Minors fixes to Meta and JsonMetaFormat. Visualization moving forward
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,8 +20,13 @@ object JsonMetaFormat : MetaFormat {
override fun read(input: Input): Meta {
override fun read(input: Input): Meta {
val str = input.readText()
val str = input.readText()
val json = JsonTreeParser.parse(str)
val json = Json.plain.parseJson(str)
if(json is JsonObject) {
return json.toMeta()
return json.toMeta()
} else {
TODO("non-object root")
@ -45,6 +50,20 @@ fun Meta.toJson(): JsonObject {
return JsonObject(map)
return JsonObject(map)
fun JsonElement.toMetaItem() = when (this) {
is JsonPrimitive -> MetaItem.ValueItem<JsonMeta>(this.toValue())
is JsonObject -> MetaItem.NodeItem(this.toMeta())
is JsonArray -> {
if (this.all { it is JsonPrimitive }) {
val value = ListValue(this.map { (it as JsonPrimitive).toValue() })
} else {
TODO("mixed nodes json")
fun JsonObject.toMeta() = JsonMeta(this)
fun JsonObject.toMeta() = JsonMeta(this)
private fun JsonPrimitive.toValue(): Value {
private fun JsonPrimitive.toValue(): Value {
@ -57,19 +76,7 @@ private fun JsonPrimitive.toValue(): Value {
class JsonMeta(val json: JsonObject) : Meta {
class JsonMeta(val json: JsonObject) : Meta {
override val items: Map<NameToken, MetaItem<out Meta>> by lazy {
override val items: Map<NameToken, MetaItem<out Meta>> by lazy {
json.mapKeys { NameToken(it.key) }.mapValues { entry ->
json.mapKeys { NameToken(it.key) }.mapValues { entry ->
val element = entry.value
when (element) {
is JsonPrimitive -> MetaItem.ValueItem<JsonMeta>(element.toValue())
is JsonObject -> MetaItem.NodeItem(element.toMeta())
is JsonArray -> {
if (element.all { it is JsonPrimitive }) {
val value = ListValue(element.map { (it as JsonPrimitive).toValue() })
} else {
TODO("mixed nodes json")
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Laminate(layers: List<Meta>) : Meta {
all { it is MetaItem.NodeItem } -> {
all { it is MetaItem.NodeItem } -> {
//list nodes in item
//list nodes in item
val nodes = map { it.node }
val nodes = map { (it as MetaItem.NodeItem).node }
//represent as key->value entries
//represent as key->value entries
val entries = nodes.flatMap { it.items.entries.asSequence() }
val entries = nodes.flatMap { it.items.entries.asSequence() }
//group by keys
//group by keys
@ -174,8 +174,9 @@ val MetaItem<*>?.short get() = number?.toShort()
val MetaItem<*>?.stringList get() = value?.list?.map { it.string } ?: emptyList()
val MetaItem<*>?.stringList get() = value?.list?.map { it.string } ?: emptyList()
val <M : Meta> MetaItem<M>.node: M
val <M : Meta> MetaItem<M>?.node: M?
