Copy DerivativeStructure
from Commons Math to multiplatform
@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package space.kscience.kmath.expressions
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBuffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBufferFactory
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.asBuffer
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
* Class representing both the value and the differentials of a function.
* This class is the workhorse of the differentiation package.
* This class is an implementation of the extension to Rall's numbers described in Dan Kalman's paper
* [Doubly Recursive Multivariate Automatic Differentiation](,
* Mathematics Magazine, vol. 75, no. 3, June 2002. Rall's numbers are an extension to the real numbers used
* throughout mathematical expressions; they hold the derivative together with the value of a function. Dan Kalman's
* derivative structures hold all partial derivatives up to any specified order, with respect to any number of free
* parameters. Rall's numbers therefore can be seen as derivative structures for order one derivative and one free
* parameter, and real numbers can be seen as derivative structures with zero order derivative and no free parameters.
* Derived from
* [Commons Math's `DerivativeStructure`](
public interface DS<T, A : Ring<T>> {
public val derivativeAlgebra: DSAlgebra<T, A>
public val data: Buffer<T>
* Get a partial derivative.
* @param orders derivation orders with respect to each variable (if all orders are 0, the value is returned).
* @return partial derivative.
* @see value
public fun <T, A : Ring<T>> DS<T, A>.getPartialDerivative(vararg orders: Int): T =
* The value part of the derivative structure.
* @see getPartialDerivative
public val <T, A : Ring<T>> DS<T, A>.value: T get() = data[0]
public abstract class DSAlgebra<T, A : Ring<T>>(
public val algebra: A,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
public val order: Int,
bindings: Map<Symbol, T>,
) : ExpressionAlgebra<T, DS<T, A>> {
private fun bufferForVariable(index: Int, value: T): Buffer<T> {
val buffer = bufferFactory(compiler.size) { }
buffer[0] = value
if (compiler.order > 0) {
// the derivative of the variable with respect to itself is 1.
val indexOfDerivative = compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(*IntArray(numberOfVariables).apply {
set(index, 1)
buffer[indexOfDerivative] =
return buffer
protected inner class DSImpl internal constructor(
override val data: Buffer<T>,
) : DS<T, A> {
override val derivativeAlgebra: DSAlgebra<T, A> get() = this@DSAlgebra
protected fun DS(data: Buffer<T>): DS<T, A> = DSImpl(data)
* Build an instance representing a variable.
* Instances built using this constructor are considered to be the free variables with respect to which
* differentials are computed. As such, their differential with respect to themselves is +1.
public fun variable(
index: Int,
value: T,
): DS<T, A> {
require(index < compiler.freeParameters) { "number is too large: $index >= ${compiler.freeParameters}" }
return DS(bufferForVariable(index, value))
* Build an instance from all its derivatives.
* @param derivatives derivatives sorted according to [DSCompiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex].
public fun ofDerivatives(
vararg derivatives: T,
): DS<T, A> {
require(derivatives.size == compiler.size) { "dimension mismatch: ${derivatives.size} and ${compiler.size}" }
val data = derivatives.asBuffer()
return DS(data)
* A class implementing both [DS] and [Symbol].
public inner class DSSymbol internal constructor(
index: Int,
symbol: Symbol,
value: T,
) : Symbol by symbol, DS<T, A> {
override val derivativeAlgebra: DSAlgebra<T, A> get() = this@DSAlgebra
override val data: Buffer<T> = bufferForVariable(index, value)
public val numberOfVariables: Int = bindings.size
* Get the compiler for number of free parameters and order.
