Nuclear physics methods group
The group was created in 2015 on the basis of the Department of General Physics, MIPT, several laboratories of the INR RAS and with the support of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, MIPT. The purpose of the creation is the development of methods for conducting and analyzing data from experiments in the field of particle physics and nuclear physics. In addition, members of the group are engaged in the implementation of modern information technologies in experimental physics and education.
Group`s publications are available at this page
Contact information
Lev Vladislavovich Inzhechik
Group leader
Associate Professor, Department of General Physics, MIPT. Prize winner I.V. Kurchatov. Veteran of nuclear energy and industry. The official expert of Rosatom on isotope technologies. Member of international physical experiments:
GERDA — search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76
EMMA — experiment with multimuon array
Mu-Monitor — investigation of cosmic muon fluxes in underground labs LSC
Scientific interests: neutrino physics and methodology for underground low-background experiments in nuclear and particle physics.
More than 100 scientific publications, including:
· P.Kuusiniemi et al. Muonmultiplicitiesmeasuredusinganundergroundcosmic-rayarray. J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 718 (2016) no.5, 052021.
· M.Agostini et al. The background in the 0νββy experiment GERDA. Eur.Phys.J. C 74 (2014) 2764
· T.Raiha¤,et al. Cosmic-ray experiment EMMA: Tracking analysis of the first muon events. Proceedings of the 31st ICRC, Łodz 2009;
· M.Agostini et al. Measurement of the half-life of the two-neutrino double beta decay of Ge-76 with the Gerda experiment. J. Phys. Nucl. Part. Phys. 40 (2013) 035110;
· M.Agostini et al. Results on Neutrinoless Double-βDecay of 76Gefrom Phase I of the GERDA Experiment. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 122503;
· J.Sarkamo et al. EAS selection in the EMMA underground array. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.(2013)409 012086;
· L.V. Inzhechik. Isotopes. Isotope separation. Big Russian Encyclopedia. Moscow scientific ed. “Big Russian Encyclopedia”, 2008. V. 11, p. 33, 34.
· Yu.V. Gaponov, L.V. Inzhechik, S.V. Semenov. Isotopes and fundamental problems of nuclear physics. Chapter 10 of the collective monograph "Isotopes: Properties, Preparation, Application", ed. V.Yu. Baranov, Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2005, v. 2.
Alexander Nozik
Deputy team leader.
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Senior researcher at INR RAS (Sector of mathematical support of experiments), Assistant of department of general physics, MIPT.
Specialist in data analysis in physical experiment. Member of the experiment "Troitsk nu-mass" for the direct measurement of the neutrino mass. ResearchGate profile
Secretary of the council Society of Scientists
Scientific interests: Mathematical statistics, scientific software, neutrino mass.
Peter Klimai
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
Supervisor of infrastructure projects.
Alexey Khudyakov
INR RAS researcher.
Specialist in rare caonic decay, data collection systems and functional programming.
Team leader on mathematical problems.
Grigory Koroteev
MIPT teacher.
Mikhail Zeleny
INR RAS postgraduate student. MIPT teacher.
The head of the working group on modeling physical processes.
Anna Zelenaya
INR RAS engineer.
Andrey Vyborov
MIPT postgraduate student.
Head of the solar neutrino background working group.
Vasily Chernov
Postgraduate student of INR RAS.
Specialist in data collection systems.
Alexander Svetlichny
6th course MIPT student, lecturer of department of general physics.
Egor Stadnichuk
MIPT student.
Tatyana Abramova
MIPT student.
Participates in software development projects and in BAT collaboration.
Timur Khamitov
MIPT student.
Member of the modelling group and is involved in the study of atmospheric discharges.