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2020-03-21 20:12:32 +03:00
{"componentChunkName":"component---src-components-templates-course-template-js","path":"/en/pages/atom","result":{"data":{"course":{"html":"<p className=\"text-center\">Episodes of the history of the early stages of the USSR atomic project </p>\n<p className=\"lead text-center\">\nOPTIONAL SEMESTER COURSE\n</p>\n<p>L.V. Inzhechik lectures on Mondays at 17:05 in the aud.517 MB. First lecture - September 18, 2017</p>\n<p>The author of the course was one of the organizers of international conferences on the history of nuclear projects: ISAP-96 (Dubna) and ISAP-99 (Laxenburg, Austria). Historical information will be presented on the basis of the materials of these conferences, some of which have never gone out of print. Other publications on this subject and the memoirs of academician I.K. Kikoin <sup id=\"fnref-1\"><a href=\"#fn-1\" class=\"footnote-ref\">1</a></sup>, professor of the Academy of Foreign Intelligence VB Barkovsky <sup id=\"fnref-2\"><a href=\"#fn-2\" class=\"footnote-ref\">2</a></sup> and other direct participants in the creation of the atomic bomb in the USSR, with whom the lecturer had a chance to talk.\nA short and popular overview of the physical principles of nuclear energy will be given at the beginning of the course, so that students can relate historical facts to the scientific and technological aspects of the nuclear project. Some problems of peaceful nuclear energy will be considered and the causes and scenarios of the Kyshtym and Chernobyl nuclear disasters in the USSR will be analyzed, comments will be given on the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.</p>\n<p><sup id=\"fnref-1\"><a href=\"#fn-1\" class=\"footnote-ref\">1</a></sup>.\t<a href=\"\"><em>isaak</em>konstantinovich</a></p>\n<p><sup id=\"fnref-2\"><a href=\"#fn-2\" class=\"footnote-ref\">2</a></sup>.\t<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n<img src=\"/images/projects/physics/GERDA.jpg\" alt=\"GERDA\" />","frontmatter":{"title":"History of the atomic project","shortTitle":"History of the atomic project","path":"/pages/atom","parent":"education","slug":"/en/pages/atom"}}},"pageContext":{"isCreatedByStatefulCreatePages":false,"intl":{"language":"en","languages":["ru","en"],"messages":{"title":"NPM GROUP","language":"en","description":"Nuclear physics methods laboratory","":"News","":"Group","header.projects":"Projects","":"Partners","notfound.header":"NOT FOUND","notfound.description":"You just hit a route that doesn't exist.","jumbotron.labintro":"Nuclear physics methods laboratory","jumbotron.lead":"Features of our approach to solving scientific problems of today: ","jumbotron.list":"<ul><li>The laboratory was established on the basis of MIPT, which allows involving a large number of interested students.</li><li>By combining scientific work with educational process, we ensure continuity of scientific experience.</li><li>The structure of our laboratory allows even junior students to take part in world-class experiments.</li><li>We use the most modern methods in our work on physical experiments.</li></ul><p />","jumbotron.about":"About our laboratory","more.nuclear_title":"Nuclear physics","more.nuclear_body":"The laboratory participates in several international particle physics experiments, such as the GERDA neutrine-free double beta decay experiment, the Troitsk nu-mass neutrino mass search experiment and so on.","more.nuclear_more":"More »","more.education_title":"Education","more.education_body":"The tasks of the laboratory include the development of new educational programs in physics and methods of physical experiment, as well as improving the existing methodological and information base in MIPT and in academic institutes.","more.education_more":"More »","more.software_title":"Computational methods","more.software_body":"One of the main activities is the development of computational methods and open source software for use i