Feature: Polynomials and rational functions #469
@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import kotlin.js.JsName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* Abstraction of polynomials.
public interface AbstractPolynomial<C>
* Abstraction of ring of polynomials of type [P] over ring of constants of type [C].
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as coefficients in their terms.
* @param P the type of polynomials.
public interface AbstractPolynomialSpace<C, P: AbstractPolynomial<C>> : Ring<P> {
* Returns sum of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit of underlying ring to [this].
public operator fun C.plus(other: Int): C
* Returns difference between the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit of underlying ring from [this].
public operator fun C.minus(other: Int): C
* Returns product of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public operator fun C.times(other: Int): C
* Returns sum of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit of underlying ring to [other].
public operator fun Int.plus(other: C): C
* Returns difference between the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit of underlying ring from [other].
public operator fun Int.minus(other: C): C
* Returns product of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public operator fun Int.times(other: C): C
* Returns sum of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit polynomial to [this].
public operator fun P.plus(other: Int): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(this, one, other)
* Returns difference between the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit polynomial from [this].
public operator fun P.minus(other: Int): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(this, one, -other)
* Returns product of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public operator fun P.times(other: Int): P = multiplyBySquaring(this, other)
* Returns sum of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit polynomial to [other].
public operator fun Int.plus(other: P): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(other, one, this)
* Returns difference between the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit polynomial from [other].
public operator fun Int.minus(other: P): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(-other, one, this)
* Returns product of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public operator fun Int.times(other: P): P = multiplyBySquaring(other, this)
* Returns the same constant.
public operator fun C.unaryPlus(): C = this
* Returns negation of the constant.
public operator fun C.unaryMinus(): C
* Returns sum of the constants.
public operator fun C.plus(other: C): C
* Returns difference of the constants.
public operator fun C.minus(other: C): C
* Returns product of the constants.
public operator fun C.times(other: C): C
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
public fun power(arg: C, exponent: UInt) : C
* Check if the instant is zero constant.
public fun C.isZero(): Boolean = this == constantZero
* Check if the instant is NOT zero constant.
public fun C.isNotZero(): Boolean = !isZero()
* Check if the instant is unit constant.
public fun C.isOne(): Boolean = this == constantOne
* Check if the instant is NOT unit constant.
public fun C.isNotOne(): Boolean = !isOne()
* Check if the instant is minus unit constant.
public fun C.isMinusOne(): Boolean = this == -constantOne
* Check if the instant is NOT minus unit constant.
public fun C.isNotMinusOne(): Boolean = !isMinusOne()
* Instance of zero constant (zero of the underlying ring).
public val constantZero: C
* Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).
public val constantOne: C
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public operator fun C.plus(other: P): P
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public operator fun C.minus(other: P): P
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public operator fun C.times(other: P): P
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public operator fun P.plus(other: C): P
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public operator fun P.minus(other: C): P
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public operator fun P.times(other: C): P
* Returns the same polynomial.
public override operator fun P.unaryPlus(): P = this
* Returns negation of the polynomial.
public override operator fun P.unaryMinus(): P
* Returns sum of the polynomials.
public override operator fun P.plus(other: P): P
* Returns difference of the polynomials.
public override operator fun P.minus(other: P): P
* Returns product of the polynomials.
public override operator fun P.times(other: P): P
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
public override fun power(arg: P, exponent: UInt) : P = exponentiationBySquaring(arg, exponent)
* Check if the instant is zero polynomial.
public fun P.isZero(): Boolean = this equalsTo zero
* Check if the instant is NOT zero polynomial.
public fun P.isNotZero(): Boolean = !isZero()
* Check if the instant is unit polynomial.
public fun P.isOne(): Boolean = this equalsTo one
* Check if the instant is NOT unit polynomial.
public fun P.isNotOne(): Boolean = !isOne()
* Check if the instant is minus unit polynomial.
public fun P.isMinusOne(): Boolean = this equalsTo -one
* Check if the instant is NOT minus unit polynomial.
public fun P.isNotMinusOne(): Boolean = !isMinusOne()
* Instance of zero polynomial (zero of the polynomial ring).
public override val zero: P
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the polynomial ring).
public override val one: P
* Checks equality of the polynomials.
public infix fun P.equalsTo(other: P): Boolean
* Checks NOT equality of the polynomials.
public infix fun P.notEqualsTo(other: P): Boolean = !(this equalsTo other)
* Degree of the polynomial, [see also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_a_polynomial). If the polynomial is
* zero, degree is -1.
public val P.degree: Int
* Checks if the instant is constant polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isConstant(): Boolean = degree <= 0
* Checks if the instant is **not** constant polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isNotConstant(): Boolean = !isConstant()
* Checks if the instant is constant non-zero polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isNonZeroConstant(): Boolean = degree == 0
* Checks if the instant is **not** constant non-zero polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isNotNonZeroConstant(): Boolean = !isNonZeroConstant()
* If polynomial is a constant polynomial represents and returns it as constant.
* Otherwise, (when the polynomial is not constant polynomial) returns `null`.
public fun P.asConstantOrNull(): C?
* If polynomial is a constant polynomial represents and returns it as constant.
* Otherwise, (when the polynomial is not constant polynomial) raises corresponding exception.
public fun P.asConstant(): C = requireNotNull(asConstantOrNull()) { "Can not represent non-constant polynomial as a constant" }
override fun add(left: P, right: P): P = left + right
override fun multiply(left: P, right: P): P = left * right
* Abstraction of ring of polynomials of type [P] over ring of constants of type [C]. It also assumes that there is
* provided [ring] (of type [A]), that provides constant-wise operations.
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as coefficients in their terms.
* @param P the type of polynomials.
* @param A the type of algebraic structure (precisely, of ring) provided for constants.
public interface AbstractPolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, P: AbstractPolynomial<C>, A: Ring<C>> : AbstractPolynomialSpace<C, P> {
public val ring: A
* Returns sum of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit of underlying ring to [this].
public override operator fun C.plus(other: Int): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(this@plus, one, other) }
* Returns difference between the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit of underlying ring from [this].
public override operator fun C.minus(other: Int): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(this@minus, one, -other) }
* Returns product of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public override operator fun C.times(other: Int): C = ring { multiplyBySquaring(this@times, other) }
* Returns sum of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit of underlying ring to [other].
public override operator fun Int.plus(other: C): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(other, one, this@plus) }
* Returns difference between the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit of underlying ring from [other].
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: C): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(-other, one, this@minus) }
* Returns product of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public override operator fun Int.times(other: C): C = ring { multiplyBySquaring(other, this@times) }
* Returns negation of the constant.
public override operator fun C.unaryMinus(): C = ring { -this@unaryMinus }
* Returns sum of the constants.
public override operator fun C.plus(other: C): C = ring { this@plus + other }
* Returns difference of the constants.
public override operator fun C.minus(other: C): C = ring { this@minus - other }
* Returns product of the constants.
public override operator fun C.times(other: C): C = ring { this@times * other }
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
override fun power(arg: C, exponent: UInt): C = ring { power(arg, exponent) }
* Instance of zero constant (zero of the underlying ring).
public override val constantZero: C get() = ring.zero
* Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).
public override val constantOne: C get() = ring.one
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ internal constructor(
* where `a`, `b` and `c` are corresponding [Symbol] objects.
public val coefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>
) : AbstractPolynomial<C> {
) : Polynomial<C> {
override fun toString(): String = "LabeledPolynomial$coefficients"
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public fun <C> C.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomia
public class LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : AbstractPolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>, A> {
) : PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>, A> {
public operator fun Symbol.plus(other: Int): LabeledPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(
mapOf(this@plus to 1U) to constantOne,
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
public class LabeledRationalFunction<C>(
public override val numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>,
public override val denominator: LabeledPolynomial<C>
) : AbstractRationalFunction<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>> {
) : RationalFunction<C, LabeledPolynomial<C>> {
override fun toString(): String = "LabeledRationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class LabeledRationalFunction<C>(
public class LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A: Ring<C>>(
public val ring: A,
) :
@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
* Polynomial model without fixation on specific context they are applied to.
* @param coefficients constant is the leftmost coefficient.
public data class ListPolynomial<C>(
* List that collects coefficients of the polynomial. Every monomial `a x^d` is represented as a coefficients
* `a` placed into the list with index `d`. For example coefficients of polynomial `5 x^2 - 6` can be represented as
* ```
* listOf(
* -6, // -6 +
* 0, // 0 x +
* 5, // 5 x^2
* )
* ```
* and also as
* ```
* listOf(
* -6, // -6 +
* 0, // 0 x +
* 5, // 5 x^2
* 0, // 0 x^3
* 0, // 0 x^4
* )
* ```
* It is recommended not to put extra zeros at end of the list (as for `0x^3` and `0x^4` in the example), but is not
* prohibited.
public val coefficients: List<C>
) : Polynomial<C> {
override fun toString(): String = "Polynomial$coefficients"
* Returns a [ListPolynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> ListPolynomial(coefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this })
* Returns a [ListPolynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> ListPolynomial(vararg coefficients: C, reverse: Boolean = false): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else toList() })
public fun <C> C.asPolynomial() : ListPolynomial<C> = ListPolynomial(listOf(this))
* Space of univariate polynomials constructed over ring.
