.expressions.invoke
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Complex
import scientifik.kmath.operations.Complex
import scientifik.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import scientifik.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.Test
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ class AsmTest {
fun parsedExpression() {
fun parsedExpression() {
val mst = "2+2*(2+2)".parseMath()
val mst = "2+2*(2+2)".parseMath()
val res = ComplexField.compile(mst)()
val res = ComplexField.evaluate(mst)
assertEquals(Complex(10.0, 0.0), res)
assertEquals(Complex(10.0, 0.0), res)
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ import scientifik.kmath.operations.Space
* Create a functional expression on this [Space]
* Create a functional expression on this [Space]
fun <T> Space<T>.buildExpression(block: FunctionalExpressionSpace<T, Space<T>>.() -> Expression<T>): Expression<T> =
fun <T> Space<T>.spaceExpression(block: FunctionalExpressionSpace<T, Space<T>>.() -> Expression<T>): Expression<T> =
* Create a functional expression on this [Ring]
* Create a functional expression on this [Ring]
fun <T> Ring<T>.buildExpression(block: FunctionalExpressionRing<T, Ring<T>>.() -> Expression<T>): Expression<T> =
fun <T> Ring<T>.ringExpression(block: FunctionalExpressionRing<T, Ring<T>>.() -> Expression<T>): Expression<T> =
* Create a functional expression on this [Field]
* Create a functional expression on this [Field]
fun <T> Field<T>.buildExpression(block: FunctionalExpressionField<T, Field<T>>.() -> Expression<T>): Expression<T> =
fun <T> Field<T>.fieldExpression(block: FunctionalExpressionField<T, Field<T>>.() -> Expression<T>): Expression<T> =
@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ import scientifik.kmath.operations.Algebra
interface Expression<T> {
interface Expression<T> {
operator fun invoke(arguments: Map<String, T>): T
operator fun invoke(arguments: Map<String, T>): T
companion object {
companion object
operator fun <T> invoke(block: (Map<String, T>) -> T): Expression<T> = object : Expression<T> {
override fun invoke(arguments: Map<String, T>): T = block(arguments)
* Create simple lazily evaluated expression inside given algebra
fun <T> Algebra<T>.expression(block: Algebra<T>.(arguments: Map<String, T>) -> T): Expression<T> = object: Expression<T> {
override fun invoke(arguments: Map<String, T>): T = block(arguments)
operator fun <T> Expression<T>.invoke(vararg pairs: Pair<String, T>): T = invoke(mapOf(*pairs))
operator fun <T> Expression<T>.invoke(vararg pairs: Pair<String, T>): T = invoke(mapOf(*pairs))
@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ interface FunctionalExpressionAlgebra<T, A : Algebra<T>> : ExpressionAlgebra<T,
* A context class for [Expression] construction for [Space] algebras.
* A context class for [Expression] construction for [Space] algebras.
open class FunctionalExpressionSpace<T, A>(override val algebra: A) : FunctionalExpressionAlgebra<T, A>,
open class FunctionalExpressionSpace<T, A : Space<T>>(override val algebra: A) :
Space<Expression<T>> where A : Space<T> {
FunctionalExpressionAlgebra<T, A>, Space<Expression<T>> {
override val zero: Expression<T>
get() = const(
override val zero: Expression<T> get() = const(
* Builds an Expression of addition of two another expressions.
* Builds an Expression of addition of two another expressions.
Reference in New Issue
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