[WIP] TensorFlow

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Nozik 2021-10-20 16:06:45 +03:00
parent 40c02f4bd7
commit 6c4741ede6
3 changed files with 235 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
plugins {
description = "Google tensorflow connector"
dependencies {
readme {
maturity = ru.mipt.npm.gradle.Maturity.PROTOTYPE

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@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
package space.kscience.kmath.tensorflow
import org.tensorflow.Graph
import org.tensorflow.Operand
import org.tensorflow.Output
import org.tensorflow.Session
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.NdArray
import org.tensorflow.op.Ops
import org.tensorflow.op.core.Constant
import org.tensorflow.types.family.TType
import space.kscience.kmath.misc.PerformancePitfall
import space.kscience.kmath.nd.Shape
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.api.Tensor
import space.kscience.kmath.tensors.api.TensorAlgebra
private fun IntArray.toLongArray() = LongArray(size) { get(it).toLong() }
private fun LongArray.toIntArray() = IntArray(size) { get(it).toInt() }
private val <T> NdArray<T>.scalar: T
get() = getObject()
public sealed interface TensorFlowTensor<T> : Tensor<T>
public value class TensorFlowArray<T>(public val tensor: NdArray<T>) : Tensor<T> {
override val shape: Shape get() = tensor.shape().asArray().toIntArray()
override fun get(index: IntArray): T = tensor.getObject(*index.toLongArray())
override fun elements(): Sequence<Pair<IntArray, T>> = sequence {
tensor.scalars().forEachIndexed { index: LongArray, ndArray: NdArray<T> ->
//yield(index.toIntArray() to ndArray.scalar)
override fun set(index: IntArray, value: T) {
tensor.setObject(value, *index.toLongArray())
public abstract class TensorFlowOutput<T, TT : TType>(
private val graph: Graph,
output: Output<TT>
) : TensorFlowTensor<T> {
public var output: Output<TT> = output
internal set
override val shape: Shape get() = output.shape().asArray().toIntArray()
protected abstract fun org.tensorflow.Tensor.actualizeTensor(): NdArray<T>
private val actualTensor by lazy {
val session = Session(graph)
override fun get(index: IntArray): T = actualTensor[index]
override fun elements(): Sequence<Pair<IntArray, T>> = actualTensor.elements()
override fun set(index: IntArray, value: T) {
actualTensor[index] = value
public abstract class TensorFlowAlgebra<T, TT : TType> internal constructor(
private val graph: Graph
) : TensorAlgebra<T> {
private val ops by lazy { Ops.create(graph) }
protected fun Tensor<T>.asTensorFlow(): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = if (this is TensorFlowOutput<T, TT>) this else {
protected abstract fun Output<TT>.wrap(): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT>
protected abstract fun const(value: T): Constant<TT>
override fun Tensor<T>.valueOrNull(): T? = if (shape contentEquals intArrayOf(1))
get(Shape(0)) else null
private inline fun Tensor<T>.biOp(
other: Tensor<T>,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> {
val left = asTensorFlow().output
val right = other.asTensorFlow().output
return operation(left, right).asOutput().wrap()
private inline fun T.biOp(
other: Tensor<T>,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> {
val left = const(this)
val right = other.asTensorFlow().output
return operation(left, right).asOutput().wrap()
private inline fun Tensor<T>.biOp(
value: T,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>
): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> {
val left = asTensorFlow().output
val right = const(value)
return operation(left, right).asOutput().wrap()
private inline fun Tensor<T>.inPlaceOp(
other: Tensor<T>,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>
): Unit {
val origin = asTensorFlow()
val left = origin.output
val right = other.asTensorFlow().output
origin.output = operation(left, right).asOutput()
private inline fun Tensor<T>.inPlaceOp(
value: T,
operation: (left: Operand<TT>, right: Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>
): Unit {
val origin = asTensorFlow()
val left = origin.output
val right = const(value)
origin.output = operation(left, right).asOutput()
private inline fun unOp(value: Tensor<T>, operation: (Operand<TT>) -> Operand<TT>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> =
override fun T.plus(other: Tensor<T>) = biOp(other, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.plus(value: T) = biOp(value, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.plus(other: Tensor<T>) = biOp(other, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.plusAssign(value: T): Unit = inPlaceOp(value, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.plusAssign(other: Tensor<T>): Unit = inPlaceOp(other, ops.math::add)
override fun Tensor<T>.minus(value: T) = biOp(value, ops.math::sub)
override fun Tensor<T>.minus(other: Tensor<T>) = biOp(other, ops.math::sub)
override fun Tensor<T>.minusAssign(value: T): Unit = inPlaceOp(value, ops.math::sub)
override fun Tensor<T>.minusAssign(other: Tensor<T>): Unit = inPlaceOp(other, ops.math::sub)
override fun T.times(other: Tensor<T>) = biOp(other, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.times(value: T) = biOp(value, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.times(other: Tensor<T>): TensorFlowOutput<T, TT> = biOp(other, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.timesAssign(value: T): Unit = inPlaceOp(value, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.timesAssign(other: Tensor<T>): Unit = inPlaceOp(other, ops.math::mul)
override fun Tensor<T>.unaryMinus() = unOp(this, ops.math::neg)
override fun Tensor<T>.get(i: Int): Tensor<T>{
override fun Tensor<T>.transpose(i: Int, j: Int): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.view(shape: IntArray): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.viewAs(other: Tensor<T>): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.dot(other: Tensor<T>) = biOp(other, ops.math.)
override fun diagonalEmbedding(diagonalEntries: Tensor<T>, offset: Int, dim1: Int, dim2: Int): Tensor<T> = ops.run {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.sum(): T {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.sum(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.min(): T {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.min(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.max(): T {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.max(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun Tensor<T>.argMax(dim: Int, keepDim: Boolean): Tensor<T> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ include(