133 lines
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133 lines
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package ru.mipt.npm.gradle
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.apply
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.extra
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.findByType
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.provideDelegate
import org.jetbrains.changelog.ChangelogPlugin
import kotlin.collections.component1
import kotlin.collections.component2
class KSciencePublishingExtension(val project: Project) {
var githubOrg: String? by project.extra
var githubProject: String? by project.extra
var spaceRepo: String? by project.extra
var spaceUser: String? by project.extra
var spaceToken: String? by project.extra
var bintrayOrg: String? by project.extra
var bintrayUser: String? by project.extra
var bintrayApiKey: String? by project.extra
var bintrayRepo: String? by project.extra
class KScienceReadmeExtension(val project: Project) {
val properties = HashMap<String, String>()
var readmeStubPath: String = "docs/README-STUB.md"
val features = ArrayList<Feature>()
data class Feature(val id: String, val ref: String, val description: String, val name: String = id)
fun feature(id: String, ref: String, description: String, name: String = id) {
features.add(Feature(id, ref, description, name))
* Generate a markdown string listing features
fun featuresString(itemPrefix: String = " - ", pathPrefix: String = "") = buildString {
features.forEach {
appendln("$itemPrefix[${it.id}]($pathPrefix${it.ref}) : ${it.description}")
* Generate a readme string from the stub
fun readmeString(): String? {
val readmeStubFile = project.file(readmeStubPath)
return if (readmeStubFile.exists()) {
buildString {
val readmeProperties: Map<String, Any?> = (properties + mapOf(
"name" to project.name,
"group" to project.group,
"version" to project.version,
"features" to featuresString()
)).withDefault { null }
} else {
* Apply extension and repositories
open class KScienceProjectPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(target: Project): Unit = target.run {
val rootReadmeExtension = KScienceReadmeExtension(this)
extensions.add("ksciencePublish", KSciencePublishingExtension(this))
extensions.add("kscienceReadme", rootReadmeExtension)
//Add readme generators to individual subprojects
subprojects {
val readmeExtension = KScienceReadmeExtension(this)
extensions.add("kscienceReadme", readmeExtension)
tasks.create("generateReadme") {
group = "documentation"
description = "Generate a README file if stub is present"
doLast {
val readmeString = readmeExtension.readmeString()
if (readmeString != null) {
val readmeFile = file("README.md")
tasks.create("generateReadme") {
group = "documentation"
description = "Generate a README file and a feature matrix if stub is present"
doLast {
val reader = groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
val projects = subprojects.associate {
it.name to it.extensions.findByType<KScienceReadmeExtension>()
val rootReadmeStub = project.file(rootReadmeExtension.readmeStubPath)
if (rootReadmeStub.exists()) {
val modulesString = buildString {
projects.entries.filter { !it.value?.features.isNullOrEmpty() }.forEach { (name, ext) ->
appendln("### [$name]($name)")
appendln(ext!!.featuresString(pathPrefix = "$name/"))
val rootReadmeProperties: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(
"name" to project.name,
"group" to project.group,
"version" to project.version,
"modulesString" to modulesString
val readmeFile = project.file("README.md")