redesigned requestInput() function, added kotlinx-cli implementation

This commit is contained in:
ZhigalskiiIvan 2023-03-30 22:52:39 +03:00
parent ea792a3d0d
commit 150a40980a
2 changed files with 37 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ repositories {
dependencies {

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ import kotlin.system.exitProcess
import org.jetbrains.letsPlot.*
import org.jetbrains.letsPlot.export.ggsave
import org.jetbrains.letsPlot.geom.*
import kotlin.reflect.typeOf
import kotlinx.cli.*
/** Recognizes the name of the text, which
* user want to see statistics about and type of output.
@ -23,7 +22,8 @@ fun getStatistics(textData: TextData) {
var counter = 1
val wordsCountsMap = text.getSentencesList().map { counter++ to it.getWordsCount() }
println("Print \"console\" if you have see data in console, \"graphic\" if you have see histogram and \"both\" if you have see them together:")
println("Print \"console\" if you have see data in console, \"graphic\" if you have see histogram \n" +
"and \"both\" if you have see them together:")
val request = requestInput(listOf("console", "graphic", "both"))
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ fun getStatistics(textData: TextData) {
buildGraphic(text.getName(), wordsCountsMap.toMap())
/** Builds bar chart with data of mapOfSentenceNumToItsSize and saves image in file.
@ -128,16 +127,16 @@ private fun readFromConsole(textData: TextData) {
val nameRequest = requestInput(unavailableInputs = textData.getTextNamesList())
val name = nameRequest.second.toString()
val name = nameRequest.second!!
println("Input a text content(after input text press enter twice):")
var content = ""
var itWasNewParYet = false
readCycle@ while (true) {
while (true) {
val nextPart = readln()
if (nextPart.isEmpty()) {
if (itWasNewParYet) break@readCycle
if (itWasNewParYet) break
else {
content += "\n"
itWasNewParYet = true
@ -170,19 +169,19 @@ private fun readFromFile(textData: TextData) {
println("Input path to file:")
val contentsFile: File
pathReadCycle@ while (true) {
val pathRequest = requestInput<String>()
while (true) {
val pathRequest = requestInput()
val filePath = pathRequest.second.toString()
val filePath = pathRequest.second!!
val testFile = File(filePath)
if (!testFile.exists()) {
println("Incorrect path. Repeat the input:")
} else {
contentsFile = testFile
@ -272,20 +271,18 @@ class TextData {
* @return Text type object
fun getTextData(message: String = "Input name of a text"): Text {
println("Saved texts: ${getTextNamesInString()}.")
val nameRequest = requestInput(getTextNamesList())
return getTextByName(nameRequest.second.toString())!!
return getTextByName(nameRequest.second!!)!!
/** Object used for getting text from the string information. */
object TextAnalyzer {
private object TextAnalyzer {
private val DELIMITERS = Regex("[!?.]+\\s+")
private val WHITESPACES = Regex("\\s+")
@ -298,7 +295,6 @@ class TextData {
fun getTextObjFromContents(name: String, content: String): Text {
var sentencesCount = 1
val listOfSentences = mutableListOf<Text.Sentence>()
@ -351,9 +347,7 @@ fun exit(): Nothing {
/** Reads commands from the console and storing data about
* the functions they should execute.
class CommandCenter(
private val textData: TextData,
) {
class CommandCenter(private val textData: TextData) {
private val exitCommand = Command("exit", ::exit)
private val addCommand = Command("add text") { readNewText(textData) }
@ -364,7 +358,7 @@ class CommandCenter(
private val commandsNames = { }
/** Stores command and its name */
class Command(val name: String, val executingFun: () -> Unit)
private class Command(val name: String, val executingFun: () -> Unit)
/** Prints list of names of available commands, requests the name and
* returns corresponding to entered name function.
@ -376,39 +370,24 @@ class CommandCenter(
val commandNameRequest = requestInput(commandsNames)
val funName = commandNameRequest.second.toString()
val funName = commandNameRequest.second
return commandsList.find { == funName }!!.executingFun
/** Custom exception being thrown if user want to return to the menu. */
class ReturnException : Exception()
/** Custom exception being thrown if input can't be converted
* to the requested type.
class InvalidInputTypeException : Exception()
/** Custom exception being thrown if input doesn't match the list
* of possible values.
class InvalidElemInInputException : Exception()
/** Function repeating the process of calling functions returned by
* CommandCenter. If ReturnException was thrown, it is caught here,
* last iteration breaks and new one is called.
fun workCycle(commandCenter: CommandCenter) {
mainCycle@ while (true) {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (e: ReturnException) {
println("You have been returned in main menu.")
@ -424,73 +403,31 @@ fun workCycle(commandCenter: CommandCenter) {
* @return a pair of function, which could be called after the request from this function to return
* if user want it or continue and value that the user has selected from the list of available.
inline fun <reified T> requestInput(
availableInputs: List<T>? = null,
unavailableInputs: List<T>? = null
): Pair<InputOutcomeCommand, Any> {
fun requestInput(
availableInputs: List<Any>? = null,
unavailableInputs: List<Any>? = null
): Pair<InputOutcomeCommand, String?> {
var inputT: Any
readingAndChangingTypeCycle@ while (true) {
val regexAvailableInputs = availableInputs?.joinToString("|")?.toRegex() ?: Regex(".*")
val regexUnavailableInputs = unavailableInputs?.joinToString("|")?.toRegex() ?: Regex("")
val returnRegex = Regex("return")
while (true) {
val input = readln().trim()
if (input == "return") return Pair(ReturnCommand(), "")
try {
inputT = when (typeOf<T>()) {
typeOf<Int>() -> input.toInt()
typeOf<Double>() -> input.toDouble()
typeOf<Boolean>() -> input.toBoolean()
typeOf<Byte>() -> input.toByte()
typeOf<Long>() -> input.toLong()
typeOf<Float>() -> input.toFloat()
typeOf<Char>() -> {
if (input.trim().length == 1) {
} else throw InvalidInputTypeException()
typeOf<String>() -> input
else -> throw InvalidInputTypeException()
return when {
availableInputs != null && unavailableInputs != null -> {
if (inputT.toString() in { it.toString() } &&
inputT.toString() !in { it.toString() }) Pair(ContinueCommand(), inputT)
else throw InvalidElemInInputException()
input.matches(regexAvailableInputs) && !input.matches(regexUnavailableInputs) ->
ContinueCommand() to input
availableInputs != null -> {
if (inputT.toString() in { it.toString() }) Pair(ContinueCommand(), inputT)
else throw InvalidElemInInputException()
unavailableInputs != null -> {
if (inputT.toString() !in { it.toString() }) Pair(ContinueCommand(), inputT)
else throw InvalidElemInInputException()
else -> Pair(ContinueCommand(), inputT)
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
} catch (e: InvalidInputTypeException) {
} catch (e: InvalidElemInInputException) {
"There isn't this elem in list of available inputs. " +
"Try to repeat or enter return to exit in main menu: "
input.matches(returnRegex) -> ReturnCommand() to null
else -> {
println("There isn't this elem in list of available inputs. Try to repeat or enter return to exit in main menu: ")
/** Interface used to existing commands objects, whose exe value
* stores function which calls after requesting from console in
* requestInput function.
@ -517,11 +454,13 @@ class ReturnCommand : InputOutcomeCommand {
override val exe: () -> Unit = throw ReturnException()
/** Custom exception being thrown if user want to return to the menu. */
class ReturnException : Exception()
fun main() {
val textData = TextData()
val commandCenter = CommandCenter(textData)