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as a coefficients in their terms.
* @param A type of underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
public open class ListPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, ListPolynomial<C>, A> {
* Returns sum of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit polynomial to [this].
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.plus(other: Int): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
.apply {
val result = getOrElse(0) { constantZero } + other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns difference between the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit polynomial from [this].
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.minus(other: Int): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
.apply {
val result = getOrElse(0) { constantZero } - other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns product of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.times(other: Int): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) zero
else ListPolynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this[deg] * other
* Returns sum of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit polynomial to [other].
public override operator fun Int.plus(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
.apply {
val result = this@plus + getOrElse(0) { constantZero }
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns difference between the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit polynomial from [other].
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
.apply {
forEachIndexed { index, c -> if (index != 0) this[index] = -c }
val result = this@minus - getOrElse(0) { constantZero }
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns product of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public override operator fun Int.times(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) zero
else ListPolynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this@times * this[deg]
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun C.plus(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (this.isZero()) other
else with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) ListPolynomial(listOf(this@plus))
else ListPolynomial(
.apply {
val result = if (size == 0) this@plus else this@plus + get(0)
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun C.minus(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (this.isZero()) other
else with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) ListPolynomial(listOf(this@minus))
else ListPolynomial(
.apply {
forEachIndexed { index, c -> if (index != 0) this[index] = -c }
val result = if (size == 0) this@minus else this@minus - get(0)
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun C.times(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (this.isZero()) other
else ListPolynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this@times * this[deg]
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.plus(other: C): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (other.isZero()) this
else with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) ListPolynomial(listOf(other))
else ListPolynomial(
.apply {
val result = if (size == 0) other else get(0) + other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.minus(other: C): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (other.isZero()) this
else with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) ListPolynomial(listOf(-other))
else ListPolynomial(
.apply {
val result = if (size == 0) other else get(0) - other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.times(other: C): ListPolynomial<C> =
if (other.isZero()) this
else ListPolynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this[deg] * other
* Returns negation of the polynomial.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(coefficients.map { -it })
* Returns sum of the polynomials.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.plus(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree = other.degree
return ListPolynomial(
Coefficients(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] + other.coefficients[it]
* Returns difference of the polynomials.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.minus(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree = other.degree
return ListPolynomial(
Coefficients(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> -other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] - other.coefficients[it]
* Returns product of the polynomials.
public override operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.times(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree = other.degree
return when {
thisDegree == -1 -> zero
otherDegree == -1 -> zero
else ->
Coefficients(thisDegree + otherDegree + 1) { d ->
(max(0, d - otherDegree)..min(thisDegree, d))
.map { coefficients[it] * other.coefficients[d - it] }
.reduce { acc, rational -> acc + rational }
* Check if the instant is zero polynomial.
public override fun ListPolynomial<C>.isZero(): Boolean = coefficients.all { it.isZero() }
* Check if the instant is unit polynomial.
public override fun ListPolynomial<C>.isOne(): Boolean =
with(coefficients) {
isNotEmpty() && withIndex().all { (index, c) -> if (index == 0) c.isOne() else c.isZero() }
* Check if the instant is minus unit polynomial.
public override fun ListPolynomial<C>.isMinusOne(): Boolean =
with(coefficients) {
isNotEmpty() && withIndex().all { (index, c) -> if (index == 0) c.isMinusOne() else c.isZero() }
* Instance of zero polynomial (zero of the polynomial ring).
override val zero: ListPolynomial<C> = ListPolynomial(emptyList())
* Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).
override val one: ListPolynomial<C> = ListPolynomial(listOf(constantOne))
* Checks equality of the polynomials.
public override infix fun ListPolynomial<C>.equalsTo(other: ListPolynomial<C>): Boolean =
when {
this === other -> true
this.degree == other.degree -> (0..degree).all { coefficients[it] == other.coefficients[it] }
else -> false
* Degree of the polynomial, [see also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_a_polynomial). If the polynomial is
* zero, degree is -1.
public override val ListPolynomial<C>.degree: Int get() = coefficients.indexOfLast { it != constantZero }
* If polynomial is a constant polynomial represents and returns it as constant.
* Otherwise, (when the polynomial is not constant polynomial) returns `null`.
public override fun ListPolynomial<C>.asConstantOrNull(): C? =
with(coefficients) {
when {
isEmpty() -> constantZero
withIndex().all { (index, c) -> index == 0 || c.isZero() } -> first()
else -> null
public inline fun ListPolynomial<C>.substitute(argument: C): C = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline fun ListPolynomial<C>.substitute(argument: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline fun ListPolynomial<C>.asFunction(): (C) -> C = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline fun ListPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOnConstants(): (C) -> C = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline fun ListPolynomial<C>.asFunctionOnPolynomials(): (ListPolynomial<C>) -> ListPolynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
* Evaluates the polynomial for the given value [argument].
public inline operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: C): C = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline operator fun ListPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: ListPolynomial<C>): ListPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
// TODO: Move to other internal utilities with context receiver
internal inline fun MutableList<C>.applyAndRemoveZeros(block: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit) : MutableList<C> {
contract {
callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex)
return this
internal inline fun List<C>.applyAndRemoveZeros(block: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit) : List<C> =
internal inline fun MutableCoefficients(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> C): MutableList<C> {
val list = ArrayList<C>(size)
repeat(size) { index -> list.add(init(index)) }
with(list) { while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex) }
return list
internal inline fun Coefficients(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> C): List<C> = MutableCoefficients(size, init)
internal inline fun buildCoefficients(@BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit): List<C> {
contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return buildList {
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex)
internal inline fun buildCoefficients(capacity: Int, @BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit): List<C> {
contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return buildList(capacity) {
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex)
* Space of polynomials constructed over ring.
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as a coefficients in their terms.
* @param A type of underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
public class ScalableListPolynomialSpace<C, A>(
ring: A,
) : ListPolynomialSpace<C, A>(ring), ScaleOperations<ListPolynomial<C>> where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> {
override fun scale(a: ListPolynomial<C>, value: Double): ListPolynomial<C> =
ring { ListPolynomial(a.coefficients.map { scale(it, value) }) }
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
public data class ListRationalFunction<C> internal constructor (
public override val numerator: ListPolynomial<C>,
public override val denominator: ListPolynomial<C>
) : RationalFunction<C, ListPolynomial<C>> {
override fun toString(): String = "RationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
// Waiting for context receivers :( TODO: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
//context(RationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> RationalFunction(numerator: Polynomial<C>, denominator: Polynomial<C>): RationalFunction<C> =
// if (denominator.isZero()) throw ArithmeticException("/ by zero")
// else RationalFunction<C>(numerator, denominator)
//context(RationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> RationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, denominatorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): RationalFunction<C> =
// RationalFunction<C>(
// Polynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
// Polynomial( with(denominatorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ).also { if (it.isZero()) }
// )
//context(RationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> RationalFunction(numerator: Polynomial<C>): RationalFunction<C> =
// RationalFunction(numerator, onePolynomial)
//context(RationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> RationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): RationalFunction<C> =
// RationalFunction(
// Polynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } )
// )
public class ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A : Ring<C>> (
public val ring: A,
) :
ListPolynomialSpace<C, A>,
>() {
override val polynomialRing : ListPolynomialSpace<C, A> = ListPolynomialSpace(ring)
override fun constructRationalFunction(numerator: ListPolynomial<C>, denominator: ListPolynomial<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListRationalFunction(numerator, denominator)
* Instance of zero rational function (zero of the rational functions ring).
public override val zero: ListRationalFunction<C> = ListRationalFunction(polynomialZero, polynomialOne)
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the rational functions ring).
public override val one: ListRationalFunction<C> = ListRationalFunction(polynomialOne, polynomialOne)
// TODO: Разобрать
public operator fun ListRationalFunction<C>.div(other: ListRationalFunction<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
numerator * other.denominator,
denominator * other.numerator
public operator fun ListRationalFunction<C>.div(other: ListPolynomial<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
denominator * other
public operator fun ListRationalFunction<C>.div(other: C): ListRationalFunction<C> =
denominator * other
public operator fun ListRationalFunction<C>.div(other: Int): ListRationalFunction<C> =
denominator * other
// operator fun invoke(arg: UnivariatePolynomial<T>): RationalFunction<T> =
// RationalFunction(
// numerator(arg),
// denominator(arg)
// )
// operator fun invoke(arg: RationalFunction<T>): RationalFunction<T> {
// val num = numerator invokeRFTakeNumerator arg
// val den = denominator invokeRFTakeNumerator arg
// val degreeDif = numeratorDegree - denominatorDegree
// return if (degreeDif > 0)
// RationalFunction(
// num,
// multiplyByPower(den, arg.denominator, degreeDif)
// )
// else
// RationalFunction(
// multiplyByPower(num, arg.denominator, -degreeDif),
// den
// )
// }
// override fun toString(): String = toString(UnivariatePolynomial.variableName)
// fun toString(withVariableName: String = UnivariatePolynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toString(withVariableName)
// else -> "${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}"
// }
// fun toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName: String = UnivariatePolynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)
// else -> "(${numerator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)})"
// }
// fun toReversedString(withVariableName: String = UnivariatePolynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedString(withVariableName)
// else -> "${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}"
// }
// fun toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName: String = UnivariatePolynomial.variableName): String =
// when(true) {
// numerator.isZero() -> "0"
// denominator.isOne() -> numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)
// else -> "(${numerator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)}/${denominator.toReversedStringWithBrackets(withVariableName)})"
// }
// fun removeZeros() =
// RationalFunction(
// numerator.removeZeros(),
// denominator.removeZeros()
// )
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ internal constructor(
* contain any zeros on end, but can contain zeros on start or anywhere in middle.
