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{"componentChunkName":"component---src-components-templates-news-js","path":"/en/news/2","result":{"data":{"ru_news":{"edges":[{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Физика элементарных частици и космология - 2019","slug":"/conference","date":"26.02.2019"},"html":"<p>Открыта регистрация на молодежную конференцию «Физика элементарных частиц и космология - 2019». Конференция посвящена физике частиц, космологии, а также широкому кругу смежных тем, таких как математическая физика, астрофизика, ядерная медицина, и так далее.\nКонференция проводится в восьмой раз и несмотря на небольшое количество докладов, зарекомендовала себя как одна из самых представительных русскоязычных молодежных конференций по этой тематике.</p>\n<p>Конференция пройдет 11 и 12 апреля в московском корпусе МФТИ по адресу Климентовский пер., д. 1, стр.1. Участие в конференции бесплатное, но количество докладов ограничено.</p>\n<p>Труды конференции будут изданы в электронном виде. Избранные труды будут рекомендованы к публикации в журнале «Труды МФТИ».</p>\n<p>Ссылки:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Сайт конференции</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Регистрация</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Постер</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Убедительно просим максимально широко распространять информацию о конференции, а также регистрироваться как можно раньше.</p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Публикации и курс по научному программированию","slug":"/programming","date":"17.01.2019"},"html":"<p>Добавлена <a href=\"/publications\">страница с публикациями</a>.</p>\n<p>Добавлена страница <a href=\"/pages/kotlin\">курса по научному программированию на kotlin</a>.</p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Пособие по проведению и обработке лабораторных работ","slug":"/intro","date":"21.09.2018"},"html":"<p>Добавлено пособие по проведению и обработке лабораторных работ (рабочая версия).</p>\n<p><a href=\"/files/main.pdf\">Версия в формате PDF для скачивания.</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\">Электронная версия для чтения on-line.</a></p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Осенний семестр 2018","slug":"/autumn_2018","date":"07.09.2018"},"html":"<p>Поздравляем всех с началом нового учебного года! </p>\n<p>В этом семестре состоятся два наших традиционных курса:</p>\n<hr>\n<h2><a href=\"/pages/subterranean\">Неускорительные эксперименты по физике частиц и астрофизике</a></h2>\n<p><strong>Первая лекция — 19 сентября 2018 г.</strong></p>\n<p>Лектор: Лев Владиславович Инжечик, к. ф.-м. н., участник международных коллабораций GERDA, LEGEND, EMMA и Mu-MONITOR.</p>\n<p><strong>Дата, время и место: каждая среда, в 17.05, в 517-А ГК (преподавательская комната кафедры общей физики).</strong></p>\n<p>Курс посвящен проблемам физики нейтрино, астрофизики и физики ядра. Будут подробно рассмотрены эксперименты GERDA, EMMA, Mu-MONITOR, TROITSK NU-MASS и KATRIN.</p>\n<hr> \n<h2><a href=\"/pages/stat-methods\">Статистические методы в экспериментальной физике</a></h2>\n<p><strong>Первая лекция — 26 сентября 2018 г.</strong></p>\n<p>Лектор: Александр Аркадьевич Нозик, к. ф.-м. н.</p>\n<p><strong>Дата, время и место: каждая среда, в 17.05, в 403 ЛК.</strong></p>\n<p>В курсе подробно изложены вопросы применения статистических методов при планировании и обработке результатов физического эксперимента. Упор будет сделан не на теорию, а на практику применения. В частности, будут разобраны компьютерные методы анализа данных.</p>\n<hr>\n<h2>Научная работа</h2>\n<p>Группа продолжает научную работу совместно с ведущими научными организациями как в России, так и за ее пределами.</p>\n<p>Мы также объявляем набор для студентов второго и третьего курса на научную работу по нескольким направлениям.\nОбъявления о вакансиях для студентов размещаются на <a href=\"\">сервере документов</a>.</p>\n<p>Приглашаем всех желающих на научные собрания, которые будут проходить <strong>каждую среду, в 12.20, в 403 ЛК</strong>. </p>\n<p>По всем вопросам пожалуйста пишите на <a href=\"/about\">электронный адрес группы или в телеграм канал</a>.</p>\n<hr>\n<p><a href=\"/files/npm-2018.pdf\">Объявление о лекциях и научной работе 2018</a></p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Обновления","slug":"/update_2","date":"06.02.2018"},"html":"<ul>\n<li>Добавлено описание <a href=\"/pages/biref\">лабораторной работы по двулучепреломлению</a>.</li>\n<li>Обновление дизайна сайта (теперь Bootstrap 4).</li>\n<li>Добавлена контактная информация.</li>\n</ul>"}}]},"en_news":{"edges":[{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology - 2019","slug":"/conference","date":"26.02.2019"},"html":"<p>Registration for the youth conference «Elementary particle phyics and cosmology - 2019» is now open. The conference is dedicated to particle physics, cosmology and wide range of related topics like mathematical physics, astrophysics, nuclear medicine, etc.\nThe conference is held for the eighth time and despite the low number of reports it has established itself as one of the representative Russian-speaking youth conferences on this topic.