Fix division of Complex, minor reformat and rearrangement of NumberAlgebra, implement hyperbolic functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ class DerivativeStructureField(
) : ExtendedField<DerivativeStructure> {
override val zero: DerivativeStructure by lazy { DerivativeStructure(order, parameters.size) }
override val one: DerivativeStructure by lazy { DerivativeStructure(order, parameters.size, 1.0) }
private val variables: Map<String, DerivativeStructure> = parameters.mapValues { (key, value) ->
@ -60,10 +59,18 @@ class DerivativeStructureField(
override fun sin(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.sin()
override fun cos(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.cos()
override fun tan(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.tan()
override fun asin(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.asin()
override fun acos(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.acos()
override fun atan(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.atan()
override fun sinh(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.sinh()
override fun cosh(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.cosh()
override fun tanh(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.tanh()
override fun asinh(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.asinh()
override fun acosh(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.acosh()
override fun atanh(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.atanh()
override fun power(arg: DerivativeStructure, pow: Number): DerivativeStructure = when (pow) {
is Double -> arg.pow(pow)
is Int -> arg.pow(pow)
@ -71,9 +78,7 @@ class DerivativeStructureField(
fun power(arg: DerivativeStructure, pow: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.pow(pow)
override fun exp(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.exp()
override fun ln(arg: DerivativeStructure): DerivativeStructure = arg.log()
override operator fun Number): DerivativeStructure = add(b.toDouble())
@ -8,28 +8,47 @@ import scientifik.memory.MemorySpec
import scientifik.memory.MemoryWriter
import kotlin.math.*
* A complex conjugate.
val Complex.conjugate: Complex
get() = Complex(re, -im)
* Absolute value of complex number.
val Complex.r: Double
get() = sqrt(re * re + im * im)
* An angle between vector represented by complex number and X axis.
val Complex.theta: Double
get() = atan(im / re)
private val PI_DIV_2 = Complex(PI / 2, 0)
* A field for complex numbers
* A field for complex numbers.
object ComplexField : ExtendedField<Complex> {
override val zero: Complex = Complex(0.0, 0.0)
override val zero: Complex = Complex(0, 0)
override val one: Complex = Complex(1, 0)
override val one: Complex = Complex(1.0, 0.0)
val i = Complex(0.0, 1.0)
* The imaginary unit constant.
val i = Complex(0, 1)
override fun add(a: Complex, b: Complex): Complex = Complex( +, +
override fun multiply(a: Complex, k: Number): Complex = Complex( * k.toDouble(), * k.toDouble())
override fun multiply(a: Complex, b: Complex): Complex =
Complex( * - *, * + *
override fun divide(a: Complex, b: Complex): Complex {
val norm = * + *
return Complex(( * + * / norm, ( * - * / norm)
val scale = * + *
return a * Complex( / scale, / scale)
override fun sin(arg: Complex): Complex = i * (exp(-i * arg) - exp(i * arg)) / 2
@ -38,42 +57,40 @@ object ComplexField : ExtendedField<Complex> {
override fun acos(arg: Complex): Complex = PI_DIV_2 + i * ln(sqrt(one - arg pow 2) + i * arg)
override fun atan(arg: Complex): Complex = i * (ln(one - i * arg) - ln(one + i * arg)) / 2
override fun sinh(arg: Complex): Complex = (exp(arg) - exp(-arg)) / 2
override fun cosh(arg: Complex): Complex = (exp(arg) + exp(-arg)) / 2
override fun tanh(arg: Complex): Complex = (exp(arg) - exp(-arg)) / (exp(-arg) + exp(arg))
override fun asinh(arg: Complex): Complex = ln(sqrt(arg pow 2) + arg)
override fun acosh(arg: Complex): Complex = ln(arg + sqrt((arg - 1) * (arg + 1)))
override fun atanh(arg: Complex): Complex = (ln(arg + 1) - ln(1 - arg)) / 2
override fun power(arg: Complex, pow: Number): Complex =
arg.r.pow(pow.toDouble()) * (cos(pow.toDouble() * arg.theta) + i * sin(pow.toDouble() * arg.theta))
override fun exp(arg: Complex): Complex = exp( * (cos( + i * sin(
override fun ln(arg: Complex): Complex = ln(arg.r) + i * atan2(,
operator fun Complex) = add(this.toComplex(), c)
operator fun Double.minus(c: Complex) = add(this.toComplex(), -c)
operator fun Double) = d + this
operator fun Complex.minus(d: Double) = add(this, -d.toComplex())
operator fun Double.times(c: Complex) = Complex( * this, * this)
override fun symbol(value: String): Complex = if (value == "i") {
} else {
operator fun Complex): Complex = add(toComplex(), c)
operator fun Double.minus(c: Complex): Complex = add(toComplex(), -c)
operator fun Double): Complex = d + this
operator fun Complex.minus(d: Double): Complex = add(this, -d.toComplex())
operator fun Double.times(c: Complex): Complex = Complex( * this, * this)
override fun symbol(value: String): Complex = if (value == "i") i else super.symbol(value)
* Complex number class
* Complex number class.