get() = when (this) {
get() = when (this) {
null -> null
is MetaItem.ValueItem -> error("Trying to interpret value meta item as node item")
is MetaItem.ValueItem -> error("Trying to interpret value meta item as node item")
is MetaItem.NodeItem -> node
is MetaItem.NodeItem -> node
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package hep.dataforge.vis
import hep.dataforge.meta.*
import hep.dataforge.names.Name
import hep.dataforge.names.toName
import javafx.beans.binding.ObjectBinding
import tornadofx.*
class DisplayObjectPropertyListener(val obj: DisplayObject) {
private val binndings = HashMap<Name, ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>>()
init {
obj.onChange(this) { name, _, _ ->
operator fun get(key: Name): ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?> {
return binndings.getOrPut(key) {
object : ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>() {
override fun computeValue(): MetaItem<*>? = obj.getProperty(key)
operator fun get(key: String) = get(key.toName())
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.value() = this.objectBinding { it.value }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.string() = this.stringBinding { it.string }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.number() = this.objectBinding { it.number }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.double() = this.objectBinding { it.double }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.float() = this.objectBinding { it.number?.toFloat() }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.int() = this.objectBinding { it.int }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.long() = this.objectBinding { it.long }
fun ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.node() = this.objectBinding { it.node }
fun <T> ObjectBinding<MetaItem<*>?>.transform(transform: (MetaItem<*>) -> T) = this.objectBinding { it?.let(transform) }
@ -3,24 +3,56 @@ package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
import hep.dataforge.context.Context
import hep.dataforge.context.Context
import hep.dataforge.io.Output
import hep.dataforge.io.Output
import hep.dataforge.meta.Meta
import hep.dataforge.meta.Meta
import hep.dataforge.meta.int
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayGroup
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayObject
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayObjectPropertyListener
import hep.dataforge.vis.transform
import javafx.event.EventHandler
import javafx.scene.*
import javafx.scene.*
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent
import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.paint.PhongMaterial
import org.fxyz3d.geometry.Point3D
import org.fxyz3d.geometry.Point3D
import org.fxyz3d.shapes.primitives.CuboidMesh
import org.fxyz3d.shapes.primitives.CuboidMesh
import org.fxyz3d.utils.CameraTransformer
import org.fxyz3d.utils.CameraTransformer
class FXSpatialRenderer(override val context: Context) : Output<DisplayObject3D> {
* https://github.com/miho/JCSG for operations
* TODO move world and camera boilerplate to another class
class FXSpatialRenderer(override val context: Context) : Output<DisplayObject> {
private val world: Group = Group()
private val world: Group = Group()
val camera = PerspectiveCamera()
private val camera = PerspectiveCamera().apply {
val cameraTransform = CameraTransformer().apply {
val cameraShift = CameraTransformer().apply {
val cameraFlip = CameraTransformer()
val cameraRotation = CameraTransformer().apply {
val canvas: SubScene = SubScene(
val canvas: SubScene = SubScene(
Group(world, cameraTransform).apply { DepthTest.ENABLE },
Group(world, cameraRotation).apply { DepthTest.ENABLE },
@ -29,17 +61,150 @@ class FXSpatialRenderer(override val context: Context) : Output<DisplayObject3D>
fill = Color.GREY
fill = Color.GREY
this.camera = this@FXSpatialRenderer.camera
this.camera = this@FXSpatialRenderer.camera
id = "canvas"
id = "canvas"
private fun buildObject(obj: DisplayObject3D): Node {