* @return cached rules set.
internal val compiler: DSCompiler<T, A> by lazy {
// get the cached compilers
val cache: Array<Array<DSCompiler<T, A>?>>? = null
// we need to create more compilers
val maxParameters: Int = max(numberOfVariables, cache?.size ?: 0)
val maxOrder: Int = max(order, if (cache == null) 0 else cache[0].size)
val newCache: Array<Array<DSCompiler<T, A>?>> = Array(maxParameters + 1) { arrayOfNulls(maxOrder + 1) }
if (cache != null) {
// preserve the already created compilers
for (i in cache.indices) {
cache[i].copyInto(newCache[i], endIndex = cache[i].size)
// create the array in increasing diagonal order
for (diag in 0..numberOfVariables + order) {
for (o in max(0, diag - numberOfVariables)..min(order, diag)) {
val p: Int = diag - o
if (newCache[p][o] == null) {
val valueCompiler: DSCompiler<T, A>? = if (p == 0) null else newCache[p - 1][o]!!
val derivativeCompiler: DSCompiler<T, A>? = if (o == 0) null else newCache[p][o - 1]!!
newCache[p][o] = DSCompiler(
return@lazy newCache[numberOfVariables][order]!!
private val variables: Map<Symbol, DSSymbol> = bindings.entries.mapIndexed { index, (key, value) ->
key to DSSymbol(
public override fun const(value: T): DS<T, A> {
val buffer = bufferFactory(compiler.size) { }
buffer[0] = value
return DS(buffer)
override fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): DSSymbol? = variables[StringSymbol(value)]
override fun bindSymbol(value: String): DSSymbol =
bindSymbolOrNull(value) ?: error("Symbol '$value' is not supported in $this")
public fun bindSymbolOrNull(symbol: Symbol): DSSymbol? = variables[symbol.identity]
public fun bindSymbol(symbol: Symbol): DSSymbol =
bindSymbolOrNull(symbol.identity) ?: error("Symbol '${symbol}' is not supported in $this")
public fun DS<T, A>.derivative(symbols: List<Symbol>): T {
require(symbols.size <= order) { "The order of derivative ${symbols.size} exceeds computed order $order" }
val ordersCount = symbols.groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }
return getPartialDerivative(* { ordersCount[it] ?: 0 }.toIntArray())
public fun DS<T, A>.derivative(vararg symbols: Symbol): T = derivative(symbols.toList())
* A ring over [DS].
* @property order The derivation order.
* @param bindings The map of bindings values. All bindings are considered free parameters.
public open class DSRing<T, A>(
algebra: A,
bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
order: Int,
bindings: Map<Symbol, T>,
) : DSAlgebra<T, A>(algebra, bufferFactory, order, bindings),
Ring<DS<T, A>>, ScaleOperations<DS<T, A>>,
NumericAlgebra<DS<T, A>>,
NumbersAddOps<DS<T, A>> where A : Ring<T>, A : NumericAlgebra<T>, A : ScaleOperations<T> {
override fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): DSSymbol? =
override fun DS<T, A>.unaryMinus(): DS<T, A> = mapData { -it }
* Create a copy of given [Buffer] and modify it according to [block]
protected inline fun DS<T, A>.transformDataBuffer(block: A.(MutableBuffer<T>) -> Unit): DS<T, A> {
require(derivativeAlgebra == this@DSRing) { "All derivative operations should be done in the same algebra" }
val newData = bufferFactory(compiler.size) { data[it] }
return DS(newData)
protected fun DS<T, A>.mapData(block: A.(T) -> T): DS<T, A> {
require(derivativeAlgebra == this@DSRing) { "All derivative operations should be done in the same algebra" }
val newData: Buffer<T> = {
return DS(newData)
protected fun DS<T, A>.mapDataIndexed(block: (Int, T) -> T): DS<T, A> {
require(derivativeAlgebra == this@DSRing) { "All derivative operations should be done in the same algebra" }
val newData: Buffer<T> = data.mapIndexed(bufferFactory, block)
return DS(newData)
override val zero: DS<T, A> by lazy {
override val one: DS<T, A> by lazy {
override fun number(value: Number): DS<T, A> = const(algebra.number(value))
override fun add(left: DS<T, A>, right: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = left.transformDataBuffer { result ->
require(right.derivativeAlgebra == this@DSRing) { "All derivative operations should be done in the same algebra" }
compiler.add(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun scale(a: DS<T, A>, value: Double): DS<T, A> = a.mapData {
override fun multiply(
left: DS<T, A>,
right: DS<T, A>,
): DS<T, A> = left.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.multiply(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
// override fun DS<T, A>.minus(arg: DS): DS<T, A> = transformDataBuffer { result ->
// subtract(data, 0,, 0, result, 0)
// }
override operator fun DS<T, A>.plus(other: Number): DS<T, A> = transformDataBuffer {
it[0] += number(other)
// override operator fun DS<T, A>.minus(other: Number): DS<T, A> =
// this + (-other.toDouble())
override operator fun DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = other + this
