Rename files, improve error handling, minor codegen update
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ private fun KtPsiFactory.createVectorClass(
val structName = sn("gsl_vectorR", cTypeName)
val structName = sn("gsl_vectorR", cTypeName)
@Language("kotlin") val text =
@Language("kotlin") val text =
"""internal class $className(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<$structName>, scope: DeferScope)
"""internal class $className(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<$structName>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<$kotlinTypeName, $structName>(scope) {
GslVector<$kotlinTypeName, $structName>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ kotlin {
val nativeTarget = when (System.getProperty("")) {
val nativeTarget = when (System.getProperty("")) {
"Mac OS X" -> macosX64()
"Mac OS X" -> macosX64()
"Linux" -> linuxX64()
"Linux" -> linuxX64("native")
else -> {
else -> {
logger.warn("Current OS cannot build any of kmath-gsl targets.")
logger.warn("Current OS cannot build any of kmath-gsl targets.")
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ kotlin {
val test by nativeTarget.compilations.getting
val test by nativeTarget.compilations.getting
sourceSets {
sourceSets {
val nativeMain by creating {
val nativeMain by getting {
val codegen by tasks.creating {
val codegen by tasks.creating {
matricesCodegen(kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/kscience/kmath/gsl/_Matrices.kt")
matricesCodegen(kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/kscience/kmath/gsl/_Matrices.kt")
vectorsCodegen(kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/kscience/kmath/gsl/_Vectors.kt")
vectorsCodegen(kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/kscience/kmath/gsl/_Vectors.kt")
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ kotlin {
val nativeTest by creating {
val nativeTest by getting {
// main.defaultSourceSet.dependsOn(nativeMain)
// test.defaultSourceSet.dependsOn(nativeTest)
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.staticCFunction
import kotlinx.cinterop.toKString
import org.gnu.gsl.gsl_set_error_handler
import org.gnu.gsl.gsl_set_error_handler_off
import kotlin.native.concurrent.AtomicInt
private object Container {
val isKmathHandlerRegistered = AtomicInt(0)
internal enum class GslErrnoValue(val code: Int, val text: String) {
GSL_SUCCESS(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_SUCCESS, ""),
GSL_FAILURE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_FAILURE, ""),
GSL_CONTINUE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_CONTINUE, "iteration has not converged"),
GSL_EDOM(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EDOM, "input domain error, e.g sqrt(-1)"),
GSL_ERANGE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ERANGE, "output range error, e.g. exp(1e100)"),
GSL_EFAULT(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EFAULT, "invalid pointer"),
GSL_EINVAL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EINVAL, "invalid argument supplied by user"),
GSL_EFAILED(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EFAILED, "generic failure"),
GSL_EFACTOR(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EFACTOR, "factorization failed"),
GSL_ESANITY(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ESANITY, "sanity check failed - shouldn't happen"),
GSL_ENOMEM(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOMEM, "malloc failed"),
GSL_EBADFUNC(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EBADFUNC, "problem with user-supplied function"),
GSL_ERUNAWAY(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ERUNAWAY, "iterative process is out of control"),
GSL_EMAXITER(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EMAXITER, "exceeded max number of iterations"),
GSL_EZERODIV(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EZERODIV, "tried to divide by zero"),
GSL_EBADTOL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EBADTOL, "user specified an invalid tolerance"),
GSL_ETOL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOL, "failed to reach the specified tolerance"),
GSL_EUNDRFLW(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EUNDRFLW, "underflow"),
GSL_EOVRFLW(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EOVRFLW, "overflow "),
GSL_ELOSS(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ELOSS, "loss of accuracy"),
GSL_EROUND(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EROUND, "failed because of roundoff error"),
GSL_EBADLEN(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EBADLEN, "matrix, vector lengths are not conformant"),
GSL_ENOTSQR(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOTSQR, "matrix not square"),
GSL_ESING(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ESING, "apparent singularity detected"),
GSL_EDIVERGE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EDIVERGE, "integral or series is divergent"),
GSL_EUNSUP(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EUNSUP, "requested feature is not supported by the hardware"),
GSL_EUNIMPL(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EUNIMPL, "requested feature not (yet) implemented"),
GSL_ECACHE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ECACHE, "cache limit exceeded"),
GSL_ETABLE(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETABLE, "table limit exceeded"),
GSL_ENOPROG(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOPROG, "iteration is not making progress towards solution"),
GSL_ENOPROGJ(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ENOPROGJ, "jacobian evaluations are not improving the solution"),
GSL_ETOLF(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOLF, "cannot reach the specified tolerance in F"),
GSL_ETOLX(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOLX, "cannot reach the specified tolerance in X"),
GSL_ETOLG(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_ETOLG, "cannot reach the specified tolerance in gradient"),
GSL_EOF(org.gnu.gsl.GSL_EOF, "end of file");
override fun toString(): String = "${name}('$text')"
companion object {
fun valueOf(code: Int): GslErrnoValue? = values().find { it.code == code }
internal class GslException internal constructor(file: String, line: Int, reason: String, errno: Int) :
RuntimeException("$file:$line: $reason. errno - $errno, ${GslErrnoValue.valueOf(errno)}") {
internal fun ensureHasGslErrorHandler() {
if (Container.isKmathHandlerRegistered.value == 1) return
gsl_set_error_handler(staticCFunction { reason, file, line, errno ->
throw GslException(checkNotNull(file).toKString(), line, checkNotNull(reason).toKString(), errno)
Container.isKmathHandlerRegistered.value = 1
@ -1,7 +1,175 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.DeferScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.pointed
import kscience.kmath.linear.MatrixContext
import kscience.kmath.linear.MatrixContext
import kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex
import kscience.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import kscience.kmath.operations.toComplex
import kscience.kmath.structures.Matrix
import kscience.kmath.structures.Matrix
import org.gnu.gsl.*
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslMatrix<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int, Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H> =
