WIP: feature/emd #521
@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.series
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.*
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
import space.kscience.plotly.*
import space.kscience.plotly.models.Scatter
import kotlin.math.sin
fun main(): Unit = with(Double.seriesAlgebra()) {
fun main(): Unit = (Double.seriesAlgebra()) {
val signal = DoubleArray(800) {
sin(it.toDouble() / 10.0) + 3.5 * sin(it.toDouble() / 60.0)
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Float64BufferOps.Companion.div
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Float64BufferOps.Companion.pow
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.last
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.slice
import kotlin.math.sign
@ -30,22 +29,23 @@ import kotlin.math.sign
* @param nModes how many modes should be extracted at most. The algorithm may return fewer modes if it was not
* possible to extract more modes from the signal.
public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L> (
public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L: Number> (
private val seriesAlgebra: SeriesAlgebra<Double, *, BA, L>,
private val sConditionThreshold: Int = 15,
private val maxSiftIterations: Int = 20,
private val siftingDelta: Double = 1e-2,
private val nModes: Int = 6
) where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>>, L : Number {
) where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>> {
Please, move the only type argument
Please, move the only type argument `L`'s bound to `L`'s declaration cite:
public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L: Number> (
private val seriesAlgebra: SeriesAlgebra<Double, *, BA, L>,
private val sConditionThreshold: Int = 15,
private val maxSiftIterations: Int = 20,
private val siftingDelta: Double = 1e-2,
private val nModes: Int = 6
) where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>> {
By the way, in general you'll have to use
or there is no function to map By the way, in general you'll have to use `T` as `L`. Otherwise, either `interpolate` can not be resolved in snippet
Buffer(extrema.size) { signal.labels[extrema[it]] },
Buffer(extrema.size) { signal[extrema[it]] }
or there is no function to map `L` values to `T`.
* Take a signal, construct an upper and a lower envelope, find the mean value of two,
* Take a signal, construct an upper and a lower envelopes, find the mean value of two,
* represented as a series.
Possible typos fix suggestion:
Possible typos fix suggestion:
* Take a signal, construct an upper and a lower envelopes, find the mean value of the two,
* @param signal Signal to compute on
* @return null is returned if the signal has not enough extrema to construct envelopes.
* @return mean [Series] or `null`. `null` is returned in case
* the signal does not have enough extrema to construct envelopes.
I suggest adding a sentence that describes what is actually returned. And possible typos fix as well.
I suggest adding a sentence that describes what is actually returned. And possible typos fix as well.
* @return The mean series or `null`. `null` is returned if the signal does not have enough extrema to construct envelopes.
private fun findMean(signal: Series<Double>): Series<Double>? = with(seriesAlgebra) {
private fun findMean(signal: Series<Double>): Series<Double>? = (seriesAlgebra) {
Just this is enough. Because there is ```kotlin
private fun findMean(signal: Series<Double>): Series<Double>? = seriesAlgebra {
Just this is enough. Because there is `invoke` extension operator implemented that is imported here.
val interpolator = SplineInterpolator(Float64Field)
fun generateEnvelope(extrema: List<Int>): Series<Double> {
val envelopeFunction = interpolator.interpolate(
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L> (
// need to make the interpolator yield values outside boundaries?
val maxima = signal.maxima()
val minima = signal.minima()
val maxima = signal.paddedMaxima()
val minima = signal.paddedMinima()
return if (maxima.size < 3 || minima.size < 3) null else {
val upperEnvelope = generateEnvelope(maxima)
val lowerEnvelope = generateEnvelope(minima)
return (upperEnvelope + lowerEnvelope).map { it * 0.5 }
return upperEnvelope.zip(lowerEnvelope) { upper, lower -> upper + lower / 2.0 }
return upperEnvelope.zip(lowerEnvelope) { left, right -> (left + right) / 2 }
@ -76,15 +76,16 @@ public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L> (
* @return [SiftingResult.NotEnoughExtrema] is returned if the signal has too few extrema to extract a mode.
* Success of an appropriate type (See [SiftingResult.Success] class) is returned otherwise.
private fun sift(signal: Series<Double>): SiftingResult = with(seriesAlgebra) {
private fun sift(signal: Series<Double>): SiftingResult = (seriesAlgebra) {
As well as I understand, whole body of the function can be replaced with just
As well as I understand, whole body of the function can be replaced with just
private fun sift(signal: Series<Double>): SiftingResult = siftInner(signal, 1, 0)
Also Also `siftInner` should be marked `tailrec`, shouldn't it?
Yeah, it is better if the function is marked Yeah, it is better if the function is marked `tailrec`. But I am not sure if compiler understands the case. So I need a bit of time for a small test.