override operator fun Number.minus(other: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = other - this
public class DerivativeStructureRingExpression<T, A>(
public val algebra: A,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
public val function: DSRing<T, A>.() -> DS<T, A>,
) : DifferentiableExpression<T> where A : Ring<T>, A : ScaleOperations<T>, A : NumericAlgebra<T> {
override operator fun invoke(arguments: Map<Symbol, T>): T =
DSRing(algebra, bufferFactory, 0, arguments).function().value
override fun derivativeOrNull(symbols: List<Symbol>): Expression<T> = Expression { arguments ->
) { function().derivative(symbols) }
* A field over commons-math [DerivativeStructure].
* @property order The derivation order.
* @param bindings The map of bindings values. All bindings are considered free parameters.
public class DSField<T, A : ExtendedField<T>>(
algebra: A,
bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
order: Int,
bindings: Map<Symbol, T>,
) : DSRing<T, A>(algebra, bufferFactory, order, bindings), ExtendedField<DS<T, A>> {
override fun number(value: Number): DS<T, A> = const(algebra.number(value))
override fun divide(left: DS<T, A>, right: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = left.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.divide(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun sin(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.sin(, 0, result, 0)
override fun cos(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.cos(, 0, result, 0)
override fun tan(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.tan(, 0, result, 0)
override fun asin(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.asin(, 0, result, 0)
override fun acos(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.acos(, 0, result, 0)
override fun atan(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.atan(, 0, result, 0)
override fun sinh(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.sinh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun cosh(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.cosh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun tanh(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.tanh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun asinh(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.asinh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun acosh(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.acosh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun atanh(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.atanh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun power(arg: DS<T, A>, pow: Number): DS<T, A> = when (pow) {
is Int -> arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.pow(, 0, pow, result, 0)
else -> arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.pow(, 0, pow.toDouble(), result, 0)
override fun sqrt(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.sqrt(, 0, result, 0)
public fun power(arg: DS<T, A>, pow: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.pow(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun exp(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.exp(, 0, result, 0)
override fun ln(arg: DS<T, A>): DS<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
compiler.ln(, 0, result, 0)
public class DerivativeStructureFieldExpression<T, A : ExtendedField<T>>(
public val algebra: A,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
public val function: DSField<T, A>.() -> DS<T, A>,
) : DifferentiableExpression<T> {
override operator fun invoke(arguments: Map<Symbol, T>): T =
DSField(algebra, bufferFactory, 0, arguments).function().value
override fun derivativeOrNull(symbols: List<Symbol>): Expression<T> = Expression { arguments ->
).run { function().derivative(symbols) }
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package space.kscience.kmath.expressions
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.asBuffer
* Class representing both the value and the differentials of a function.
* This class is the workhorse of the differentiation package.
* This class is an implementation of the extension to Rall's numbers described in Dan Kalman's paper [Doubly Recursive
* Multivariate Automatic Differentiation](,
* Mathematics Magazine, vol. 75, no. 3, June 2002. Rall's numbers are an extension to the real numbers used
* throughout mathematical expressions; they hold the derivative together with the value of a function. Dan Kalman's
* derivative structures hold all partial derivatives up to any specified order, with respect to any number of free
* parameters. Rall's numbers therefore can be seen as derivative structures for order one derivative and one free
* parameter, and real numbers can be seen as derivative structures with zero order derivative and no free parameters.
