Moved constructors to separate files. Replaced some TODOs with FIXMEs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.ScaleOperations
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.math.max
@ -49,98 +45,6 @@ internal constructor(
override fun toString(): String = "LabeledPolynomial$coefficients"
* Returns the same degrees' description of the monomial, but without zero degrees.
internal fun Map<Symbol, UInt>.cleanUp() = filterValues { it > 0U }
// Waiting for context receivers :( TODO: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(coefs)
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>()
for (entry in coefs) {
val key = entry.key.cleanUp()
val value = entry.value
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to one))
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to constantOne))
public fun <C> C.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this))
* Space of polynomials.
@ -17,39 +17,6 @@ public class LabeledRationalFunction<C>(
override fun toString(): String = "LabeledRationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
// Waiting for context receivers :( TODO: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false)
public class LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A: Ring<C>>(
public val ring: A,
) :
@ -50,24 +50,6 @@ public data class ListPolynomial<C>(
override fun toString(): String = "Polynomial$coefficients"
* Returns a [ListPolynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> ListPolynomial(coefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this })
* Returns a [ListPolynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> ListPolynomial(vararg coefficients: C, reverse: Boolean = false): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else toList() })
public fun <C> C.asListPolynomial() : ListPolynomial<C> = ListPolynomial(listOf(this))
* Space of univariate polynomials constructed over ring.
@ -15,39 +15,6 @@ public data class ListRationalFunction<C>(
override fun toString(): String = "RationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
// Waiting for context receivers :( TODO: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, denominatorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
ListPolynomial( with(denominatorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } )
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, denominatorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
ListPolynomial( with(denominatorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } )
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.ListRationalFunction(numerator: ListPolynomial<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.ListRationalFunction(numerator: ListPolynomial<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListRationalFunction<C>(numerator, ListPolynomial(listOf(one)))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
public class ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A : Ring<C>> (
public val ring: A,
) :
@ -49,152 +49,6 @@ internal constructor(
override fun toString(): String = "NumberedPolynomial$coefficients"
* Returns the same degrees' description of the monomial, but without extra zero degrees on the end.
internal fun List<UInt>.cleanUp() = subList(0, indexOfLast { it != 0U } + 1)
// Waiting for context receivers :( TODO: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefs)
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in coefs) {
val key = entry.key.cleanUp()
val value = entry.value
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to one))
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to constantOne))
//public fun <C> C.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this))
internal annotation class NumberedPolynomialConstructorDSL
public class NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder {
private val signature: MutableList<UInt> = ArrayList()
public fun build(): List<UInt> = signature
public infix fun Int.inPowerOf(deg: UInt) {
if (this > signature.lastIndex) {
signature.addAll(List(this - signature.lastIndex - 1) { 0u })
} else {
signature[this] = deg
public infix fun Int.pow(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public infix fun Int.of(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public class NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing<C> internal constructor(internal val context: Ring<C>, capacity: Int = 0) {
private val coefficients: MutableMap<List<UInt>, C> = LinkedHashMap(capacity)
public fun build(): NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public operator fun C.invoke(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val signature = NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder().apply(block).build()
coefficients[signature] = context { coefficients.getOrElse(signature) { zero } + this@invoke }
public infix fun C.with(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit = this.invoke(block)
public class NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace<C> internal constructor(internal val context: NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, *>, capacity: Int = 0) {
private val coefficients: MutableMap<List<UInt>, C> = LinkedHashMap(capacity)
public fun build(): NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public operator fun C.invoke(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val signature = NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder().apply(block).build()
coefficients[signature] = context { coefficients.getOrElse(signature) { constantZero } + this@invoke }
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing(this).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing(this, capacity).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace(this).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace(this, capacity).apply(block).build()
* Space of polynomials.
