import space.kscience.gradle.Maturity plugins { id("space.kscience.gradle.jvm") `maven-publish` } description = """ A client and server connectors for OPC-UA via Eclipse Milo """.trimIndent() val ktorVersion: String by rootProject.extra dependencies { api(projects.controlsCore) api(spclibs.kotlinx.coroutines.jdk8) api(libs.milo.client) api(libs.milo.parser) api(libs.milo.server) testImplementation(spclibs.kotlinx.coroutines.test) } readme{ maturity = Maturity.EXPERIMENTAL feature("opcuaClient", ref = "src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/controls/opcua/client"){ """ Connect a Controls-kt as a client to OPC UA server """.trimIndent() } feature("opcuaServer", ref = "src/main/kotlin/space/kscience/controls/opcua/server"){ """ Create an OPC UA server on top of Controls-kt device (or device hub) """.trimIndent() } }