* @property re the real part of the number.
* @property im the imaginary part of the number.
data class Complex(val re: Double, val im: Double) : FieldElement<Complex, Complex, ComplexField>, Comparable<Complex> {
constructor(re: Number, im: Number) : this(re.toDouble(), im.toDouble())
override fun unwrap(): Complex = this
override fun Complex.wrap(): Complex = this
override val context: ComplexField get() = ComplexField
override fun unwrap(): Complex = this
override fun Complex.wrap(): Complex = this
override fun compareTo(other: Complex): Int = r.compareTo(other.r)
companion object : MemorySpec<Complex> {
@ -90,26 +107,12 @@ data class Complex(val re: Double, val im: Double) : FieldElement<Complex, Compl
* A complex conjugate
* Creates a [Complex] with its real part of this double.
val Complex.conjugate: Complex get() = Complex(re, -im)
fun Double.toComplex(): Complex = Complex(this, 0.0)
* Absolute value of complex number
val Complex.r: Double get() = sqrt(re * re + im * im)
inline fun Buffer.Companion.complex(size: Int, crossinline init: (Int) -> Complex): Buffer<Complex> =
MemoryBuffer.create(Complex, size, init)
* An angle between vector represented by complex number and X axis
val Complex.theta: Double get() = atan(im / re)
fun Double.toComplex() = Complex(this, 0.0)
inline fun Buffer.Companion.complex(size: Int, crossinline init: (Int) -> Complex): Buffer<Complex> {
return MemoryBuffer.create(Complex, size, init)
inline fun MutableBuffer.Companion.complex(size: Int, crossinline init: (Int) -> Complex): Buffer<Complex> {
return MemoryBuffer.create(Complex, size, init)
inline fun MutableBuffer.Companion.complex(size: Int, crossinline init: (Int) -> Complex): Buffer<Complex> =
MemoryBuffer.create(Complex, size, init)
@ -7,23 +7,31 @@ import kotlin.math.pow as kpow
* Advanced Number-like field that implements basic operations
interface ExtendedFieldOperations<T> :
ExponentialOperations<T> {
override fun tan(arg: T): T = sin(arg) / cos(arg)
override fun tanh(arg: T): T = sinh(arg) / cosh(arg)
override fun unaryOperation(operation: String, arg: T): T = when (operation) {
TrigonometricOperations.COS_OPERATION -> cos(arg)
TrigonometricOperations.SIN_OPERATION -> sin(arg)
TrigonometricOperations.TAN_OPERATION -> tan(arg)
InverseTrigonometricOperations.ACOS_OPERATION -> acos(arg)
InverseTrigonometricOperations.ASIN_OPERATION -> asin(arg)
InverseTrigonometricOperations.ATAN_OPERATION -> atan(arg)
TrigonometricOperations.ACOS_OPERATION -> acos(arg)
TrigonometricOperations.ASIN_OPERATION -> asin(arg)
TrigonometricOperations.ATAN_OPERATION -> atan(arg)
HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations.COSH_OPERATION -> cos(arg)
HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations.SINH_OPERATION -> sin(arg)
HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations.TANH_OPERATION -> tan(arg)
HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations.ACOSH_OPERATION -> acos(arg)
HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations.ASINH_OPERATION -> asin(arg)
HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations.ATANH_OPERATION -> atan(arg)
PowerOperations.SQRT_OPERATION -> sqrt(arg)
ExponentialOperations.EXP_OPERATION -> exp(arg)
ExponentialOperations.LN_OPERATION -> ln(arg)
else -> super.unaryOperation(operation, arg)
else -> super<HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations>.unaryOperation(operation, arg)
@ -40,12 +48,13 @@ interface ExtendedField<T> : ExtendedFieldOperations<T>, Field<T> {
* TODO inline does not work due to compiler bug. Waiting for fix for KT-27586
inline class Real(val value: Double) : FieldElement<Double, Real, RealField> {
override val context: RealField
get() = RealField
override fun unwrap(): Double = value
override fun Double.wrap(): Real = Real(value)
override val context get() = RealField
companion object
@ -54,72 +63,86 @@ inline class Real(val value: Double) : FieldElement<Double, Real, RealField> {
object RealField : ExtendedField<Double>, Norm<Double, Double> {
override val zero: Double = 0.0
override inline fun add(a: Double, b: Double) = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Double, b: Double) = a * b
override inline fun multiply(a: Double, k: Number) = a * k.toDouble()
override val zero: Double
get() = 0.0
override val one: Double = 1.0
override inline fun divide(a: Double, b: Double) = a / b