It works. With It works. With `tailrec` it does not produce stack overflow when I run sifting with 5000 iterations per mode
val mean = findMean(signal) ?: return SiftingResult.NotEnoughExtrema
val protoMode = signal.zip(mean) { s, m -> s - m }
val sNumber = if (protoMode.sCondition()) 1 else 0
return if (maxSiftIterations == 1) SiftingResult.MaxIterationsReached(protoMode)
else if (sNumber >= sConditionThreshold) SiftingResult.SNumberReached(protoMode)
else if (relativeDifference(signal, protoMode) < siftingDelta * signal.size) {
} else siftInner(protoMode, 2, sNumber)
return when {
maxSiftIterations == 1 -> SiftingResult.MaxIterationsReached(protoMode)
sNumber >= sConditionThreshold -> SiftingResult.SNumberReached(protoMode)
relativeDifference(protoMode, signal) < siftingDelta * signal.size -> SiftingResult.DeltaReached(protoMode)
else -> siftInner(protoMode, 2, sNumber)
@ -94,14 +95,16 @@ public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L> (
prevMode: Series<Double>,
iterationNumber: Int,
sNumber: Int
): SiftingResult = with(seriesAlgebra) {
): SiftingResult = (seriesAlgebra) {
val mean = findMean(prevMode) ?: return SiftingResult.SignalFlattened(prevMode)
val mode = prevMode.zip(mean) { p, m -> p - m }
val newSNumber = if (mode.sCondition()) sNumber + 1 else sNumber
Gosh. Use
It's idiom, and it's clearer to read. Gosh. Use `when` instead of long if-else sequence, please:
return when {
iterationNumber >= maxSiftIterations -> SiftingResult.MaxIterationsReached(mode)
sNumber >= sConditionThreshold -> SiftingResult.SNumberReached(mode)
relativeDifference(prevMode, mode) < siftingDelta * mode.size -> SiftingResult.DeltaReached(mode)
else -> siftInner(mode, iterationNumber + 1, newSNumber)
It's idiom, and it's clearer to read.
return if (iterationNumber >= maxSiftIterations) SiftingResult.MaxIterationsReached(mode)
else if (sNumber >= sConditionThreshold) SiftingResult.SNumberReached(mode)
else if (relativeDifference(prevMode, mode) < siftingDelta * mode.size) SiftingResult.DeltaReached(mode)
else siftInner(mode, iterationNumber + 1, newSNumber)
return when {
iterationNumber >= maxSiftIterations -> SiftingResult.MaxIterationsReached(mode)
Is it intended that previous mode is assigned to I would use explicit parameters' assignation:
Is it intended that previous mode is assigned to `current` parameter of `relativeDifference` and current (new) mode is assigned to `previous` parameter of `relativeDifference`? The parameters names say that there is a swap of parameters.
I would use explicit parameters' assignation:
relativeDifference(previous = prevMode, current = mode)
sNumber >= sConditionThreshold -> SiftingResult.SNumberReached(mode)
relativeDifference(mode, prevMode) < siftingDelta * mode.size -> SiftingResult.DeltaReached(mode)
else -> siftInner(mode, iterationNumber + 1, newSNumber)
@ -112,20 +115,17 @@ public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L> (
* Modes returned in a list which contains as many modes as it was possible
The whole function can be rewritten in such way:
It's shorter but as readable as the previous version. The whole function can be rewritten in such way:
public fun decompose(signal: Series<Double>): EMDecompositionResult = with(seriesAlgebra) {
val modes = mutableListOf<Series<Double>>()
var residual = signal
repeat(nModes) {
val nextMode = when(val r = sift(residual)) {
SiftingResult.NotEnoughExtrema ->
return EMDecompositionResult(
if (it == 0) EMDTerminationReason.SIGNAL_TOO_FLAT
is SiftingResult.Success -> r.result
residual = residual.zip(nextMode) { l, r -> l - r }
return EMDecompositionResult(EMDTerminationReason.MAX_MODES_REACHED, modes)
It's shorter but as readable as the previous version.