private fun buildObject(obj: DisplayObject): Node {
val center = Point3D(obj.x.toFloat(), obj.y.toFloat(), obj.z.toFloat())
return when (obj) {
return when (obj) {
is Box3D -> CuboidMesh(obj.xSize, obj.ySize, obj.zSize).apply { this.center = center }
is DisplayGroup -> Group(obj.children.map { buildObject(it) })
is Box -> CuboidMesh(obj.xSize, obj.ySize, obj.zSize).apply {
val listener = DisplayObjectPropertyListener(obj)
this.center = Point3D(obj.x.toFloat(), obj.y.toFloat(), obj.z.toFloat())
this.diffuseColorProperty().bind(listener["color"].transform {
val int = it.int ?: 0
val red = int and 0x00ff0000 shr 16
val green = int and 0x0000ff00 shr 8
val blue = int and 0x000000ff
return@transform Color.rgb(red, green, blue)
else -> TODO()
else -> TODO()
override fun render(obj: DisplayObject3D, meta: Meta) {
override fun render(obj: DisplayObject, meta: Meta) {
private fun handleKeyboard(scene: SubScene) {
scene.onKeyPressed = EventHandler<KeyEvent> { event ->
if (event.isControlDown) {
when (event.code) {
KeyCode.Z -> {
cameraShift.t.x = 0.0
cameraShift.t.y = 0.0
cameraRotation.ry.angle = CAMERA_INITIAL_Y_ANGLE
cameraRotation.rx.angle = CAMERA_INITIAL_X_ANGLE
// KeyCode.X -> axisGroup.isVisible = !axisGroup.isVisible
// KeyCode.S -> snapshot()
// KeyCode.DIGIT1 -> pixelMap.filterKeys { it.getLayerNumber() == 1 }.values.forEach {
// toggleTransparency(
// it
// )
// }
// KeyCode.DIGIT2 -> pixelMap.filterKeys { it.getLayerNumber() == 2 }.values.forEach {
// toggleTransparency(
// it
// )
// }
// KeyCode.DIGIT3 -> pixelMap.filterKeys { it.getLayerNumber() == 3 }.values.forEach {
// toggleTransparency(
// it
// )
// }
else -> {
}//do nothing
private fun handleMouse(scene: SubScene) {
var mousePosX: Double = 0.0
var mousePosY: Double = 0.0
var mouseOldX: Double = 0.0
var mouseOldY: Double = 0.0
var mouseDeltaX: Double = 0.0
var mouseDeltaY: Double = 0.0
scene.onMousePressed = EventHandler<MouseEvent> { me ->
mousePosX = me.sceneX
mousePosY = me.sceneY
mouseOldX = me.sceneX
mouseOldY = me.sceneY
scene.onMouseDragged = EventHandler<MouseEvent> { me ->
mouseOldX = mousePosX
mouseOldY = mousePosY
mousePosX = me.sceneX
mousePosY = me.sceneY
mouseDeltaX = mousePosX - mouseOldX
mouseDeltaY = mousePosY - mouseOldY
val modifier = when {
me.isControlDown -> CONTROL_MULTIPLIER
me.isShiftDown -> SHIFT_MULTIPLIER
else -> 1.0
if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown) {
cameraRotation.rz.angle =
cameraRotation.rz.angle + mouseDeltaX * MOUSE_SPEED * modifier * ROTATION_SPEED
cameraRotation.rx.angle =
cameraRotation.rx.angle + mouseDeltaY * MOUSE_SPEED * modifier * ROTATION_SPEED
// } else if (me.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {
// double z = camera.getTranslateZ();
// double newZ = z + mouseDeltaX * MOUSE_SPEED * modifier*100;
// camera.setTranslateZ(newZ);
} else if (me.isSecondaryButtonDown) {
cameraShift.t.x = cameraShift.t.x + mouseDeltaX * MOUSE_SPEED * modifier * TRACK_SPEED
cameraShift.t.y = cameraShift.t.y + mouseDeltaY * MOUSE_SPEED * modifier * TRACK_SPEED
scene.onScroll = EventHandler<ScrollEvent> { event ->
val z = camera.translateZ
val newZ = z + MOUSE_SPEED * event.deltaY * RESIZE_SPEED
camera.translateZ = newZ
companion object {
private const val CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -4500.0
private const val CAMERA_INITIAL_X_ANGLE = -50.0
private const val CAMERA_INITIAL_Y_ANGLE = 0.0
private const val CAMERA_INITIAL_Z_ANGLE = -210.0
private const val CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1
private const val CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 10000.0
private const val AXIS_LENGTH = 2000.0
private const val CONTROL_MULTIPLIER = 0.1
private const val SHIFT_MULTIPLIER = 10.0
private const val MOUSE_SPEED = 0.1
private const val ROTATION_SPEED = 2.0
private const val TRACK_SPEED = 6.0
private const val RESIZE_SPEED = 50.0
private const val LINE_WIDTH = 3.0
private val redMaterial = PhongMaterial().apply {
diffuseColor = Color.DARKRED
specularColor = Color.RED
private val whiteMaterial = PhongMaterial().apply {