* Derived from
* [Commons Math's `DerivativeStructure`](
public open class DerivativeStructure<T, A : Ring<T>> @PublishedApi internal constructor(
private val derivativeAlgebra: DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A>,
@PublishedApi internal val data: Buffer<T>,
) {
public val compiler: DSCompiler<T, A> get() = derivativeAlgebra.compiler
* The number of free parameters.
public val freeParameters: Int get() = compiler.freeParameters
* The derivation order.
public val order: Int get() = compiler.order
* The value part of the derivative structure.
* @see getPartialDerivative
public val value: T get() = data[0]
* Get a partial derivative.
* @param orders derivation orders with respect to each variable (if all orders are 0, the value is returned).
* @return partial derivative.
* @see value
public fun getPartialDerivative(vararg orders: Int): T = data[compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(*orders)]
* Test for the equality of two derivative structures.
* Derivative structures are considered equal if they have the same number
* of free parameters, the same derivation order, and the same derivatives.
* @return `true` if two derivative structures are equal.
public override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other is DerivativeStructure<*, *>) {
return ((freeParameters == other.freeParameters) &&
(order == other.order) &&
data ==
return false
public override fun hashCode(): Int =
227 + 229 * freeParameters + 233 * order + 239 * data.hashCode()
public companion object {
* Build an instance representing a variable.
* Instances built using this constructor are considered to be the free variables with respect to which
* differentials are computed. As such, their differential with respect to themselves is +1.
public fun <T, A : Ring<T>> variable(
derivativeAlgebra: DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A>,
index: Int,
value: T,
): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val compiler = derivativeAlgebra.compiler
require(index < compiler.freeParameters) { "number is too large: $index >= ${compiler.freeParameters}" }
return DerivativeStructure(derivativeAlgebra, derivativeAlgebra.bufferForVariable(index, value))
* Build an instance from all its derivatives.
* @param derivatives derivatives sorted according to [DSCompiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex].
public fun <T, A : Ring<T>> ofDerivatives(
derivativeAlgebra: DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A>,
vararg derivatives: T,
): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val compiler = derivativeAlgebra.compiler
require(derivatives.size == compiler.size) { "dimension mismatch: ${derivatives.size} and ${compiler.size}" }
val data = derivatives.asBuffer()
return DerivativeStructure(
private fun <T, A : Ring<T>> DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A>.bufferForVariable(index: Int, value: T): Buffer<T> {
val buffer = bufferFactory(compiler.size) { }
buffer[0] = value
if (compiler.order > 0) {
// the derivative of the variable with respect to itself is 1.
val indexOfDerivative = compiler.getPartialDerivativeIndex(*IntArray(numberOfVariables).apply {
set(index, 1)
buffer[indexOfDerivative] =
return buffer
* A class implementing both [DerivativeStructure] and [Symbol].
public class DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A : Ring<T>> internal constructor(
derivativeAlgebra: DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A>,
index: Int,
symbol: Symbol,
value: T,
) : Symbol by symbol, DerivativeStructure<T, A>(
derivativeAlgebra, derivativeAlgebra.bufferForVariable(index, value)
) {
override fun toString(): String = symbol.toString()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (other as? Symbol) == symbol
override fun hashCode(): Int = symbol.hashCode()
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package space.kscience.kmath.expressions
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.UnstableKMathAPI
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.Buffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBuffer
import space.kscience.kmath.structures.MutableBufferFactory
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
public abstract class DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A : Ring<T>>(
public val algebra: A,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
public val order: Int,
bindings: Map<Symbol, T>,
) : ExpressionAlgebra<T, DerivativeStructure<T, A>> {
public val numberOfVariables: Int = bindings.size
* Get the compiler for number of free parameters and order.