override val one: Double
get() = 1.0
override inline fun sin(arg: Double) = kotlin.math.sin(arg)
override inline fun cos(arg: Double) = kotlin.math.cos(arg)
override inline fun add(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Double, k: Number): Double = a * k.toDouble()
override inline fun multiply(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a * b
override inline fun divide(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a / b
override inline fun sin(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.sin(arg)
override inline fun cos(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.cos(arg)
override inline fun tan(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.tan(arg)
override inline fun acos(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.acos(arg)
override inline fun asin(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.asin(arg)
override inline fun atan(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.atan(arg)
override inline fun power(arg: Double, pow: Number) = arg.kpow(pow.toDouble())
override inline fun sinh(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.sinh(arg)
override inline fun cosh(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.cosh(arg)
override inline fun tanh(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.tanh(arg)
override inline fun asinh(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.asinh(arg)
override inline fun acosh(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.acosh(arg)
override inline fun atanh(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.atanh(arg)
override inline fun exp(arg: Double) = kotlin.math.exp(arg)
override inline fun ln(arg: Double) = kotlin.math.ln(arg)
override inline fun power(arg: Double, pow: Number): Double = arg.kpow(pow.toDouble())
override inline fun exp(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.exp(arg)
override inline fun ln(arg: Double): Double = kotlin.math.ln(arg)
override inline fun norm(arg: Double) = abs(arg)
override inline fun norm(arg: Double): Double = abs(arg)
override inline fun Double.unaryMinus() = -this
override inline fun Double) = this + b
override inline fun Double.minus(b: Double) = this - b
override inline fun Double.times(b: Double) = this * b
override inline fun Double.div(b: Double) = this / b
override inline fun Double.unaryMinus(): Double = -this
override inline fun Double): Double = this + b
override inline fun Double.minus(b: Double): Double = this - b
override inline fun Double.times(b: Double): Double = this * b
override inline fun Double.div(b: Double): Double = this / b
object FloatField : ExtendedField<Float>, Norm<Float, Float> {
override val zero: Float = 0f
override inline fun add(a: Float, b: Float) = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Float, b: Float) = a * b
override inline fun multiply(a: Float, k: Number) = a * k.toFloat()
override val zero: Float
get() = 0.0f
override val one: Float = 1f
override inline fun divide(a: Float, b: Float) = a / b
override val one: Float
get() = 1.0f
override inline fun sin(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.sin(arg)
override inline fun cos(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.cos(arg)
override inline fun tan(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.tan(arg)
override inline fun acos(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.acos(arg)
override inline fun asin(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.asin(arg)
override inline fun atan(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.atan(arg)
override inline fun add(a: Float, b: Float): Float = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Float, k: Number): Float = a * k.toFloat()
override inline fun power(arg: Float, pow: Number) = arg.pow(pow.toFloat())
override inline fun multiply(a: Float, b: Float): Float = a * b
override inline fun exp(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.exp(arg)
override inline fun ln(arg: Float) = kotlin.math.ln(arg)
override inline fun divide(a: Float, b: Float): Float = a / b
override inline fun norm(arg: Float) = abs(arg)
override inline fun sin(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.sin(arg)
override inline fun cos(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.cos(arg)