diffuseColor = Color.WHITE
specularColor = Color.LIGHTBLUE
private val greyMaterial = PhongMaterial().apply {
diffuseColor = Color.DARKGREY
specularColor = Color.GREY
private val blueMaterial = PhongMaterial(Color.BLUE)
@ -1,37 +1,57 @@
package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
import hep.dataforge.context.Global
import hep.dataforge.context.Global
import hep.dataforge.meta.EmptyMeta
import hep.dataforge.meta.number
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayGroup
import javafx.scene.Parent
import javafx.scene.Parent
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import tornadofx.*
import tornadofx.*
import kotlin.random.Random
class RendererDemoApp: App(RendererDemoView::class)
class RendererDemoApp : App(RendererDemoView::class)
class RendererDemoView: View(){
class RendererDemoView : View() {
val renderer = FXSpatialRenderer(Global)
val renderer = FXSpatialRenderer(Global)
override val root: Parent = borderpane{
override val root: Parent = borderpane {
center = renderer.canvas
center = renderer.canvas
lateinit var group: DisplayGroup
init {
init {
val cube = Box3D(null, EmptyMeta).apply {
renderer.render {
group = group {
box {
xSize = 100.0
xSize = 100.0
ySize = 100.0
ySize = 100.0
zSize = 100.0
zSize = 100.0
box {
x = 110.0
renderer.camera.apply {
xSize = 100.0
nearClip = 0.1
ySize = 100.0
farClip = 10000.0
zSize = 100.0
translateX = -200.0
translateY = -200.0
fieldOfView = 20.0
var color by group.properties.number(1530).int
GlobalScope.launch {
val random = Random(111)
while (isActive) {
color = random.nextInt(0, Int.MAX_VALUE)
renderer.cameraRotation.apply {
ry.angle = -30.0
ry.angle = -30.0
rx.angle = -15.0
rx.angle = -15.0
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
import hep.dataforge.meta.EmptyMeta
import hep.dataforge.meta.Meta
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayGroup
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayObject
import hep.dataforge.vis.double
class Box(parent: DisplayObject?, meta: Meta) : DisplayObject3D(parent, TYPE, meta) {
var xSize by double(1.0)
var ySize by double(1.0)
var zSize by double(1.0)
companion object {
const val TYPE = "geometry.spatial.box"
fun DisplayGroup.box(meta: Meta = EmptyMeta, action: Box.() -> Unit = {}) =
Box(this, meta).apply(action).also { addChild(it) }
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
import hep.dataforge.io.Output
import hep.dataforge.meta.EmptyMeta
import hep.dataforge.meta.Meta
import hep.dataforge.meta.Meta
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayLeaf
import hep.dataforge.vis.*
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayObject
import hep.dataforge.vis.DisplayObject.Companion.DEFAULT_TYPE
import hep.dataforge.vis.double
open class DisplayObject3D(parent: DisplayObject?, type: String, meta: Meta) : DisplayLeaf(parent, type, meta) {
open class DisplayObject3D(parent: DisplayObject?, type: String, meta: Meta) : DisplayLeaf(parent, type, meta) {
@ -16,13 +17,9 @@ open class DisplayObject3D(parent: DisplayObject?, type: String, meta: Meta) : D
class Box3D(parent: DisplayObject?, meta: Meta) : DisplayObject3D(parent,
fun DisplayGroup.group(meta: Meta = EmptyMeta, action: DisplayGroup.() -> Unit = {}) =
TYPE, meta) {
DisplayNode(this, DEFAULT_TYPE, meta).apply(action).also{addChild(it)}
var xSize by double(1.0)
var ySize by double(1.0)
var zSize by double(1.0)
companion object {
const val TYPE = "geometry.spatial.box"
fun Output<DisplayObject>.render(meta: Meta = EmptyMeta, action: DisplayGroup.() -> Unit) =
render(DisplayNode(null, DEFAULT_TYPE, EmptyMeta).apply(action), meta)
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package hep.dataforge.vis.spatial
//TODO replace by platform optimized version
data class Point3D(
val x: Float,
val y: Float,
val z: Float
@ -66,14 +66,18 @@ tailrec fun DisplayObject.getProperty(name: Name): MetaItem<*>? = properties[nam
* A change listener for [DisplayObject] configuration.
* A change listener for [DisplayObject] configuration.
