Replace manual matrices classes building with codegen

This commit is contained in:
Iaroslav Postovalov 2020-10-05 13:13:06 +07:00
parent abcde808dc
commit 0a02fd07b4
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 46E15E4A31B3BCD7
10 changed files with 229 additions and 352 deletions

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ plugins {
id("ru.mipt.npm.project") id("ru.mipt.npm.project")
} }
val kmathVersion: String by extra("0.2.0-dev-2") internal val kmathVersion: String by extra("0.2.0-dev-2")
val bintrayRepo: String by extra("kscience") internal val bintrayRepo: String by extra("kscience")
val githubProject: String by extra("kmath") internal val githubProject: String by extra("kmath")
allprojects { allprojects {
repositories { repositories {

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
plugins {
dependencies {

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl.codegen
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import kotlin.math.min
internal object PsiTestUtil {
fun checkFileStructure(file: KtFile) {
compareFromAllRoots(file) { f -> DebugUtil.psiTreeToString(f, false) }
private fun compareFromAllRoots(
file: KtFile,
function: (PsiFile) -> String
) {
val dummyFile = createDummyCopy(file)
val psiTree = StringUtil.join(
{ param -> function(param) },
val reparsedTree = StringUtil.join(
{ param -> function(param) },
assertPsiTextTreeConsistency(psiTree, reparsedTree)
private fun assertPsiTextTreeConsistency(psiTree: String, reparsedTree: String) {
var psiTreeMutable = psiTree
var reparsedTreeMutable = reparsedTree
if (psiTreeMutable != reparsedTreeMutable) {
val psiLines = splitByLinesDontTrim(psiTreeMutable)
val reparsedLines = splitByLinesDontTrim(reparsedTreeMutable)
var i = 0
while (true) {
if (i >= psiLines.size || i >= reparsedLines.size || psiLines[i] != reparsedLines[i]) {
psiLines[min(i, psiLines.size - 1)] += " // in PSI structure"
reparsedLines[min(i, reparsedLines.size - 1)] += " // re-created from text"
psiTreeMutable = StringUtil.join(psiLines, "\n")
reparsedTreeMutable = StringUtil.join(reparsedLines, "\n")
assert(reparsedTreeMutable == psiTreeMutable)
private fun createDummyCopy(file: KtFile): PsiFile {
val copy = LightVirtualFile(, file.text)
copy.originalFile = file.viewProvider.virtualFile
val dummyCopy = requireNotNull(file.manager.findFile(copy))
if (dummyCopy is PsiFileImpl) dummyCopy.originalFile = file
return dummyCopy

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl.codegen
import java.util.regex.Pattern
private val EOL_SPLIT_DONT_TRIM_PATTERN: Pattern = Pattern.compile("(\r|\n|\r\n)+")
internal fun splitByLinesDontTrim(string: String): Array<String> {
return EOL_SPLIT_DONT_TRIM_PATTERN.split(string)

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl.codegen
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtPsiFactory
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.ImportPath
private fun fn(pattern: String, type: String): String {
if (type == "double") return pattern.replace("R", "_")
return pattern.replace("R", "_${type}_")
private fun sn(pattern: String, type: String): String {
if (type == "double") return pattern.replace("R", "")
return pattern.replace("R", "_$type")
private fun KtPsiFactory.createMatrixClass(
f: KtFile,
cTypeName: String,
kotlinTypeName: String,
kotlinTypeAlias: String = kotlinTypeName
) {
val className = "Gsl${kotlinTypeAlias}Matrix"
val structName = sn("gsl_matrixR", cTypeName)
f += createClass(
"""internal class $className(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<$structName>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<$kotlinTypeName, $structName>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): $className =
${className}(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): $kotlinTypeName = ${
fn("gsl_matrixRget", cTypeName)
}(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: ${kotlinTypeName}): Unit =
${fn("gsl_matrixRset", cTypeName)}(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): $className = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(${fn("gsl_matrixRalloc", cTypeName)}(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
${fn("gsl_matrixRmemcpy", cTypeName)}(new, nativeHandle)
$className(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = ${fn("gsl_matrixRfree", cTypeName)}(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is $className) ${fn("gsl_matrixRequal", cTypeName)}(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
f += createNewLine(2)
fun matricesCodegen(outputFile: String, project: Project = createProject()) {
val f = KtPsiFactory(project, true).run {
createFile("package kscience.kmath.gsl").also { f ->
f += createNewLine(2)
f += createImportDirective(ImportPath.fromString("kotlinx.cinterop.*"))
f += createNewLine(1)
f += createImportDirective(ImportPath.fromString("kscience.kmath.linear.*"))
f += createNewLine(1)
f += createImportDirective(ImportPath.fromString("kscience.kmath.operations.*"))
f += createNewLine(1)
f += createImportDirective(ImportPath.fromString("org.gnu.gsl.*"))
f += createNewLine(2)
createMatrixClass(f, "double", "Double", "Real")
createMatrixClass(f, "float", "Float")
createMatrixClass(f, "short", "Short")
createMatrixClass(f, "ushort", "UShort")
createMatrixClass(f, "long", "Long")
createMatrixClass(f, "ulong", "ULong")
createMatrixClass(f, "int", "Int")
createMatrixClass(f, "uint", "UInt")
File(outputFile).apply {

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
@file:Suppress("UNUSED_VARIABLE") @file:Suppress("UNUSED_VARIABLE")
import kscience.kmath.gsl.codegen.matricesCodegen
plugins { plugins {
id("ru.mipt.npm.mpp") id("ru.mipt.npm.mpp")
} }
@ -24,10 +26,18 @@ kotlin {
} }
} }
sourceSets.commonMain { sourceSets {
dependencies { val nativeMain by getting {
api(project(":kmath-core")) dependencies {
api("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-io:0.2.0-tvis-3") api(project(":kmath-core"))
} }
} }
} }
internal val codegen: Task by tasks.creating {
matricesCodegen(kotlin.sourceSets["nativeMain"].kotlin.srcDirs.first().absolutePath + "/generated/Matrices.kt")