override inline fun tan(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.tan(arg)
override inline fun acos(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.acos(arg)
override inline fun asin(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.asin(arg)
override inline fun atan(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.atan(arg)
override inline fun Float.unaryMinus() = -this
override inline fun sinh(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.sinh(arg)
override inline fun cosh(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.cosh(arg)
override inline fun tanh(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.tanh(arg)
override inline fun asinh(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.asinh(arg)
override inline fun acosh(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.acosh(arg)
override inline fun atanh(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.atanh(arg)
override inline fun Float) = this + b
override inline fun power(arg: Float, pow: Number): Float = arg.kpow(pow.toFloat())
override inline fun exp(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.exp(arg)
override inline fun ln(arg: Float): Float = kotlin.math.ln(arg)
override inline fun Float.minus(b: Float) = this - b
override inline fun norm(arg: Float): Float = abs(arg)
override inline fun Float.times(b: Float) = this * b
override inline fun Float.div(b: Float) = this / b
override inline fun Float.unaryMinus(): Float = -this
override inline fun Float): Float = this + b
override inline fun Float.minus(b: Float): Float = this - b
override inline fun Float.times(b: Float): Float = this * b
override inline fun Float.div(b: Float): Float = this / b
@ -127,20 +150,22 @@ object FloatField : ExtendedField<Float>, Norm<Float, Float> {
object IntRing : Ring<Int>, Norm<Int, Int> {
override val zero: Int = 0
override inline fun add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int) = a * b
override inline fun multiply(a: Int, k: Number) = k.toInt() * a
override val one: Int = 1
override val zero: Int
get() = 0
override inline fun norm(arg: Int) = abs(arg)
override val one: Int
get() = 1
override inline fun Int.unaryMinus() = -this
override inline fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Int, k: Number): Int = k.toInt() * a
override inline fun multiply(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a * b
override inline fun norm(arg: Int): Int = abs(arg)
override inline fun Int.unaryMinus(): Int = -this
override inline fun Int): Int = this + b
override inline fun Int.minus(b: Int): Int = this - b
override inline fun Int.times(b: Int): Int = this * b
@ -149,21 +174,23 @@ object IntRing : Ring<Int>, Norm<Int, Int> {
object ShortRing : Ring<Short>, Norm<Short, Short> {
override val zero: Short = 0
override inline fun add(a: Short, b: Short) = (a + b).toShort()
override inline fun multiply(a: Short, b: Short) = (a * b).toShort()
override inline fun multiply(a: Short, k: Number) = (a * k.toShort()).toShort()
override val one: Short = 1
override val zero: Short
get() = 0
override val one: Short
get() = 1
override inline fun add(a: Short, b: Short): Short = (a + b).toShort()
override inline fun multiply(a: Short, k: Number): Short = (a * k.toShort()).toShort()
override inline fun multiply(a: Short, b: Short): Short = (a * b).toShort()
override fun norm(arg: Short): Short = if (arg > 0) arg else (-arg).toShort()
override inline fun Short.unaryMinus() = (-this).toShort()
override inline fun Short) = (this + b).toShort()
override inline fun Short.minus(b: Short) = (this - b).toShort()
override inline fun Short.times(b: Short) = (this * b).toShort()
override inline fun Short.unaryMinus(): Short = (-this).toShort()
override inline fun Short): Short = (this + b).toShort()
override inline fun Short.minus(b: Short): Short = (this - b).toShort()
override inline fun Short.times(b: Short): Short = (this * b).toShort()
@ -171,21 +198,23 @@ object ShortRing : Ring<Short>, Norm<Short, Short> {
object ByteRing : Ring<Byte>, Norm<Byte, Byte> {
override val zero: Byte = 0
override inline fun add(a: Byte, b: Byte) = (a + b).toByte()
override inline fun multiply(a: Byte, b: Byte) = (a * b).toByte()
override inline fun multiply(a: Byte, k: Number) = (a * k.toByte()).toByte()
override val one: Byte = 1
override val zero: Byte
get() = 0
override val one: Byte
get() = 1