@ -530,6 +384,6 @@ public open class NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A : Ring<C>>(
public inline operator fun NumberedPolynomial<C>.invoke(argument: Map<Int, NumberedPolynomial<C>>): NumberedPolynomial<C> = this.substitute(ring, argument)
// TODO: Move to other constructors with context receiver
// FIXME: Move to other constructors with context receiver
public fun C.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this))
@ -17,39 +17,6 @@ public class NumberedRationalFunction<C> internal constructor(
override fun toString(): String = "NumberedRationalFunction${numerator.coefficients}/${denominator.coefficients}"
// Waiting for context receivers :( TODO: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction<C>(numerator, NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false)
public class NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A: Ring<C>> (
public val ring: A,
) :
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public interface RationalFunction<C, P: Polynomial<C>> {
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as coefficients in their terms.
* @param P the type of polynomials. Rational functions have them as numerators and denominators in them.
* @param R the type of rational functions.
*/ // TODO: Add support of field
public interface RationalFunctionalSpace<C, P: Polynomial<C>, R: RationalFunction<C, P>> : Ring<R> {
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ public interface RationalFunctionalSpace<C, P: Polynomial<C>, R: RationalFunctio
* @param P the type of polynomials. Rational functions have them as numerators and denominators in them.
* @param R the type of rational functions.
* @param A the type of algebraic structure (precisely, of ring) provided for constants.
*/ // TODO: Add support of field
public interface RationalFunctionalSpaceOverRing<C, P: Polynomial<C>, R: RationalFunction<C, P>, A: Ring<C>> : RationalFunctionalSpace<C, P, R> {
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ public interface RationalFunctionalSpaceOverRing<C, P: Polynomial<C>, R: Rationa
* @param P the type of polynomials. Rational functions have them as numerators and denominators in them.
* @param R the type of rational functions.
* @param AP the type of algebraic structure (precisely, of ring) provided for polynomials.
*/ // TODO: Add support of field
public interface RationalFunctionalSpaceOverPolynomialSpace<
@ -779,8 +779,7 @@ public interface RationalFunctionalSpaceOverPolynomialSpace<
* @param C the type of constants. Polynomials have them as coefficients in their terms.
* @param P the type of polynomials. Rational functions have them as numerators and denominators in them.
* @param R the type of rational functions.
* @param AP the type of algebraic structure (precisely, of ring) provided for polynomials.
*/ // TODO: Add support of field
public abstract class PolynomialSpaceOfFractions<
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import space.kscience.kmath.operations.*
// TODO: All of this should be moved to algebraic structures' place for utilities
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Returns product of [arg] and integer [multiplier].
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internal fun <C> Group<C>.multiplyBySquaring(arg: C, multiplier: Int): C =
if (multiplier >= 0) multiplyBySquaring(arg, multiplier.toUInt())
else multiplyBySquaring(-arg, (-multiplier).toUInt())
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Adds product of [arg] and [multiplier] to [base].
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ internal fun <C> GroupOps<C>.addMultipliedBySquaring(base: C, arg: C, multiplier
if (multiplier >= 0) addMultipliedBySquaring(base, arg, multiplier.toUInt())
else addMultipliedBySquaring(base, -arg, (-multiplier).toUInt())
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Returns product of [arg] and integer [multiplier].
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ internal tailrec fun <C> Group<C>.multiplyBySquaring(arg: C, multiplier: UInt):
else -> error("Error in multiplication group instant by unsigned integer: got reminder by division by 2 different from 0 and 1")
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Adds product of [arg] and [multiplier] to [base].
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ internal tailrec fun <C> GroupOps<C>.addMultipliedBySquaring(base: C, arg: C, mu
else -> error("Error in multiplication group instant by unsigned integer: got reminder by division by 2 different from 0 and 1")
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ internal fun <C> Field<C>.exponentiationBySquaring(arg: C, exponent: Int): C =
if (exponent >= 0) exponentiationBySquaring(arg, exponent.toUInt())
else exponentiationBySquaring(one / arg, (-exponent).toUInt())
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Multiplies [base] and [arg] raised to the integer power [exponent].
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ internal fun <C> Field<C>.multiplyExponentiationBySquaring(base: C, arg: C, expo
if (exponent >= 0) multiplyExponentiationBySquaring(base, arg, exponent.toUInt())
else multiplyExponentiationBySquaring(base, one / arg, (-exponent).toUInt())
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Raises [arg] to the integer power [exponent].