public val coefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>
) : AbstractPolynomial<C> {
) : Polynomial<C> {
override fun toString(): String = "NumberedPolynomial$coefficients"
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public fun <C> C.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolyno
public open class NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public final override val ring: A,
) : AbstractPolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>, A> {
) : PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>, A> {
* Returns sum of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import kotlin.math.max
public class NumberedRationalFunction<C> internal constructor(
public override val numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>,
public override val denominator: NumberedPolynomial<C>
) : AbstractRationalFunction<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>> {
) : RationalFunction<C, NumberedPolynomial<C>> {
override fun toString(): String = "NumberedRationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class NumberedRationalFunction<C> internal constructor(
public class NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A: Ring<C>> (
public val ring: A,
) :
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ public fun interface Piecewise<in T, out R> {
* @property pieces An ordered list of range-polynomial pairs. The list does not in general guarantee that there are no
* "holes" in it.
public interface PiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>> : Piecewise<T, Polynomial<T>> {
public val pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, Polynomial<T>>>
public interface PiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>> : Piecewise<T, ListPolynomial<T>> {
public val pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>>
override fun findPiece(arg: T): Polynomial<T>?
override fun findPiece(arg: T): ListPolynomial<T>?
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ public interface PiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>> : Piecewise<T, Polynomia
@PerformancePitfall("findPiece method of resulting piecewise is slow")
public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PiecewisePolynomial(
pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, Polynomial<T>>>,
pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>>,
): PiecewisePolynomial<T> = object : PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
override val pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, Polynomial<T>>> = pieces
override val pieces: Collection<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>> = pieces
override fun findPiece(arg: T): Polynomial<T>? = pieces.firstOrNull { arg in it.first }?.second
override fun findPiece(arg: T): ListPolynomial<T>? = pieces.firstOrNull { arg in it.first }?.second
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ public fun <T : Comparable<T>> PiecewisePolynomial(
* The pieces search is logarithmic.
private class OrderedPiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>>(
override val pieces: List<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, Polynomial<T>>>,
override val pieces: List<Pair<ClosedRange<T>, ListPolynomial<T>>>,
) : PiecewisePolynomial<T> {
override fun findPiece(arg: T): Polynomial<T>? {
override fun findPiece(arg: T): ListPolynomial<T>? {
val index = pieces.binarySearch { (range, _) ->
when {
arg >= range.endInclusive -> -1
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ private class OrderedPiecewisePolynomial<T : Comparable<T>>(
public class PiecewiseBuilder<T : Comparable<T>>(delimiter: T) {
private val delimiters: MutableList<T> = arrayListOf(delimiter)
private val pieces: MutableList<Polynomial<T>> = arrayListOf()
private val pieces: MutableList<ListPolynomial<T>> = arrayListOf()
* Dynamically adds a piece to the right side (beyond maximum argument value of previous piece)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class PiecewiseBuilder<T : Comparable<T>>(delimiter: T) {
* @param right new rightmost position. If is less than current rightmost position, an error is thrown.
* @param piece the sub-function.
public fun putRight(right: T, piece: Polynomial<T>) {
public fun putRight(right: T, piece: ListPolynomial<T>) {
require(right > delimiters.last()) { "New delimiter should be to the right of old one" }
delimiters += right
pieces += piece
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class PiecewiseBuilder<T : Comparable<T>>(delimiter: T) {
* @param left the new leftmost position. If is less than current rightmost position, an error is thrown.
* @param piece the sub-function.
public fun putLeft(left: T, piece: Polynomial<T>) {
public fun putLeft(left: T, piece: ListPolynomial<T>) {
require(left < delimiters.first()) { "New delimiter should be to the left of old one" }
delimiters.add(0, left)
pieces.add(0, piece)
@ -6,486 +6,384 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference
import kotlin.js.JsName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
* Polynomial model without fixation on specific context they are applied to.
* Abstraction of polynomials.
public interface Polynomial<C>
* Abstraction of ring of polynomials of type [P] over ring of constants of type [C].
* @param coefficients constant is the leftmost coefficient.
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as coefficients in their terms.
* @param P the type of polynomials.
public data class Polynomial<C>(
public interface PolynomialSpace<C, P: Polynomial<C>> : Ring<P> {
* List that collects coefficients of the polynomial. Every monomial `a x^d` is represented as a coefficients
* `a` placed into the list with index `d`. For example coefficients of polynomial `5 x^2 - 6` can be represented as
* ```
* listOf(
* -6, // -6 +
* 0, // 0 x +
* 5, // 5 x^2
* )
* ```
* and also as
* ```
* listOf(
* -6, // -6 +
* 0, // 0 x +
* 5, // 5 x^2
* 0, // 0 x^3
* 0, // 0 x^4
* )
* ```
* It is recommended not to put extra zeros at end of the list (as for `0x^3` and `0x^4` in the example), but is not
* prohibited.
public val coefficients: List<C>
) : AbstractPolynomial<C> {
override fun toString(): String = "Polynomial$coefficients"
* Returns a [Polynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> Polynomial(coefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): Polynomial<C> =
Polynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this })
* Returns a [Polynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> Polynomial(vararg coefficients: C, reverse: Boolean = false): Polynomial<C> =
Polynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else toList() })
public fun <C> C.asPolynomial() : Polynomial<C> = Polynomial(listOf(this))
* Space of univariate polynomials constructed over ring.
* Returns sum of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as a coefficients in their terms.
* @param A type of underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit of underlying ring to [this].
public open class PolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public override val ring: A,
) : AbstractPolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, Polynomial<C>, A> {
public operator fun C.plus(other: Int): C
* Returns difference between the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit of underlying ring from [this].
public operator fun C.minus(other: Int): C
* Returns product of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public operator fun C.times(other: Int): C
* Returns sum of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit of underlying ring to [other].
public operator fun Int.plus(other: C): C
* Returns difference between the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit of underlying ring from [other].
public operator fun Int.minus(other: C): C
* Returns product of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public operator fun Int.times(other: C): C
* Returns sum of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit polynomial to [this].
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: Int): Polynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
.apply {
val result = getOrElse(0) { constantZero } + other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun P.plus(other: Int): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(this, one, other)
* Returns difference between the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit polynomial from [this].
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: Int): Polynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) this
.apply {
val result = getOrElse(0) { constantZero } - other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun P.minus(other: Int): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(this, one, -other)
* Returns product of the polynomial and the integer represented as polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: Int): Polynomial<C> =
if (other == 0) zero
else Polynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this[deg] * other
public operator fun P.times(other: Int): P = multiplyBySquaring(this, other)
* Returns sum of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit polynomial to [other].
public override operator fun Int.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
.apply {
val result = this@plus + getOrElse(0) { constantZero }
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun Int.plus(other: P): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(other, one, this)
* Returns difference between the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit polynomial from [other].
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) other
.apply {
forEachIndexed { index, c -> if (index != 0) this[index] = -c }
val result = this@minus - getOrElse(0) { constantZero }
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun Int.minus(other: P): P = addMultipliedBySquaring(-other, one, this)
* Returns product of the integer represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public override operator fun Int.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> =
if (this == 0) zero
else Polynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this@times * this[deg]
public operator fun Int.times(other: P): P = multiplyBySquaring(other, this)
* Returns the same constant.
public operator fun C.unaryPlus(): C = this
* Returns negation of the constant.
public operator fun C.unaryMinus(): C
* Returns sum of the constants.
public operator fun C.plus(other: C): C
* Returns difference of the constants.
public operator fun C.minus(other: C): C
* Returns product of the constants.
public operator fun C.times(other: C): C
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
public fun power(arg: C, exponent: UInt) : C
* Check if the instant is zero constant.
public fun C.isZero(): Boolean = this == constantZero
* Check if the instant is NOT zero constant.
public fun C.isNotZero(): Boolean = !isZero()
* Check if the instant is unit constant.
public fun C.isOne(): Boolean = this == constantOne
* Check if the instant is NOT unit constant.
public fun C.isNotOne(): Boolean = !isOne()
* Check if the instant is minus unit constant.
public fun C.isMinusOne(): Boolean = this == -constantOne
* Check if the instant is NOT minus unit constant.
public fun C.isNotMinusOne(): Boolean = !isMinusOne()
* Instance of zero constant (zero of the underlying ring).
public val constantZero: C
* Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).