fun DisplayObject.onChange(owner: Any?, action: (Name, before: MetaItem<*>?, after: MetaItem<*>?) -> Unit) =
fun DisplayObject.onChange(owner: Any?, action: (Name, before: MetaItem<*>?, after: MetaItem<*>?) -> Unit) {
properties.style.onChange(owner, action)
properties.style.onChange(owner, action)
parent?.onChange(owner, action)
* Remove all meta listeners with matching owners
* Remove all meta listeners with matching owners
fun DisplayObject.removeChangeListener(owner: Any?) =
fun DisplayObject.removeChangeListener(owner: Any?) {
@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ internal data class ObjectListener(
* Basic group of display objects
* Basic group of display objects
open class DisplayNode(
open class DisplayNode(
override val parent: DisplayObject?,
override val parent: DisplayObject? = null,
override val type: String = DEFAULT_TYPE,
override val type: String = DEFAULT_TYPE,
meta: Meta = EmptyMeta
meta: Meta = EmptyMeta
) : DisplayGroup {
) : DisplayGroup {
@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ open class DisplayNode(
override fun removeChild(obj: DisplayObject) {
override fun removeChild(obj: DisplayObject) {
if (_children.remove(obj)) {
listeners.forEach { it.action }
listeners.forEach { it.action }
@ -1,48 +1,98 @@
package hep.dataforge.vis
package hep.dataforge.vis
import hep.dataforge.meta.*
import hep.dataforge.meta.*
import hep.dataforge.values.Null
import hep.dataforge.names.Name
import hep.dataforge.names.toName
import hep.dataforge.values.Value
import hep.dataforge.values.Value
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.properties.ReadWriteProperty
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
fun DisplayObject.value(default: Value = Null, key: String? = null) =
ValueConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
* A delegate for display object properties
class DisplayObjectDelegate(
val key: Name?,
val default: MetaItem<*>?,
val inherited: Boolean
) : ReadWriteProperty<DisplayObject, MetaItem<*>?> {
override fun getValue(thisRef: DisplayObject, property: KProperty<*>): MetaItem<*>? {
val name = key ?: property.name.toName()
return if (inherited) {
} else {
} ?: default
fun DisplayObject.string(default: String? = null, key: String? = null) =
override fun setValue(thisRef: DisplayObject, property: KProperty<*>, value: MetaItem<*>?) {
StringConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
val name = key ?: property.name.toName()
thisRef.properties.style[name] = value
fun DisplayObject.boolean(default: Boolean? = null, key: String? = null) =
class DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper<T>(
BooleanConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
val key: Name?,
val default: T,
val inherited: Boolean,
val write: Config.(name: Name, value: T) -> Unit = { name, value -> set(name, value) },
val read: (MetaItem<*>?) -> T?
) : ReadWriteProperty<DisplayObject, T> {
override fun getValue(thisRef: DisplayObject, property: KProperty<*>): T {
val name = key ?: property.name.toName()
return if (inherited) {
} else {
} ?: default
fun DisplayObject.number(default: Number? = null, key: String? = null) =
override fun setValue(thisRef: DisplayObject, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
NumberConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
val name = key ?: property.name.toName()
thisRef.properties.style.write(name, value)
fun DisplayObject.double(default: Double? = null, key: String? = null) =
NumberConfigDelegate(properties, key, default).double
fun DisplayObject.int(default: Int? = null, key: String? = null) =
NumberConfigDelegate(properties, key, default).int
fun DisplayObject.node(key: String? = null) = StyledNodeDelegate(properties, key)
fun DisplayObject.value(default: Value? = null, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.value }
fun DisplayObject.string(default: String? = null, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.string }
fun DisplayObject.boolean(default: Boolean? = null, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.boolean }
fun DisplayObject.number(default: Number? = null, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.number }
fun DisplayObject.double(default: Double? = null, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.double }
fun DisplayObject.int(default: Int? = null, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.int }
fun DisplayObject.node(key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), null, inherited) { it.node }
//fun <T : Configurable> Configurable.spec(spec: Specification<T>, key: String? = null) = ChildConfigDelegate<T>(key) { spec.wrap(this) }
//fun <T : Configurable> Configurable.spec(spec: Specification<T>, key: String? = null) = ChildConfigDelegate<T>(key) { spec.wrap(this) }
fun DisplayObject.string(default: String, key: String? = null) =
fun DisplayObject.string(default: String, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
SafeStringConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.string }
fun DisplayObject.boolean(default: Boolean, key: String? = null) =
fun DisplayObject.boolean(default: Boolean, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
SafeBooleanConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.boolean }
fun DisplayObject.number(default: Number, key: String? = null) =
fun DisplayObject.number(default: Number, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
SafeNumberConfigDelegate(properties, key, default)
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.number }
fun DisplayObject.double(default: Double, key: String? = null) =
fun DisplayObject.double(default: Double, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
SafeNumberConfigDelegate(properties, key, default).double
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { it.double }
inline fun <reified E : Enum<E>> DisplayObject.enum(default: E, key: String? = null) =
inline fun <reified E : Enum<E>> DisplayObject.enum(default: E, key: String? = null, inherited: Boolean = true) =
SafeEnumvConfigDelegate(properties, key, default) { enumValueOf(it) }
DisplayObjectDelegateWrapper(key?.toName(), default, inherited) { item -> item.string?.let { enumValueOf<E>(it) } }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user