* to extract before triggering one of the termination conditions.
public fun decompose(signal: Series<Double>): EMDecompositionResult = with(seriesAlgebra) {
public fun decompose(signal: Series<Double>): EMDecompositionResult = (seriesAlgebra) {
val modes = mutableListOf<Series<Double>>()
val mode = when(val r = sift(signal)) {
SiftingResult.NotEnoughExtrema ->
return EMDecompositionResult(EMDTerminationReason.SIGNAL_TOO_FLAT, modes)
is SiftingResult.Success -> r.result
var residual = signal.zip(mode) { l, r -> l - r }
repeat(nModes - 1) {
var residual = signal
repeat(nModes) {
val nextMode = when(val r = sift(residual)) {
SiftingResult.NotEnoughExtrema ->
return EMDecompositionResult(EMDTerminationReason.ALL_POSSIBLE_MODES_EXTRACTED, modes)
return EMDecompositionResult(
You should use You should use `SeriesAlgebra`'s `elementAlgebra` in getting difference of two `Double` values instead of `l - r`. And in 8 strings below too.
if (it == 0) EMDTerminationReason.SIGNAL_TOO_FLAT
is SiftingResult.Success -> r.result
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ public class EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L> (
* @param nModes how many modes should be extracted at most. The algorithm may return fewer modes if it was not
* possible to extract more modes from the signal.
public fun <L, BA> SeriesAlgebra<Double, *, BA, L>.empiricalModeDecomposition(
public fun <L: Number, BA> SeriesAlgebra<Double, *, BA, L>.empiricalModeDecomposition(
sConditionThreshold: Int = 15,
maxSiftIterations: Int = 20,
siftingDelta: Double = 1e-2,
nModes: Int = 3
): EmpiricalModeDecomposition<BA, L>
where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>>, L: Number = EmpiricalModeDecomposition(
where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>> = EmpiricalModeDecomposition(
seriesAlgebra = this,
sConditionThreshold = sConditionThreshold,
maxSiftIterations = maxSiftIterations,
@ -168,22 +168,25 @@ where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>>, L: Number = Emp
private fun Series<Double>.countZeros(): Int {
require(size >= 2) { "Expected series with at least 2 elements, but got $size elements" }
return fold(Pair(get(0), 0)) { acc: Pair<Double, Int>, it: Double ->
if (sign(acc.first) != sign(it)) Pair(it, acc.second + 1) else Pair(it, acc.second)
data class SignCounter(val prevSign: Double, val zeroCount: Int)
Do not use Do not use `Pair`! It's non-idiomatic in Kotlin. It is really hard to always keep in mind what `first` and `second` fields hold. Instead, define and use custom data class with understandable name and understandable parameters' names.
Is making a one-line data class declaration above considered idiomatic?
Is making a one-line data class declaration above considered idiomatic?
data class SignCounter(val prevSign: Double, val zeroCount: Int)
return fold(SignCounter(sign(get(0)), 0)) { acc: SignCounter, it: Double ->
Yeah, that's the idiomatic way. But place it outside the function. Otherwise, you won't able to access it :) Yeah, that's the idiomatic way. But place it outside the function. Otherwise, you won't able to access it :)
It's better to store sign instead of the value which sign is compared, to not compute it each iteration. It's better to store sign instead of the value which sign is compared, to not compute it each iteration.
return fold(SignCounter(sign(get(0)), 0)) { acc: SignCounter, it: Double ->
val currentSign = sign(it)
if (acc.prevSign != currentSign) SignCounter(currentSign, acc.zeroCount + 1)
else SignCounter(currentSign, acc.zeroCount)
* Compute relative difference of two series.
Use `=` notation for inline bodies, please:
private fun <A: Ring<Double>, BA> SeriesAlgebra<Double, A, BA, *>.relativeDifference(
current: Series<Double>,
previous: Series<Double>
):Double where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, A>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>> =
(current - previous).pow(2)
.div(previous pow 2)
.fold(0.0) { acc, d -> elementAlgebra.add(acc, d) }
1. `L` is not used, so I removed it.
2. Default algebra used when `SeriesAlgebra`'s `elementAlgebra` is needed. So I replaced it. It will also help with refactoring from `Double` "algebras" to general algebras.
3. No, `fold` uses `Double` as a type parameter, so boxing is not avoided. I would replace `.fold(0.0) { acc, d -> acc + d }` with `.sum(elementAlgebra)` but there is no such operation for some reason.
I also wondered why there is no I also wondered why there is no `.sum()` method. I could implement it for a 1-d series, but doing it for a general buffer seems a bit too much if there is need for arbitrary axis like in NumPy
@altavir There is a need for a function @altavir There is a need for a function `Buffer<T>.sum(elementAlgebra: Group<T>)`. Where should we place it?