apply {
(0 until rowNum).forEach { row -> (0 until colNum).forEach { col -> this[row, col] = initializer(row, col) } }
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslVector<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int) -> T): GslVector<T, H> =
apply { (0 until size).forEach { index -> this[index] = initializer(index) } }
public abstract class GslMatrixContext<
T : Any,
H1 : CStructVar,
H2 : CStructVar> internal constructor(internal val scope: DeferScope) : MatrixContext<T> {
init {
public fun Matrix<T>.toGsl(): GslMatrix<T, H1> = (if (this is GslMatrix<*, *>)
this as GslMatrix<T, H1>
produce(rowNum, colNum) { i, j -> this[i, j] }).copy()
public fun Point<T>.toGsl(): GslVector<T, H2> =
(if (this is GslVector<*, *>) this as GslVector<T, H2> else produceDirtyVector(size).fill { this[it] }).copy()
internal abstract fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<T, H1>
internal abstract fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<T, H2>
public override fun produce(rows: Int, columns: Int, initializer: (i: Int, j: Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H1> =
produceDirtyMatrix(rows, columns).fill(initializer)
public class GslRealMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) : GslMatrixContext<Double, gsl_matrix, gsl_vector>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> =
GslRealMatrix(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> =
GslRealVector(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_alloc(size.toULong())), scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(other: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealMatrix(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(vector: Point<Double>): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealVector(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.times(value: Double): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value)
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Double>, b: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Double>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslFloatMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Float, gsl_matrix_float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> =
GslFloatMatrix(requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> =
GslFloatVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(other: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_sgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(vector: Point<Float>): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_sgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatVector(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.times(value: Float): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toDouble())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Float>, b: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Float>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslComplexMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex, gsl_vector_complex>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> = GslComplexMatrix(
nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())),
scope = scope
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> =
GslComplexVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(other: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_zgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(vector: Point<Complex>): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_zgemv(CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexVector(result, scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.times(value: Complex): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toGsl())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Complex>, b: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Complex>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toComplex().toGsl())
return g1
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.DeferScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.pointed
import kscience.kmath.linear.MatrixContext
import kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex
import kscience.kmath.operations.ComplexField
import kscience.kmath.operations.toComplex
import kscience.kmath.structures.Matrix
import org.gnu.gsl.*
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslMatrix<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int, Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H> =
apply {
(0 until rowNum).forEach { row -> (0 until colNum).forEach { col -> this[row, col] = initializer(row, col) } }
internal inline fun <T : Any, H : CStructVar> GslVector<T, H>.fill(initializer: (Int) -> T): GslVector<T, H> =
apply { (0 until size).forEach { index -> this[index] = initializer(index) } }
public abstract class GslMatrixContext<T : Any, H1 : CStructVar, H2 : CStructVar> internal constructor(
internal val scope: DeferScope
) : MatrixContext<T> {
public fun Matrix<T>.toGsl(): GslMatrix<T, H1> = (if (this is GslMatrix<*, *>)
this as GslMatrix<T, H1>
produce(rowNum, colNum) { i, j -> this[i, j] }).copy()
public fun Point<T>.toGsl(): GslVector<T, H2> =
(if (this is GslVector<*, *>) this as GslVector<T, H2> else produceDirtyVector(size).fill { this[it] }).copy()
internal abstract fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<T, H1>
internal abstract fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<T, H2>
public override fun produce(rows: Int, columns: Int, initializer: (i: Int, j: Int) -> T): GslMatrix<T, H1> =
produceDirtyMatrix(rows, columns).fill(initializer)
public class GslRealMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) : GslMatrixContext<Double, gsl_matrix, gsl_vector>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> =
GslRealMatrix(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> =
GslRealVector(nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_alloc(size.toULong())), scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(other: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealMatrix(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.dot(vector: Point<Double>): GslVector<Double, gsl_vector> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, x, a, 1.0, result)
return GslRealVector(result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Double>.times(value: Double): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value)
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Double>, b: Matrix<Double>): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Double>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslFloatMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Float, gsl_matrix_float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> =
GslFloatMatrix(requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())), scope = scope)
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> =
GslFloatVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(other: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_sgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.dot(vector: Point<Float>): GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_float_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_sgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1f, x, a, 1f, result)