override inline fun add(a: Byte, b: Byte): Byte = (a + b).toByte()
override inline fun multiply(a: Byte, k: Number): Byte = (a * k.toByte()).toByte()
override inline fun multiply(a: Byte, b: Byte): Byte = (a * b).toByte()
override fun norm(arg: Byte): Byte = if (arg > 0) arg else (-arg).toByte()
override inline fun Byte.unaryMinus() = (-this).toByte()
override inline fun Byte) = (this + b).toByte()
override inline fun Byte.minus(b: Byte) = (this - b).toByte()
override inline fun Byte.times(b: Byte) = (this * b).toByte()
override inline fun Byte.unaryMinus(): Byte = (-this).toByte()
override inline fun Byte): Byte = (this + b).toByte()
override inline fun Byte.minus(b: Byte): Byte = (this - b).toByte()
override inline fun Byte.times(b: Byte): Byte = (this * b).toByte()
@ -193,19 +222,21 @@ object ByteRing : Ring<Byte>, Norm<Byte, Byte> {
object LongRing : Ring<Long>, Norm<Long, Long> {
override val zero: Long = 0
override inline fun add(a: Long, b: Long) = (a + b)
override inline fun multiply(a: Long, b: Long) = (a * b)
override inline fun multiply(a: Long, k: Number) = a * k.toLong()
override val one: Long = 1
override val zero: Long
get() = 0
override val one: Long
get() = 1
override inline fun add(a: Long, b: Long): Long = a + b
override inline fun multiply(a: Long, k: Number): Long = a * k.toLong()
override inline fun multiply(a: Long, b: Long): Long = a * b
override fun norm(arg: Long): Long = abs(arg)
override inline fun Long.unaryMinus() = (-this)
override inline fun Long) = (this + b)
override inline fun Long.minus(b: Long) = (this - b)
override inline fun Long.times(b: Long) = (this * b)
override inline fun Long.unaryMinus(): Long = (-this)
override inline fun Long): Long = (this + b)
override inline fun Long.minus(b: Long): Long = (this - b)
override inline fun Long.times(b: Long): Long = (this * b)
@ -1,33 +1,46 @@
package scientifik.kmath.operations
/* Trigonometric operations */
* A container for trigonometric operations for specific type. Trigonometric operations are limited to fields.
* The operations are not exposed to class directly to avoid method bloat but instead are declared in the field.
* It also allows to override behavior for optional operations
* It also allows to override behavior for optional operations.
interface TrigonometricOperations<T> : FieldOperations<T> {
* Computes the sine of [arg] .
fun sin(arg: T): T
* Computes the cosine of [arg].
fun cos(arg: T): T
* Computes the tangent of [arg].
fun tan(arg: T): T
* Computes the inverse sine of [arg].
fun asin(arg: T): T
* Computes the inverse cosine of [arg].
fun acos(arg: T): T
* Computes the inverse tangent of [arg].
fun atan(arg: T): T
companion object {
const val SIN_OPERATION = "sin"
const val COS_OPERATION = "cos"
const val TAN_OPERATION = "tan"
interface InverseTrigonometricOperations<T> : TrigonometricOperations<T> {
fun asin(arg: T): T
fun acos(arg: T): T
fun atan(arg: T): T
companion object {
const val ASIN_OPERATION = "asin"
const val ACOS_OPERATION = "acos"
const val ATAN_OPERATION = "atan"
@ -37,11 +50,64 @@ interface InverseTrigonometricOperations<T> : TrigonometricOperations<T> {
fun <T : MathElement<out TrigonometricOperations<T>>> sin(arg: T): T = arg.context.sin(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out TrigonometricOperations<T>>> cos(arg: T): T = arg.context.cos(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out TrigonometricOperations<T>>> tan(arg: T): T = arg.context.tan(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out InverseTrigonometricOperations<T>>> asin(arg: T): T = arg.context.asin(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out InverseTrigonometricOperations<T>>> acos(arg: T): T = arg.context.acos(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out InverseTrigonometricOperations<T>>> atan(arg: T): T = arg.context.atan(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out TrigonometricOperations<T>>> asin(arg: T): T = arg.context.asin(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out TrigonometricOperations<T>>> acos(arg: T): T = arg.context.acos(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out TrigonometricOperations<T>>> atan(arg: T): T = arg.context.atan(arg)
/* Power and roots */
* A container for hyperbolic trigonometric operations for specific type. Trigonometric operations are limited to
* fields.
