diff --git a/kmath-core/kmath-core/space.kscience.kmath.expressions/-m-s-t/index.html b/kmath-core/kmath-core/space.kscience.kmath.expressions/-m-s-t/index.html index b48b972c5..34055caf9 100644 --- a/kmath-core/kmath-core/space.kscience.kmath.expressions/-m-s-t/index.html +++ b/kmath-core/kmath-core/space.kscience.kmath.expressions/-m-s-t/index.html @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
Represents wrapper of MstExpression implementing DifferentiableExpression.
The principle of this API is converting the mst to an SFun, differentiating it with Kotlin∇, then converting SFun back to MST.
Represents wrapper of MstExpression implementing DifferentiableExpression.
The principle of this API is converting the mst to an SFun, differentiating it with Kotlin∇, then converting SFun back to MST.
Implements RealNumber by delegating its functionality to NumericAlgebra.
Implements RealNumber by delegating its functionality to NumericAlgebra.
Maps SVar to MST.Symbolic directly.
a node.
+Maps SVar to MST.Numeric directly.
a node.
Maps SFun objects to MST. Some unsupported operations like Derivative are bound and converted then. Power operation is limited to constant right-hand side arguments.
Detailed mapping is:
Power -> MstExtendedField.power (limited to constant exponents only);
Log -> MstExtendedField.ln (left) / MstExtendedField.ln (right);
DProd is vector operation, and it is requested to be evaluated;
SComposition is also requested to be evaluated eagerly;
VSumAll is requested to be evaluated;
Derivative is requested to be evaluated.
a node.
Maps SFun objects to MST. Some unsupported operations like Derivative are bound and converted then. Power operation is limited to constant right-hand side arguments.
Detailed mapping is:
Power -> MstExtendedField.power (limited to constant exponents only);
Log -> MstExtendedField.ln (left) / MstExtendedField.ln (right);
DProd is vector operation, and it is requested to be evaluated;
SComposition is also requested to be evaluated eagerly;
VSumAll is requested to be evaluated;
Derivative is requested to be evaluated.
a node.
diff --git a/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-const.html b/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-const.html index ae73e3a11..d0ccc83d7 100644 --- a/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-const.html +++ b/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-const.html @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ +Maps MST.Numeric to SConst directly.
a new constant.
diff --git a/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-fun.html b/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-fun.html index aa3ba88d8..8aa965350 100644 --- a/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-fun.html +++ b/kmath-kotlingrad/kmath-kotlingrad/space.kscience.kmath.kotlingrad/to-s-fun.html @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@Maps MST objects to SFun. Unsupported operations throw IllegalStateException.
Detailed mapping is:
MST.Numeric -> SConst;
MST.Symbolic -> SVar;
MST.Binary -> Sum, Prod, Power.
a scalar function.
the node.
the prototype instance.
Maps MST objects to SFun. Unsupported operations throw IllegalStateException.
Detailed mapping is:
MST.Numeric -> SConst;
MST.Symbolic -> SVar;
MST.Binary -> Sum, Prod, Power.
a scalar function.
the node.
the prototype instance.