public val constantOne: C
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun C.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> =
if (this.isZero()) other
else with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) Polynomial(listOf(this@plus))
else Polynomial(
.apply {
val result = if (size == 0) this@plus else this@plus + get(0)
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun C.plus(other: P): P
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun C.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> =
if (this.isZero()) other
else with(other.coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) Polynomial(listOf(this@minus))
else Polynomial(
.apply {
forEachIndexed { index, c -> if (index != 0) this[index] = -c }
val result = if (size == 0) this@minus else this@minus - get(0)
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun C.minus(other: P): P
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun C.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> =
if (this.isZero()) other
else Polynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this@times * this[deg]
public operator fun C.times(other: P): P
* Returns sum of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: C): Polynomial<C> =
if (other.isZero()) this
else with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) Polynomial(listOf(other))
else Polynomial(
.apply {
val result = if (size == 0) other else get(0) + other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun P.plus(other: C): P
* Returns difference between the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: C): Polynomial<C> =
if (other.isZero()) this
else with(coefficients) {
if (isEmpty()) Polynomial(listOf(-other))
else Polynomial(
.apply {
val result = if (size == 0) other else get(0) - other
val isResultZero = result.isZero()
when {
size == 0 && !isResultZero -> add(result)
size > 1 || !isResultZero -> this[0] = result
else -> clear()
public operator fun P.minus(other: C): P
* Returns product of the constant represented as polynomial and the polynomial.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: C): Polynomial<C> =
if (other.isZero()) this
else Polynomial(
.applyAndRemoveZeros {
for (deg in indices) this[deg] = this[deg] * other
public operator fun P.times(other: C): P
* Returns the same polynomial.
public override operator fun P.unaryPlus(): P = this
* Returns negation of the polynomial.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): Polynomial<C> =
Polynomial(coefficients.map { -it })
public override operator fun P.unaryMinus(): P
* Returns sum of the polynomials.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree = other.degree
return Polynomial(
Coefficients(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] + other.coefficients[it]
public override operator fun P.plus(other: P): P
* Returns difference of the polynomials.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree = other.degree
return Polynomial(
Coefficients(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> -other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] - other.coefficients[it]
public override operator fun P.minus(other: P): P
* Returns product of the polynomials.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree = other.degree
return when {
thisDegree == -1 -> zero
otherDegree == -1 -> zero
else ->
Coefficients(thisDegree + otherDegree + 1) { d ->
(max(0, d - otherDegree)..min(thisDegree, d))
.map { coefficients[it] * other.coefficients[d - it] }
.reduce { acc, rational -> acc + rational }
public override operator fun P.times(other: P): P
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
public override fun power(arg: P, exponent: UInt) : P = exponentiationBySquaring(arg, exponent)
* Check if the instant is zero polynomial.
public override fun Polynomial<C>.isZero(): Boolean = coefficients.all { it.isZero() }
public fun P.isZero(): Boolean = this equalsTo zero
* Check if the instant is NOT zero polynomial.
public fun P.isNotZero(): Boolean = !isZero()
* Check if the instant is unit polynomial.
public override fun Polynomial<C>.isOne(): Boolean =
with(coefficients) {
isNotEmpty() && withIndex().all { (index, c) -> if (index == 0) c.isOne() else c.isZero() }
public fun P.isOne(): Boolean = this equalsTo one
* Check if the instant is NOT unit polynomial.
public fun P.isNotOne(): Boolean = !isOne()
* Check if the instant is minus unit polynomial.
public override fun Polynomial<C>.isMinusOne(): Boolean =
with(coefficients) {
isNotEmpty() && withIndex().all { (index, c) -> if (index == 0) c.isMinusOne() else c.isZero() }
public fun P.isMinusOne(): Boolean = this equalsTo -one
* Check if the instant is NOT minus unit polynomial.
public fun P.isNotMinusOne(): Boolean = !isMinusOne()
* Instance of zero polynomial (zero of the polynomial ring).
override val zero: Polynomial<C> = Polynomial(emptyList())
public override val zero: P
* Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).
* Instance of unit polynomial (unit of the polynomial ring).
override val one: Polynomial<C> = Polynomial(listOf(constantOne))
public override val one: P
* Checks equality of the polynomials.
public override infix fun Polynomial<C>.equalsTo(other: Polynomial<C>): Boolean =
when {
this === other -> true
this.degree == other.degree -> (0..degree).all { coefficients[it] == other.coefficients[it] }
else -> false
public infix fun P.equalsTo(other: P): Boolean
* Checks NOT equality of the polynomials.
public infix fun P.notEqualsTo(other: P): Boolean = !(this equalsTo other)
* Degree of the polynomial, [see also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_a_polynomial). If the polynomial is
* zero, degree is -1.
public override val Polynomial<C>.degree: Int get() = coefficients.indexOfLast { it != constantZero }
public val P.degree: Int
* Checks if the instant is constant polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isConstant(): Boolean = degree <= 0
* Checks if the instant is **not** constant polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isNotConstant(): Boolean = !isConstant()
* Checks if the instant is constant non-zero polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isNonZeroConstant(): Boolean = degree == 0
* Checks if the instant is **not** constant non-zero polynomial (of degree no more than 0) over considered ring.
public fun P.isNotNonZeroConstant(): Boolean = !isNonZeroConstant()
* If polynomial is a constant polynomial represents and returns it as constant.
* Otherwise, (when the polynomial is not constant polynomial) returns `null`.
public override fun Polynomial<C>.asConstantOrNull(): C? =
with(coefficients) {
when {
isEmpty() -> constantZero
withIndex().all { (index, c) -> index == 0 || c.isZero() } -> first()
else -> null
public inline fun Polynomial<C>.substitute(argument: C): C = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline fun Polynomial<C>.substitute(argument: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline fun Polynomial<C>.asFunction(): (C) -> C = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline fun Polynomial<C>.asFunctionOnConstants(): (C) -> C = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public inline fun Polynomial<C>.asFunctionOnPolynomials(): (Polynomial<C>) -> Polynomial<C> = { this.substitute(ring, it) }
public fun P.asConstantOrNull(): C?
* Evaluates the polynomial for the given value [argument].
* If polynomial is a constant polynomial represents and returns it as constant.
* Otherwise, (when the polynomial is not constant polynomial) raises corresponding exception.
public inline operator fun Polynomial<C>.invoke(argument: C): C = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public inline operator fun Polynomial<C>.invoke(argument: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
public fun P.asConstant(): C = requireNotNull(asConstantOrNull()) { "Can not represent non-constant polynomial as a constant" }
// TODO: Move to other internal utilities with context receiver
internal inline fun MutableList<C>.applyAndRemoveZeros(block: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit) : MutableList<C> {
contract {
callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex)
return this
internal inline fun List<C>.applyAndRemoveZeros(block: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit) : List<C> =
internal inline fun MutableCoefficients(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> C): MutableList<C> {
val list = ArrayList<C>(size)
repeat(size) { index -> list.add(init(index)) }
with(list) { while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex) }
return list
internal inline fun Coefficients(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> C): List<C> = MutableCoefficients(size, init)
internal inline fun buildCoefficients(@BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit): List<C> {
contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return buildList {
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex)
internal inline fun buildCoefficients(capacity: Int, @BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList<C>.() -> Unit): List<C> {
contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return buildList(capacity) {
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex).isZero()) removeAt(lastIndex)
override fun add(left: P, right: P): P = left + right
override fun multiply(left: P, right: P): P = left * right
* Space of polynomials constructed over ring.
* Abstraction of ring of polynomials of type [P] over ring of constants of type [C]. It also assumes that there is
* provided [ring] (of type [A]), that provides constant-wise operations.
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as a coefficients in their terms.
* @param A type of underlying ring of constants. It's [Ring] of [C].
* @param ring underlying ring of constants of type [A].
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as coefficients in their terms.
* @param P the type of polynomials.
* @param A the type of algebraic structure (precisely, of ring) provided for constants.
public class ScalablePolynomialSpace<C, A>(
ring: A,
) : PolynomialSpace<C, A>(ring), ScaleOperations<Polynomial<C>> where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> {
override fun scale(a: Polynomial<C>, value: Double): Polynomial<C> =
ring { Polynomial(a.coefficients.map { scale(it, value) }) }
public interface PolynomialSpaceOverRing<C, P: Polynomial<C>, A: Ring<C>> : PolynomialSpace<C, P> {
public val ring: A
* Returns sum of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to adding [other] copies of unit of underlying ring to [this].
public override operator fun C.plus(other: Int): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(this@plus, one, other) }
* Returns difference between the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [other] copies of unit of underlying ring from [this].
public override operator fun C.minus(other: Int): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(this@minus, one, -other) }
* Returns product of the constant and the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring).
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [other] copies of [this].
public override operator fun C.times(other: Int): C = ring { multiplyBySquaring(this@times, other) }
* Returns sum of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to adding [this] copies of unit of underlying ring to [other].
public override operator fun Int.plus(other: C): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(other, one, this@plus) }
* Returns difference between the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to subtraction [this] copies of unit of underlying ring from [other].
public override operator fun Int.minus(other: C): C = ring { addMultipliedBySquaring(-other, one, this@minus) }
* Returns product of the integer represented as constant (member of underlying ring) and the constant.