@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import kscience.kmath.linear.FeaturedMatrix
import kscience.kmath.linear.MatrixFeature
import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex
import kscience.kmath.structures.NDStructure
import org.gnu.gsl.*
public sealed class GslMatrix<T : Any, H : CStructVar> : GslMemoryHolder<H>(), FeaturedMatrix<T> {
internal abstract operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: T)
internal abstract fun copy(): GslMatrix<T, H>
public override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return NDStructure.equals(this, other as? NDStructure<*> ?: return false)
public override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = nativeHandle.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + features.hashCode()
return result
internal class GslRealMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<Double, gsl_matrix>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslRealMatrix =
GslRealMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Double = gsl_matrix_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: Double): Unit =
gsl_matrix_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslRealMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslRealMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslRealMatrix) gsl_matrix_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslFloatMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_float>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<Float, gsl_matrix_float>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslFloatMatrix =
GslFloatMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Float =
gsl_matrix_float_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: Float): Unit =
gsl_matrix_float_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslFloatMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_float_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_float_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslFloatMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_float_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslFloatMatrix) gsl_matrix_float_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslIntMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_int>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<Int, gsl_matrix_int>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslIntMatrix =
GslIntMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Int = gsl_matrix_int_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: Int): Unit =
gsl_matrix_int_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslIntMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_int_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_int_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslIntMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_int_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslIntMatrix) gsl_matrix_int_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslUIntMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_uint>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<UInt, gsl_matrix_uint>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslUIntMatrix =
GslUIntMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): UInt = gsl_matrix_uint_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: UInt): Unit =
gsl_matrix_uint_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslUIntMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_uint_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_uint_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslUIntMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_uint_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslUIntMatrix) gsl_matrix_uint_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslLongMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_long>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<Long, gsl_matrix_long>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslLongMatrix =
GslLongMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Long = gsl_matrix_long_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: Long): Unit =
gsl_matrix_long_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslLongMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_long_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_long_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslLongMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_long_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslLongMatrix) gsl_matrix_long_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslULongMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_ulong>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<ULong, gsl_matrix_ulong>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslULongMatrix =
GslULongMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): ULong =
gsl_matrix_ulong_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: ULong): Unit =
gsl_matrix_ulong_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslULongMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_ulong_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_ulong_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslULongMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_ulong_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslULongMatrix) gsl_matrix_ulong_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslShortMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_short>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<Short, gsl_matrix_short>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslShortMatrix =
GslShortMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Short =
gsl_matrix_short_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: Short): Unit =
gsl_matrix_short_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslShortMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_short_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_short_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslShortMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_short_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslShortMatrix) gsl_matrix_short_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslUShortMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_ushort>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<UShort, gsl_matrix_ushort>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslUShortMatrix =
GslUShortMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): UShort =
gsl_matrix_ushort_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong())
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: UShort): Unit =
gsl_matrix_ushort_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value)
override fun copy(): GslUShortMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_ushort_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_ushort_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslUShortMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_ushort_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslUShortMatrix) gsl_matrix_ushort_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)
internal class GslComplexMatrix(
override val nativeHandle: CPointer<gsl_matrix_complex>,
features: Set<MatrixFeature> = emptySet()
) : GslMatrix<Complex, gsl_matrix_complex>() {
override val rowNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size1.toInt() }
override val colNum: Int
get() = memScoped { nativeHandle.getPointer(this).pointed.size2.toInt() }
override val features: Set<MatrixFeature> = features
override fun suggestFeature(vararg features: MatrixFeature): GslComplexMatrix =
GslComplexMatrix(nativeHandle, this.features + features)
override operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int): Complex =
gsl_matrix_complex_get(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong()).toKMath()
override operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: Complex): Unit =
gsl_matrix_complex_set(nativeHandle, i.toULong(), j.toULong(), value.toGsl())
override fun copy(): GslComplexMatrix = memScoped {
val new = requireNotNull(gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(rowNum.toULong(), colNum.toULong()))
gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(new, nativeHandle)
GslComplexMatrix(new, features)
override fun close(): Unit = gsl_matrix_complex_free(nativeHandle)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other is GslComplexMatrix) gsl_matrix_complex_equal(nativeHandle, other.nativeHandle)
return super.equals(other)

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar
import kscience.kmath.linear.FeaturedMatrix
import kscience.kmath.structures.NDStructure
public abstract class GslMatrix<T : Any, H : CStructVar> internal constructor(): GslMemoryHolder<H>(),
FeaturedMatrix<T> {
internal abstract operator fun set(i: Int, j: Int, value: T)
internal abstract fun copy(): GslMatrix<T, H>
public override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return NDStructure.equals(this, other as? NDStructure<*> ?: return false)
public override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = nativeHandle.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + features.hashCode()
return result

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import kscience.kmath.linear.Point
import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex import kscience.kmath.operations.Complex
import org.gnu.gsl.* import org.gnu.gsl.*
public sealed class GslVector<T, H : CStructVar> : GslMemoryHolder<H>(), Point<T> { public abstract class GslVector<T, H : CStructVar> internal constructor(): GslMemoryHolder<H>(), Point<T> {
public override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> = object : Iterator<T> { public override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> = object : Iterator<T> {
private var cursor = 0 private var cursor = 0

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package kscience.kmath.gsl package kscience.kmath.gsl
import kscience.kmath.operations.invoke import kscience.kmath.operations.invoke
import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertEquals
@ -8,8 +7,10 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class RealTest { internal class RealTest {
@Test @Test
fun testScale() = GslRealMatrixContext { fun testScale() = GslRealMatrixContext {
GslRealMatrixContext.produce(10, 10) { _, _ -> 0.1 }.use { ma -> val ma = GslRealMatrixContext.produce(10, 10) { _, _ -> 0.1 }
(ma * 20.0).use { mb -> assertEquals(mb[0, 1], 2.0) } val mb = (ma * 20.0)
} assertEquals(mb[0, 1], 2.0)
} }
} }