private fun <L, BA> SeriesAlgebra<Double, *, BA, L>.relativeDifference(
private fun <BA> SeriesAlgebra<Double, *, BA, *>.relativeDifference(
current: Series<Double>,
previous: Series<Double>
):Double where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>>, L: Number {
return (current - previous).pow(2)
):Double where BA: BufferAlgebra<Double, *>, BA: RingOps<Buffer<Double>> =
(current - previous).pow(2)
.div(previous pow 2)
.fold(0.0) { acc, d -> acc + d } // to avoid unnecessary boxing, but i may be wrong
.fold(0.0) { acc, d -> acc + d } // TODO replace with Series<>.sum() method when it's implemented
private fun <T: Comparable<T>> isExtreme(prev: T, elem: T, next: T): Boolean =
(elem > prev && elem > next) || (elem < prev && elem < next)
@ -193,43 +196,40 @@ private fun <T: Comparable<T>> isExtreme(prev: T, elem: T, next: T): Boolean =
I would recommend writing
I would recommend writing
return (1 .. size - 2).count { isExtreme(this[it-1], this[it], this[it+1]) }
private fun Series<Double>.countExtrema(): Int {
require(size >= 3) { "Expected series with at least 3 elements, but got $size elements" }
return slice(1..< size - 1).asIterable().foldIndexed(0) { index, acc, it ->
if (isExtreme(get(index), it, get(index + 2))) acc + 1 else acc
return (1 .. size - 2).count { isExtreme(this[it - 1], this[it], this[it + 1]) }
* Retrieve indices of knot points for spline interpolation matching the predicate.
* The first and the last points of a series are always included.
private fun <T : Comparable<T>> Series<T>.maxima(): List<Int> {
private fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.knotPoints(predicate: (T, T, T) -> Boolean): List<Int> {
require(size >= 3) { "Expected series with at least 3 elements, but got $size elements" }
val points = mutableListOf(0)
I would recommend rewriting it with old good plain loop on indices:
or using
I would recommend rewriting it with old good plain loop on indices:
for (index in 1 .. size - 2) {
val left = this[index-1]
val middle = this[index]
val right = this[index+1]
if (middle > left && middle > right) maxima.add(index)
or using
return (1 .. size - 2).filter { (this[it] > this[it-1] && this[it] > this[it+1]) || it == 0 || it == size - 1 }
Also, is it intended that the spline will ignore double extrema? I mean for series Also, is it intended that the spline will ignore double extrema?
I mean for series `[0.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0]` there will be no maxima and minima points but the end points.
No, I'm planning on improving this function and making it > Also, is it intended that the spline will ignore double extrema?
No, I'm planning on improving this function and making it `public` placed in `SeriesExtensions.kt`
for (index in 1 .. size - 2) {
Could you comment what question Could you comment what question ` // weird offset, is there a way to do it better?` means in more detail?
val left = this[index - 1]
val middle = this[index]
val right = this[index + 1]
if (predicate(left, middle, right)) points.add(index)
points.add(size - 1)
return points
* Retrieve indices of knot points used to construct an upper envelope,
* namely maxima together with the first last point in a series.
private fun <T : Comparable<T>> Series<T>.minima(): List<Int> {
private fun<T> Series<T>.maxima(): List<Int> where T: Comparable<T> {
require(size >= 3) { "Expected series with at least 3 elements, but got $size elements" }
val maxima = mutableListOf(0)
slice(1..< size - 1).asIterable().forEachIndexed { index, it ->
if (it > get(index) && it > get(index + 2)) { // weird offset, is there a way to do it better?
maxima.add(index + 1)
maxima.add(size - 1)
return maxima
private fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.paddedMaxima(): List<Int> =
knotPoints { left, middle, right -> (middle > left && middle > right) }
I would recommend rewriting it with old good plain loop on indices:
or using
I would recommend rewriting it with old good plain loop on indices:
for (index in 1 .. size - 2) {
val left = this[index-1]
val middle = this[index]
val right = this[index+1]
if (middle < left && middle < right) maxima.add(index)
or using
return (1 .. size - 2).filter { (this[it] < this[it-1] && this[it] < this[it+1]) || it == 0 || it == size - 1 }
Also, similar question to this one. Also, similar question to [this one](https://git.sciprog.center/kscience/kmath/pulls/521/files#issuecomment-1868).
* Retrieve indices of knot points used to construct a lower envelope,
* namely minima together with the first last point in a series.
private fun<T> Series<T>.minima(): List<Int> where T: Comparable<T> {
require(size >= 3) { "Expected series with at least 3 elements, but got $size elements" }
val minima = mutableListOf(0)
slice(1..< size - 1).asIterable().forEachIndexed { index, it ->
if (it < get(index) && it < get(index + 2)) { // weird offset, is there a way to do it better?
minima.add(index + 1)
minima.add(size - 1)
return minima
private fun <T: Comparable<T>> Series<T>.paddedMinima(): List<Int> =
knotPoints { left, middle, right -> (middle < left && middle < right) }
* Check whether the numbers of zeroes and extrema of a series differ by no more than 1.
is enough if you import
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke