Casting receiver

This commit is contained in:
Roland Grinis 2021-04-21 19:51:34 +01:00
parent 76b5cd0de5
commit cc11df6174
12 changed files with 326 additions and 330 deletions

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@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors
public interface AnalyticTensorAlgebra<T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>> :
TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<T, TensorType> {
public interface AnalyticTensorAlgebra<T> :
TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<T> {
public fun TensorType.exp(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.exp(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.log(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.log(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.sqrt(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.sqrt(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.cos(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.cos(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.acos(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.acos(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.cosh(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.cosh(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.acosh(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.acosh(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.sin(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.sin(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.asin(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.asin(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.sinh(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.sinh(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.asinh(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.asinh(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.tan(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.tan(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.atan(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.atan(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.tanh(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.tanh(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.atanh(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.atanh(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.ceil(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.ceil(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.floor(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.floor(): TensorStructure<T>

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@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors
public interface LinearOpsTensorAlgebra<T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>, IndexTensorType : TensorStructure<Int>> :
TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<T, TensorType> {
public interface LinearOpsTensorAlgebra<T> :
TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<T> {
public fun TensorType.det(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.det(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.inv(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.inv(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.cholesky(): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.cholesky(): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.qr(): Pair<TensorType, TensorType>
public fun TensorStructure<T>.qr(): Pair<TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<T>>
public fun Pair<TensorType, IndexTensorType>
public fun TensorStructure<T>.lu(): Pair<TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<Int>>
public fun luPivot(luTensor: TensorType, pivotsTensor: IndexTensorType): Triple<TensorType, TensorType, TensorType>
public fun luPivot(luTensor: TensorStructure<T>, pivotsTensor: TensorStructure<Int>):
Triple<TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<T>>
public fun TensorType.svd(): Triple<TensorType, TensorType, TensorType>
public fun TensorStructure<T>.svd(): Triple<TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<T>>
public fun TensorType.symEig(): Pair<TensorType, TensorType>
public fun TensorStructure<T>.symEig(): Pair<TensorStructure<T>, TensorStructure<T>>

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@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors
public interface TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>> {
public interface TensorAlgebra<T> {
public fun TensorType.value(): T
public fun TensorStructure<T>.value(): T
public operator fun TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun T): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.plusAssign(value: T): Unit
public operator fun TensorType.plusAssign(other: TensorType): Unit
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.plus(value: T): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.plus(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.plusAssign(value: T): Unit
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.plusAssign(other: TensorStructure<T>): Unit
public operator fun T.minus(other: TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.minus(value: T): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.minus(other: TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.minusAssign(value: T): Unit
public operator fun TensorType.minusAssign(other: TensorType): Unit
public operator fun T.minus(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.minus(value: T): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.minus(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.minusAssign(value: T): Unit
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.minusAssign(other: TensorStructure<T>): Unit
public operator fun T.times(other: TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.times(value: T): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.times(other: TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.timesAssign(value: T): Unit
public operator fun TensorType.timesAssign(other: TensorType): Unit
public operator fun TensorType.unaryMinus(): TensorType
public operator fun T.times(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.times(value: T): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.times(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.timesAssign(value: T): Unit
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.timesAssign(other: TensorStructure<T>): Unit
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.unaryMinus(): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorType.get(i: Int): TensorType
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.get(i: Int): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.transpose(i: Int = -2, j: Int = -1): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.transpose(i: Int = -2, j: Int = -1): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorType.view(shape: IntArray): TensorType
public fun TensorType.viewAs(other: TensorType): TensorType
public fun TensorStructure<T>.view(shape: IntArray): TensorStructure<T>
public fun TensorStructure<T>.viewAs(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public infix fun TensorType): TensorType
public infix fun TensorStructure<T>.dot(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public fun diagonalEmbedding(
diagonalEntries: TensorType,
diagonalEntries: TensorStructure<T>,
offset: Int = 0, dim1: Int = -2, dim2: Int = -1
): TensorType
): TensorStructure<T>

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors
public interface TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>> :
TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType> {
public operator fun TensorType.div(value: T): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.div(other: TensorType): TensorType
public operator fun TensorType.divAssign(value: T)
public operator fun TensorType.divAssign(other: TensorType)
public interface TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<T> :
TensorAlgebra<T> {
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.div(value: T): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.div(other: TensorStructure<T>): TensorStructure<T>
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.divAssign(value: T)
public operator fun TensorStructure<T>.divAssign(other: TensorStructure<T>)

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors.core
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorStructure
import kotlin.math.max
public class BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra : DoubleTensorAlgebra() {
override fun DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(this, other)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.plus(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(tensor, other.tensor)
val newThis = broadcast[0]
val newOther = broadcast[1]
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(newThis.linearStructure.size) { i ->
@ -14,16 +15,16 @@ public class BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra : DoubleTensorAlgebra() {
return DoubleTensor(newThis.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.plusAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other, this.shape)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] +=
newOther.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.plusAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other.tensor, tensor.shape)
for (i in 0 until tensor.linearStructure.size) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] +=
newOther.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun DoubleTensor.minus(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(this, other)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.minus(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(tensor, other.tensor)
val newThis = broadcast[0]
val newOther = broadcast[1]
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(newThis.linearStructure.size) { i ->
@ -32,16 +33,16 @@ public class BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra : DoubleTensorAlgebra() {
return DoubleTensor(newThis.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.minusAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other, this.shape)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] -=
newOther.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.minusAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other.tensor, tensor.shape)
for (i in 0 until tensor.linearStructure.size) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] -=
newOther.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun DoubleTensor.times(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(this, other)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.times(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(tensor, other.tensor)
val newThis = broadcast[0]
val newOther = broadcast[1]
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(newThis.linearStructure.size) { i ->
@ -51,16 +52,16 @@ public class BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra : DoubleTensorAlgebra() {
return DoubleTensor(newThis.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.timesAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other, this.shape)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] *=
newOther.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.timesAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other.tensor, tensor.shape)
for (i in 0 until tensor.linearStructure.size) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] *=
newOther.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun DoubleTensor.div(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(this, other)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.div(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val broadcast = broadcastTensors(tensor, other.tensor)
val newThis = broadcast[0]
val newOther = broadcast[1]
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(newThis.linearStructure.size) { i ->
@ -70,11 +71,11 @@ public class BroadcastDoubleTensorAlgebra : DoubleTensorAlgebra() {
return DoubleTensor(newThis.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.divAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other, this.shape)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] /=
newOther.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.divAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
val newOther = broadcastTo(other.tensor, tensor.shape)
for (i in 0 until tensor.linearStructure.size) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] /=
newOther.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]

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@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorStructure
public open class BufferedTensor<T>(
override val shape: IntArray,
public val buffer: MutableBuffer<T>,
internal val buffer: MutableBuffer<T>,
internal val bufferStart: Int
) : TensorStructure<T> {
public val linearStructure: TensorLinearStructure
get() = TensorLinearStructure(shape)
public val numel: Int
public val numElements: Int
get() = linearStructure.size
override fun get(index: IntArray): T = buffer[bufferStart + linearStructure.offset(index)]
@ -41,26 +41,6 @@ public class IntTensor internal constructor(
this(bufferedTensor.shape, bufferedTensor.buffer.array(), bufferedTensor.bufferStart)
public class LongTensor internal constructor(
shape: IntArray,
buffer: LongArray,
offset: Int = 0
) : BufferedTensor<Long>(shape, LongBuffer(buffer), offset)
internal constructor(bufferedTensor: BufferedTensor<Long>):
this(bufferedTensor.shape, bufferedTensor.buffer.array(), bufferedTensor.bufferStart)
public class FloatTensor internal constructor(
shape: IntArray,
buffer: FloatArray,
offset: Int = 0
) : BufferedTensor<Float>(shape, FloatBuffer(buffer), offset)
internal constructor(bufferedTensor: BufferedTensor<Float>):
this(bufferedTensor.shape, bufferedTensor.buffer.array(), bufferedTensor.bufferStart)
public class DoubleTensor internal constructor(
shape: IntArray,
buffer: DoubleArray,
@ -74,7 +54,23 @@ public class DoubleTensor internal constructor(
internal fun BufferedTensor<Int>.asTensor(): IntTensor = IntTensor(this)
internal fun BufferedTensor<Long>.asTensor(): LongTensor = LongTensor(this)
internal fun BufferedTensor<Float>.asTensor(): FloatTensor = FloatTensor(this)
internal fun BufferedTensor<Double>.asTensor(): DoubleTensor = DoubleTensor(this)
internal inline fun BufferedTensor<Int>.asTensor(): IntTensor = IntTensor(this)
internal inline fun BufferedTensor<Double>.asTensor(): DoubleTensor = DoubleTensor(this)
internal inline fun <T> TensorStructure<T>.toBufferedTensor(): BufferedTensor<T> = when (this) {
is BufferedTensor<T> -> this
else -> BufferedTensor(this.shape, this.elements().map{ it.second }.toMutableList().asMutableBuffer(), 0)
internal val TensorStructure<Double>.tensor: DoubleTensor
get() = when (this) {
is DoubleTensor -> this
else -> this.toBufferedTensor().asTensor()
internal val TensorStructure<Int>.tensor: IntTensor
get() = when (this) {
is IntTensor -> this
else -> this.toBufferedTensor().asTensor()

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@ -1,45 +1,46 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors.core
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.AnalyticTensorAlgebra
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorStructure
import kotlin.math.*
public class DoubleAnalyticTensorAlgebra:
AnalyticTensorAlgebra<Double, DoubleTensor>,
override fun DoubleTensor.exp(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.exp(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.log(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.log(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.sqrt(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.sqrt(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.cos(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.cos(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.acos(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.acos(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.cosh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.cosh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.acosh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.acosh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.sin(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.sin(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.asin(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.asin(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.sinh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.sinh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.asinh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.asinh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.tan(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.tan(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.atan(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.atan(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.tanh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.tanh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.atanh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.atanh(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.ceil(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.ceil(): DoubleTensor =
override fun DoubleTensor.floor(): DoubleTensor =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.floor(): DoubleTensor =

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@ -3,44 +3,45 @@ package space.kscience.kmath.tensors.core
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.LinearOpsTensorAlgebra
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.as1D
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.as2D
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorStructure
import kotlin.math.min
public class DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra :
LinearOpsTensorAlgebra<Double, DoubleTensor, IntTensor>,
DoubleTensorAlgebra() {
override fun DoubleTensor.inv(): DoubleTensor = invLU(1e-9)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.inv(): DoubleTensor = invLU(1e-9)
override fun DoubleTensor.det(): DoubleTensor = detLU(1e-9)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.det(): DoubleTensor = detLU(1e-9)
public fun Double): Pair<DoubleTensor, IntTensor> =
computeLU(this, epsilon) ?:
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.lu(epsilon: Double): Pair<DoubleTensor, IntTensor> =
computeLU(tensor, epsilon) ?:
throw RuntimeException("Tensor contains matrices which are singular at precision $epsilon")
override fun Pair<DoubleTensor, IntTensor> = lu(1e-9)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.lu(): Pair<DoubleTensor, IntTensor> = lu(1e-9)
override fun luPivot(
luTensor: DoubleTensor,
pivotsTensor: IntTensor
luTensor: TensorStructure<Double>,
pivotsTensor: TensorStructure<Int>
): Triple<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
//todo checks
luTensor.shape.dropLast(2).toIntArray() contentEquals pivotsTensor.shape.dropLast(1).toIntArray() ||
luTensor.shape.last() == pivotsTensor.shape.last() - 1
) { "Bed shapes ((" } //todo rewrite
) { "Bad shapes ((" } //todo rewrite
val n = luTensor.shape.last()
val pTensor = luTensor.zeroesLike()
for ((p, pivot) in pTensor.matrixSequence().zip(pivotsTensor.vectorSequence()))
for ((p, pivot) in pTensor.matrixSequence().zip(pivotsTensor.tensor.vectorSequence()))
pivInit(p.as2D(), pivot.as1D(), n)
val lTensor = luTensor.zeroesLike()
val uTensor = luTensor.zeroesLike()
for ((pairLU, lu) in lTensor.matrixSequence().zip(uTensor.matrixSequence())
.zip(luTensor.matrixSequence())) {
.zip(luTensor.tensor.matrixSequence())) {
val (l, u) = pairLU
luPivotHelper(l.as2D(), u.as2D(), lu.as2D(), n)
@ -49,26 +50,26 @@ public class DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra :
public fun DoubleTensor.cholesky(epsilon: Double): DoubleTensor {
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.cholesky(epsilon: Double): DoubleTensor {
checkPositiveDefinite(this, epsilon)
checkPositiveDefinite(tensor, epsilon)
val n = shape.last()
val lTensor = zeroesLike()
for ((a, l) in this.matrixSequence().zip(lTensor.matrixSequence()))
for ((a, l) in tensor.matrixSequence().zip(lTensor.matrixSequence()))
for (i in 0 until n) choleskyHelper(a.as2D(), l.as2D(), n)
return lTensor
override fun DoubleTensor.cholesky(): DoubleTensor = cholesky(1e-6)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.cholesky(): DoubleTensor = cholesky(1e-6)
override fun DoubleTensor.qr(): Pair<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.qr(): Pair<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
val qTensor = zeroesLike()
val rTensor = zeroesLike()
val seq = matrixSequence().zip((qTensor.matrixSequence().zip(rTensor.matrixSequence())))
val seq = tensor.matrixSequence().zip((qTensor.matrixSequence().zip(rTensor.matrixSequence())))
for ((matrix, qr) in seq) {
val (q, r) = qr
qrHelper(matrix.asTensor(), q.asTensor(), r.as2D())
@ -76,18 +77,18 @@ public class DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra :
return qTensor to rTensor
override fun DoubleTensor.svd(): Triple<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.svd(): Triple<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> =
svd(epsilon = 1e-10)
public fun DoubleTensor.svd(epsilon: Double): Triple<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
val size = this.linearStructure.dim
val commonShape = this.shape.sliceArray(0 until size - 2)
val (n, m) = this.shape.sliceArray(size - 2 until size)
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.svd(epsilon: Double): Triple<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
val size = tensor.linearStructure.dim
val commonShape = tensor.shape.sliceArray(0 until size - 2)
val (n, m) = tensor.shape.sliceArray(size - 2 until size)
val resU = zeros(commonShape + intArrayOf(min(n, m), n))
val resS = zeros(commonShape + intArrayOf(min(n, m)))
val resV = zeros(commonShape + intArrayOf(min(n, m), m))
for ((matrix, USV) in this.matrixSequence()
for ((matrix, USV) in tensor.matrixSequence()
.zip(resU.matrixSequence().zip(resS.vectorSequence().zip(resV.matrixSequence())))) {
val size = matrix.shape.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
val curMatrix = DoubleTensor(
@ -99,13 +100,13 @@ public class DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra :
return Triple(resU.transpose(), resS, resV.transpose())
override fun DoubleTensor.symEig(): Pair<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> =
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.symEig(): Pair<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> =
symEig(epsilon = 1e-15)
public fun DoubleTensor.symEig(epsilon: Double): Pair<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
checkSymmetric(this, epsilon)
val (u, s, v) = this.svd(epsilon)
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.symEig(epsilon: Double): Pair<DoubleTensor, DoubleTensor> {
checkSymmetric(tensor, epsilon)
val (u, s, v) = tensor.svd(epsilon)
val shp = s.shape + intArrayOf(1)
val utv = u.transpose() dot v
val n = s.shape.last()
@ -116,11 +117,11 @@ public class DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra :
return Pair(eig, v)
public fun DoubleTensor.detLU(epsilon: Double = 1e-9): DoubleTensor {
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.detLU(epsilon: Double = 1e-9): DoubleTensor {
val luTensor = this.copy()
val pivotsTensor = this.setUpPivots()
val luTensor = tensor.copy()
val pivotsTensor = tensor.setUpPivots()
val n = shape.size
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ public class DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra :
return detTensor
public fun DoubleTensor.invLU(epsilon: Double = 1e-9): DoubleTensor {
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.invLU(epsilon: Double = 1e-9): DoubleTensor {
val (luTensor, pivotsTensor) = lu(epsilon)
val invTensor = luTensor.zeroesLike()

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@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors.core
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.as2D
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorStructure
import kotlin.math.abs
public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, DoubleTensor> {
public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double> {
override fun DoubleTensor.value(): Double {
check(this.shape contentEquals intArrayOf(1)) {
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.value(): Double {
check(tensor.shape contentEquals intArrayOf(1)) {
"Inconsistent value for tensor of shape ${shape.toList()}"
return this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart]
return tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart]
public fun fromArray(shape: IntArray, buffer: DoubleArray): DoubleTensor {
@ -20,11 +22,11 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
return DoubleTensor(shape, buffer, 0)
override operator fun DoubleTensor.get(i: Int): DoubleTensor {
val lastShape = this.shape.drop(1).toIntArray()
override operator fun TensorStructure<Double>.get(i: Int): DoubleTensor {
val lastShape = tensor.shape.drop(1).toIntArray()
val newShape = if (lastShape.isNotEmpty()) lastShape else intArrayOf(1)
val newStart = newShape.reduce(Int::times) * i + this.bufferStart
return DoubleTensor(newShape, this.buffer.array(), newStart)
val newStart = newShape.reduce(Int::times) * i + tensor.bufferStart
return DoubleTensor(newShape, tensor.buffer.array(), newStart)
public fun full(value: Double, shape: IntArray): DoubleTensor {
@ -33,19 +35,19 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
return DoubleTensor(shape, buffer)
public fun DoubleTensor.fullLike(value: Double): DoubleTensor {
val shape = this.shape
val buffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { value }
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.fullLike(value: Double): DoubleTensor {
val shape = tensor.shape
val buffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { value }
return DoubleTensor(shape, buffer)
public fun zeros(shape: IntArray): DoubleTensor = full(0.0, shape)
public fun DoubleTensor.zeroesLike(): DoubleTensor = this.fullLike(0.0)
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.zeroesLike(): DoubleTensor = tensor.fullLike(0.0)
public fun ones(shape: IntArray): DoubleTensor = full(1.0, shape)
public fun DoubleTensor.onesLike(): DoubleTensor = this.fullLike(1.0)
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.onesLike(): DoubleTensor = tensor.fullLike(1.0)
public fun eye(n: Int): DoubleTensor {
val shape = intArrayOf(n, n)
@ -57,200 +59,200 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
return res
public fun DoubleTensor.copy(): DoubleTensor {
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, this.buffer.array().copyOf(), this.bufferStart)
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.copy(): DoubleTensor {
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, tensor.buffer.array().copyOf(), tensor.bufferStart)
override fun DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(other.linearStructure.size) { i ->
other.buffer.array()[other.bufferStart + i] + this
override fun TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(other.tensor.numElements) { i ->
other.tensor.buffer.array()[other.tensor.bufferStart + i] + this
return DoubleTensor(other.shape, resBuffer)
override fun Double): DoubleTensor = value + this
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.plus(value: Double): DoubleTensor = value + tensor
override fun DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[i] + other.buffer.array()[i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.plus(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other.tensor)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[i] + other.tensor.buffer.array()[i]
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.plusAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] += value
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.plusAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] += value
override fun DoubleTensor.plusAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] +=
other.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.plusAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other.tensor)
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] +=
other.tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun Double.minus(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(other.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this - other.buffer.array()[other.bufferStart + i]
override fun Double.minus(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(other.tensor.numElements) { i ->
this - other.tensor.buffer.array()[other.tensor.bufferStart + i]
return DoubleTensor(other.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.minus(value: Double): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] - value
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.minus(value: Double): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] - value
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.minus(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[i] - other.buffer.array()[i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.minus(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[i] - other.tensor.buffer.array()[i]
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.minusAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] -= value
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.minusAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] -= value
override fun DoubleTensor.minusAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] -=
other.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.minusAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] -=
other.tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun Double.times(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(other.linearStructure.size) { i ->
other.buffer.array()[other.bufferStart + i] * this
override fun Double.times(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(other.tensor.numElements) { i ->
other.tensor.buffer.array()[other.tensor.bufferStart + i] * this
return DoubleTensor(other.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.times(value: Double): DoubleTensor = value * this
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.times(value: Double): DoubleTensor = value * tensor
override fun DoubleTensor.times(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] *
other.buffer.array()[other.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.times(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] *
other.tensor.buffer.array()[other.tensor.bufferStart + i]
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.timesAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] *= value
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.timesAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] *= value
override fun DoubleTensor.timesAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] *=
other.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.timesAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] *=
other.tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun DoubleTensor.div(value: Double): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] / value
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.div(value: Double): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] / value
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.div(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[other.bufferStart + i] /
other.buffer.array()[other.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.div(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[other.tensor.bufferStart + i] /
other.tensor.buffer.array()[other.tensor.bufferStart + i]
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.divAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] /= value
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.divAssign(value: Double) {
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] /= value
override fun DoubleTensor.divAssign(other: DoubleTensor) {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
for (i in 0 until this.linearStructure.size) {
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i] /=
other.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i]
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.divAssign(other: TensorStructure<Double>) {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
for (i in 0 until tensor.numElements) {
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i] /=
other.tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i]
override fun DoubleTensor.unaryMinus(): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(this.linearStructure.size) { i ->
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + i].unaryMinus()
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.unaryMinus(): DoubleTensor {
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(tensor.numElements) { i ->
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + i].unaryMinus()
return DoubleTensor(this.shape, resBuffer)
return DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, resBuffer)
override fun DoubleTensor.transpose(i: Int, j: Int): DoubleTensor {
val ii = minusIndex(i)
val jj = minusIndex(j)
checkTranspose(this.dimension, ii, jj)
val n = this.linearStructure.size
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.transpose(i: Int, j: Int): DoubleTensor {
val ii = tensor.minusIndex(i)
val jj = tensor.minusIndex(j)
checkTranspose(tensor.dimension, ii, jj)
val n = tensor.numElements
val resBuffer = DoubleArray(n)
val resShape = this.shape.copyOf()
val resShape = tensor.shape.copyOf()
resShape[ii] = resShape[jj].also { resShape[jj] = resShape[ii] }
val resTensor = DoubleTensor(resShape, resBuffer)
for (offset in 0 until n) {
val oldMultiIndex = this.linearStructure.index(offset)
val oldMultiIndex = tensor.linearStructure.index(offset)
val newMultiIndex = oldMultiIndex.copyOf()
newMultiIndex[ii] = newMultiIndex[jj].also { newMultiIndex[jj] = newMultiIndex[ii] }
val linearIndex = resTensor.linearStructure.offset(newMultiIndex)
resTensor.buffer.array()[linearIndex] =
this.buffer.array()[this.bufferStart + offset]
tensor.buffer.array()[tensor.bufferStart + offset]
return resTensor
override fun DoubleTensor.view(shape: IntArray): DoubleTensor {
checkView(this, shape)
return DoubleTensor(shape, this.buffer.array(), this.bufferStart)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.view(shape: IntArray): DoubleTensor {
checkView(tensor, shape)
return DoubleTensor(shape, tensor.buffer.array(), tensor.bufferStart)
override fun DoubleTensor.viewAs(other: DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
return this.view(other.shape)
override fun TensorStructure<Double>.viewAs(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
return tensor.view(other.shape)
override infix fun DoubleTensor): DoubleTensor {
if (this.shape.size == 1 && other.shape.size == 1) {
return DoubleTensor(intArrayOf(1), doubleArrayOf(this.times(other).buffer.array().sum()))
override infix fun TensorStructure<Double>.dot(other: TensorStructure<Double>): DoubleTensor {
if (tensor.shape.size == 1 && other.shape.size == 1) {
return DoubleTensor(intArrayOf(1), doubleArrayOf(tensor.times(other).tensor.buffer.array().sum()))
var newThis = this.copy()
var newThis = tensor.copy()
var newOther = other.copy()
var penultimateDim = false
var lastDim = false
if (this.shape.size == 1) {
if (tensor.shape.size == 1) {
penultimateDim = true
newThis = this.view(intArrayOf(1) + this.shape)
newThis = tensor.view(intArrayOf(1) + tensor.shape)
if (other.shape.size == 1) {
lastDim = true
newOther = other.view(other.shape + intArrayOf(1))
newOther = other.tensor.view(other.shape + intArrayOf(1))
val broadcastTensors = broadcastOuterTensors(newThis, newOther)
val broadcastTensors = broadcastOuterTensors(newThis.tensor, newOther.tensor)
newThis = broadcastTensors[0]
newOther = broadcastTensors[1]
@ -284,10 +286,12 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
return resTensor
override fun diagonalEmbedding(diagonalEntries: DoubleTensor, offset: Int, dim1: Int, dim2: Int): DoubleTensor {
val d1 = minusIndexFrom(diagonalEntries.linearStructure.dim + 1, dim1)
val d2 = minusIndexFrom(diagonalEntries.linearStructure.dim + 1, dim2)
override fun diagonalEmbedding(diagonalEntries: TensorStructure<Double>, offset: Int, dim1: Int, dim2: Int):
DoubleTensor {
val n = diagonalEntries.shape.size
val d1 = minusIndexFrom(n + 1, dim1)
val d2 = minusIndexFrom(n + 1, dim2)
if (d1 == d2) {
throw RuntimeException("Diagonal dimensions cannot be identical $d1, $d2")
@ -300,7 +304,7 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
var realOffset = offset
if (lessDim > greaterDim) {
realOffset *= -1
lessDim = greaterDim.also {greaterDim = lessDim}
lessDim = greaterDim.also { greaterDim = lessDim }
val resShape = diagonalEntries.shape.slice(0 until lessDim).toIntArray() +
@ -310,13 +314,13 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
diagonalEntries.shape.slice(greaterDim - 1 until n - 1).toIntArray()
val resTensor = zeros(resShape)
for (i in 0 until diagonalEntries.linearStructure.size) {
val multiIndex = diagonalEntries.linearStructure.index(i)
for (i in 0 until diagonalEntries.tensor.numElements) {
val multiIndex = diagonalEntries.tensor.linearStructure.index(i)
var offset1 = 0
var offset2 = abs(realOffset)
if (realOffset < 0) {
offset1 = offset2.also {offset2 = offset1}
offset1 = offset2.also { offset2 = offset1 }
val diagonalMultiIndex = multiIndex.slice(0 until lessDim).toIntArray() +
intArrayOf(multiIndex[n - 1] + offset1) +
@ -327,32 +331,35 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
resTensor[diagonalMultiIndex] = diagonalEntries[multiIndex]
return resTensor
return resTensor.tensor
public fun (Double) -> Double): DoubleTensor {
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.map(transform: (Double) -> Double): DoubleTensor {
return DoubleTensor(
this.buffer.array().map { transform(it) }.toDoubleArray(),
tensor.buffer.array().map { transform(it) }.toDoubleArray(),
public fun DoubleTensor.eq(other: DoubleTensor, delta: Double): Boolean {
return this.eq(other) { x, y -> abs(x - y) < delta }
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.eq(other: TensorStructure<Double>, delta: Double): Boolean {
return tensor.eq(other) { x, y -> abs(x - y) < delta }
public fun DoubleTensor.eq(other: DoubleTensor): Boolean = this.eq(other, 1e-5)
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.eq(other: TensorStructure<Double>): Boolean = tensor.eq(other, 1e-5)
private fun DoubleTensor.eq(other: DoubleTensor, eqFunction: (Double, Double) -> Boolean): Boolean {
checkShapesCompatible(this, other)
val n = this.linearStructure.size
if (n != other.linearStructure.size) {
private fun TensorStructure<Double>.eq(
other: TensorStructure<Double>,
eqFunction: (Double, Double) -> Boolean
): Boolean {
checkShapesCompatible(tensor, other)
val n = tensor.numElements
if (n != other.tensor.numElements) {
return false
for (i in 0 until n) {
if (!eqFunction(this.buffer[this.bufferStart + i], other.buffer[other.bufferStart + i])) {
