Protobuf meta representation

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Nozik 2024-06-11 12:06:48 +03:00
parent 7fa6617e7e
commit e7f2f7e96f
3 changed files with 38 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -11,9 +11,20 @@ message ProtoMeta {
int32 int32Value = 6;
int64 int64Value = 7;
bytes bytesValue = 8;
ProtoValueList listValue = 9;
Float64List float64ListValue = 10;
repeated ProtoValue value = 1;
message ProtoValueList{
repeated ProtoValue values = 1;
message Float64List{
repeated double values = 1 [packed=true];
ProtoValue protoValue = 1;
map<string, ProtoMeta> items = 2;

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import space.kscience.dataforge.names.NameToken
internal class ProtoMetaWrapper(private val proto: ProtoMeta) : Meta {
private fun ProtoMeta.ProtoValue.toValue(): Value = when {
private fun ProtoMeta.ProtoValue.toValue(): Value? = when {
stringValue != null -> stringValue.asValue()
booleanValue != null -> booleanValue.asValue()
doubleValue != null -> doubleValue.asValue()
@ -20,15 +20,13 @@ internal class ProtoMetaWrapper(private val proto: ProtoMeta) : Meta {
int32Value != null -> int32Value.asValue()
int64Value != null -> int64Value.asValue()
bytesValue != null -> bytesValue.toByteArray().asValue()
else -> Null
listValue != null -> listValue.values.mapNotNull { it.toValue() }.asValue()
float64ListValue != null -> { it.asValue() }.asValue()
else -> null
override val value: Value?
get() = when (proto.value_.size) {
0 -> null
1 -> proto.value_[0].toValue()
else -> { it.toValue() }.asValue()
get() = proto.protoValue?.toValue()
override val items: Map<NameToken, Meta>
@ -44,39 +42,27 @@ internal class ProtoMetaWrapper(private val proto: ProtoMeta) : Meta {
internal fun Meta.toProto(): ProtoMeta {
fun MutableList<ProtoMeta.ProtoValue>.appendProtoValues(value: Value): Unit {
when (value.type) {
ValueType.NULL -> {
//do nothing
fun Value.toProto(): ProtoMeta.ProtoValue = when (type) {
ValueType.NULL -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue()
ValueType.NUMBER -> when (value.value) {
is Int, is Short, is Byte -> add(ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(int32Value =
is Long -> add(ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(int64Value = value.long))
is Float -> add(ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(floatValue = value.float))
ValueType.NUMBER -> when (value) {
is Int, is Short, is Byte -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(int32Value = int)
is Long -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(int64Value = long)
is Float -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(floatValue = float)
else -> {
.warn("Unknown number type ${value.value} encoded as Double")
add(ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(doubleValue = value.double))
.warn("Unknown number type ${value} encoded as Double")
ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(doubleValue = double)
ValueType.STRING -> add(ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(stringValue = value.string))
ValueType.BOOLEAN -> add(ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(booleanValue = value.boolean))
ValueType.LIST -> {
value.list.forEach {
if (it.type == ValueType.LIST) {
error("Nested lists are not supported")
} else {
ValueType.STRING -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(stringValue = string)
ValueType.BOOLEAN -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(booleanValue = boolean)
ValueType.LIST -> ProtoMeta.ProtoValue(listValue = ProtoMeta.ProtoValueList( { it.toProto() }))
return ProtoMeta(
value_ = buildList { value?.let { appendProtoValues(it) } },
protoValue = value?.toProto(),
items.entries.associate { it.key.toString() to it.value.toProto() }

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.Meta
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.asValue
import space.kscience.dataforge.meta.get
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
@ -22,13 +23,17 @@ class ProtoBufTest {
"d2" put 2
"array" put doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
"array2d" put listOf(
doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0).asValue(),
doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0).asValue()
val buffer =
val result = ProtoMetaFormat.readFrom(buffer)
// println(result["a"]?.value)
meta.items.keys.forEach {
assertEquals(meta[it],result[it],"${meta[it]} != ${result[it]}")