* The operation is equivalent to sum of [this] copies of [other].
public override operator fun Int.times(other: C): C = ring { multiplyBySquaring(other, this@times) }
* Returns negation of the constant.
public override operator fun C.unaryMinus(): C = ring { -this@unaryMinus }
* Returns sum of the constants.
public override operator fun C.plus(other: C): C = ring { this@plus + other }
* Returns difference of the constants.
public override operator fun C.minus(other: C): C = ring { this@minus - other }
* Returns product of the constants.
public override operator fun C.times(other: C): C = ring { this@times * other }
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
override fun power(arg: C, exponent: UInt): C = ring { power(arg, exponent) }
* Instance of zero constant (zero of the underlying ring).
public override val constantZero: C get() = ring.zero
* Instance of unit constant (unit of the underlying ring).
public override val constantOne: C get() = ring.one
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.labeledRationalFunction(): LabeledRationalFunction
* Creates a [RationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
* Creates a [LabeledRationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.labeledRationalFunction(block: LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
@ -22,31 +22,31 @@ import kotlin.math.pow
// if (degree > -1) Polynomial(coefficients.subList(0, degree + 1)) else zero
* Creates a [PolynomialSpace] over a received ring.
* Creates a [ListPolynomialSpace] over a received ring.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.polynomial(): PolynomialSpace<C, A> =
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.listPolynomial(): ListPolynomialSpace<C, A> =
* Creates a [PolynomialSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
* Creates a [ListPolynomialSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.polynomial(block: PolynomialSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.listPolynomial(block: ListPolynomialSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return PolynomialSpace(this).block()
return ListPolynomialSpace(this).block()
* Creates a [ScalablePolynomialSpace] over a received scalable ring.
* Creates a [ScalableListPolynomialSpace] over a received scalable ring.
public fun <C, A> A.scalablePolynomial(): ScalablePolynomialSpace<C, A> where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> =
public fun <C, A> A.scalableListPolynomial(): ScalableListPolynomialSpace<C, A> where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> =
* Creates a [ScalablePolynomialSpace]'s scope over a received scalable ring.
* Creates a [ScalableListPolynomialSpace]'s scope over a received scalable ring.
public inline fun <C, A, R> A.scalablePolynomial(block: ScalablePolynomialSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> {
public inline fun <C, A, R> A.scalableListPolynomial(block: ScalableListPolynomialSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return ScalablePolynomialSpace(this).block()
return ScalableListPolynomialSpace(this).block()
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ internal inline fun <C> multiplyAddingTo(
* Evaluates the value of the given double polynomial for given double argument.
public fun Polynomial<Double>.substitute(arg: Double): Double =
public fun ListPolynomial<Double>.substitute(arg: Double): Double =
coefficients.reduceIndexedOrNull { index, acc, c ->
acc + c * arg.pow(index)
} ?: .0
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public fun Polynomial<Double>.substitute(arg: Double): Double =
* It is an implementation of [Horner's method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horner%27s_method).
public fun <C> Polynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: C): C = ring {
public fun <C> ListPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: C): C = ring {
if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return@ring zero
var result: C = coefficients.last()
for (j in coefficients.size - 2 downTo 0) {
@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ public fun <C> Polynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: C): C = ring {
return result
public fun <C> Polynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: Polynomial<C>) : Polynomial<C> = ring {
if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return Polynomial(emptyList())
public fun <C> ListPolynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: ListPolynomial<C>) : ListPolynomial<C> = ring {
if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return ListPolynomial(emptyList())
val thisDegree = coefficients.indexOfLast { it != zero }
if (thisDegree == -1) return Polynomial(emptyList())
if (thisDegree == -1) return ListPolynomial(emptyList())
val argDegree = arg.coefficients.indexOfLast { it != zero }
if (argDegree == -1) return coefficients[0].asPolynomial()
val constantZero = zero
@ -145,27 +145,27 @@ public fun <C> Polynomial<C>.substitute(ring: Ring<C>, arg: Polynomial<C>) : Pol
with(resultCoefs) { while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex) == constantZero) removeAt(lastIndex) }
return Polynomial<C>(resultCoefs)
return ListPolynomial<C>(resultCoefs)
* Represent the polynomial as a regular context-less function.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> Polynomial<C>.asFunction(ring: A): (C) -> C = { substitute(ring, it) }
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> ListPolynomial<C>.asFunction(ring: A): (C) -> C = { substitute(ring, it) }
* Represent the polynomial as a regular context-less function.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> Polynomial<C>.asPolynomialFunctionOver(ring: A): (Polynomial<C>) -> Polynomial<C> = { substitute(ring, it) }
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> ListPolynomial<C>.asPolynomialFunctionOver(ring: A): (ListPolynomial<C>) -> ListPolynomial<C> = { substitute(ring, it) }
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.derivative(
public fun <C, A> ListPolynomial<C>.derivative(
algebra: A,
): Polynomial<C> where A : Ring<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
): ListPolynomial<C> where A : Ring<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
buildList(max(0, coefficients.size - 1)) {
for (deg in 1 .. coefficients.lastIndex) add(number(deg) * coefficients[deg])
while (isNotEmpty() && elementAt(lastIndex) == algebra.zero) removeAt(lastIndex)
@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.derivative(
* Returns algebraic derivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.nthDerivative(
public fun <C, A> ListPolynomial<C>.nthDerivative(
algebra: A,
order: Int,
): Polynomial<C> where A : Ring<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
): ListPolynomial<C> where A : Ring<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
require(order >= 0) { "Order of derivative must be non-negative" }
buildList(max(0, coefficients.size - order)) {
for (deg in order.. coefficients.lastIndex)
add((deg - order + 1 .. deg).fold(coefficients[deg]) { acc, d -> acc * number(d) })
@ -195,10 +195,10 @@ public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.nthDerivative(
* Returns algebraic antiderivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.antiderivative(
public fun <C, A> ListPolynomial<C>.antiderivative(
algebra: A,
): Polynomial<C> where A : Field<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
): ListPolynomial<C> where A : Field<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
buildList(coefficients.size + 1) {
coefficients.mapIndexedTo(this) { index, t -> t / number(index + 1) }
@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.antiderivative(
* Returns algebraic antiderivative of received polynomial.
public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.nthAntiderivative(
public fun <C, A> ListPolynomial<C>.nthAntiderivative(
algebra: A,
order: Int,
): Polynomial<C> where A : Field<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
): ListPolynomial<C> where A : Field<C>, A : NumericAlgebra<C> = algebra {
require(order >= 0) { "Order of antiderivative must be non-negative" }
buildList(coefficients.size + order) {
repeat(order) { add(zero) }
coefficients.mapIndexedTo(this) { index, c -> (1..order).fold(c) { acc, i -> acc / number(index + i) } }
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.nthAntiderivative(
* Compute a definite integral of a given polynomial in a [range]
public fun <C : Comparable<C>> Polynomial<C>.integrate(
public fun <C : Comparable<C>> ListPolynomial<C>.integrate(
algebra: Field<C>,
range: ClosedRange<C>,
): C = algebra {
@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ import kotlin.math.max
* Creates a [RationalFunctionSpace] over a received ring.
* Creates a [ListRationalFunctionSpace] over a received ring.
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.rationalFunction(): RationalFunctionSpace<C, A> =
public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.listRationalFunction(): ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A> =
* Creates a [RationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
* Creates a [ListRationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.rationalFunction(block: RationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.listRationalFunction(block: ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return RationalFunctionSpace(this).block()
return ListRationalFunctionSpace(this).block()
* Evaluates the value of the given double polynomial for given double argument.
public fun RationalFunction<Double>.substitute(arg: Double): Double =
public fun ListRationalFunction<Double>.substitute(arg: Double): Double =
numerator.substitute(arg) / denominator.substitute(arg)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public fun RationalFunction<Double>.substitute(arg: Double): Double =
* It is an implementation of [Horner's method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horner%27s_method).
public fun <C> RationalFunction<C>.substitute(ring: Field<C>, arg: C): C = ring {
public fun <C> ListRationalFunction<C>.substitute(ring: Field<C>, arg: C): C = ring {
numerator.substitute(ring, arg) / denominator.substitute(ring, arg)
@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ public fun <C> RationalFunction<C>.substitute(ring: Field<C>, arg: C): C = ring
* ```
* is returned.
* Used in [Polynomial.substitute] and [RationalFunction.substitute] for performance optimisation.
* Used in [ListPolynomial.substitute] and [ListRationalFunction.substitute] for performance optimisation.