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ internal tailrec fun <C> Ring<C>.exponentiationBySquaring(arg: C, exponent: UInt
else -> error("Error in multiplication group instant by unsigned integer: got reminder by division by 2 different from 0 and 1")
// TODO: Move receiver to context receiver
// FIXME: Move receiver to context receiver
* Multiplies [base] and [arg] raised to the integer power [exponent].
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.expressions.Symbol
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
* Returns the same degrees' description of the monomial, but without zero degrees.
internal fun Map<Symbol, UInt>.cleanUp() = filterValues { it > 0U }
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(coefs)
val fixedCoefs = LinkedHashMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>(coefs.size)
for (entry in coefs) {
val key = entry.key.cleanUp()
val value = entry.value
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = LinkedHashMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>(pairs.size)
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = ring.LabeledPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : LabeledPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return LabeledPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = LinkedHashMap<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>(pairs.size)
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return LabeledPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(coefs: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>) : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to one))
//context(LabeledPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to constantOne))
//context(LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(mapOf(this to 1u) to constantOne))
public fun <C> C.asLabeledPolynomial() : LabeledPolynomial<C> = LabeledPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to this))
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numerator: LabeledPolynomial<C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledRationalFunction<C>(numerator, LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.LabeledRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<Map<Symbol, UInt>, C>): LabeledRationalFunction<C> =
LabeledPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
LabeledPolynomial(mapOf(emptyMap<Symbol, UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//context(LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> Symbol.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//context(LabeledRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asLabeledRationalFunction() : LabeledRationalFunction<C> = LabeledRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
* Returns a [ListPolynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> ListPolynomial(coefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this })
* Returns a [ListPolynomial] instance with given [coefficients]. The collection of coefficients will be reversed if
* [reverse] parameter is true.
public fun <C> ListPolynomial(vararg coefficients: C, reverse: Boolean = false): ListPolynomial<C> =
ListPolynomial(with(coefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else toList() })
public fun <C> C.asListPolynomial() : ListPolynomial<C> = ListPolynomial(listOf(this))
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C> ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, denominatorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
ListPolynomial( with(denominatorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } )
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.ListRationalFunction(numerator: ListPolynomial<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.ListRationalFunction(numerator: ListPolynomial<C>): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListRationalFunction<C>(numerator, ListPolynomial(listOf(one)))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.ListRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: List<C>, reverse: Boolean = false): ListRationalFunction<C> =
ListPolynomial( with(numeratorCoefficients) { if (reverse) reversed() else this } ),
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asListRationalFunction() : ListRationalFunction<C> = ListRationalFunction(asListPolynomial())
//context(ListRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asListRationalFunction() : ListRationalFunction<C> = ListRationalFunction(asListPolynomial())
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
* Copyright 2018-2021 KMath contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package space.kscience.kmath.functions
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.Ring
import space.kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
* Returns the same degrees' description of the monomial, but without extra zero degrees on the end.
internal fun List<UInt>.cleanUp() = subList(0, indexOfLast { it != 0U } + 1)
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefs)
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in coefs) {
val key = entry.key.cleanUp()
val value = entry.value
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
@Suppress("FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
internal inline fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring.NumberedPolynomial(pairs = pairs, toCheckInput = toCheckInput)
internal fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>, toCheckInput: Boolean = true) : NumberedPolynomial<C> {
if (!toCheckInput) return NumberedPolynomial<C>(pairs.toMap())
val fixedCoefs = mutableMapOf<List<UInt>, C>()
for (entry in pairs) {
val key = entry.first.cleanUp()
val value = entry.second
fixedCoefs[key] = if (key in fixedCoefs) fixedCoefs[key]!! + value else value
