Add more fine-grained converters from MST to SVar and SConst
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import kscience.kmath.operations.*
* Maps [SFun] objects to [MST]. Some unsupported operations like [Derivative] are bound and converted then.
* @receiver a scalar function.
* @return the [MST].
* @receiver the scalar function.
* @return a node.
public fun <X : SFun<X>> SFun<X>.mst(): MST = MstExtendedField {
when (this@mst) {
@ -30,36 +30,52 @@ public fun <X : SFun<X>> SFun<X>.mst(): MST = MstExtendedField {
* Maps [MST.Numeric] to [SConst] directly.
* @receiver the node.
* @return a new constant.
public fun <X : SFun<X>> MST.Numeric.sconst(): SConst<X> = SConst(value)
* Maps [MST.Symbolic] to [SVar] directly.
* @receiver the node.
* @param proto the prototype instance.
* @return a new variable.
public fun <X : SFun<X>> MST.Symbolic.svar(proto: X): SVar<X> = SVar(proto, value)
* Maps [MST] objects to [SFun]. Unsupported operations throw [IllegalStateException].
* @receiver an [MST].
* @return the scalar function.
* @receiver the node.
* @param proto the prototype instance.
* @return a scalar function.
public fun <X : SFun<X>> MST.sfun(proto: X): SFun<X> {
return when (this) {
is MST.Numeric -> SConst(value)
is MST.Symbolic -> SVar(proto, value)
public fun <X : SFun<X>> MST.sfun(proto: X): SFun<X> = when (this) {
is MST.Numeric -> sconst()
is MST.Symbolic -> svar(proto)
is MST.Unary -> when (operation) {
SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION -> value.sfun(proto)
SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION -> Negative(value.sfun(proto))
TrigonometricOperations.SIN_OPERATION -> Sine(value.sfun(proto))
TrigonometricOperations.COS_OPERATION -> Cosine(value.sfun(proto))
TrigonometricOperations.TAN_OPERATION -> Tangent(value.sfun(proto))
PowerOperations.SQRT_OPERATION -> Power(value.sfun(proto), SConst(0.5))
ExponentialOperations.EXP_OPERATION -> Power(value.sfun(proto), E())
ExponentialOperations.LN_OPERATION -> Log(value.sfun(proto))
else -> error("Unary operation $operation not defined in $this")
is MST.Unary -> when (operation) {
SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION -> value.sfun(proto)
SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION -> Negative(value.sfun(proto))
TrigonometricOperations.SIN_OPERATION -> Sine(value.sfun(proto))
TrigonometricOperations.COS_OPERATION -> Cosine(value.sfun(proto))
TrigonometricOperations.TAN_OPERATION -> Tangent(value.sfun(proto))
PowerOperations.SQRT_OPERATION -> Power(value.sfun(proto), SConst(0.5))
ExponentialOperations.EXP_OPERATION -> Power(value.sfun(proto), E())
ExponentialOperations.LN_OPERATION -> Log(value.sfun(proto))
else -> error("Unary operation $operation not defined in $this")
is MST.Binary -> when (operation) {
SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION -> Sum(left.sfun(proto), right.sfun(proto))
SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION -> Sum(left.sfun(proto), Negative(right.sfun(proto)))
RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION -> Prod(left.sfun(proto), right.sfun(proto))
FieldOperations.DIV_OPERATION -> Prod(left.sfun(proto), Power(right.sfun(proto), Negative(One())))
PowerOperations.POW_OPERATION -> Power(left.sfun(proto), SConst((right as MST.Numeric).value))
else -> error("Binary operation $operation not defined in $this")
is MST.Binary -> when (operation) {
SpaceOperations.PLUS_OPERATION -> Sum(left.sfun(proto), right.sfun(proto))
SpaceOperations.MINUS_OPERATION -> Sum(left.sfun(proto), Negative(right.sfun(proto)))
RingOperations.TIMES_OPERATION -> Prod(left.sfun(proto), right.sfun(proto))
FieldOperations.DIV_OPERATION -> Prod(left.sfun(proto), Power(right.sfun(proto), Negative(One())))
PowerOperations.POW_OPERATION -> Power(left.sfun(proto), SConst((right as MST.Numeric).value))
else -> error("Binary operation $operation not defined in $this")
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