</p>\n<p>The conference will be held on April 11 and 12 in the Moscow building of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology at Klimentovsky per., bld.1, p.1. Participation in the conference is free, but the number of reports is limited.</p>\n<p>Conference proceedings will be published in electronic form. Selected papers will be recommended for publication in the journal \"MIPT Proceedings\".</p>\n<p>Links:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Conference site</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Registration</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Poster</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>We kindly ask you to widely disseminate information about the conference, and register as soon as possible</p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Publications and scientific programming","slug":"/programming","date":"17.01.2019"},"html":"<p><a href=\"/publications\">Publications page</a> added.</p>\n<p><a href=\"/pages/kotlin\">Kotlin scientific programming course</a> added.</p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Manual for laboratory work","slug":"/intro","date":"21.09.2018"},"html":"<p>Added manual for conducting and processing laboratory work (working version).</p>\n<p><a href=\"/files/main.pdf\">PDF version</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"/books/lab-intro/\">Online version</a></p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Fall semester 2018","slug":"/autumn_2018","date":"07.09.2018"},"html":"<p>Congratulations to all on the start of the new academic year!</p>\n<p>Two our traditional courses will take place this semester:</p>\n<hr>\n<h2><a href=\"/pages/subterranean\">Non-accelerationf experimants in particle physics and astrolhysics</a></h2>\n<p><strong>The 1st lecture — 19th September 2018</strong></p>\n<p>Lecturer: Lev Inzhechik, Ph.D., a member of the international collaborations GERDA, LEGEND, EMMA and Mu-MONITOR.</p>\n<p><strong>Date, time and place: every Wednesday, at 17.05, in 517-А MB (teaching room of the department of general physics).</strong></p>\n<p>The course is devoted to the problems of neutrino physics, astrophysics and nuclear physics. GERDA, EMMA, Mu-MONITOR, TROITSK NU-MASS and KATRIN experiments will be discussed in detail.</p>\n<hr> \n<h2><a href=\"/pages/stat-methods\">Statistical methods in experimantal physics</a></h2>\n<p><strong>The 1st lecture — 26 сентября 2018 г.</strong></p>\n<p>Lecturer: Alexander Nozik, Ph.D.</p>\n<p><strong>Date, time and place: every Wednesday, at 17.05, in 403 LB.</strong></p>\n<p>The course details the use of statistical methods in planning and processing the results of a physical experiment. The emphasis will be placed not on theory, but on practical application. In particular, computer methods for data analysis will be analyzed.</p>\n<hr>\n<h2>Scientific work</h2>\n<p>The group continues scientific work kointly with leading scientific organizations both in Russia and abroad.</p>\n<p>We also announce recruitment for second and third year students for scientific work in several areas.\nStudent vacancy announcements are posted on <a href=\"\">document server</a>.</p>\n<p>We invite everyone to the scientific meetings that will be held <strong>every Wednesday, at 12.20, in 403 LB</strong>. </p>\n<p>If you have any questions please write to <a href=\"/about\">group email or telegram</a>.</p>\n<hr>\n<p><a href=\"/files/npm-2018.pdf\">Announcement of lectures and scientific work 2018</a></p>"}},{"node":{"frontmatter":{"title":"Updates","slug":"/update_2","date":"06.02.2018"},"html":"<ul>\n<li>Added description for <a href=\"/pages/biref\">birefringence laboratory work</a>.</li>\n<li>Updated site design ( Bootstrap 4 now).</li>\n<li>Contact information added.</li>\n</ul>"}}]}},"pageContext":{"isCreatedByStatefulCreatePages":false,"limit":5,"skip":5,"next":"news/3","prev":"/news","intl":{"language":"en","languages":["ru","en"],"messages":{"title":"NPM GROUP","language":"en","description":"Nuclear physics methods laboratory","":"News","":"Group","header.projects":"Projects","":"Partners","notfound.header":"NOT FOUND","notfound.description":"You just hit a route that doesn't exist.","jumbotron.labintro":"Nuclear physics methods laboratory","jumbotron.lead":"Features of our approach to solving scientific problems of today: ","jumbotron.list":"<ul><li>The laboratory was established on the basis of MIPT, which allows involving a large number of interested students.</li><li>By combining scientific work with educational process, we ensure continuity of scientific experience.</li><li>The structure of our laboratory allows even junior students to take part in world-class experiments.</li><li>We use the most modern methods in our work on physical experiments.