*/ // TODO: Дописать
internal fun <C> Polynomial<C>.substituteRationalFunctionTakeNumerator(ring: Ring<C>, arg: RationalFunction<C>): Polynomial<C> = ring {
if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return Polynomial(emptyList())
internal fun <C> ListPolynomial<C>.substituteRationalFunctionTakeNumerator(ring: Ring<C>, arg: ListRationalFunction<C>): ListPolynomial<C> = ring {
if (coefficients.isEmpty()) return ListPolynomial(emptyList())
val thisDegree = coefficients.indexOfLast { it != zero }
if (thisDegree == -1) return Polynomial(emptyList())
if (thisDegree == -1) return ListPolynomial(emptyList())
val thisDegreeLog2 = 31 - thisDegree.countLeadingZeroBits()
val numeratorDegree = arg.numerator.coefficients.indexOfLast { it != zero }
val denominatorDegree = arg.denominator.coefficients.indexOfLast { it != zero }
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ internal fun <C> Polynomial<C>.substituteRationalFunctionTakeNumerator(ring: Rin
return levelResultCoefs
return Polynomial(
return ListPolynomial(
level = thisDegreeLog2,
start = 0,
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public fun <C, A : Ring<C>> A.numberedRationalFunction(): NumberedRationalFuncti
* Creates a [RationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
* Creates a [NumberedRationalFunctionSpace]'s scope over a received ring.
public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.numberedRationalFunction(block: NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.data.XYColumnarData
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PiecewisePolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.Polynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Field
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class LinearInterpolator<T : Comparable<T>>(override val algebra: Field<T
for (i in 0 until points.size - 1) {
val slope = (points.y[i + 1] - points.y[i]) / (points.x[i + 1] - points.x[i])
val const = points.y[i] - slope * points.x[i]
val polynomial = Polynomial(const, slope)
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(const, slope)
putRight(points.x[i + 1], polynomial)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package space.kscience.kmath.interpolation
import space.kscience.kmath.data.XYColumnarData
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PiecewisePolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.Polynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Field
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class SplineInterpolator<T : Comparable<T>>(
val x02 = x0 * x0
val x03 = x02 * x0
//Shift coefficients to represent absolute polynomial instead of one with an offset
val polynomial = Polynomial(
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(
a - b * x0 + c * x02 - d * x03,
b - 2 * c * x0 + 3 * d * x02,
c - 3 * d * x0,
@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.test.misc.*
import kotlin.test.*
class ListPolynomialTest {
fun test_Polynomial_Int_plus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) + -3,
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + 2,
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)) + 2,
"test 3"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() + 0,
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + 1,
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)) + 1,
"test 6"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() + 2,
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Int_minus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) - -3,
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - 2,
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(2)) - 2,
"test 3"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() - 0,
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - 1,
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(2)) - 1,
"test 6"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() - 2,
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Int_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
ListPolynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26) * 27,
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14) * 15,
"test 2"
fun test_Int_Polynomial_plus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
-3 + ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
2 + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
2 + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
0 + ListPolynomial(),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
1 + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
1 + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
2 + ListPolynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Int_Polynomial_minus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
3 - ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7)),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
-2 - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
-2 - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
0 - ListPolynomial(),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
-1 - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
-1 - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
-2 - ListPolynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Int_Polynomial_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
27 * ListPolynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26),
"test 1"
15 * ListPolynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_Constant_plus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) + Rational(-3),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + Rational(2),
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)) + Rational(2),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() + Rational(0),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + Rational(1),
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)) + Rational(1),
"test 6"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() + Rational(2),
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Constant_minus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) - Rational(-3),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - Rational(2),
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(2)) - Rational(2),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() - Rational(0),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - Rational(1),
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(2)) - Rational(1),
"test 6"
ListPolynomial<Rational>() - Rational(2),
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Constant_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
ListPolynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26) * number(27),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14) * number(15),
"test 2"
fun test_Constant_Polynomial_plus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Rational(-3) + ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(2) + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
Rational(2) + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
Rational(0) + ListPolynomial(),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(1) + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
Rational(1) + ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
Rational(2) + ListPolynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Constant_Polynomial_minus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Rational(3) - ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7)),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(-2) - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
Rational(-2) - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
Rational(0) - ListPolynomial(),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(-1) - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
Rational(-1) - ListPolynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
Rational(-2) - ListPolynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Constant_Polynomial_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
27 * ListPolynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26),
"test 1"
15 * ListPolynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_unaryMinus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7)),
-ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
-ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_plus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
// (5/9 - 8/9 x - 8/7 x^2) + (-5/7 + 5/1 x + 5/8 x^2) ?= -10/63 + 37/9 x - 29/56 x^2
ListPolynomial(Rational(-10, 63), Rational(37, 9), Rational(-29, 56)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) +
ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 7), Rational(5, 1), Rational(5, 8)),
"test 1"
// (-2/9 - 8/3 x) + (0 + 9/4 x + 2/4 x^2) ?= -2/9 - 5/12 x + 2/4 x^2
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-5, 12), Rational(2, 4)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-8, 3)) +
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(2, 4)),
"test 2"
// (-4/7 - 2/6 x + 0 x^2 + 0 x^3) + (-6/3 - 7/2 x + 2/3 x^2) ?= -18/7 - 23/6 x + 2/3 x^2
ListPolynomial(Rational(-18, 7), Rational(-23, 6), Rational(2, 3)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-4, 7), Rational(-2, 6), Rational(0), Rational(0)) +
ListPolynomial(Rational(-6, 3), Rational(-7, 2), Rational(2, 3)),
"test 3"
// (-2/4 - 6/9 x - 4/9 x^2) + (2/4 + 6/9 x + 4/9 x^2) ?= 0
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 4), Rational(-6, 9), Rational(-4, 9)) +
ListPolynomial(Rational(2, 4), Rational(6, 9), Rational(4, 9)),
"test 4"
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_minus() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
// (5/9 - 8/9 x - 8/7 x^2) - (-5/7 + 5/1 x + 5/8 x^2) ?= 80/63 - 53/9 x - 99/56 x^2
ListPolynomial(Rational(80, 63), Rational(-53, 9), Rational(-99, 56)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) -
ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 7), Rational(5, 1), Rational(5, 8)),
"test 1"
// (-2/9 - 8/3 x) - (0 + 9/4 x + 2/4 x^2) ?= -2/9 - 59/12 x - 2/4 x^2
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-59, 12), Rational(-2, 4)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-8, 3)) -
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(2, 4)),
"test 2"
// (-4/7 - 2/6 x + 0 x^2 + 0 x^3) - (-6/3 - 7/2 x + 2/3 x^2) ?= 10/7 + 19/6 x - 2/3 x^2
ListPolynomial(Rational(10, 7), Rational(19, 6), Rational(-2, 3)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-4, 7), Rational(-2, 6), Rational(0), Rational(0)) -
ListPolynomial(Rational(-6, 3), Rational(-7, 2), Rational(2, 3)),
"test 3"
// (-2/4 - 6/9 x - 4/9 x^2) - (-2/4 - 6/9 x - 4/9 x^2) ?= 0
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 4), Rational(-6, 9), Rational(-4, 9)) -
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2, 4), Rational(-6, 9), Rational(-4, 9)),
"test 4"
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).listPolynomial {
// (1 + x + x^2) * (1 - x + x^2) ?= 1 + x^2 + x^4
ListPolynomial(1, 0, 1, 0, 1),
ListPolynomial(1, -1, 1) * ListPolynomial(1, 1, 1),
"test 1"
// Spoiler: 5 * 7 = 0
ListPolynomial(5, -25, 10) * ListPolynomial(21, 14, -7),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_isZero() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
assertTrue("test 1") { ListPolynomial<Rational>().isZero() }
assertTrue("test 2") { ListPolynomial<Rational>(Rational(0)).isZero() }
assertTrue("test 3") { ListPolynomial<Rational>(Rational(0), Rational(0)).isZero() }
assertTrue("test 4") { ListPolynomial<Rational>(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0))
.isZero() }
assertFalse("test 5") { ListPolynomial<Rational>(Rational(3, 5)).isZero() }
assertFalse("test 6") { ListPolynomial<Rational>(Rational(3, 5), Rational(0))
.isZero() }
assertFalse("test 7") { ListPolynomial<Rational>(Rational(0), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0))
.isZero() }
fun test_Polynomial_isOne() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
assertFalse("test 1") { ListPolynomial<Rational>().isOne() }
assertFalse("test 2") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 3") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 4") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0))
.isOne() }
assertFalse("test 5") { ListPolynomial(Rational(3, 5)).isOne() }
assertTrue("test 6") { ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 5)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 7") { ListPolynomial(Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertTrue("test 8") { ListPolynomial(Rational(3, 3), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 9") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0))
.isOne() }
assertFalse("test 10") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(5, 5), Rational(0))
.isOne() }
assertFalse("test 11") { ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0))
.isOne() }
assertFalse("test 12") { ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(5, 5), Rational(0))
.isOne() }
fun test_Polynomial_isMinusOne() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
assertFalse("test 1") { ListPolynomial<Rational>().isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 2") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 3") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 4") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0))
.isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 5") { ListPolynomial(Rational(3, 5)).isMinusOne() }
assertTrue("test 6") { ListPolynomial(Rational(-5, 5)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 7") { ListPolynomial(Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertTrue("test 8") { ListPolynomial(Rational(-3, 3), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 9") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0))
.isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 10") { ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(5, -5), Rational(0))
.isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 11") { ListPolynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0))
.isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 12") { ListPolynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(5, -5), Rational(0))
.isMinusOne() }
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_equalsTo() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