if (!eqFunction(tensor.buffer[tensor.bufferStart + i], other.tensor.buffer[other.tensor.bufferStart + i])) {
return false
@ -362,8 +369,8 @@ public open class DoubleTensorAlgebra : TensorPartialDivisionAlgebra<Double, Dou
public fun randNormal(shape: IntArray, seed: Long = 0): DoubleTensor =
DoubleTensor(shape, getRandomNormals(shape.reduce(Int::times), seed))
public fun DoubleTensor.randNormalLike(seed: Long = 0): DoubleTensor =
DoubleTensor(this.shape, getRandomNormals(this.shape.reduce(Int::times), seed))
public fun TensorStructure<Double>.randNormalLike(seed: Long = 0): DoubleTensor =
DoubleTensor(tensor.shape, getRandomNormals(tensor.shape.reduce(Int::times), seed))

View File

@ -1,54 +1,40 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensors.core
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorAlgebra
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.TensorStructure
internal inline fun <T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkEmptyShape(shape: IntArray): Unit =
internal inline fun checkEmptyShape(shape: IntArray): Unit =
check(shape.isNotEmpty()) {
"Illegal empty shape provided"
internal inline fun <TensorType : TensorStructure<Double>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<Double, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkEmptyDoubleBuffer(buffer: DoubleArray): Unit =
internal inline fun checkEmptyDoubleBuffer(buffer: DoubleArray): Unit =
check(buffer.isNotEmpty()) {
"Illegal empty buffer provided"
internal inline fun <TensorType : TensorStructure<Double>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<Double, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkBufferShapeConsistency(shape: IntArray, buffer: DoubleArray): Unit =
internal inline fun checkBufferShapeConsistency(shape: IntArray, buffer: DoubleArray): Unit =
check(buffer.size == shape.reduce(Int::times)) {
"Inconsistent shape ${shape.toList()} for buffer of size ${buffer.size} provided"
internal inline fun <T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkShapesCompatible(a: TensorType, b: TensorType): Unit =
internal inline fun <T> checkShapesCompatible(a: TensorStructure<T>, b: TensorStructure<T>): Unit =
check(a.shape contentEquals b.shape) {
"Incompatible shapes ${a.shape.toList()} and ${b.shape.toList()} "
internal inline fun <T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkTranspose(dim: Int, i: Int, j: Int): Unit =
internal inline fun checkTranspose(dim: Int, i: Int, j: Int): Unit =
check((i < dim) and (j < dim)) {
"Cannot transpose $i to $j for a tensor of dim $dim"
internal inline fun <T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkView(a: TensorType, shape: IntArray): Unit =
internal inline fun <T> checkView(a: TensorStructure<T>, shape: IntArray): Unit =
check(a.shape.reduce(Int::times) == shape.reduce(Int::times))
internal inline fun <T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>,
TorchTensorAlgebraType : TensorAlgebra<T, TensorType>>
TorchTensorAlgebraType.checkSquareMatrix(shape: IntArray): Unit {
internal inline fun checkSquareMatrix(shape: IntArray): Unit {
val n = shape.size
check(n >= 2) {
"Expected tensor with 2 or more dimensions, got size $n instead"
@ -58,16 +44,19 @@ internal inline fun <T, TensorType : TensorStructure<T>,
internal inline fun DoubleTensorAlgebra.checkSymmetric(tensor: DoubleTensor, epsilon: Double = 1e-6): Unit =
internal inline fun DoubleTensorAlgebra.checkSymmetric(
tensor: TensorStructure<Double>, epsilon: Double = 1e-6
): Unit =
check(tensor.eq(tensor.transpose(), epsilon)) {
"Tensor is not symmetric about the last 2 dimensions at precision $epsilon"
internal inline fun DoubleLinearOpsTensorAlgebra.checkPositiveDefinite(
tensor: DoubleTensor, epsilon: Double = 1e-6): Unit {
tensor: DoubleTensor, epsilon: Double = 1e-6
): Unit {
checkSymmetric(tensor, epsilon)
for( mat in tensor.matrixSequence())
check(mat.asTensor().detLU().value() > 0.0){
for (mat in tensor.matrixSequence())
check(mat.asTensor().detLU().value() > 0.0) {
"Tensor contains matrices which are not positive definite ${mat.asTensor().detLU().value()}"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ internal inline fun <T> BufferedTensor<T>.vectorSequence(): Sequence<BufferedTen
val n = shape.size
val vectorOffset = shape[n - 1]
val vectorShape = intArrayOf(shape.last())
for (offset in 0 until numel step vectorOffset) {
for (offset in 0 until numElements step vectorOffset) {
val vector = BufferedTensor(vectorShape, buffer, offset)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ internal inline fun <T> BufferedTensor<T>.matrixSequence(): Sequence<BufferedTen
val n = shape.size
val matrixOffset = shape[n - 1] * shape[n - 2]
val matrixShape = intArrayOf(shape[n - 2], shape[n - 1])
for (offset in 0 until numel step matrixOffset) {
for (offset in 0 until numElements step matrixOffset) {
val matrix = BufferedTensor(matrixShape, buffer, offset)

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ internal inline fun minusIndexFrom(n: Int, i: Int) : Int = if (i >= 0) i else {
internal inline fun <T> BufferedTensor<T>.minusIndex(i: Int): Int = minusIndexFrom(this.linearStructure.dim, i)
internal inline fun <T> BufferedTensor<T>.minusIndex(i: Int): Int = minusIndexFrom(this.dimension, i)
internal inline fun format(value: Double, digits: Int = 4): String {
val ten = 10.0
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ internal inline fun DoubleTensor.toPrettyString(): String = buildString {
offset += vectorSize
// todo refactor
if (this@toPrettyString.numel == offset) {
if (this@toPrettyString.numElements == offset) {