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{"componentChunkName":"component---src-pages-projects-physics-js","path":"/en/projects/physics/","result":{"data":{"ru_projects":{"edges":[{"node":{"html":"<p>Эксперимент GERDA (GERmanium Detector Array), реализуемый в Национальной Лаборатории Гран Сассо в Италии, создан для поиска двойного безнейтринного бета-распада Ge-76. В GERDA применяются детекторы из германия, обогащенного изотопом Ge-76. Детекторы погружены в жидкий аргон, который охлаждает их до рабочей температуры (87 К) и, одновременно, служит дополнительной защитой от фонового излучения. Эксперимент проводится в несколько этапов или фаз. На данный момент закончилась вторая фаза эксперимента и планируется третья. </p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/GERDA.jpg\" alt=\"GERDA\"/>\n<p>Однако с повышением точности эксперимента в следующих фазах одним из источников фоновых событий могут стать взаимодействие 76Ge с нейтрино от солнца. Члены группы занимаются этой проблемой в сотрудничестве со специалистами Курчатовского института. Это исследование отталкивается от предварительных расчетов руководителя группы Инжечика Льва Владиславовича (он является членом коллаборации GERDA). </p>","frontmatter":{"shortTitle":"GERDA","title":"Международный эксперимент GERDA","id":"gerda"}}},{"node":{"html":"<p><strong>Расположение:</strong> Испания, Канфранк-Эстасьон(Canfranc-Estación),\nподземная лаборатория в Канфранке(LSC Laboratorio Subterráneo de\nCanfranc)</p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/map.png\" alt=\"map\"/>\n<p><strong>Задача:</strong> регистрация групп космических мюонов высоких энергий в\nусловиях подземной лаборатории LSC.</p>\n<p><strong>Схема установки:</strong> базовыми детектирующими элементами монитора\nявляются сцинтилляционные детекторы мюонов SC16, каждый из которых в\nсвою очередь состоит из 16 единичных сцинтилляционных детекторов\nSC1(«пикселей») и внутренней электроники.</p>\n<p>В состав системы сбора данных(DAQ) входят блоки обработки сигналов о\nвремени(TimeBoard) и координате(HodoscopeBoard) сработавших пикселей;\nблоки низковольтного питания для детекторов; VME units и компьютер для\nфинального вывода исходных файлов; Trigger Unit для отбора мюонных\nсобытий в реальном времени.</p>\n<p>DAQ system:</p>\n<p>Electronics</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Power supply for the sc16 detectors</li>\n<li>Hodoscope board (pattern info)</li>\n<li>Time master board (timing info)</li>\n<li>7 power supplies for these boards</li>\n<li>VME modules</li>\n<li>VME Pattern unit V1495</li>\n<li>Computer with data acquisition program</li>\n<li>Trigger Unit (real time selection)</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Сцинтилляционные детекторы SC16 сцинтилляциой системы монитора\nсгруппированы в три слоя. Верхний и нижние слои состоят из 9 детекторов\nSC16 с общим количеством сцинтилляторов SC1 в каждом слое, равным 9*16\n= 144. Средний слой состоит из 4 детекторов SC16 т.е 64 сцинтилляторов\nSC1.</p>\n<p>Детекторы среднего и верхнего слоев покоятся на деревянной раме. Рама\nопирается на нижний слой. Сверху сборка из трех слоев накрыта свинцовым\nэкраном.</p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/setup.png\" alt=\"setup\"/>\n<p>Схема сборки детекторов</p>","frontmatter":{"shortTitle":"Мюонный монитор","title":"Мюонный монитор для подземных низкофоновых экспериментов","id":"mounMonitor"}}},{"node":{"html":"<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/spectrometer900.jpg\" alt=\"spectrometer\"/>\n<p>Установка \"Троицк ню-масс\" является одним из немногих действующих в России экспериментов мирового уровня в области физики элементарных частиц. Цель эксперимента - поиск масс как активных, так и стерильных нейтрино. Результаты, полученные на установке, в настоящее время являются лучшими в мире.</p>","frontmatter":{"shortTitle":"Троицк ню-масс","title":"Установка по поиску массы нейтрино Троицк ню-масс","id":"numass"}}}]},"en_projects":{"edges":[{"node":{"html":"<p>GERDA (GERmanium Detector Array) experiment, marketed at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy, designed to search for Ge-76 double neutrino-free decay. GERDA uses detectors from Germany enriched in the Ge-76 isotope. The detectors are immersed in liquid argon, which cools them to a working temperature (87 K) and, at the same time, serves as additional protection against background radiation. The experiment is carried out in several stages or phases. At the moment, the second phase of the experiment is over and a third is planned.