return NumberedPolynomial<C>(fixedCoefs)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(coefs: Map<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(coefs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(pairs: Collection<Pair<List<UInt>, C>>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(vararg pairs: Pair<List<UInt>, C>) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial(*pairs, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C> C.asNumberedPolynomial() : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to this))
internal annotation class NumberedPolynomialConstructorDSL
public class NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder {
private val signature: MutableList<UInt> = ArrayList()
public fun build(): List<UInt> = signature
public infix fun Int.inPowerOf(deg: UInt) {
if (this > signature.lastIndex) {
signature.addAll(List(this - signature.lastIndex - 1) { 0u })
} else {
signature[this] = deg
public infix fun Int.pow(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public infix fun Int.of(deg: UInt): Unit = this inPowerOf deg
public class NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing<C> internal constructor(internal val context: Ring<C>, capacity: Int = 0) {
private val coefficients: MutableMap<List<UInt>, C> = LinkedHashMap(capacity)
public fun build(): NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public operator fun C.invoke(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val signature = NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder().apply(block).build()
coefficients[signature] = context { coefficients.getOrElse(signature) { zero } + this@invoke }
public infix fun C.with(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit): Unit = this.invoke(block)
public class NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace<C> internal constructor(internal val context: NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, *>, capacity: Int = 0) {
private val coefficients: MutableMap<List<UInt>, C> = LinkedHashMap(capacity)
public fun build(): NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomial<C>(coefficients)
public operator fun C.invoke(block: NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder.() -> Unit) {
val signature = NumberedPolynomialTermSignatureBuilder().apply(block).build()
coefficients[signature] = context { coefficients.getOrElse(signature) { constantZero } + this@invoke }
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing(this).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverRing(this, capacity).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace(this).apply(block).build()
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>.NumberedPolynomial(capacity: Int, block: NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace<C>.() -> Unit) : NumberedPolynomial<C> = NumberedPolynomialBuilderOverPolynomialSpace(this, capacity).apply(block).build()
// Waiting for context receivers :( FIXME: Replace with context receivers when they will be available
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>, denominatorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(denominatorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction<C>(numerator, polynomialOne)
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numerator: NumberedPolynomial<C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedRationalFunction<C>(numerator, NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false))
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> A.NumberedRationalFunction(numeratorCoefficients: Map<List<UInt>, C>): NumberedRationalFunction<C> =
NumberedPolynomial(numeratorCoefficients, toCheckInput = true),
NumberedPolynomial(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to one), toCheckInput = false)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asNumberedRationalFunction() : NumberedRationalFunction<C> = NumberedRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
//context(NumberedRationalFunctionSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> C.asNumberedRationalFunction() : NumberedRationalFunction<C> = NumberedRationalFunction(asLabeledPolynomial())
@ -9,38 +9,6 @@ import kotlin.math.max
// TODO: Docs
//// TODO: Reuse underlying ring extensions
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> numberConstant(value: Int): C = ring { number<C>(value) }
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> multiplyWithPower(base: C, arg: C, pow: UInt): C = ring { multiplyWithPower<C>(base, arg, pow) }
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> number(value: Int): NumberedPolynomial<C> = ring { NumberedPolynomial<C>(mapOf(emptyList<UInt>() to number<C>(value))) }
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//public fun <C, A: Ring<C>> multiplyWithPower(base: NumberedPolynomial<C>, arg: NumberedPolynomial<C>, pow: UInt): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
// when {
// arg.isZero() && pow > 0U -> base
// arg.isOne() -> base
// arg.isMinusOne() -> if (pow % 2U == 0U) base else -base
// else -> multiplyWithPowerInternalLogic(base, arg, pow)
// }
//// Trivial but very slow
//context(NumberedPolynomialSpace<C, A>)
//internal tailrec fun <C, A: Ring<C>> multiplyWithPowerInternalLogic(base: NumberedPolynomial<C>, arg: NumberedPolynomial<C>, exponent: UInt): NumberedPolynomial<C> =
// when {
// exponent == 0U -> base
// exponent == 1U -> base * arg
// exponent % 2U == 0U -> multiplyWithPowerInternalLogic(base, arg * arg, exponent / 2U)
// exponent % 2U == 1U -> multiplyWithPowerInternalLogic(base * arg, arg * arg, exponent / 2U)
// else -> error("Error in raising ring instant by unsigned integer: got reminder by division by 2 different from 0 and 1")
// }
* Creates a [NumberedPolynomialSpace] over a received ring.
@ -271,7 +239,6 @@ public inline fun <C, A : Ring<C>, R> A.numberedPolynomial(block: NumberedPolyno
// toCheckInput = false
// )
// TODO: May be apply Horner's method too?
* Evaluates the value of the given double polynomial for given double argument.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user