return GslFloatVector(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Float>.times(value: Float): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toDouble())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Float>, b: Matrix<Float>): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Float>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_float_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toDouble())
return g1
public class GslComplexMatrixContext(scope: DeferScope) :
GslMatrixContext<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex, gsl_vector_complex>(scope) {
override fun produceDirtyMatrix(rows: Int, columns: Int): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> = GslComplexMatrix(
nativeHandle = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(rows.toULong(), columns.toULong())),
scope = scope
override fun produceDirtyVector(size: Int): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> =
GslComplexVector(requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_alloc(size.toULong())), scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(other: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = other.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size1, a.pointed.size2))
gsl_blas_zgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexMatrix(nativeHandle = result, scope = scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.dot(vector: Point<Complex>): GslVector<Complex, gsl_vector_complex> {
val x = toGsl().nativeHandle
val a = vector.toGsl().nativeHandle
val result = requireNotNull(gsl_vector_complex_calloc(a.pointed.size))
gsl_blas_zgemv(CblasNoTrans,, x, a,, result)
return GslComplexVector(result, scope)
public override fun Matrix<Complex>.times(value: Complex): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, value.toGsl())
return g1
public override fun add(a: Matrix<Complex>, b: Matrix<Complex>): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_add(g1.nativeHandle, b.toGsl().nativeHandle)
return g1
public override fun multiply(a: Matrix<Complex>, k: Number): GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex> {
val g1 = a.toGsl()
gsl_matrix_complex_scale(g1.nativeHandle, k.toComplex().toGsl())
return g1
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ public abstract class GslMemoryHolder<H : CStructVar> internal constructor(inter
internal abstract val nativeHandle: CPointer<H>
internal abstract val nativeHandle: CPointer<H>
init {
init {
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer
import kotlinx.cinterop.DeferScope
import kotlinx.cinterop.pointed
import org.gnu.gsl.*
import org.gnu.gsl.*
internal class GslRealVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslRealVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<Double, gsl_vector>(scope) {
GslVector<Double, gsl_vector>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -25,8 +27,8 @@ internal class GslRealVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector>, sc
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslFloatVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_float>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslFloatVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_float>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
GslVector<Float, gsl_vector_float>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -47,8 +49,8 @@ internal class GslFloatVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_flo
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_float_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_float_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_short>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_short>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<Short, gsl_vector_short>(scope) {
GslVector<Short, gsl_vector_short>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -69,8 +71,8 @@ internal class GslShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_sho
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_short_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_short_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslUShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ushort>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslUShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ushort>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<UShort, gsl_vector_ushort>(scope) {
GslVector<UShort, gsl_vector_ushort>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -91,8 +93,8 @@ internal class GslUShortVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_us
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_ushort_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_ushort_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslLongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_long>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslLongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_long>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<Long, gsl_vector_long>(scope) {
GslVector<Long, gsl_vector_long>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -113,8 +115,8 @@ internal class GslLongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_long
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_long_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_long_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslULongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ulong>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslULongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ulong>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<ULong, gsl_vector_ulong>(scope) {
GslVector<ULong, gsl_vector_ulong>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -135,8 +137,8 @@ internal class GslULongVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_ulo
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_ulong_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_ulong_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_int>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_int>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<Int, gsl_vector_int>(scope) {
GslVector<Int, gsl_vector_int>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
@ -157,8 +159,8 @@ internal class GslIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_int>,
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_int_free(nativeHandle)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_vector_int_free(nativeHandle)
internal class GslUIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_uint>, scope: DeferScope)
internal class GslUIntVector(override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_vector_uint>, scope: DeferScope) :
: GslVector<UInt, gsl_vector_uint>(scope) {
GslVector<UInt, gsl_vector_uint>(scope) {
override val size: Int
override val size: Int
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
get() = nativeHandle.pointed.size.toInt()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
import org.gnu.gsl.gsl_block_calloc
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
internal class ErrorHandler {
fun blockAllocation() {
assertFailsWith<GslException> {
fun matrixAllocation() {
assertFailsWith<GslException> {
memScoped { GslRealMatrixContext(this).produce(Int.MAX_VALUE, Int.MAX_VALUE) { _, _ -> 0.0 } }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user