assertTrue("test 1") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7))
assertTrue("test 2") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7))
assertTrue("test 3") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)) equalsTo
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7))
assertFalse("test 4") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7))
assertFalse("test 5") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(8, 3), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7))
assertFalse("test 6") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)) equalsTo
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(8, 7))
fun test_Polynomial_degree() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)).degree,
"test 1"
"test 2"
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9)).degree,
"test 6"
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 7"
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 8"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7)).degree,
"test 9"
ListPolynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 10"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 11"
fun test_Polynomial_asConstantOrNull() {
RationalField.listPolynomial {
"test 1"
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 4"
Rational(-7, 9),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 5"
Rational(-7, 9),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 6"
Rational(-7, 9),
ListPolynomial(Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 7"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 8"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 9"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 10"
ListPolynomial(Rational(4, 15), Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 11"
ListPolynomial(Rational(4, 15), Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0))
"test 12"
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.test.misc.Rational
import space.kscience.kmath.test.misc.RationalField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class ListPolynomialUtilTest {
fun test_substitute_Double() {
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(1.0, -2.0, 1.0)
assertEquals(0.0, polynomial.substitute(1.0), 0.001)
fun test_substitute_Constant() {
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).substitute(RationalField, Rational(1)),
"test 1"
Rational(25057, 21000),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5,8), Rational(8, 3), Rational(4, 7), Rational(3, 2))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 2"
Rational(2983, 5250),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(8, 3), Rational(4, 7), Rational(3, 2))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 3"
Rational(4961, 4200),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5,8), Rational(8, 3), Rational(4, 7), Rational(0))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 4"
Rational(3511, 3000),
ListPolynomial(Rational(5,8), Rational(8, 3), Rational(0), Rational(3, 2))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 5"
fun test_substitute_Polynomial() {
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).substitute(RationalField, ListPolynomial(Rational(1))),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(709, 378), Rational(155, 252), Rational(19, 525), Rational(2, 875)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 7), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(2, 7))
.substitute(RationalField, ListPolynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(655, 378), Rational(155, 252), Rational(19, 525), Rational(2, 875)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(2, 7))
.substitute(RationalField, ListPolynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(677, 378), Rational(97, 180), Rational(1, 75)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 7), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(0))
.substitute(RationalField, ListPolynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(653, 378), Rational(221, 420), Rational(4, 175), Rational(2, 875)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 7), Rational(9, 4), Rational(0), Rational(2, 7))
.substitute(RationalField, ListPolynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(89, 54)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(0))
.substitute(RationalField, ListPolynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(0))),
"test 6"
fun test_derivative() {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(2)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-8, 3), Rational(8, 9), Rational(15, 7), Rational(-20, 9)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(8, 9), Rational(15, 7), Rational(-20, 9)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(-8, 3), Rational(8, 9), Rational(15, 7)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 4"
fun test_nthDerivative() {
ListPolynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(2)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 1),
"test 1"
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>("test2") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, -1)
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 0),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 3),
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 4),
"test 6"
ListPolynomial(Rational(8, 9), Rational(30, 7), Rational(-20, 3)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 7"
ListPolynomial(Rational(8, 9), Rational(30, 7), Rational(-20, 3)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 8"
ListPolynomial(Rational(8, 9), Rational(30, 7)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 9"
fun test_antiderivative() {
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1), Rational(-1), Rational(1, 3)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 1"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1, 5), Rational(-4, 3), Rational(4, 27), Rational(5, 28), Rational(-1, 9)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 2"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 27), Rational(5, 28), Rational(-1, 9)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1, 5), Rational(-4, 3), Rational(4, 27), Rational(5, 28)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 4"
fun test_nthAntiderivative() {
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1), Rational(-1), Rational(1, 3)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 1),
"test 1"
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>("test2") {
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, -1)
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 0),
"test 3"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 2), Rational(-1, 3), Rational(1, 12)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 4"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 6), Rational(-1, 12), Rational(1, 60)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 3),
"test 5"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 24), Rational(-1, 60), Rational(1, 360)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 4),
"test 6"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 10), Rational(-4, 9), Rational(1, 27), Rational(1, 28), Rational(-1, 54)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 7"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 27), Rational(1, 28), Rational(-1, 54)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 8"
ListPolynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 10), Rational(-4, 9), Rational(1, 27), Rational(1, 28)),
ListPolynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 9"
@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.test.misc.*
import kotlin.test.*
class PolynomialTest {
fun test_Polynomial_Int_plus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) + -3,
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + 2,
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(-2)) + 2,
"test 3"
Polynomial<Rational>() + 0,
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + 1,
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(-2)) + 1,
"test 6"
Polynomial<Rational>() + 2,
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Int_minus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) - -3,
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - 2,
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(2)) - 2,
"test 3"
Polynomial<Rational>() - 0,
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - 1,
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(2)) - 1,
"test 6"
Polynomial<Rational>() - 2,
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Int_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).polynomial {
Polynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
Polynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26) * 27,
"test 1"
Polynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14) * 15,
"test 2"
fun test_Int_Polynomial_plus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
-3 + Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
2 + Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
2 + Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
0 + Polynomial(),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
1 + Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
1 + Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
2 + Polynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Int_Polynomial_minus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
3 - Polynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7)),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
-2 - Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
-2 - Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
0 - Polynomial(),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
-1 - Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
-1 - Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
-2 - Polynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Int_Polynomial_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).polynomial {
Polynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
27 * Polynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26),
"test 1"
15 * Polynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_Constant_plus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) + Rational(-3),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + Rational(2),
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(-2)) + Rational(2),
"test 3"
Polynomial<Rational>() + Rational(0),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) + Rational(1),
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(-2)) + Rational(1),
"test 6"
Polynomial<Rational>() + Rational(2),
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Constant_minus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) - Rational(-3),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - Rational(2),
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(2)) - Rational(2),
"test 3"
Polynomial<Rational>() - Rational(0),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Polynomial(Rational(2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)) - Rational(1),
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(2)) - Rational(1),
"test 6"
Polynomial<Rational>() - Rational(2),
"test 7"
fun test_Polynomial_Constant_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).polynomial {
Polynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
Polynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26) * number(27),
"test 1"
Polynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14) * number(15),
"test 2"
fun test_Constant_Polynomial_plus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(-22, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Rational(-3) + Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(2) + Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
Rational(2) + Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
Rational(0) + Polynomial(),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(1) + Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
Rational(1) + Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
Rational(2) + Polynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Constant_Polynomial_minus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(32, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
Rational(3) - Polynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7)),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(-2) - Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
Rational(-2) - Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 3"
Rational(0) - Polynomial(),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
Rational(-1) - Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 5"
Rational(-1) - Polynomial(Rational(-2)),
"test 6"
Rational(-2) - Polynomial(),
"test 7"
fun test_Constant_Polynomial_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).polynomial {
Polynomial(34, 2, 1, 20, 2),
27 * Polynomial(22, 26, 13, 15, 26),
"test 1"
15 * Polynomial(7, 0, 49, 21, 14),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_unaryMinus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7)),
-Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(-5, 9), Rational(8, 9), Rational(8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
-Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_plus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
// (5/9 - 8/9 x - 8/7 x^2) + (-5/7 + 5/1 x + 5/8 x^2) ?= -10/63 + 37/9 x - 29/56 x^2
Polynomial(Rational(-10, 63), Rational(37, 9), Rational(-29, 56)),
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) +
Polynomial(Rational(-5, 7), Rational(5, 1), Rational(5, 8)),
"test 1"
// (-2/9 - 8/3 x) + (0 + 9/4 x + 2/4 x^2) ?= -2/9 - 5/12 x + 2/4 x^2
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-5, 12), Rational(2, 4)),
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-8, 3)) +
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(2, 4)),
"test 2"
// (-4/7 - 2/6 x + 0 x^2 + 0 x^3) + (-6/3 - 7/2 x + 2/3 x^2) ?= -18/7 - 23/6 x + 2/3 x^2
Polynomial(Rational(-18, 7), Rational(-23, 6), Rational(2, 3)),
Polynomial(Rational(-4, 7), Rational(-2, 6), Rational(0), Rational(0)) +
Polynomial(Rational(-6, 3), Rational(-7, 2), Rational(2, 3)),
"test 3"
// (-2/4 - 6/9 x - 4/9 x^2) + (2/4 + 6/9 x + 4/9 x^2) ?= 0
