# Changelog ## Unreleased ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed ### Security ## 0.7.0 - 2023-11-26 ### Added - Obligatory `type: KType` and `descriptor` property for `MetaConverters` - Added separate `Meta`, `SealedMeta` and `ObservableMutableMeta` builders. ### Changed - Meta converter `metaToObject` returns a non-nullable type. Additional method `metaToObjectOrNull` for nullable return. - Kotlin 1.9.20. - Migrated from ktor-io to kotlinx-io. - `MutableMeta` builder now returns a simplified version of meta that does not hold listeners. - More concise names for read/write methods in IO. - Remove unnecessary confusion with `get`/`getMeta` by removing `getMeta` from the interface. ### Deprecated - `String.parseValue` is replaced with `Value.parse` ### Fixed - Memory leak in SealedMeta builder ## 0.6.2 - 2023-07-29 ### Changed - Meta to Json serializer now serializes a single item with index as an array. It is important for plotly integration. - Meta to Json serializes Meta without children a value as literal or array instead of an object with `@value` field. ## 0.6.1 - 2023-03-31 ### Added - File cache for workspace - Smart task metadata transformation for workspace - Add `readOnly` property to descriptors - Add `specOrNull` delegate to meta and Scheme - Suspended read methods to the `Binary` - Synchronously accessed `meta` to all `DataSet`s - More fine-grained types in Action builders. ### Changed - `Name::replaceLast` API - `PluginFactory` no longer requires plugin class - Collection toMap -> associateByName - Simplified `DFTL` envelope format. Closing symbols are unnecessary. Properties are discontinued. - Meta `get` method allows nullable receiver - `withDefault` functions do not add new keys to meta children and are consistent. - `dataforge.meta.values` package is merged into `dataforge.meta` for better star imports - Kotlin 1.8.20 - `Factory` is now `fun interface` and uses `build` instead of `invoke`. `invoke moved to an extension. - KTor 2.0 - DataTree `items` call is blocking. - DataSet `getData` is no longer suspended and renamed to `get` - DataSet operates with sequences of data instead of flows - PartialEnvelope uses `Int` instead `UInt`. - `ActiveDataSet` renamed to `DataSource` - `selectOne`->`getByType` - Data traversal in `DataSet` is done via iterator - Remove all unnecessary properties for `IOFormat` - Separate interfaces for `IOReader` and `IOWriter` ### Deprecated - Context.fetch -> Context.request ### Fixed - `readDataDirectory` does not split names with dots - Front matter reader does not crash on non-UTF files - Meta file name in readMeta from directory - Tagless and FrontMatter envelope partial readers fix. ## 0.5.2 ### Added - Yaml plugin - Partial fix to #53 ### Fixed - MutableMetaImpl attachment and checks - Listeners in observable meta are replaced by lists - JS number comparison bug. ## 0.5.0 ### Added - Experimental `listOfSpec` delegate. ### Changed - **API breaking** Config is deprecated, use `ObservableMeta` instead. - **API breaking** Descriptor no has a member property `defaultValue` instead of `defaultItem()` extension. It caches default value state on the first call. It is done because computing default on each call is too expensive. - Kotlin 1.5.10 - Build tools 0.10.0 - Relaxed type restriction on `MetaConverter`. Now nullables are available. - **Huge API-breaking refactoring of Meta**. Meta now can have both value and children. There is only one kind of descriptor now. - **API breaking** `String.toName()` is replaced by `Name.parse()` - **API breaking** Configurable`config` changed to `meta` ### Removed - `Config` - Public PluginManager mutability - Tables and tables-exposed moved to the separate project `tables.kt` - BinaryMetaFormat. Use CBOR encoding instead ### Fixed - Proper json array index treatment. - Proper json index for single-value array. ## 0.4.0 ### Added - LogManager plugin - dataforge-context API dependency on SLF4j - Context `withEnv` and `fetch` methods to manipulate plugins without changing plugins after creation. - Split `ItemDescriptor` into builder and read-only part ### Changed - Kotlin-logging moved from common to JVM and JS. Replaced by console for native. - Package changed to `space.kscience` - Scheme made observable - Global context is a variable (the singleton is hidden and will be deprecated in future) - Kotlin 1.5 - Added blank builders for children context. - Refactor loggers ### Deprecated - Direct use of PluginManager ### Removed - Common dependency on Kotlin-logging - Kotlinx-io fork dependency. Replaced by Ktor-io. ### Fixed - Scheme properties properly handle children property change. ## 0.3.0 ### Added - Yaml meta format based on yaml.kt - `Path` builders - Special ValueType for lists - `copy` method to descriptors - Multiplatform yaml meta ### Changed - `ListValue` and `DoubleArrayValue` implement `Iterable`. - Changed the logic of `Value::isList` to check for type instead of size - `Meta{}` builder made inline - Moved `Envelope` builder to a top level function. Companion invoke is deprecated. - Context logging moved to the extension - `number` and `string` methods on `Value` moved to extensions (breaking change) - \[Major breaking change\] Schemes and configurables us `MutableItemProvider` instead of `Config` - \[Major breaking change\] `MetaItem` renamed to `TypedMetaItem` and `MetaItem` is now an alias for `TypedMetaItem<*>` - \[Major breaking change\] Moved `NodeItem` and `ValueItem` to a top level - Plugins are removed from Context constructor and added lazily in ContextBuilder - \[Major breaking change\] Full refactor of DataTree/DataSource - \[Major Breaking change\] Replace KClass with KType in data. Remove direct access to constructors with types. ## 0.2.0 ### Changed - Context content resolution refactor - Kotlin 1.4.10 (build tools 0.6.0) - Empty query in Name is null instead of "" - Provider provides an empty map instead of error by default - Hidden delegates hierarchy in favor of stdlib properties - Removed io depdendency from `dataforge-output`. Replaced Output by Appendable. - Configurable is no longer MutableItemProvider. All functionality moved to Scheme. ### Deprecated - Context activation API - TextRenderer ### Removed - Functional server prototype - `dataforge-output` module ### Fixed - Global context CoroutineScope resolution - Library mode compliance