</p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/GERDA.jpg\" alt=\"GERDA\"/>\n<p>However, with an increase in the accuracy of the experiment in the following phases, one of the sources of background events may be the interaction of 76Ge with neutrinos from the sun. Members of the group deal with this problem in collaboration with specialists from the Kurchatov Institute. This study is based on preliminary calculations of group leader Inzhechik Lev Vladislavovich (he is a member of the GERDA collaboration).</p>","frontmatter":{"shortTitle":"GERDA","title":"International experiment GERDA","id":"gerda"}}},{"node":{"html":"<p><strong>Location:</strong> Spain, Canfranc-Estación, Canfranca Underground Laboratory (LSC Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc)</p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/map.png\" alt=\"map\"/>\n<p><strong>Objective:</strong> Registration of high-energy cosmic muons in Underground LSC laboratory conditions.</p>\n<p><strong>Installation scheme:</strong> basic detecting elements of the monitor are SC16 muon scintillation detectors, each of which in in turn consists of 16 single scintillation detectors SC1 (“pixels”) and internal electronics.</p>\n<p>The data acquisition system (DAQ) includes signal processing units about the time (TimeBoard) and the coordinate (HodoscopeBoard) of the triggered pixels; low voltage power supplies for detectors; VME units and computer for final output of source files; Trigger Unit for muon selection real time events.</p>\n<p>DAQ system:</p>\n<p>Electronics</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Power supply for the sc16 detectors</li>\n<li>Hodoscope board (pattern info)</li>\n<li>Time master board (timing info)</li>\n<li>7 power supplies for these boards</li>\n<li>VME modules</li>\n<li>VME Pattern unit V1495</li>\n<li>Computer with data acquisition program</li>\n<li>Trigger Unit (real time selection)</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Scintillation Detectors SC16 Scintillation Monitor Systems\ngrouped in three layers. The upper and lower layers consist of 9 detectors\nSC16 with the total number of SC1 scintillators in each layer equal to 9* 16\n= 144. The middle layer consists of 4 SC16 detectors, i.e., 64 scintillators\nSC1.</p>\n<p>Middle and top layer detectors rest on a wooden frame. Frame leans on the bottom layer. On top of the assembly of three layers is covered with lead screen.</p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/setup.png\" alt=\"setup\"/>\n<p>Installation scheme</p>","frontmatter":{"shortTitle":"Muon monitor","title":"Muon monitor for subterranean low-background experiments","id":"mounMonitor"}}},{"node":{"html":"<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/spectrometer900.jpg\" alt=\"spectrometer\"/>\n<p>The Troitsk nu-mass facility is one of the few world-class experiments in Russia in the field of particle physics. The purpose of the experiment is to search for masses of both active and sterile neutrinos. The results obtained at the installation are currently the best in the world.</p>","frontmatter":{"shortTitle":"Troitsk nu-mass","title":"Neutrino mass search facility Troitsk nu-mass","id":"numass"}}}]}},"pageContext":{"isCreatedByStatefulCreatePages":true,"intl":{"language":"en","languages":["ru","en"],"messages":{"title":"NPM GROUP","language":"en","description":"Nuclear physics methods laboratory","header.news":"News","header.group":"Group","header.projects":"Projects","header.partners":"Partners","notfound.header":"NOT FOUND","notfound.description":"You just hit a route that doesn't exist.","jumbotron.labintro":"Nuclear physics methods laboratory","jumbotron.lead":"Features of our approach to solving scientific problems of today: ","jumbotron.list":"<ul><li>The laboratory was established on the basis of MIPT, which allows involving a large number of interested students.</li><li>By combining scientific work with educational process, we ensure continuity of scientific experience.</li><li>The structure of our laboratory allows even junior students to take part in world-class experiments.</li><li>We use the most modern methods in our work on physical experiments.</li></ul><p />","jumbotron.about":"About our laboratory","more.nuclear_title":"Nuclear physics","more.nuclear_body":"The laboratory participates in several international particle physics experiments, such as the GERDA neutrine-free double beta decay experiment, the Troitsk nu-mass neutrino mass search experiment and so on.","more.nuclear_more":"More »","more.education_title":"Education","more.education_body":"The tasks of the laboratory include the development of new educational programs in physics and methods of physical experiment, as well as improving the existing methodological and information base in MIPT and in academic institutes.","more.education_more":"More »","more.software_title":"Computational methods","more.software_body":"One of the main activities is the development of computational