</li></ul><p />","jumbotron.about":"About our laboratory","more.nuclear_title":"Nuclear physics","more.nuclear_body":"The laboratory participates in several international particle physics experiments, such as the GERDA neutrine-free double beta decay experiment, the Troitsk nu-mass neutrino mass search experiment and so on.","more.nuclear_more":"More »","more.education_title":"Education","more.education_body":"The tasks of the laboratory include the development of new educational programs in physics and methods of physical experiment, as well as improving the existing methodological and information base in MIPT and in academic institutes.","more.education_more":"More »","more.software_title":"Computational methods","more.software_body":"One of the main activities is the development of computational methods and open source software for use in education and scientific activities.","more.software_more":"More »","":"Latest news","about.title":"Nuclear physics methods group","about.descr":"The group was created in 2015 on the basis of the Department of General Physics, MIPT, several laboratories of the INR RAS and with the support of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, MIPT. The purpose of the creation is the development of methods for conducting and analyzing data from experiments in the field of particle physics and nuclear physics. In addition, members of the group are engaged in the implementation of modern information technologies in experimental physics and education.","about.pubs.title":"Publications","about.pubs.available1":"Group`s publications are available at ","about.pubs.available2":"this page","about.contacts.title":"Contact information","about.contacts.mail":"Email: ","about.contacts.telegram":"Telegram: ","partners.mipt.title_fund":"MIPT department of general physics","partners.mipt.description_fund":"The Department of General Physics is the main point of contact for scientists and teachers on the one hand and students on the other. Close cooperation with the department is the key to a constant influx of young employees, as well as continuous self-improvement of group members working with students.","partners.mipt.title_energy":"MIPT laboratory of high-energy physics","partners.mipt.description_energy":"Close cooperation with the laboratory of high-energy physics allows for direct contact between education and the scientific community, without going beyond the bounds of MIPT.","partners.jb.description":"Laboratory actively cooperates with JetBrains in introducing Kotlin into scientific programming, teaching Kotlin and developing libraries on it.","partners.jbr.description":"The software development group is a part of an international scientific association JetBrains Research.","partners.ras.title_exp":"Department of experimental physics, INR RAS","partners.ras.description_exp":"Very close cooperation is being maintained with the OEF of the INR RAS in the framework of the Troitsk nu-mass and KATRIN collaborations, as well as in terms of training qualified personnel for work on the NICA experiment and in other accelerator experiments. Within the framework of cooperation, both scientific and educational tasks are implemented.","partners.ras.title_beam":"Beam Laboratory, INR RAS","partners.ras.description_beam":"The Laboratory of a Linear Accelerator Beam Laboratory of the INR RAS is responsible for wiring and diagnostics of the accelerator beam, and is also developing the beam diagnostic systems used around the world. The group runs several joint educational projects with this laboratory.","partners.ras.title_education":"Scientific and educational center, INR RAS","partners.ras.description_education":"Some of the students participating in the group study at the Scientific and Educational Center of the INR RAS.","partners.ras.title_iki":"SRI RAS","partners.ras.description_iki":"The group is involved in the mathematical modeling of electrical discharges in the atmosphere.","physics.bc_title":"Physics","physics.title":"Nuclear physics","physics.description":"Traditionally, nuclear physics includes not only research related to the structure of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, but also the entire physics of elementary particles, as well as partly some sections of astrophysics and cosmology. Currently, the efforts of our group are concentrated in the field of so-called non-accelerator experiments in elementary particle physics.","education.bc_title":"Education","education.title":"Education","education.description":"Educational projects in the field of nuclear physics and methods for conducting and analyzing the results of a physical experiment are one of the key activities of the group.","education.course1":"Details available at ","education.course2":"the course page","math.bc_title":"Maths","math.title":"Mathematical methods","math.description":"Mathematical modeling of physical processes and mathematical methods of data analysis are an integral part of modern experimental physics. There is a constant need for both improving existing methods and developing fundamentally new approaches.","software.bc_title":"Software","software.title":"Scientific software","software.description":"Modern experiments in particle physics are inconceivable without special software, which is required both at the stage of the experiment and data collection, and in processing the results. The development of scientific software is an additional, but significant area of work for the group.","quarks":"Physics"},"routed":true,"originalPath":"/news/2","redirect":true}}}}