Last cosmetic changes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public data class Polynomial<out C>(
public val coefficients: List<C>
) {
override fun toString(): String = "ListPolynomial$coefficients"
override fun toString(): String = "Polynomial$coefficients"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public data class Polynomial<out C>(
public open class PolynomialSpace<C, A>(
* Underlying ring of constants. Its operations on constants are inherited by local operations on constants.
* Underlying ring of constants. Its operations on constants are used by local operations on constants and polynomials.
public val ring: A,
) : Ring<Polynomial<C>>, ScaleOperations<Polynomial<C>> where A : Ring<C>, A : ScaleOperations<C> {
@ -191,61 +191,54 @@ public open class PolynomialSpace<C, A>(
* Returns negation of the polynomial.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): Polynomial<C> =
with(ring) {
Polynomial( { -it })
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.unaryMinus(): Polynomial<C> = ring {
Polynomial( { -it })
* Returns sum of the polynomials.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> {
with(ring) {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree =
return Polynomial(
List(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] + other.coefficients[it]
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.plus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> = ring {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree =
return Polynomial(
List(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] + other.coefficients[it]
* Returns difference of the polynomials.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> {
with(ring) {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree =
return Polynomial(
List(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> -other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] - other.coefficients[it]
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.minus(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> = ring {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree =
return Polynomial(
List(max(thisDegree, otherDegree) + 1) {
when {
it > thisDegree -> -other.coefficients[it]
it > otherDegree -> coefficients[it]
else -> coefficients[it] - other.coefficients[it]
* Returns product of the polynomials.
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> {
with(ring) {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree =
return Polynomial(
List(thisDegree + otherDegree + 1) { d ->
(max(0, d - otherDegree)..min(thisDegree, d))
.map { coefficients[it] * other.coefficients[d - it] }
.reduce { acc, rational -> acc + rational }
public override operator fun Polynomial<C>.times(other: Polynomial<C>): Polynomial<C> = ring {
val thisDegree = degree
val otherDegree =
return Polynomial(
List(thisDegree + otherDegree + 1) { d ->
(max(0, d - otherDegree)..min(thisDegree, d))
.map { coefficients[it] * other.coefficients[d - it] }
.reduce { acc, rational -> acc + rational }
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public fun <C, A> Polynomial<C>.integrate(
public fun <C : Comparable<C>> Polynomial<C>.integrate(
ring: Field<C>,
range: ClosedRange<C>,
): C {
): C = ring {
val antiderivative = integrate(ring)
return ring { antiderivative.value(ring, range.endInclusive) - antiderivative.value(ring, range.start) }
return antiderivative.value(ring, range.endInclusive) - antiderivative.value(ring, range.start)
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