methods and open source software for use in education and scientific activities.","more.software_more":"More »","more.news":"Latest news","about.title":"Nuclear physics methods group","about.descr":"The group was created in 2015 on the basis of the Department of General Physics, MIPT, several laboratories of the INR RAS and with the support of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, MIPT. The purpose of the creation is the development of methods for conducting and analyzing data from experiments in the field of particle physics and nuclear physics. In addition, members of the group are engaged in the implementation of modern information technologies in experimental physics and education.","about.pubs.title":"Publications","about.pubs.available1":"Group`s publications are available at ","about.pubs.available2":"this page","about.contacts.title":"Contact information","about.contacts.mail":"Email: ","about.contacts.telegram":"Telegram: ","partners.mipt.title_fund":"MIPT department of general physics","partners.mipt.description_fund":"The Department of General Physics is the main point of contact for scientists and teachers on the one hand and students on the other. Close cooperation with the department is the key to a constant influx of young employees, as well as continuous self-improvement of group members working with students.","partners.mipt.title_energy":"MIPT laboratory of high-energy physics","partners.mipt.description_energy":"Close cooperation with the laboratory of high-energy physics allows for direct contact between education and the scientific community, without going beyond the bounds of MIPT.","partners.jb.description":"Laboratory actively cooperates with JetBrains in introducing Kotlin into scientific programming, teaching Kotlin and developing libraries on it.","partners.jbr.description":"The software development group is a part of an international scientific association JetBrains Research.","partners.ras.title_exp":"Department of experimental physics, INR RAS","partners.ras.description_exp":"Very close cooperation is being maintained with the OEF of the INR RAS in the framework of the Troitsk nu-mass and KATRIN collaborations, as well as in terms of training qualified personnel for work on the NICA experiment and in other accelerator experiments. Within the framework of cooperation, both scientific and educational tasks are implemented.","partners.ras.title_beam":"Beam Laboratory, INR RAS","partners.ras.description_beam":"The Laboratory of a Linear Accelerator Beam Laboratory of the INR RAS is responsible for wiring and diagnostics of the accelerator beam, and is also developing the beam diagnostic systems used around the world. The group runs several joint educational projects with this laboratory.","partners.ras.title_education":"Scientific and educational center, INR RAS","partners.ras.description_education":"Some of the students participating in the group study at the Scientific and Educational Center of the INR RAS.","partners.ras.title_iki":"SRI RAS","partners.ras.description_iki":"The group is involved in the mathematical modeling of electrical discharges in the atmosphere.","physics.bc_title":"Physics","physics.title":"Nuclear physics","physics.description":"Traditionally, nuclear physics includes not only research related to the structure of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, but also the entire physics of elementary particles, as well as partly some sections of astrophysics and cosmology. Currently, the efforts of our group are concentrated in the field of so-called non-accelerator experiments in elementary particle physics.","education.bc_title":"Education","education.title":"Education","education.description":"Educational projects in the field of nuclear physics and methods for conducting and analyzing the results of a physical experiment are one of the key activities of the group.","education.course1":"Details available at ","education.course2":"the course page","math.bc_title":"Maths","math.title":"Mathematical methods","math.description":"Mathematical modeling of physical processes and mathematical methods of data analysis are an integral part of modern experimental physics. There is a constant need for both improving existing methods and developing fundamentally new approaches.","software.bc_title":"Software","software.title":"Scientific software","software.description":"Modern experiments in particle physics are inconceivable without special software, which is required both at the stage of the experiment and data collection, and in processing the results. The development of scientific software is an additional, but significant area of work for the group.","quarks":"Physics"},"routed":true,"originalPath":"/projects/physics/","redirect":true}}}} |