Rename files, improve error handling, minor codegen update
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ private fun KtPsiFactory.createVectorClass(
val structName = sn("gsl_vectorR", cTypeName)
@Language("kotlin") val text =
"""internal class $className(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<$structName>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<$kotlinTypeName, $structName>(scope) {
"""internal class $className(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<$structName>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<$kotlinTypeName, $structName>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ kotlin {
val nativeTarget = when (System.getProperty("")) {
"Mac OS X" -> macosX64()
"Linux" -> linuxX64()
"Linux" -> linuxX64("native")
else -> {
logger.warn("Current OS cannot build any of kmath-gsl targets.")
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ kotlin {
val test by nativeTarget.compilations.getting
sourceSets {
val nativeMain by creating {
val nativeMain by getting {
val codegen by tasks.creating {
matricesCodegen(kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/kscience/kmath/gsl/_Matrices.kt")
vectorsCodegen(kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/kscience/kmath/gsl/_Vectors.kt")
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ kotlin {
val nativeTest by creating {
val nativeTest by getting {
// main.defaultSourceSet.dependsOn(nativeMain)
// test.defaultSourceSet.dependsOn(nativeTest)
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.staticCFunction
import kotlinx.cinterop.toKString
import org.gnu.gsl.gsl_set_error_handler
import org.gnu.gsl.gsl_set_error_handler_off
import kotlin.native.concurrent.AtomicInt
private object Container {
val isKmathHandlerRegistered = AtomicInt(0)
internal enum class GslErrnoValue(val code: Int, val text: String) {
GSL_SUCCESS(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_SUCCESS, ""),
GSL_FAILURE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_FAILURE, ""),
GSL_CONTINUE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_CONTINUE, "iteration has not converged"),
GSL_EDOM(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EDOM, "input domain error, e.g sqrt(-1)"),
GSL_ERANGE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ERANGE, "output range error, e.g. exp(1e100)"),
GSL_EFAULT(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EFAULT, "invalid pointer"),
GSL_EINVAL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EINVAL, "invalid argument supplied by user"),
GSL_EFAILED(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EFAILED, "generic failure"),
GSL_EFACTOR(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EFACTOR, "factorization failed"),
GSL_ESANITY(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ESANITY, "sanity check failed - shouldn't happen"),
GSL_ENOMEM(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOMEM, "malloc failed"),
GSL_EBADFUNC(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EBADFUNC, "problem with user-supplied function"),
GSL_ERUNAWAY(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ERUNAWAY, "iterative process is out of control"),
GSL_EMAXITER(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EMAXITER, "exceeded max number of iterations"),
GSL_EZERODIV(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EZERODIV, "tried to divide by zero"),
GSL_EBADTOL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EBADTOL, "user specified an invalid tolerance"),
GSL_ETOL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOL, "failed to reach the specified tolerance"),
GSL_EUNDRFLW(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EUNDRFLW, "underflow"),
GSL_EOVRFLW(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EOVRFLW, "overflow "),
GSL_ELOSS(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ELOSS, "loss of accuracy"),
GSL_EROUND(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EROUND, "failed because of roundoff error"),
GSL_EBADLEN(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EBADLEN, "matrix, vector lengths are not conformant"),
GSL_ENOTSQR(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOTSQR, "matrix not square"),
GSL_ESING(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ESING, "apparent singularity detected"),
GSL_EDIVERGE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EDIVERGE, "integral or series is divergent"),
GSL_EUNSUP(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EUNSUP, "requested feature is not supported by the hardware"),
GSL_EUNIMPL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EUNIMPL, "requested feature not (yet) implemented"),
GSL_ECACHE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ECACHE, "cache limit exceeded"),
GSL_ETABLE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETABLE, "table limit exceeded"),
GSL_ENOPROG(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOPROG, "iteration is not making progress towards solution"),
GSL_ENOPROGJ(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOPROGJ, "jacobian evaluations are not improving the solution"),
GSL_ETOLF(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOLF, "cannot reach the specified tolerance in F"),
GSL_ETOLX(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOLX, "cannot reach the specified tolerance in X"),
GSL_ETOLG(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOLG, "cannot reach the specified tolerance in gradient"),
GSL_EOF(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EOF, "end of file");
override fun toString(): String = "${name}('$text')"
companion object {
fun valueOf(code: Int): GslErrnoValue? = values().find { it.code == code }
internal class GslException internal constructor(file: String, line: Int, reason: String, errno: Int) :
RuntimeException("$file:$line: $reason. errno - $errno, ${GslErrnoValue.valueOf(errno)}") {
internal fun ensureHasGslErrorHandler() {
if (Container.isKmathHandlerRegistered.value == 1) return
gsl_set_error_handler(staticCFunction { reason, file, line, errno ->
throw GslException(checkNotNull(file).toKString(), line, checkNotNull(reason).toKString(), errno)
Container.isKmathHandlerRegistered.value = 1
@ -1,7 +1,175 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.DeferScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.pointed
import kscience.kmath.linear.MatrixContext
import kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex
import kscience.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import kscience.kmath.operations.toComplex
import kscience.kmath.structures.Matrix
import org.gnu.gsl.*