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 4), Rational(-6, 9), Rational(-4, 9)) +
Polynomial(Rational(2, 4), Rational(6, 9), Rational(4, 9)),
"test 4"
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_minus() {
RationalField.polynomial {
// (5/9 - 8/9 x - 8/7 x^2) - (-5/7 + 5/1 x + 5/8 x^2) ?= 80/63 - 53/9 x - 99/56 x^2
Polynomial(Rational(80, 63), Rational(-53, 9), Rational(-99, 56)),
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) -
Polynomial(Rational(-5, 7), Rational(5, 1), Rational(5, 8)),
"test 1"
// (-2/9 - 8/3 x) - (0 + 9/4 x + 2/4 x^2) ?= -2/9 - 59/12 x - 2/4 x^2
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-59, 12), Rational(-2, 4)),
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 9), Rational(-8, 3)) -
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(2, 4)),
"test 2"
// (-4/7 - 2/6 x + 0 x^2 + 0 x^3) - (-6/3 - 7/2 x + 2/3 x^2) ?= 10/7 + 19/6 x - 2/3 x^2
Polynomial(Rational(10, 7), Rational(19, 6), Rational(-2, 3)),
Polynomial(Rational(-4, 7), Rational(-2, 6), Rational(0), Rational(0)) -
Polynomial(Rational(-6, 3), Rational(-7, 2), Rational(2, 3)),
"test 3"
// (-2/4 - 6/9 x - 4/9 x^2) - (-2/4 - 6/9 x - 4/9 x^2) ?= 0
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 4), Rational(-6, 9), Rational(-4, 9)) -
Polynomial(Rational(-2, 4), Rational(-6, 9), Rational(-4, 9)),
"test 4"
fun test_Polynomial_Polynomial_times() {
IntModuloRing(35).polynomial {
// (1 + x + x^2) * (1 - x + x^2) ?= 1 + x^2 + x^4
Polynomial(1, 0, 1, 0, 1),
Polynomial(1, -1, 1) * Polynomial(1, 1, 1),
"test 1"
// Spoiler: 5 * 7 = 0
Polynomial(5, -25, 10) * Polynomial(21, 14, -7),
"test 2"
fun test_Polynomial_isZero() {
RationalField.polynomial {
assertTrue("test 1") { Polynomial<Rational>().isZero() }
assertTrue("test 2") { Polynomial<Rational>(Rational(0)).isZero() }
assertTrue("test 3") { Polynomial<Rational>(Rational(0), Rational(0)).isZero() }
assertTrue("test 4") { Polynomial<Rational>(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).isZero() }
assertFalse("test 5") { Polynomial<Rational>(Rational(3, 5)).isZero() }
assertFalse("test 6") { Polynomial<Rational>(Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isZero() }
assertFalse("test 7") { Polynomial<Rational>(Rational(0), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isZero() }
fun test_Polynomial_isOne() {
RationalField.polynomial {
assertFalse("test 1") { Polynomial<Rational>().isOne() }
assertFalse("test 2") { Polynomial(Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 3") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 4") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 5") { Polynomial(Rational(3, 5)).isOne() }
assertTrue("test 6") { Polynomial(Rational(5, 5)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 7") { Polynomial(Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertTrue("test 8") { Polynomial(Rational(3, 3), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 9") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 10") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(5, 5), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 11") { Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isOne() }
assertFalse("test 12") { Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(5, 5), Rational(0)).isOne() }
fun test_Polynomial_isMinusOne() {
RationalField.polynomial {
assertFalse("test 1") { Polynomial<Rational>().isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 2") { Polynomial(Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 3") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 4") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 5") { Polynomial(Rational(3, 5)).isMinusOne() }
assertTrue("test 6") { Polynomial(Rational(-5, 5)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 7") { Polynomial(Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertTrue("test 8") { Polynomial(Rational(-3, 3), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 9") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 10") { Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(5, -5), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 11") { Polynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(3, 5), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
assertFalse("test 12") { Polynomial(Rational(-1), Rational(5, -5), Rational(0)).isMinusOne() }
fun test_Polynomial_equalsTo() {
RationalField.polynomial {
assertTrue("test 1") {
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7))
assertTrue("test 2") {
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7))
assertTrue("test 3") {
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)) equalsTo
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7))
assertFalse("test 4") {
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7))
assertFalse("test 5") {
Polynomial(Rational(8, 3), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7)) equalsTo
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7))
assertFalse("test 6") {
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)) equalsTo
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(8, 7))
fun test_Polynomial_degree() {
RationalField.polynomial {
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7)).degree,
"test 1"
"test 2"
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9)).degree,
"test 6"
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 7"
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 8"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7)).degree,
"test 9"
Polynomial(Rational(5, 9), Rational(-8, 9), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 10"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-8, 7), Rational(0), Rational(0)).degree,
"test 11"
fun test_Polynomial_asConstantOrNull() {
RationalField.polynomial {
"test 1"
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 4"
Rational(-7, 9),
Polynomial(Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 5"
Rational(-7, 9),
Polynomial(Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 6"
Rational(-7, 9),
Polynomial(Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 7"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 8"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 9"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 10"
Polynomial(Rational(4, 15), Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 11"
Polynomial(Rational(4, 15), Rational(0), Rational(-7, 9), Rational(0)).asConstantOrNull(),
"test 12"
@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.test.misc.Rational
import space.kscience.kmath.test.misc.RationalField
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class PolynomialUtilTest {
fun test_substitute_Double() {
val polynomial = Polynomial(1.0, -2.0, 1.0)
assertEquals(0.0, polynomial.substitute(1.0), 0.001)
fun test_substitute_Constant() {
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).substitute(RationalField, Rational(1)),
"test 1"
Rational(25057, 21000),
Polynomial(Rational(5,8), Rational(8, 3), Rational(4, 7), Rational(3, 2))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 2"
Rational(2983, 5250),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(8, 3), Rational(4, 7), Rational(3, 2))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 3"
Rational(4961, 4200),
Polynomial(Rational(5,8), Rational(8, 3), Rational(4, 7), Rational(0))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 4"
Rational(3511, 3000),
Polynomial(Rational(5,8), Rational(8, 3), Rational(0), Rational(3, 2))
.substitute(RationalField, Rational(1, 5)),
"test 5"
fun test_substitute_Polynomial() {
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).substitute(RationalField, Polynomial(Rational(1))),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(709, 378), Rational(155, 252), Rational(19, 525), Rational(2, 875)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 7), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(2, 7))
.substitute(RationalField, Polynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(655, 378), Rational(155, 252), Rational(19, 525), Rational(2, 875)),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(2, 7))
.substitute(RationalField, Polynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(677, 378), Rational(97, 180), Rational(1, 75)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 7), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(0))
.substitute(RationalField, Polynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(653, 378), Rational(221, 420), Rational(4, 175), Rational(2, 875)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 7), Rational(9, 4), Rational(0), Rational(2, 7))
.substitute(RationalField, Polynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(1, 5))),
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(89, 54)),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(9, 4), Rational(1, 3), Rational(0))
.substitute(RationalField, Polynomial(Rational(6, 9), Rational(0))),
"test 6"
fun test_derivative() {
Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(2)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(-8, 3), Rational(8, 9), Rational(15, 7), Rational(-20, 9)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(8, 9), Rational(15, 7), Rational(-20, 9)),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(-8, 3), Rational(8, 9), Rational(15, 7)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).derivative(RationalField),
"test 4"
fun test_nthDerivative() {
Polynomial(Rational(-2), Rational(2)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 1),
"test 1"
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>("test2") {
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, -1)
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 0),
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 3),
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 4),
"test 6"
Polynomial(Rational(8, 9), Rational(30, 7), Rational(-20, 3)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 7"
Polynomial(Rational(8, 9), Rational(30, 7), Rational(-20, 3)),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 8"
Polynomial(Rational(8, 9), Rational(30, 7)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).nthDerivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 9"
fun test_antiderivative() {
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1), Rational(-1), Rational(1, 3)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 1"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1, 5), Rational(-4, 3), Rational(4, 27), Rational(5, 28), Rational(-1, 9)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 2"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 27), Rational(5, 28), Rational(-1, 9)),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1, 5), Rational(-4, 3), Rational(4, 27), Rational(5, 28)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).antiderivative(RationalField),
"test 4"
fun test_nthAntiderivative() {
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(1), Rational(-1), Rational(1, 3)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 1),
"test 1"
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException>("test2") {
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, -1)
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 0),
"test 3"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 2), Rational(-1, 3), Rational(1, 12)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 4"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 6), Rational(-1, 12), Rational(1, 60)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 3),
"test 5"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 24), Rational(-1, 60), Rational(1, 360)),
Polynomial(Rational(1), Rational(-2), Rational(1)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 4),
"test 6"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 10), Rational(-4, 9), Rational(1, 27), Rational(1, 28), Rational(-1, 54)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 7"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 27), Rational(1, 28), Rational(-1, 54)),
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(-5, 9)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 8"
Polynomial(Rational(0), Rational(0), Rational(1, 10), Rational(-4, 9), Rational(1, 27), Rational(1, 28)),
Polynomial(Rational(1, 5), Rational(-8, 3), Rational(4, 9), Rational(5, 7), Rational(0)).nthAntiderivative(RationalField, 2),
"test 9"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.integration
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.Polynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.integrate
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.DoubleField
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class SplineIntegralTest {
fun integratePolynomial(){
val polynomial = Polynomial(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
val polynomial = ListPolynomial(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
val integral = polynomial.integrate(DoubleField,1.0..2.0)
assertEquals(11.0, integral, 0.001)
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.test.misc
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.Polynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.PolynomialSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomial
import space.kscience.kmath.functions.ListPolynomialSpace
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ class IntModuloRing : Ring<IntModulo> {
inline fun IntModulo.div(arg: IntModulo): IntModulo = this / arg
fun PolynomialSpace<IntModulo, IntModuloRing>.number(arg: Int) = IntModulo(arg, ring.modulus, toCheckInput = false)
fun ListPolynomialSpace<IntModulo, IntModuloRing>.number(arg: Int) = IntModulo(arg, ring.modulus, toCheckInput = false)
fun PolynomialSpace<IntModulo, IntModuloRing>.Polynomial(vararg coefs: Int): Polynomial<IntModulo> =
Polynomial(coefs.map { IntModulo(it, ring.modulus) })
fun IntModuloRing.Polynomial(vararg coefs: Int): Polynomial<IntModulo> =
Polynomial(coefs.map { IntModulo(it, modulus) })
fun ListPolynomialSpace<IntModulo, IntModuloRing>.ListPolynomial(vararg coefs: Int): ListPolynomial<IntModulo> =
ListPolynomial(coefs.map { IntModulo(it, ring.modulus) })
fun IntModuloRing.ListPolynomial(vararg coefs: Int): ListPolynomial<IntModulo> =
ListPolynomial(coefs.map { IntModulo(it, modulus) })
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