* The operations are not exposed to class directly to avoid method bloat but instead are declared in the field. It
* also allows to override behavior for optional operations.
interface HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T> : FieldOperations<T> {
* Computes the hyperbolic sine of [arg].
fun sinh(arg: T): T
* Computes the hyperbolic cosine of [arg].
fun cosh(arg: T): T
* Computes the hyperbolic tangent of [arg].
fun tanh(arg: T): T
* Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of [arg].
fun asinh(arg: T): T
* Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of [arg].
fun acosh(arg: T): T
* Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of [arg].
fun atanh(arg: T): T
companion object {
const val SINH_OPERATION = "sinh"
const val COSH_OPERATION = "cosh"
const val TANH_OPERATION = "tanh"
const val ASINH_OPERATION = "asinh"
const val ACOSH_OPERATION = "acosh"
const val ATANH_OPERATION = "atanh"
fun <T : MathElement<out HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T>>> sinh(arg: T): T = arg.context.sinh(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T>>> cosh(arg: T): T = arg.context.cosh(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T>>> tanh(arg: T): T = arg.context.tanh(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T>>> asinh(arg: T): T = arg.context.asinh(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T>>> acosh(arg: T): T = arg.context.acosh(arg)
fun <T : MathElement<out HyperbolicTrigonometricOperations<T>>> atanh(arg: T): T = arg.context.atanh(arg)
* A context extension to include power operations like square roots, etc
@ -62,8 +128,6 @@ infix fun <T : MathElement<out PowerOperations<T>>> T.pow(power: Double): T = co
fun <T : MathElement<out PowerOperations<T>>> sqrt(arg: T): T = arg pow 0.5
fun <T : MathElement<out PowerOperations<T>>> sqr(arg: T): T = arg pow 2.0
/* Exponential */
interface ExponentialOperations<T> : Algebra<T> {
fun exp(arg: T): T
fun ln(arg: T): T
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ class ComplexNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
ExtendedNDField<Complex, ComplexField, NDBuffer<Complex>> {
override val strides: Strides = DefaultStrides(shape)
override val elementContext: ComplexField get() = ComplexField
override val zero by lazy { produce { zero } }
override val one by lazy { produce { one } }
@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ class ComplexNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
transform: ComplexField.(index: IntArray, Complex) -> Complex
): ComplexNDElement {
return BufferedNDFieldElement(
buildBuffer(arg.strides.linearSize) { offset ->
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class ComplexNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
transform: ComplexField.(Complex, Complex) -> Complex
): ComplexNDElement {
check(a, b)
return BufferedNDFieldElement(
buildBuffer(strides.linearSize) { offset -> elementContext.transform(a.buffer[offset], b.buffer[offset]) })
@ -69,23 +70,25 @@ class ComplexNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
override fun NDBuffer<Complex>.toElement(): FieldElement<NDBuffer<Complex>, *, out BufferedNDField<Complex, ComplexField>> =
BufferedNDFieldElement(this@ComplexNDField, buffer)
override fun power(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>, pow: Number) = map(arg) { power(it, pow) }
override fun power(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>, pow: Number): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> =
map(arg) { power(it, pow) }
override fun exp(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>) = map(arg) { exp(it) }
override fun exp(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { exp(it) }
override fun ln(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { ln(it) }
override fun ln(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>) = map(arg) { ln(it) }
override fun sin(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { sin(it) }
override fun cos(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { cos(it) }
override fun tan(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { tan(it) }
override fun asin(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { asin(it) }
override fun acos(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { acos(it) }
override fun atan(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { atan(it) }
override fun sin(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>) = map(arg) { sin(it) }
override fun cos(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>) = map(arg) { cos(it) }
override fun tan(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): NDBuffer<Complex> = map(arg) { tan(it) }
override fun asin(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): NDBuffer<Complex> = map(arg) { asin(it) }
override fun acos(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): NDBuffer<Complex> = map(arg) {acos(it)}
override fun atan(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): NDBuffer<Complex> = map(arg) {atan(it)}
override fun sinh(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { sinh(it) }
override fun cosh(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { cosh(it) }
override fun tanh(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { tanh(it) }
override fun asinh(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { asinh(it) }
override fun acosh(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { acosh(it) }
override fun atanh(arg: NDBuffer<Complex>): BufferedNDFieldElement<Complex, ComplexField> = map(arg) { atanh(it) }
@ -6,18 +6,19 @@ import kotlin.math.*
* A simple field over linear buffers of [Double]
* A simple field over linear buffers of [Double].