* @return cached rules set.
internal val compiler: DSCompiler<T, A> by lazy {
// get the cached compilers
val cache: Array<Array<DSCompiler<T, A>?>>? = null
// we need to create more compilers
val maxParameters: Int = max(numberOfVariables, cache?.size ?: 0)
val maxOrder: Int = max(order, if (cache == null) 0 else cache[0].size)
val newCache: Array<Array<DSCompiler<T, A>?>> = Array(maxParameters + 1) { arrayOfNulls(maxOrder + 1) }
if (cache != null) {
// preserve the already created compilers
for (i in cache.indices) {
cache[i].copyInto(newCache[i], endIndex = cache[i].size)
// create the array in increasing diagonal order
for (diag in 0..numberOfVariables + order) {
for (o in max(0, diag - numberOfVariables)..min(order, diag)) {
val p: Int = diag - o
if (newCache[p][o] == null) {
val valueCompiler: DSCompiler<T, A>? = if (p == 0) null else newCache[p - 1][o]!!
val derivativeCompiler: DSCompiler<T, A>? = if (o == 0) null else newCache[p][o - 1]!!
newCache[p][o] = DSCompiler(
return@lazy newCache[numberOfVariables][order]!!
private val variables: Map<Symbol, DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A>> =
bindings.entries.mapIndexed { index, (key, value) ->
key to DerivativeStructureSymbol(
public override fun const(value: T): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val buffer = bufferFactory(compiler.size) { }
buffer[0] = value
return DerivativeStructure(
override fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A>? = variables[StringSymbol(value)]
override fun bindSymbol(value: String): DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A> =
bindSymbolOrNull(value) ?: error("Symbol '$value' is not supported in $this")
public fun bindSymbolOrNull(symbol: Symbol): DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A>? = variables[symbol.identity]
public fun bindSymbol(symbol: Symbol): DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A> =
bindSymbolOrNull(symbol.identity) ?: error("Symbol '${symbol}' is not supported in $this")
public fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.derivative(symbols: List<Symbol>): T {
require(symbols.size <= order) { "The order of derivative ${symbols.size} exceeds computed order $order" }
val ordersCount = symbols.groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }
return getPartialDerivative(* { ordersCount[it] ?: 0 }.toIntArray())
public fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.derivative(vararg symbols: Symbol): T = derivative(symbols.toList())
* A ring over [DerivativeStructure].
* @property order The derivation order.
* @param bindings The map of bindings values. All bindings are considered free parameters.
public open class DerivativeStructureRing<T, A>(
algebra: A,
bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
order: Int,
bindings: Map<Symbol, T>,
) : DerivativeStructureAlgebra<T, A>(algebra, bufferFactory, order, bindings),
Ring<DerivativeStructure<T, A>>, ScaleOperations<DerivativeStructure<T, A>>,
NumericAlgebra<DerivativeStructure<T, A>>,
NumbersAddOps<DerivativeStructure<T, A>> where A : Ring<T>, A : NumericAlgebra<T>, A : ScaleOperations<T> {
override fun bindSymbolOrNull(value: String): DerivativeStructureSymbol<T, A>? =
override fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.unaryMinus(): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val newData = algebra { { -it } }
return DerivativeStructure(this@DerivativeStructureRing, newData)
* Create a copy of given [Buffer] and modify it according to [block]
protected inline fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.transformDataBuffer(block: DSCompiler<T, A>.(MutableBuffer<T>) -> Unit): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val newData = bufferFactory(compiler.size) { data[it] }
return DerivativeStructure(this@DerivativeStructureRing, newData)
protected fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.mapData(block: (T) -> T): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val newData: Buffer<T> =, block)
return DerivativeStructure(this@DerivativeStructureRing, newData)
protected fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.mapDataIndexed(block: (Int, T) -> T): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
val newData: Buffer<T> = data.mapIndexed(bufferFactory, block)
return DerivativeStructure(this@DerivativeStructureRing, newData)
override val zero: DerivativeStructure<T, A> by lazy {
override val one: DerivativeStructure<T, A> by lazy {
override fun number(value: Number): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = const(algebra.number(value))
override fun add(left: DerivativeStructure<T, A>, right: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
return left.transformDataBuffer { result ->
add(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun scale(a: DerivativeStructure<T, A>, value: Double): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = algebra {
a.mapData { it.times(value) }
override fun multiply(
left: DerivativeStructure<T, A>,
right: DerivativeStructure<T, A>,
): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
return left.transformDataBuffer { result ->
multiply(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.minus(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
return transformDataBuffer { result ->
