diff --git a/src/intl/en.json b/src/intl/en.json
index ea06abf..9612951 100644
--- a/src/intl/en.json
+++ b/src/intl/en.json
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
"partners": "Partners" },
"notfound": {
"header": "NOT FOUND",
- "description": "You just hit a route that doesn't exist."
- },
+ "description": "You just hit a route that doesn't exist." },
"jumbotron": {
"labintro": "Nuclear physics methods laboratory",
"lead": "Features of our approach to solving scientific problems of today: ",
"list": "
- The laboratory was established on the basis of MIPT, which allows involving a large number of interested students.<\/li>
- By combining scientific work with educational process, we ensure continuity of scientific experience.<\/li>
- The structure of our laboratory allows even junior students to take part in world-class experiments.<\/li>
- We use the most modern methods in our work on physical experiments.<\/li><\/ul>",
- "about": "About our laboratory"
- },
+ "about": "About our laboratory" },
"more": {
"nuclear_title": "Nuclear physics",
"nuclear_body": "The laboratory participates in several international particle physics experiments, such as the GERDA neutrine-free double beta decay experiment, the Troitsk nu-mass neutrino mass search experiment and so on.",
@@ -30,6 +30,20 @@
"software_body": "One of the main activities is the development of computational methods and open source software for use in education and scientific activities.",
"software_more": "More »",
- "news": "Latest news"
+ "news": "Latest news" },
+ "about": {
+ "title": "Group of nuclear physics methods",
+ "descr": "The group was created in 2015 on the basis of the Department of General Physics, MIPT, several laboratories of the INR RAS and with the support of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, MIPT. The purpose of the creation is the development of methods for conducting and analyzing data from experiments in the field of particle physics and nuclear physics. In addition, members of the group are engaged in the implementation of modern information technologies in experimental physics and education.",
+ "pubs": {
+ "title": "Publications",
+ "available1": "Group`s publications are available at ",
+ "available2": "this page"
+ },
+ "contacts": {
+ "title": "Contact information",
+ "mail": "Email: ",
+ "telegram": "Telegram: "
+ }
diff --git a/src/intl/ru.json b/src/intl/ru.json
index 550d508..8592df3 100644
--- a/src/intl/ru.json
+++ b/src/intl/ru.json
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
"partners": "Партнёры" },
"notfound": {
"header": "404: НЕ НАЙДЕНО",
- "description": "Вы перешли по несуществующему пути"
- },
+ "description": "Вы перешли по несуществующему пути" },
"jumbotron": {
"labintro": "Лаборатория методов ядерно-физических экспериментов",
"lead": "Особенности нашего подхода к решению научных задач сегодняшнего времени: ",
"list": "