object RealBufferFieldOperations : ExtendedFieldOperations<Buffer<Double>> {
override fun add(a: Buffer<Double>, b: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(b.size == a.size) { "The size of the first buffer ${a.size} should be the same as for second one: ${b.size} " }
require(b.size == a.size) {
"The size of the first buffer ${a.size} should be the same as for second one: ${b.size} "
return if (a is RealBuffer && b is RealBuffer) {
val aArray = a.array
val bArray = b.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { aArray[it] + bArray[it] })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] + b[it] })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] + b[it] })
override fun multiply(a: Buffer<Double>, k: Number): RealBuffer {
@ -26,57 +27,52 @@ object RealBufferFieldOperations : ExtendedFieldOperations<Buffer<Double>> {
return if (a is RealBuffer) {
val aArray = a.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { aArray[it] * kValue })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] * kValue })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] * kValue })
override fun multiply(a: Buffer<Double>, b: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(b.size == a.size) { "The size of the first buffer ${a.size} should be the same as for second one: ${b.size} " }
require(b.size == a.size) {
"The size of the first buffer ${a.size} should be the same as for second one: ${b.size} "
return if (a is RealBuffer && b is RealBuffer) {
val aArray = a.array
val bArray = b.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { aArray[it] * bArray[it] })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] * b[it] })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] * b[it] })
override fun divide(a: Buffer<Double>, b: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(b.size == a.size) { "The size of the first buffer ${a.size} should be the same as for second one: ${b.size} " }
require(b.size == a.size) {
"The size of the first buffer ${a.size} should be the same as for second one: ${b.size} "
return if (a is RealBuffer && b is RealBuffer) {
val aArray = a.array
val bArray = b.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { aArray[it] / bArray[it] })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] / b[it] })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(a.size) { a[it] / b[it] })
override fun sin(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { sin(array[it]) })
} else {
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { sin(arg[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { sin(arg[it]) })
override fun cos(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { cos(array[it]) })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { cos(arg[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { cos(arg[it]) })
override fun tan(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { tan(array[it]) })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { tan(arg[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { tan(arg[it]) })
override fun asin(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { asin(array[it]) })
} else {
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { asin(arg[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { asin(arg[it]) })
override fun acos(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
@ -90,23 +86,50 @@ object RealBufferFieldOperations : ExtendedFieldOperations<Buffer<Double>> {
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { atan(arg[it]) })
override fun sinh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { sinh(array[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { sinh(arg[it]) })
override fun cosh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { cosh(array[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { cosh(arg[it]) })
override fun tanh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { tanh(array[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { tanh(arg[it]) })
override fun asinh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { asinh(array[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { asinh(arg[it]) })
override fun acosh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { acosh(array[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { acosh(arg[it]) })
override fun atanh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { atanh(array[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { atanh(arg[it]) })
override fun power(arg: Buffer<Double>, pow: Number): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { array[it].pow(pow.toDouble()) })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { arg[it].pow(pow.toDouble()) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { arg[it].pow(pow.toDouble()) })
override fun exp(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { exp(array[it]) })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { exp(arg[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { exp(arg[it]) })
override fun ln(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer = if (arg is RealBuffer) {