subtract(data, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override operator fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.plus(other: Number): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = algebra {
transformDataBuffer {
it[0] += number(other)
override operator fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>.minus(other: Number): DerivativeStructure<T, A> =
this + (-other.toDouble())
override operator fun DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = other + this
override operator fun Number.minus(other: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = other - this
public class DerivativeStructureRingExpression<T, A>(
public val algebra: A,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
public val function: DerivativeStructureRing<T, A>.() -> DerivativeStructure<T, A>,
) : DifferentiableExpression<T> where A : Ring<T>, A : ScaleOperations<T>, A : NumericAlgebra<T> {
override operator fun invoke(arguments: Map<Symbol, T>): T =
DerivativeStructureRing(algebra, bufferFactory, 0, arguments).function().value
override fun derivativeOrNull(symbols: List<Symbol>): Expression<T> = Expression { arguments ->
) { function().derivative(symbols) }
* A field over commons-math [DerivativeStructure].
* @property order The derivation order.
* @param bindings The map of bindings values. All bindings are considered free parameters.
public class DerivativeStructureField<T, A : ExtendedField<T>>(
algebra: A,
bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
order: Int,
bindings: Map<Symbol, T>,
) : DerivativeStructureRing<T, A>(algebra, bufferFactory, order, bindings), ExtendedField<DerivativeStructure<T, A>> {
override fun number(value: Number): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = const(algebra.number(value))
override fun divide(left: DerivativeStructure<T, A>, right: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
return left.transformDataBuffer { result ->
left.compiler.divide(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun sin(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
sin(, 0, result, 0)
override fun cos(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
cos(, 0, result, 0)
override fun tan(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
tan(, 0, result, 0)
override fun asin(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
asin(, 0, result, 0)
override fun acos(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
acos(, 0, result, 0)
override fun atan(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
atan(, 0, result, 0)
override fun sinh(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
sinh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun cosh(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
cosh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun tanh(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
tanh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun asinh(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
asinh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun acosh(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
acosh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun atanh(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
atanh(, 0, result, 0)
override fun power(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>, pow: Number): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = when (pow) {
is Int -> arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
pow(, 0, pow, result, 0)
else -> arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
pow(, 0, pow.toDouble(), result, 0)
override fun sqrt(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
sqrt(, 0, result, 0)
public fun power(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>, pow: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> {
return arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
pow(, 0,, 0, result, 0)
override fun exp(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
exp(, 0, result, 0)
override fun ln(arg: DerivativeStructure<T, A>): DerivativeStructure<T, A> = arg.transformDataBuffer { result ->
ln(, 0, result, 0)
public class DerivativeStructureFieldExpression<T, A : ExtendedField<T>>(
public val algebra: A,
public val bufferFactory: MutableBufferFactory<T>,
public val function: DerivativeStructureField<T, A>.() -> DerivativeStructure<T, A>,
) : DifferentiableExpression<T> {
override operator fun invoke(arguments: Map<Symbol, T>): T =
DerivativeStructureField(algebra, bufferFactory, 0, arguments).function().value
override fun derivativeOrNull(symbols: List<Symbol>): Expression<T> = Expression { arguments ->
) { function().derivative(symbols) }
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ import kotlin.test.assertFails
internal inline fun diff(
order: Int,
vararg parameters: Pair<Symbol, Double>,
block: DerivativeStructureField<Double, DoubleField>.() -> Unit,
block: DSField<Double, DoubleField>.() -> Unit,
) {
contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
DerivativeStructureField(DoubleField, ::DoubleBuffer, order, mapOf(*parameters)).block()
DSField(DoubleField, ::DoubleBuffer, order, mapOf(*parameters)).block()
internal class AutoDiffTest {
Reference in New Issue
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