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslMatrix<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int, Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H> =
apply {
(0 until rowNum).forEach { row -> (0 until colNum).forEach { col -> this[row, col] = initializer(row, col) } }
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslVector<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int) -> T): GslVector<T, H> =
apply { (0 until size).forEach { index -> this[index] = initializer(index) } }
public abstract class GslMatrixContext<
T : Any,
H1 : CStructVar,
H2 : CStructVar> internal constructor(internal val scope: DeferScope) : MatrixContext<T> {
init {
public fun Matrix<T>.toGsl(): GslMatrix<T, H1> = (if (this is GslMatrix<*, *>)
this as GslMatrix<T, H1>
produce(rowNum, colNum) { i, j -> this[i, j] }).copy()
public fun Point<T>.toGsl(): GslVector<T, H2> =
(if (this is GslVector<*, *>) this as GslVector<T, H2> else produceDirtyVector(size).fill { this[it] }).copy()
internal abstract fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<T, H1>
internal abstract fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<T, H2>
public override fun produce(rows: Int, columns: Int, initializer: (i: Int, j: Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H1> =
produceDirtyMatrix(rows, columns).fill(initializer)
public class GslRealMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) : GslMatrixContext<Double, gsl_matrix, gsl_vector>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> =
GslRealMatrix(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> =
GslRealVector(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_alloc(size.toULong())), scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(other: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealMatrix(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(vector: Point<Double>): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealVector(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.times(value: Double): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value)
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Double>, b: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Double>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslFloatMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Float, gsl_matrix_float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> =
GslFloatMatrix(requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> =
GslFloatVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(other: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_sgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(vector: Point<Float>): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_sgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatVector(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.times(value: Float): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toDouble())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Float>, b: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Float>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslComplexMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex, gsl_vector_complex>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> = GslComplexMatrix(
nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())),
scope = scope
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> =
GslComplexVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(other: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_zgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(vector: Point<Complex>): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_zgemv(CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexVector(result, scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.times(value: Complex): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toGsl())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Complex>, b: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Complex>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toComplex().toGsl())
return g1
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.DeferScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.pointed
import kscience.kmath.linear.MatrixContext
import kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex
import kscience.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import kscience.kmath.operations.toComplex
import kscience.kmath.structures.Matrix
import org.gnu.gsl.*
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslMatrix<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int, Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H> =
apply {
(0 until rowNum).forEach { row -> (0 until colNum).forEach { col -> this[row, col] = initializer(row, col) } }
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslVector<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int) -> T): GslVector<T, H> =
apply { (0 until size).forEach { index -> this[index] = initializer(index) } }
public abstract class GslMatrixContext<T : Any, H1 : CStructVar, H2 : CStructVar> internal constructor(
internal val scope: DeferScope
) : MatrixContext<T> {
public fun Matrix<T>.toGsl(): GslMatrix<T, H1> = (if (this is GslMatrix<*, *>)
this as GslMatrix<T, H1>
produce(rowNum, colNum) { i, j -> this[i, j] }).copy()
public fun Point<T>.toGsl(): GslVector<T, H2> =
(if (this is GslVector<*, *>) this as GslVector<T, H2> else produceDirtyVector(size).fill { this[it] }).copy()
internal abstract fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<T, H1>
internal abstract fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<T, H2>
public override fun produce(rows: Int, columns: Int, initializer: (i: Int, j: Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H1> =
produceDirtyMatrix(rows, columns).fill(initializer)
public class GslRealMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) : GslMatrixContext<Double, gsl_matrix, gsl_vector>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> =
GslRealMatrix(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> =
GslRealVector(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_alloc(size.toULong())), scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(other: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealMatrix(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(vector: Point<Double>): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealVector(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.times(value: Double): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value)