val array = arg.array
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { ln(array[it]) })
} else
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { ln(arg[it]) })
} else RealBuffer(DoubleArray(arg.size) { ln(arg[it]) })
class RealBufferField(val size: Int) : ExtendedField<Buffer<Double>> {
@ -163,6 +186,36 @@ class RealBufferField(val size: Int) : ExtendedField<Buffer<Double>> {
return RealBufferFieldOperations.atan(arg)
override fun sinh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.sinh(arg)
override fun cosh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.cosh(arg)
override fun tanh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.tanh(arg)
override fun asinh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.asinh(arg)
override fun acosh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.acosh(arg)
override fun atanh(arg: Buffer<Double>): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.atanh(arg)
override fun power(arg: Buffer<Double>, pow: Number): RealBuffer {
require(arg.size == size) { "The buffer size ${arg.size} does not match context size $size" }
return RealBufferFieldOperations.power(arg, pow)
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class RealNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
override val strides: Strides = DefaultStrides(shape)
override val elementContext: RealField get() = RealField
override val zero by lazy { produce { zero } }
override val one by lazy { produce { one } }
override val zero: BufferedNDFieldElement<Double, RealField> by lazy { produce { zero } }
override val one: RealNDElement by lazy { produce { one } }
inline fun buildBuffer(size: Int, crossinline initializer: (Int) -> Double): Buffer<Double> =
RealBuffer(DoubleArray(size) { initializer(it) })
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class RealNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
transform: RealField.(index: IntArray, Double) -> Double
): RealNDElement {
return BufferedNDFieldElement(
buildBuffer(arg.strides.linearSize) { offset ->
@ -64,23 +65,25 @@ class RealNDField(override val shape: IntArray) :
override fun NDBuffer<Double>.toElement(): FieldElement<NDBuffer<Double>, *, out BufferedNDField<Double, RealField>> =
BufferedNDFieldElement(this@RealNDField, buffer)
override fun power(arg: NDBuffer<Double>, pow: Number) = map(arg) { power(it, pow) }
override fun power(arg: NDBuffer<Double>, pow: Number): RealNDElement = map(arg) { power(it, pow) }
override fun exp(arg: NDBuffer<Double>) = map(arg) { exp(it) }
override fun ln(arg: NDBuffer<Double>) = map(arg) { ln(it) }
override fun sin(arg: NDBuffer<Double>) = map(arg) { sin(it) }
override fun sin(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { sin(it) }
override fun cos(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { cos(it) }
override fun tan(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { tan(it) }
override fun asin(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { asin(it) }
override fun acos(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { acos(it) }
override fun atan(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { atan(it) }
override fun cos(arg: NDBuffer<Double>) = map(arg) { cos(it) }
override fun tan(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): NDBuffer<Double> = map(arg) { tan(it) }
override fun asin(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): NDBuffer<Double> = map(arg) { asin(it) }
override fun acos(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): NDBuffer<Double> = map(arg) { acos(it) }
override fun atan(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): NDBuffer<Double> = map(arg) { atan(it) }
override fun sinh(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { sinh(it) }
override fun cosh(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { cosh(it) }
override fun tanh(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { tanh(it) }
override fun asinh(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { asinh(it) }
override fun acosh(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { acosh(it) }
override fun atanh(arg: NDBuffer<Double>): RealNDElement = map(arg) { atanh(it) }
@ -118,18 +121,14 @@ operator fun Function1<Double, Double>.invoke(ndElement: RealNDElement) =
* Summation operation for [BufferedNDElement] and single element
operator fun Double) =
map { it + arg }
operator fun Double): RealNDElement = map { it + arg }
* Subtraction operation between [BufferedNDElement] and single element
operator fun RealNDElement.minus(arg: Double) =
map { it - arg }
operator fun RealNDElement.minus(arg: Double): RealNDElement = map { it - arg }
* Produce a context for n-dimensional operations inside this real field
inline fun <R> RealField.nd(vararg shape: Int, action: RealNDField.() -> R): R {
return NDField.real(*shape).run(action)
inline fun <R> RealField.nd(vararg shape: Int, action: RealNDField.() -> R): R = NDField.real(*shape).run(action)
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