import java.util.* plugins { `kotlin-dsl` `maven-publish` id("com.jfrog.bintray") version "1.8.5" } group = "scientifik" version = "0.5.0" repositories { gradlePluginPortal() jcenter() maven("") maven("") } val kotlinVersion = "1.3.72" java { targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } // Add plugins used in buildSrc as dependencies, also we should specify version only here dependencies { implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion") implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-serialization:$kotlinVersion") implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu-gradle-plugin:0.14.3") implementation("org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-gradle-plugin:0.10.1") } gradlePlugin { plugins { create("scientifik-publish") { id = "scientifik.publish" description = "The publication plugin for bintray and github" implementationClass = "scientifik.ScientifikPublishPlugin" } create("scientifik-mpp") { id = "scientifik.mpp" description = "Pre-configured multiplatform project" implementationClass = "scientifik.ScientifikMPPlugin" } create("scientifik-jvm") { id = "scientifik.jvm" description = "Pre-configured JVM project" implementationClass = "scientifik.ScientifikJVMPlugin" } create("scientifik-js") { id = "scientifik.js" description = "Pre-configured JS project" implementationClass = "scientifik.ScientifikJSPlugin" } // create("scientifik-atomic") { // id = "scientifik.atomic" // description = "Add kotlin atomic plugin to any flafor" // implementationClass = "scientifik.ScientifikAtomicPlugin" // } } } publishing { repositories { maven("") } val vcs = "" // Process each publication we have in this project publications.filterIsInstance().forEach { publication -> publication.pom { name.set( description.set(project.description) url.set(vcs) licenses { license { name.set("The Apache Software License, Version 2.0") url.set("") distribution.set("repo") } } developers { developer { id.set("MIPT-NPM") name.set("MIPT nuclear physics methods laboratory") organization.set("MIPT") organizationUrl.set("") } } scm { url.set(vcs) } } } bintray { user = project.findProperty("bintrayUser") as? String ?: System.getenv("BINTRAY_USER") key = project.findProperty("bintrayApiKey") as? String? ?: System.getenv("BINTRAY_API_KEY") publish = true override = true // for multi-platform Kotlin/Native publishing // We have to use delegateClosureOf because bintray supports only dynamic groovy syntax // this is a problem of this plugin pkg.apply { userOrg = "mipt-npm" repo = if (project.version.toString().contains("dev")) "dev" else "scientifik" name = issueTrackerUrl = "$vcs/issues" setLicenses("Apache-2.0") vcsUrl = vcs version.apply { name = project.version.toString() vcsTag = project.version.toString() released = Date().toString() } } //workaround bintray bug project.afterEvaluate { setPublications(*project.extensions.findByType()!!.publications.names.toTypedArray()) } } }