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Double>, b: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Double>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslFloatMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Float, gsl_matrix_float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> =
GslFloatMatrix(requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> =
GslFloatVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(other: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_sgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(vector: Point<Float>): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_sgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatVector(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.times(value: Float): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toDouble())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Float>, b: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Float>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslComplexMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex, gsl_vector_complex>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> = GslComplexMatrix(
nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())),
scope = scope
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> =
GslComplexVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(other: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_zgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(vector: Point<Complex>): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_zgemv(CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexVector(result, scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.times(value: Complex): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toGsl())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Complex>, b: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Complex>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toComplex().toGsl())
return g1
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ public abstract class GslMemoryHolder<H : CStructVar> internal constructor(inter
internal abstract val nativeHandle: CPointer<H>
init {
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer
import kotlinx.cinterop.DeferScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.pointed
import org.gnu.gsl.*
internal class GslRealVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<Double, gsl_vector>(scope) {
internal class GslRealVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<Double, gsl_vector>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -25,8 +27,8 @@ internal class GslRealVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector>, sc
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslFloatVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_float>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
internal class GslFloatVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_float>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -47,8 +49,8 @@ internal class GslFloatVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_flo
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_float_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_short>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<Short, gsl_vector_short>(scope) {
internal class GslShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_short>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<Short, gsl_vector_short>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -69,8 +71,8 @@ internal class GslShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_sho
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_short_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslUShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ushort>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<UShort, gsl_vector_ushort>(scope) {
internal class GslUShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ushort>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<UShort, gsl_vector_ushort>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -91,8 +93,8 @@ internal class GslUShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_us
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_ushort_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslLongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_long>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<Long, gsl_vector_long>(scope) {
internal class GslLongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_long>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<Long, gsl_vector_long>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -113,8 +115,8 @@ internal class GslLongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_long
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_long_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslULongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ulong>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<ULong, gsl_vector_ulong>(scope) {
internal class GslULongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ulong>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<ULong, gsl_vector_ulong>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -135,8 +137,8 @@ internal class GslULongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ulo
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_ulong_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_int>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<Int, gsl_vector_int>(scope) {
internal class GslIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_int>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<Int, gsl_vector_int>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -157,8 +159,8 @@ internal class GslIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_int>,
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_int_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslUIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_uint>, scope: DeferScope)
: GslVector<UInt, gsl_vector_uint>(scope) {
internal class GslUIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_uint>, scope: DeferScope) :
GslVector<UInt, gsl_vector_uint>(scope) {
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
import org.gnu.gsl.gsl_block_calloc
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
internal class ErrorHandler {
fun blockAllocation() {
assertFailsWith<GslException> {
fun matrixAllocation() {
assertFailsWith<GslException> {
memScoped { GslRealMatrixContext(this).produce(Int.MAX_VALUE, Int.MAX_VALUE) { _, _ -> 0.0 } }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user