import space.kscience.gradle.Maturity plugins { id("space.kscience.gradle.mpp") `maven-publish` } description = """ Magix service for binding controls devices (both as RPC client and server) """.trimIndent() kscience { jvm() js() native() useCoroutines() useSerialization { json() } dependencies { api(projects.magix.magixApi) api(projects.controlsCore) api(libs.uuid) } } readme { maturity = Maturity.EXPERIMENTAL feature("controlsMagix", ref = "src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/controls/client/controlsMagix.kt"){ """ Connect a `DeviceManage` with one or many devices to the Magix endpoint """.trimIndent() } feature("DeviceClient", ref = "src/commonMain/kotlin/space/kscience/controls/client/DeviceClient.kt"){ """ A remote connector to Controls-kt device via Magix """.trimIndent() } }